The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book I Chapter 2
#2 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions
Have not got the time to upload this one with the first Chapter, delays away here it is.
This one turned to be quite longer than the previous one anyway as before hope you like it :P
As for me I'm starting working on the next one
Chapter 2
A sudden thunder broke their trance, the noise it created made them both jump. Spyro and Cynder turned their heads from side to side looking for any signs of movement. The past few months weren't kind to them, the constant fighting against the Dark Army caused their instinct to kick in at any unexpected sound, alerting both dragons instantly.
They prepared their defensive positions. Muscles tensed, pupils narrowed, tails frozen in place, they were ready to repel any attack heading their way. Another thunder could be heard, black clouds covered the sky instantly, making daylight turn into night. Rain followed soon after, and an intense one at that, obscuring vision as a result. The undesirable change of weather made both dragons even more strained. They were watching their surroundings expecting that soon something will jump at them from the dark.
Nothing did.
It took them a while to relax, yet they were still on edge, it all happened so fast that neither of them noticed the weather getting worse. They couldn't linger here any longer, the harsh rain made them cold and dripping wet almost immediately.
That moment they had earlier, it was something special for her, that was another hint she gave him about her feelings, she really cared for him and it was quite obvious this feeling was mutual, but in her case it was something more than just simply taking care for his safety. Those past months really brought them closer, fighting against almost impossible odds, helping each other in difficult times, even the little teasing, all those things made them the best friends and she didn't want to lose it.
Over time her affection for him evolved, she never expected it but there it was, the feelings she bestowed upon him were getting stronger, she tried to conceal them as best as possible but slowly it was driving her mad. After some time, as subtle as she could manage, Cynder started showing Spyro hints about her romantic feelings towards him. Only when everything seemed lost, the world was collapsing and Spyro was making a desperate attempt to save it, she built up enough courage to finally reveal her love for him.
After they have resurfaced in the Valley of Avalar the first thing Cynder did was to look at Spyro with a meaningful expression hoping for an answer she couldn't wait for much longer.
She never received any.
Instead of saying the words she wanted to hear he was chattering about the battle with Malefor, the surroundings and many other things. She didn't pay much attention, Cynder was happy they made it out of course, but that was not what she expected, nevertheless she forced herself to smile, it was a fake glee of course but he didn't notice.
She realized back then that she was living in a fool's paradise, the words she craved for won't be coming, but a glimmer of hope still remained. Cynder was deluding herself, maybe with all that happened lately his thoughts were wandering somewhere else and after he would cool down he will finally concentrate and spit it out, but it never happened. Resigned she decided to give it a rest for the time being.
Sometimes, during their travels, when they had some free time, she froze, lost in thought and stared into who knows what. Spyro always kept asking her if everything's alright and every time he caught her like that she tried to tell him how she felt about him but could never do it. Time and time again she felt a lump in her throat whenever she made an attempt to say it out loud. Cynder always hemmed and hawed eventually saying that she is fine. It was doubtful that he believed her, Spyro was naive sometimes but he wasn't stupid, luckily he never inquired further.
Occasionally when Cynder looked at him she wondered if he feels the same way about her, It was niggling her constantly, she really wanted to find out but she didn't want to be intrusive and make him uncomfortable, besides, she didn't even know where to start. Cynder always managed to regain her composure before curiosity got better of her.
Everything was fine and under control for the past hours until she kissed his cheek. Cynder never planned to do that, not after all these failures earlier, they always prompt disappointment, sadness, even anger in her, and she didn't want to feel the same way so quickly again.
That time Cynder couldn't help herself and despite her better judgment she decided to act even if she would regret it later probably. It was somehow different then, he was lost in grief, Cynder tried to console him, she had seen that her words helped him overcome it, but she wanted to show him that there is someone who really cares about him. Cynder never kissed him before, all those failed attempts earlier weren't really helpful in boosting her courage, but there it was and hell it felt right.
The moment she saw his shocked expression when he turned to face her made all her good emotions fade away, doubt taking their place. Cynder couldn't stop gawking at him, and judging by the look on his snout she staggered him quite a bit. It was here and now when she will finally hear his answer even if just by watching his still startled expression she thought that she already knows it.
And it wasn't a good one.
Then an unfamiliar sensation run through her body and that damn thunder struck ruining everything. She was really vexed after that unwanted interruption, but this time she was far from giving up since it was so close. Calming herself a little Cynder decided to act, tenderly this time. She was scared that she would push him away if he didn't share the same feelings for her. They were the best of friends after all and a stifling atmosphere between them was not needed, but she HAD to know.
