Tails and me part 3

Story by mushudragon on SoFurry

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#3 of tails and me

and here's part 3

"Awww shucks Brandon "Tails says blushing

Louis got the dessert (a huge chocolate cake with strawberries) and served us

Tails was amaized

"Wow Louis this looke awsome" he said taking a bite

"Thanks Tailsy "Louis said patting his head

After dinner we all went in the backyard and sat in the grass I had made coffee for all of us

"Tails tell me do you think of going back to you homeland some day ?" I ask offering him a mug

"Thanks Brandon dunno mayby one day not sure about that I'll hafta think about that" he said sipping his coffee

After 30 minutes Louis got a call on his phone saying that his brother Kevin was feeling ill and had to go so Tails and I were left alone with nothing but the moon and stars

" I feel so happy to be here Brandon I can't thank you enougf for taking me under you're roof" He said

"don't mention it Tails" I said

The days went by and Tails and I had become really close to eachother for me my freindship towards him turnd into love but I never got the courage to tell him Tails saw somthing was on my mind and asked me what

" Brandy you've been not youreself these past few days are you OK?" he said

I couden't hide it no longer so I told him

" Tails I....I got a confession to tell you" I said

"Go on" Tails said

I looked at him sraight in the eyes and kissed him Tails was suprised

-"now this is unexpected" he said giggling

"oh Tails I knew you'd think that I was kidding" I said a little sad

and to my suprise He kissed me back I was so happy

"Do you really Love me Brandy ?" Tails asked me in a loving tone

"With all my heart" I said and I kissed him again

Louis was at the Door and he saw us in a close embrrace

"Well well ain't this unexpected" he said

we broke apart to see him

"Oh hi Louis looks like you saw us eh ?"

"so you chose Tails insead of me I hope you to will be happy" he said in a snarl and he left I felt kinda bad for Louis but I had found the one for me Louis just wasn't my type