Me and my masters part 5

Story by Nicholas Hanson on SoFurry

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The next mourning came and the three headed giant opened there eyes and yawned. then they looked at nick who was still sleeping and they smiled at him.

Arrow:he is so cute.

Dusk:yeah he is.

Shade:very very cute.

Arrow:i hope he stays with us so we can be happy.

Dusk:i agree with you arrow.

Shade:i do too. then we can give him lots and lots of love.

Arrow:yeah and he can give us lots and lots of love too.

Dusk:and he can give us massages so we can feel so relaxed when we feel intense.

Shade:yeah just like he did last night. and we can cuddle and snuggle each other too.

Arrow:maybe we can ask him if he wants to be our pet when he wakes up.

Dusk:that sounds like a great idea to me.

Shade:yeah and to me too. i know he'll say yes.

Then nick opened his eyes and yawned and stretched out and sat down on there belly and smiled at all three of them.

Nick:mourning sexy guys.

All three heads:hee hee mourning you sweet and handsome guy.

Nick:did you three sleep well?

Arrow:hee hee we sure did sexy.

Dusk:and we had a wonderful dream too.

Shade:yeah about us and you living together here in this cave.

Nick:awww how sweet. i think i was dreaming the same thing too.

All three heads:awwww how lovely.

Nick:yeah. and you know what? i kinda actually love it here then my house that i live in now.

Arrow:so does that mean your going to stay here with us?

Nick:hee hee yup. you guessed right arrow.


Arrow:oh thanks nick that makes us so happy.

Nick:it makes me happy too.

Dusk:ummm nick we were going to ask you something when you woke up.

Shade:and since your up we're going to ask you what's on our minds.

Nick:i was going to ask you guys something too.

Arrow:you can go first sweetie. we don't mind.

Nick:naa you guys can go first since it's your cave.

Dusk:i guess that's fair.

Shade:yeah it does.

All three heads:do you want to be our pet nick?

Nick smiled and wagged his tail happily.

Nick:yes guys yes. i do want to be your pet.

Arrow:now it's your turn. what were you going to ask us.

Nick:i was going to ask if you wanted to be my masters.

Dusk:hee hee well we would of said yes.

Shade:you bet we would and we would of been so happy you asked it too.

Nick:so i guess that's settled then huh.

Arrow:you bet our sexy pet.

Nick:but what about my stuff i have in my old house. i should go and get it and bring it here so i can settle in with you three.

Dusk:it's ok nick we can make your stuff come here so you won't have to leave and go on a two day trip to get your stuff.

Shade:and take another two day trip to come back here and settle in.

Arrow:yeah. we can use our powers and make your stuff come here instantly.

Then all three snapped there fingers and nicks stuff at his old house dissapeared and then reappeared at the cave and appeared where they were at the house in the cave.

All three heads:it's done our sweet and sexy pet.

Nick:awww thanks you guys. your the best.

Arrow:we know nick. hee hee we know.

Dusk:and your the best at what you did last night too.

Shade:and we mean at everything you did last night.

Nick:awww thanks masters.

All three heads:your welcome.

Nick:now lets go to the couch and relax on it so we can cuddle and snuggle before we eat breakfast.

Arrow:awww you just read our minds cause that's what we were thinking too.

Dusk&shade:hee hee yeah it was.

Then the three headed giant grabbed nick and then got out of bed and stretched out. then they walked to the living room and sat down on the couch and put nick down on the floor.

Nick:are you going to make me huge again so we can cuddle and snuggle.

All three heads:hee hee yup.

They snapped there fingers and then after a few seconds nick grew into a giant and then he sat down in there lap looking at them. then he put his arms around there body and he cuddled them close and they wrapped there arms around nick and cuddled him close too.

Nick:you guys feel so soft and warm.

Arrow:so do you our sexy and lovely pet.

Dusk:mmmmm and your fur feels so nice.

Shade:and you make us feel so happy and loved.

Nick:awww and you threes fur feels so nice too. and you make me feel so happy and loved as well.

The three then moved nick a little closer so all four can snuggle really really close. after a few minutes nick backed up a little and then he kissed all three heads deeply on the lips and smiled at them too. the three heads then kissed nick deeply on the lips too one at a time and they smiled at him as well.

Nick:i love you masters.

All three heads:we love you too nick.

Then nick moved up more and all four cuddled and snuggled each other really really close again and were very very happy too.