She lowered her head a bit "Listen Spyro there... there is something I need to ask you" Cynder said with a wavering voice "I can't wait much longer, the anticipation, it's... it's been boiling inside of me for quite some time and it's driving me crazy"
He was standing a little farther away, he's back facing her. Surprisingly there was no reaction from his side. Cynder furrowed her brow, she expected that she will catch his attention but he didn't move an inch, anyway she made her decision and there was no backing up now.
"My behavior lately? I know I have been acting weird after we got out" she raised her head "but I have a really good reason!" she bit her lip "Perfect, that sounded like a kid explaining his wrongdoings to his parents" she thought "act like one and he surely will take you seriously"
Cynder cleared her throat and lowered her head once again " I mean... the thing is... you are my best and only friend Spyro, and I don't want to lose this friendship" she shoot a glance at him.
He was still standing in the same position, motionless.
Cynder didn't know what to make out of it. Is he waiting for her to finally ask that question so he can confirm that he feels the same way about her? Or is he thinking about an appropriate way to say that they should remain friends to avoid hurting her much? Either way he's not very helpful in this situation.
Cynder sighed "I know this isn't the best time right now" she moved closer to him " You probably figured out already where this is heading" when she was right behind him she continued " I really care about you Spyro, and it's more than just a simple concern for a friend."
Cynder raised her head to have a good look at him when he finally turns to face her, she didn't want to miss even the single grimace on his face. " It was these feelings I really struggled to hide for the past days, and I have been wondering if..." Another thunder struck, Cynder flinched, the noise it created startled her a little.
It had to hit when she was just about to ask the question that troubled her for some time now. It was like a warning, she could swear she heard it screaming "What are you doing?! You don't want to know!, Give it a rest!, You will regret it!" Cynder shook her head, focusing anew she continued "I have been wondering if...if..." she took a deep breath "if you feel the same way about me?"
There it was, she finally said it, everything will be clear now. After all these trials and errors she will hear his answer at last. This was the moment of truth and it was inescapable this time, even if he would want to avoid this little confrontation she wouldn't let him, not after all these difficulties she had to face to get to this particular moment.
She was standing behind him making little circles on the ground with her claw, watching him intently, and waiting impatiently for his reaction. She didn't know how long she was staring at him, minutes maybe? Nevertheless he did not move, not even an inch, he was still standing in the same position, frozen.
"Maybe he doesn't know what to say? Maybe he doesn't know how to react?" there was a slight turmoil going on in Cynder's head. She waited a little longer but there was still no response.
She had enough.
"Spyro?" she called him as gentle as she could manage. Still nothing. She raised her paw "Spyro?" Same thing. "It's ok, you can talk to me, no matter what you will say I promise you won't hurt me" That was a lie of course but a necessary one, she wanted to make it easier for him.
Like previously, nothing happened. Cynder extended her paw towards him, she had to get his attention somehow. The moment her claw made contact with his scales, he jumped and turned around quickly ready to defend himself if necessary. He relaxed when he saw it was only Cynder and not some bloodthirsty enemy. She was standing there, clearly baffled, with her paw still in the air.
" Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you" Spyro said when he saw her expression
"It's... it's okay" she muttered. "Not really what I expected but at least you are looking at me now" she added with a sarcastic tone
He blushed and lowered his head " I didn't realize that I have been standing there for so long"
"Spyro you don't-"
She never got the chance to finish her sentence since momentarily he started talking again.
"After I was sure that nothing will attack us I've started to ponder about the things that happened lately and I guess I've lost the track of time" his voice becoming more hectic with every word he spoke
"I know we should have found shelter by now with all this weather and stuff since we are getting cold and wet..."
"Spyro..." Cynder murmured
"...But it all happened so fast! and I really didn't see it coming and as you know I'm really giving some thought about things that happen so unexpected aft..."
"Spyro!" she exclaimed. The sudden noise quieted him down instantly. Cynder sighed "You don't have to explain yourself"
Her remark made him blush even harder. Spyro realized he overreacted a bit. He took a deep breath to calm himself a little.
"Sorry, I'm slightly nervous because I felt a strange sensation when we were sitting there and I was looking at you"
Cynder's eyes sparkled when he said that "Relax, you can tell me everything" her voice soft
"I know, I just didn't want to make you uneasy so promptly, not after everything we went through. You deserved some peace"
She smiled slightly "Peace can wait when there are more important things to do"
"I expected that you wouldn't mind, besides, even if I wanted to I couldn't keep it bottled up for long anyway"
Cynder didn't say a word, she was just standing there and watching him, expecting that he will say something.
