Death Toll Ch. 1 The Escape

Story by AquaOtter on SoFurry

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This is a story that a friend from FA wrote with me and decided to post here for your enjoyment. :3

By: Aqua Seishin (Ion-Static13) and Dani1232 from


The year was 2046 and a cold breeze blew through the little city that was planted in the sky by the Government several years ago because of too much pollution on the planet, the city hovered a few hundred stories off the ground.

Nokia stood on his balcony that led to his room...looking at the city lights below him. Suddenly his Parents yelled surprise from the doorway to his bedroom and about made him fall off the balcony.

"Ahhh!!!! You scared" Nokia blushed and saw the cake in his father's arms.

"Happy birthday son you turn 16 this very minute." Nokia's dad smiled at him while his mom took photos with her phone. After the pics were taken they went inside for some cake but found a Black Panther their waiting for them. There was a struggle as Nokia's dad fought to protect his family but it wasn't enough, the Panther shoved his Parents out of the way and grabbed Nokia tying him up and dragging him out the front door. His Parents wouldn't see him for several years to follow. Nokia screamed as he was dragged down the stairs.

Sand went flying through the air as a little otter boy ran around chasing his friends in a frenzy of tag games. Choji turned and slammed into the legs of a tall Black Panther who loomed over him with a piercing look in his eye. Choji backed up and ran towards his mother...his mother reached out for him as she screamed his name but in a flash Choji was scooped up into the Panthers arms and swept the opposite direction from where his mother stood. She began to scream choji's name as he heard her calls getting fainter and fainter.

Chapter 1: The Escape!

Nokia woke with a startle and a shiver. He looked around his cell at the grey walls that trapped him in.

"Uh...he...hello...Is anyone there?" Nokia asked with a quiver.

An otter that was lying behind Nokia looked up at him.

"So you're finally awake." The otter said.

Nokia grabbed his head as it throbbed in pain.

"How long have I been out?" Nokia asked as he squinted at the little light in their cell.

"It's been a week...I think." The otter explained to his ability.

Before Nokia could answer the Panther bust into the room again and grabbed Nokia by the collar that was put on him when he first arrived. He was dragged to an operating room and strapped to the table.

Choji shivered in the corner while watching in horror as the panther dragged Nokia away. Nokia's screams could be heard through the hallways as he was being operated on. Then there was a cough from the back of the cell that Choji was in.

" old are you?" the voice said behind him.

"9...I believe." He said staring blankly at the air.

"Oh...Well I'm 12...My names Mio Sarutobi but these monsters at this facility call me mint." She said as she shook her little rabbit tail.

Choji slowly turned his head towards Mio. "Mio.... What have they been doing to us...?

"They haven't done anything to you yet cause your too young but they've done two experiments on me so far...I have a robotic hand and an electrical tail...they perform experiments on us for science; this Facilty is called Neurotechnic Labs...they're fixing up your friend now with a lens eye and some wired veins." Mint explained to Choji.

"I don't want to be here! I want my mom." He curled into a ball and sobbed softly. "I want my mom..."

"It's okay little one; I'll make sure nothing happens to you." She said with a reassuring smile. Sniffling; Choji looked up at Mio.

"Let's get some sleep." She cooed. She walked Choji over to his bunk and tucked him in then went to her own bed. Hours had passed and mint was waking Choji because Nokia had returned. Nokia was lying in his bed facing the wall covered in bandages. Choji grabbed Mints arm and looked at Nokia in horror. Nokia sat up suddenly with his eyes widened. He looked around the room then at Mint and Choji.

"Where am I?" Nokia asked then grabbed his face with his paws and screamed out in pain as the throbbing started in his left eye where the lens was put in. Nokia began to sob.

"I want to go home." He sobbed into his paw pads.

Choji and Mint both jumped at his scream. After moments of screaming the pain finally subsided in Nokia's left eye. Several hours had passed; it was lunch time.

Nokia turned to Choji. "I'm going to make sure none of this happens to you." Nokia said in a shaky voice as he grabbed the collar he was wearing and tried to take it off, but it wouldn't budge. It had stitched on the side the name Glitch.

"Is that your name?" Mint asked Nokia.

"N-no...I-I think it started...with an N..." Stuttered Choji.

"Nokia...Nokia Kizaru" Nokia said with a smile. It was the first time he had smiled in a long time. Nokia felt safe at the moment. Choji blushed as his stomach started to growl. "Uhh..." Choji sighed as his stomach growled again.

A little door slid open and three small plates slid through with bread cheese and crackers on them, then three bottles of water followed. There was a silence in the room as the three looked at each other and the food.

Mint spoke first, "Well I'm digging in." She squeaked as she scooped up her plate and began to snarf it down. Choji lowered his ears as he walked to his plate with a sad look on his face.

"It's actually not too bad." Nokia said with his mouth full of bread. "Tastes like it came fresh out of the oven"

Choji sat down and started to bite the bread and cheese. Half way through the bread tears fell down his cheeks. Hiding it from Mint and Nokia he whispered: "mom..." Nokia noticed Choji's tears.

"What's wrong Choji?" He asked and pulled Choji into his lap then wrapped his arms around Choji in a hug like his own mother would do for him when he was sad. Choji just stayed quite as he munched his food. He looked at the ground while he wrapped his tail around Nokia's waist.

"Like I said before; I Promise I will not let anything bad happen to you Choji." Nokia reassured him and smiled while he ate his cheese. Choji let out a small smile as he munched his food.

The door burst open as the Panther entered. "Oh hi Grimm!" Mint chimed with a little too much enthusiasm. Grimm reached for Choji but Nokia slapped his hand out of the way. Grimm shook his hand then yanked Choji out of Nokia's arms and tossed him aside. Grimm used the back of his hand to slap Nokia across the face. Nokia dodged the blow using his droid eye to calculate the attack. Grimm grabbed Choji again.

"Nokia! Help!" Choji screamed.

Nokia stood and swung his foot kicking Grimm right in the cub makers which knocked the wind out of him. Nokia then tossed Choji on his back and grabbed Mints hand leading them out the door into the hallway.

"Thank you so much, Nokia!" He stated with his voice trembling. Choji Looked behind him and saw two wolves chasing them.

"Behind us!" Choji screamed. The three began to run trying to find a way out. Nokia saw at the end of the hall an open door that led to the outside world. He ran through it and fell. There was no street below them as they remembered the city was a hovering city. They kept falling until they saw a net close by and landed in it. Choji froze on the net looking up at the city while gasping for air.

"Were safe." Nokia Panted.

"I want to go back." Mint said as she stared into space.

"Are you crazy?!" Nokia shouted and gave her a weird look.

"Wh-why do you want to go back?" Choji said still gasping for air.

"Because somebody actually cared about me." She whispered not sounding like herself. Her eyes glazed over as she stared into space.

Choji and Nokia stared at Mint. "What?" The two boys squawked in unison.

"I was an orphan before I came here, my pretend mother in the orphanage would beat us and make us clean the floors but here they give me food and if I behave I don't get beaten." Mint said as she turned to look at Choji and Nokia. Nokia saw that her eyes were glazed and that she wasn't herself.

"But they experimented on you and caused harm to your body." Nokia argued.

"It's alright." Mint whispered.

What happened next shocked Choji and Nokia. Mint turned and walked off the edge of the net and fell to her death to the abandoned city below.

Choji stared at Mint's body as it fell; covering his mouth in horror. Nokia grabbed him and turned him away so he didn't have to see.