Anthro novel - Chapter Six, Remorse.

Story by TheRain on SoFurry

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Pakari felt her snout burn, a prickle of pain running through her skin whenever she moved her whiskers. She walked along the pristine spacious corridor, so much more beautiful and clean than her own. It gave an air of elegant efficiency, and she could almost feel the dark oak wooden doors silently judging her scruffy appearance and demeanour as she padded past them. The tiles gleamed beneath her muddy paws, and as she looked back, she saw a trail of scattered earth over the floor. The lights above Pakari shined a bright white, so harsh in fact that when she looked away after only glancing at them, large rectangular purple spots sat intrusively before her vision. She turned left at the end of the corridor, and reached the row of doors that included Manu's flat.

A deep breath. She was truly sorry for biting him, especially so deep...but the pain she had felt the day she lost her darling Ayasha was still all too fresh and harsh in her mind. Her Ayasha. Her little one...even now as she carefully approached door number 14, she had to bite back another flood of hot fresh tears as recent situations began to bundle upon her delicate mind, intruding on her most private thoughts, and turning them all against her. No. Manu had returned. She was simply happy that he was here, and so the best thing she could do now would be to make amends. She sniffed back the tears brimming at the edges of her eyes, and knocked cautiously, almost unwillingly, at the door.