"I don't know how to start so I'll just say it straight and plain"
His words visibly stirred her but she still remained silent.
"The thing I've felt back there, it was something special and it didn't pass away with the moment, I can still feel it rousing in me" After a brief pause he added "Cynder..."
She leaned closer "Yes?"
"Cynder did you also felt that tingle right before the weather changed? It was weird but so familiar!" he said with clear excitement "I can't really think about anything else, it's bugging me I need to find out what it is"
Cynder reared her head back "WHAT?!"
Spyro looked surprised "Does that mean you didn't feel anything?"
She was standing in front of him with her mouth opened, speechless.
"It seems that it's related with me somehow, I swear that I've experienced it before, I just need to figure it out and-"
"THAT is the thing you were holding back from telling me?!" she snarled, cutting him off
Spyro's expression was a mix of astoundment and confusion "Pretty much. Why? Was there something else?"
"You want to tell me that you weren't listening to me?!" little green flames escaping her mouth as she spoke
Before he could say a word Cynder added with a threatening manner "And Spyro think thoroughly before you answer or I'll do something unpleasant, and I promise that I won't hold back"
The way she said it made him gulp. Cynder is a fighter with a temper meaning that you don't want to get on her bad side when she is angry. Right now she seemed pretty agitated, to make things worse Spyro had no idea what she was talking about. One thing was clear though, if he wants to save his hide he needs to come up with an answer, a good one in fact and fast.
The first thing that came out from his mouth was some incomprehensible gibberish. "Great I'm done for" he thought. Luckily she ignored it.
Spyro cleared his throat "I...I...I always listen to you Cynder you know that, you are the best thing that ever happened to me and... and..". Spyro suddenly was lost for words the little stress must be the reason. He closed his eyes readying himself for the inevitable. Nothing happened. He opened one of his eye to look at her, she didn't move, her eyes intently focused on him.
He sighed in relief "What...whatever happens I'm always here, your problems are mine problems. I admit that I sometimes miss the obvious things, it's just that some things are more important than the others, and at that time when everything happened so fast my biggest and only concern was your safety".
She was still tensed and staring at him, it seemed that his words didn't calm her even a bit, she still looked pretty angry judging by the little cavity on the ground below her that she made by scratching the ground with her claw, but at least she didn't pounce at him.
He dodged a bullet, for now.
"More important?! You wouldn't say that if you would pay attention to what I'm saying" Cynder's voice still full of anger
"I'm sorry Cynder, I'll make it up to you but it's not the right time for it now, the weather is terrible and we should really be going to find some shelter"
"No, you are not getting away that easily. You-" before she could finish another thunder struck, this time however it sounded like it hit right above them, illuminating the sky with a flash of bright light. The noise was intimidating, making them both wince as if in pain.
Spyro looked up "Can it wait?" when he didn't receive any response Spyro lowered his head to look at her "Cynder, please" he added with a pleading tone
She was watching him in complete silence, he could notice that her mouth was twitching, struggling to keep all these words that rushed through her head from escaping. After a while she just turned her head and snorted. A less popular way to agree with someone.
Spyro was grateful that she backed down "Come on, let's go"
The vision- breaking harsh rain that accompanied them through their little struggle intensified even more. It has obscured vision already, but now it was almost impossible to see anything. The ground and surroundings were only visible some meters ahead of them. The rain prevented them from keeping their eyes open, making the already difficult situation even harder. Both dragons had to keep their eyes half-closed, it was uncomfortable but necessary, that was the only way they could move.
Flying was a risky option in this weather, the intense rain made them feel already like they were getting buried alive below its many drops just by standing on the ground. If they would leap in the air no matter how good both dragons felt in the sky, they wouldn't make it far. It would have been a difficult struggle to maintain balance, high, distance and many other things. That would have been a tiresome and unsafe ordeal. No, it was an unnecessary risk.
Risk or not they would have reached their destination faster that way, even if the flight would probably end just after few meters but at least they would have made their way down from the tall rocky slope they were on right now. Spyro in his caring nature for everybody's safety didn't even take this option under consideration. They would have probably ended with an injury or two and he wouldn't have any of it, not if he can prevent it.
They decided to travel on foot instead, it will take longer to descend this slope but it was undoubtedly safer. They were moving almost with their noses to the ground, carefully taking every step, occasionally looking up to see what's in front of them. It was a sluggish pace and the sporadic glances they threw to see what's ahead weren't really helpful in speeding it up. The darkness that came with the weather effectively concealed the surroundings and the intense rain hindered every attempt to pierce it.
It would help greatly if they knew where they should be going. Whenever they wanted to go to do something else or just start another race they just glided down from the slope, neither of them bothered to look for a way that led down from it without the usage of wings.
What for?
For situations like this for example, when something unexpected happens that ruins everything, it would be a nice thing to have another way to resolve such troubles. Since they were too lazy to do it, now it's the time to pay for this negligence.
The complete darkness and the rain wasn't their only concern now, to make things worse a wind came as another unwanted guest and since they were on high ground it felt pretty strong and cold, sending shivers through both young dragons. Perfect.
Trembling they made their way to the closest edge, slowly to avoid slipping and falling down. Just when one of their claws couldn't find solid ground they stopped next to each other and leaned over the age. They scanned the rocky wall to find a path that would lead down but from what they could make out there was no visible one, at least not from this side.
They bounced from one side of the outcropping to the other but they didn't find anything, even if there was a path, they couldn't see it anyway. After a while they gave up, there was no need to waste any more time on it, they didn't have any luck from the start and it was unlikely that it would change now. There were no shortcuts so they didn't have any other choice but to reach the second familiar place on this slope, maybe they will find something there.
They could make out the forms of the many coniferous trees they both were quite acquainted with still standing there. Their idly and calm existence destroyed by the restless gale. It was dragging their crowns behind it, like it wanted to rip the trees from the ground and force them to accompany it. With all of them tilted to the same side they looked like many arrows pointing a single direction, showing the dragons where they could find a way down.
Spyro and Cynder followed their advice, they had nothing to lose anyway. The pace they started with didn't change, it was still pretty slow but at least it was a calm walk. That is until one of Spyro's steps made an audible splattering sound. The noise made him stop immediately, he raised his paw close to his snout. It was damp and covered with dripping red liquid, this couldn't be blood, it wasn't thick enough, no, it was something else.
He sniffed and licked his claw, a familiar taste aroused his palate, these were the juices of the many berries that grew around here. Spyro looked behind his risen paw and the sight in front of him only confirmed his suspicion. Below him he could see the remnants of a purple berry, it squashed completely under his weight, some of its juices spilled on the ground, but they won't remain there, before long the rain will wipe them clean. Spyro focused and scanned the ground around him, there were plenty of the sweet fruits scattered everywhere. The wind made a short work of the bushes throwing their little inhabitants all around the place.
They walked in the direction the trees showed them, every now and then a splattering sound could be heard when they accidentally trampled another one of the fruits, it was nearly impossible to see all of them in this darkness.
They've been heading in that direction for quite some time, if you won't count the fruits, it was an uneventful walk. The landscape didn't change even a bit, there were still trees and bushes on both sides while the middle was a rocky terrain. With every step they took the land felt more inclined and steep, a sign that they are getting closer to the edge.
They moved even more slowly now since they didn't want to trip over some small rocks or simply slip, not with the ground getting steeper and steeper with every step. The rocky ground they were walking on was turning greener, small roots were visible on it, they were getting bigger with every meter. With the steep ground they assured a good and solid foothold.
Spyro was leading and everything was going pretty smooth, well as good as it could go considering the situation. Whenever he wanted to reach another root he made sure he got a good grip of it. Spyro extended his paw and thrust his claws into the root, slightly of course to avoid weakening it, he had to make sure if it's strong enough to hold his weight. They were old from the looks of it but surprisingly enduring. It was a tiring and very tedious process but at least they were moving forward.
Spyro took a deep breath before he made another attempt to reach one of the roots. A little pause to catch some breath and a quick rest for his aching muscles. There was no turning back now, there was an end of this slope ahead, the image of it giving him new strength. It was a slow pace but a steady one.
The noise created by the rain, wind and occasional thunder was almost deafening, that's why he didn't hear a sound coming behind him. Spyro was concentrated on reaching the next root, this one was quite far away but it wasn't unreachable. He stretched as far as he could, more than once his claw slipped from the moist root leaving only scratches on it, instead of getting a good hold of it. He sighed and tried again, he told himself that this time he will make it, and probably he would if a loud snap wouldn't break his concentration.
Spyro immediately aborted his attempt to reach the root and started to listen intently .There was another snap and another and then a couple more. He looked back just to see pieces of roots flying everywhere, but that wasn't the thing that caught his attention, a hardly noticeable black shape quickly slid past him emitting what he thought was a muffled scream. Spyro just stood there dumbfounded but it only took him a few seconds to realize what's happening.
"Cynder!" he shouted and without caring for his own safety he jumped to his right side releasing his paws from the foothold and slid after her.
He saw her shape in the distance, she was bouncing, jerking and wiggling in every possible direction. Every time she landed on her belly she placed her front paws on the ground trying desperately to find something to hold on to. Her efforts were in vain, the speed she accumulated on this slippery and steep terrain was so high that her damp claws sent sparks, remnants of grass and shattered pieces of the smaller roots flying while leaving only scratches on the bigger ones.
Spyro was quite a way behind her, he had some difficulties maintaining his balance without jerking from side to side but for the most of the time he slid on his belly, the same position made him gain speed really fast. He wouldn't be able to do that if not for Cynder, Spyro intentionally was sliding on the same path she was- well most of the time. She left cinders in her wake, mostly the route was pretty clear, there were no smaller roots which could slow him down. The only annoying problem he had was the wet grass sticking to his snout making him spit when it got to his mouth, he didn't even bother to wipe it off, there was no time for that and besides with his wet paws he wouldn't be able to do it anyway.
Every now and then he noticed some blood stains on the ground or the bigger roots, she was clearly hurt, that wasn't surprising really since she collided with every possible thing, it had to leave a mark. Spyro had some difficulties also but nothing drastic, she was getting the worst of it. He could hear her muffled screams and grunts of pain as she struggled to gain control of her body. Cynder's battle with the environment left him mostly a clear path except for the bigger roots, they were quite a pain. From his perspective there was also a bright side to all that fighting she did, it was rough but it made her to slow a bit.
Spyro was gaining on her. The roots on their path were getting bigger and bigger but they weren't large enough to actually stop either of them. She was probably too focused on trying to find a good grip to notice it, but if they could slide a bit to their left they might find a root big enough to actually stop them. It would hurt A LOT but it definitely was a better option than falling off the cliff and trying to fly with this strong wind and rain. It was impossible to predict what the nature would have done with them. Crashing into something was the most probable outcome.
Spyro could tell they were getting close to the edge of the slope since the terrain was more steeper here than anywhere else, not only that, he was quite sure they were also getting close to the source of these roots. He ignored this warning in his head, the only thing that mattered for him was getting Cynder out of this trouble somehow. He had no idea how he will pull it through but he kept telling himself that something will come up eventually. For their sake enlightenment has to come quickly since they were running out of time.
He was sliding behind her thinking about a solution for this situation. A sudden slap to his head broke his concentration. Spyro looked behind him to check what it was but he couldn't see anything. That was not the only thing that felt differently, there was something under his belly and it was quite long since he slid for a while and the feeling didn't pass. He looked down just to see some woody thing, for all he cared it was just another root.
A thunder struck making him raise his head to focus on the thing that is actually important. Spyro didn't concentrate on the matter at paw for too long. The thunder lightened up the dark sky for a brief moment and revealed something that caught his attention instantly.
He saw the source of all these roots. It was a massive ancient tree leaning over the edge of the slope with a really wide and tall trunk. From its base sprouted some extremely huge roots that were running in every direction and were getting smaller the farther they were from the tree. It had many branches coming out of its trunk, some of the same size, some smaller but still of considerable mass. It's crown was big, extremely green and leafy, it was like five times the size of a normal crown. Every now and then there was a long woody vine hanging from the branch that held its top.
With the harsh rain the leaves were soaked wet so Spyro didn't even realize he was under its crown. The moment he saw that tree he knew instantly what was that uncomfortable thing under his belly. It was a liana and a really long one. If Cynder would have another one on her path she could grab it and they would be saved. Another thunder struck, illuminating the sky and he used this moment to scan the surroundings.
The first thing he did was to look ahead and his eyes went wide. The slope is coming to an end and she is very close to it and to make things worse there was no liana hanging above her. The only visible one was quite far away and it dangled just past the edge. She wouldn't make it if she just fell from the cliff. In front of her he saw a really wide rock, it was flat and inclined upwards, it resembled a ramp. There was no chance she could avoid it now, with the speed she accumulated she will be thrown quite a distance away and maybe it will be enough to grab that liana.
There was no other choice he had to risk it, he felt terrible but he needed to rely on sheer luck this time. Trying to catch her now was a futile attempt, she was too far away and if he would be thrown from that rock behind her there would be nothing left to grab since she would probably hold on to the liana and be blown by the wind to the west. Spyro didn't want the nature to decide about his fate.
"Blown to the west" this thought crossed his mind, that was enough for him to act. With the wind blowing from the east there was a high possibility that the moment she grabs the liana it will tilt forward and then spin with her in the opposite direction. He looked left, the roots on that side were bigger than the ones he was sliding on, no wonder since the source of them was nearby. Spyro shot a glance ahead, Cynder was nowhere to be seen, she was probably thrown away from the ramp. Fear gripped his heart, he wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to her. Spyro was consoling himself that she will make it, they knew each other inside out after all. She HAD to make it.
He was getting close to the flat rock ahead, he needed to act fast. Spyro covered the ground ahead with ice and when he was about to reach it he forcefully tweaked his body, the icy ground made him spin around. The moment his back faced the edge he grabbed the liana under him, now the only thing he needed was to make it drag him to the right. He raised his head and released a fireball, lobbing it. Spyro lowered his head a little, waited a bit and released another fireball but this time in a straight line.
He aimed them at the left side of the place the liana was hanging, quite a distance away from it, he didn't want it to burn down. He hoped he aimed properly since it was dark and only his instincts guided him. The moment both fireballs collided they exploded, creating a gust strong enough to make the liana twist in the direction he wanted. Spyro felt the woody vine tautening in his paws, it wasn't long before it was dragging him across the ground. He looked back, waited for the right moment and released his grip.
He had seen a root big enough to stop him and it was close to the edge. He planned to gain a foothold there and with luck the liana he hoped Cynder hold on to will spin her close to him so he would grab her if anything goes wrong. Spyro was sliding over roots that were big enough to make him bounce and leave him pretty bruised. Every time he slid over them he ran his claws across them, leaving scratches on their surfaces. It was painful but he had to slow down before the final impact, otherwise he will break many bones.
Somehow he was glad he was sliding backwards, colliding with it headlong would have been even more dangerous. He shot a glance behind him, his destination was getting closer and closer, Spyro closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact. If not for the deafening weather probably the whole Realms would hear him crashing. It was almost like a boulder thrown from a catapult hitting a wall, but this boulder had feelings. Spyro howled in pain the moment he hit the root, a piercing pain run through his spine leaving his hind paws numb, to make things worse he had difficulties catching breath, it almost felt like something crushed inside of him. At that time he was glad he was a dragon and not a dragonfly, dragons had a natural resistance to pain, any other race would probably just splatter and end as a stain on the root.
He didn't have much time, despite the horrible pain he pulled himself together. He got on his hind paws and started scratching with his claws at the top of the root, it was smooth and plain, there wasn't anything to hold on to. He wanted to make a cavity in it so he can place his paws there and lean over the edge if things go drastic. He was coughing terribly and it was difficult to maintain balance with the numbness in his paws, Spyro felt feeling slowly returning to them but in the meantime he sometimes slipped from the root, that didn't stop him however from trying again and again.
Someone was counting on him, he won't fail, not this time.
He made holes big enough for his paws to fit, he placed his still pretty numb hind paws there and waited for her. Spyro narrowed his pupils and watched the dark expanse ahead, he needed to be ready when he will discern her form, but he couldn't see anything. Honestly he had no idea how much time has passed but it felt like minutes and it shouldn't take that long for the liana to spin towards him with her holding on to it, he should have seen her by now.
It was taking way too long.
What if she didn't manage to grab it?
What if she slipped?
What if the wind had blown her away before she could reach it?
This and many other bad scenarios crossed his mind.
What if she DIED?
The moment he thought about that he felt a void in him sucking the life from him. Guilt, despair and fear were overwhelming him. After Ignitus' death, another one who he was close to was gone. He closed his eyes, he felt truly alone now.
Spyro was losing control of himself, negative emotions were taking control of him and with them a powerful dark influence that brewed inside him was coming to life, a powerful and sinister magic. Spyro couldn't stop it, not that he wanted to anyway, maybe it will ease his pain and somehow find her and bring her back to life. His purple scales were turning black, it started from his paws then it made its way higher and higher.
He doesn't have anything to lose now anyway.
The turmoil in his head took all of his concentration that he didn't hear a muffled sound coming from ahead. Spyro gave up, what will be will be, then suddenly he heard something, he didn't really care what it was but it was getting louder. Reluctantly he opened his eyes and the image he saw made all these negative emotions fade away instantly, his scales turned purple again, the darkness that was taking control vanished, he felt like a weight was lifted from his heart.
There were some good and bad news from what he could see. The good news is that Cynder was tightly gripping the woody vine just as he hoped she would, the bad news is that she was slipping, she won't be able to hold on much longer and definitely she won't reach the ground. Spyro was glad he prepared for this situation but still he was scared, it will be a painful collision and judging from the sound of her screams she was pretty terrified also.
When she hit the wall of the slope she groaned loudly, he winced, he could almost feel the pain himself. Spyro leaned over the edge as far as he could without losing his foothold and extended his paw towards her so she could grab it. To his surprise she didn't do anything, he saw how her tightly closed paw over the liana was opening. Instantly he leaned even more just enough to catch her paw before she fell. He felt his hind paws slipping from the cavity but he didn't care.
Spyro held her paw tightly "Cynder!" he shouted, but there was no response, he called her name several times, no reaction. The impact had to stun her. He felt her weight dragging him down and with his hind paws slipping from the cavity he didn't have a solid foothold to pull her up, without the additional load he would make it but no matter the consequences he won't let go.
He needed to get a reaction from her somehow. Spyro stung her paw with his claw, nothing. Then he gently thrust his claw into it, same. He used a slightly more strength making her bleed a little. This time she shook her head, her senses were coming back to her. Cynder looked at the wall in front of her and then raised her head, the moment she saw Spyro holding her she firmly gripped his paw.
She started to smile slowly "I knew you'd here, now pull me up!"
He looked genuinely hurt "I... I can't"
Cynder's smile vanished "What do you mean you can't?" Before he could say anything she already knew the answer. Cynder felt that she was slowly going down instead of going up. She was dragging him down and if she won't do something they both will fall. Cynder looked at the wall, then down and then again at the wall.
She touched it with her free paws and raised her head "Let me go"
Her words made him sad and very upset " No! I'll never do that!"
"Stop being so melodramatic, I think that I can climb these roots here but I need my fourth paw for that"
Spyro looked at the wall, he had no idea how he could miss that. The roots were running in every direction. Some were straight, others distorted, many ran parallel to each other, another ones were running perpendicularly and some of them were running crosswise. On closer examination they formed a net-like structure, with care it was possible to use them to climb down.
Spyro noticed that she found a good foothold and grappling point with her free paws but that didn't stop him from holding her last paw tightly. Even if it was safe to let her go he had problems doing so. She once again looked at him, his expression speak volumes, the wound was still fresh and situations like these only rubbed salt into it.
"It's okay Spyro, you can let me go, I'm not going to fall" Cynder's voice was full of concern.
He looked like he didn't hear her, only when she repeated herself with more firm tone he complied. Cynder felt as her paw was getting free from his iron grip even if he was doing it slowly and reluctantly. The moment her paw broke free she used it to grab the nearest root, Cynder urged him to follow her as she slowly began to descend.
Without the extra weight dragging him down Spyro placed his both paws on the wall, the solid surface helped him to move his paws backwards along it, eventually pulling himself up. When he was again on the top of the root he pulled out his hind paws and threw himself behind it. Spyro leaned over it and sighed in relief, the whole stress came out of him instantly. He took a deep breath, well at least he tried to, the moment he inhaled the air he coughed. A surge of pain struck him at his right side, impulsively he placed his paw there, he could feel quite a swelling.
He tried again to deeply inhale the air but it resulted in the same painful cough. Dragons are pretty resistant to pain and injuries but they are not immune, experience like this constantly reminded him of that. He felt like he could only take shallow breaths, that crash had to end with an injury or two, broken or cracked ribs were added to the many abrasions, bruises and scratches. He had enough for one day, he just wanted to rest now, even for a short while.
"Spyro you coming or what?" a female shout came from below, postponing his resting plans.
Spyro sighed, he knew he couldn't leave her there and whining wasn't in his style, besides with this weather it wasn't a good idea to stay so high in the open anyway. It was too steep and wet to get up, Spyro gritted his teeth and despite the pain he started rolling over along the root to his left. Every now and then he groaned slightly when he irritated the already tender spot on his right side. The root that stopped his slide was big and sturdy but it wasn't long. It took him only seconds to reach its end.
Now the only thing left was to climb down.
Cynder didn't go far before shouting at him, she was achy and wanted this struggle to end finally and since they found a way down from this slope it shouldn't take long to reach the ground and find shelter. It was better to suffer a bit longer and earn a well deserved rest without any worries for the next day. She stopped her descent and waited for him to follow her, judging by the noise coming from above he was trying to find a way down. Cynder was inpatient but she didn't want to lose him from her sight again.
The roots she was holding on to were solid but also quite big and uncomfortable. In some places they formed a pattern that was either too tight for her paws to fit or there were spaces big enough to make her stretch before she could reach the next root. It wasn't a simple climb, but they were experienced climbers, they had to overcome more difficult walls in their adventures.
Cynder was watching with half-opened eyes the ledge above her, he should be coming down any minute now and she was right. It wasn't long before she saw some distance away from her a purple tail with gold tip and small gold fins hanging from the ledge. He moved slowly and carefully looking for a good foothold with his hind paws, it didn't take him long to find it, his front paws followed soon after.
Instead of going lower Cynder moved in straight line to be closer to him, they weren't lucky this past time and in case things go bad they would be able to secure each other, better be safe than sorry. He was descending very slowly, from the looks of it he was wounded, she couldn't really focus on him with all the rain coming from above. He probably wanted to rest a while that's why he didn't follow her straight away, and she rushed him. Just by looking at him everyone could tell he was in quite of pain, Spyro had a pretty rough ride himself but he was there to help her and after everything he wasn't allowed to rest even for a while, how could she done such a thing? Cynder felt really bad about it. She wasn't in top shape either, she couldn't really tell where she was wounded, it hurt pretty much everywhere. She waited for him to catch up with her, this time however she didn't rush him. She could hear him coughing when he got close.
"Spyro, are you alright?" Cynder asked with clear fear in her voice
He coughed again "I'm fine don't worry" his voice almost a whisper
"Yeah I can hear that"
"This? This is just a sore throat and don't mind the coughing, I'm probably ill, the cold got me it seems" He smiled weakly
"You are a terrible liar" she sighed "I'm sorry Spyro it's all my fault, if I have not cracked that damn root you would be fine"
"It's not your fault, I urged you to move in the first place remember?"
"Liar" she smiled lovingly
Spyro chuckled slightly "Lead on, there has to be a ground nearby"
Cynder nodded and continued to descend.
She was climbing down slowly, that was everything she could do for the moment. She tried to make up for her clumsiness that caused him to suffer like this. Cynder concentrated on the matter at paw, the only thing that broke it was a cough coming from above her. After a while she didn't allow the sound to take all of her attention, she won't make the same mistake twice.
Back there Cynder focused only on him, she was mad at him that he didn't hear her, she built up enough courage to try again and he didn't LISTEN to her. The longer she was looking at him the angrier she got, it would be different if he would just say that he doesn't feel the same way, instead he avoided the confrontation, just like that. Just remembering this moment made her boil with anger, making her oblivious to the surroundings, she didn't notice when she created holes in the root she was holding, weakening its structure. The moment she stepped on it with all her weight it broke and with the wet and steep terrain she gained high speed almost instantly during her wild slide, making every attempt to stop herself impossible.
Cynder shook her head, it was enough, there was no sense to dwell on it any longer. To their surprise the climb was uneventful so far, a desirable change after all that near death experience. After climbing down so many roots Cynder gripped one of them tightly and stopped to catch a breath before trying to reach the other one. She lowered one of her hind paws to find a root below for a foothold but she couldn't feel anything.
"Another one" she sighed and stretched herself farther and farther but still she couldn't feel anything.
She returned to the starting position, breathed and tried again, still the same thing. She looked down but couldn't see anything, with nothing else to do she tried again but this time she slipped, the tight grip around the root prevented her from falling down. The moment her paw slipped she saw below her some faint light, Cynder quickly run her hind paw across the surface of the slope. She knew what that light was, her fast move made her claws scratch alongside the slope, creating small sparks instead of sending some woody elements flying. That meant only one thing.
The root wall ended.
"Stop!" she yelled and the purple silhouette above her stopped moving "There are no more roots below me"
"Are you sure?" asked Spyro pretty shocked that their struggle to reach the ground was almost over
"Yes I'm sure"
"Do you see the ground?"
Cynder looked down and concentrated but she couldn't see anything, but that doesn't mean that she didn't hear anything. A sound caught her attention, she started to listen intently, the raindrops were hitting something solid, rocks maybe? Cynder could also hear some faint, splashing sounds.
"No, but there's definitely something below us, I can hear the raindrops hitting something and some splashing sounds"
"That has to be a river or a pond!" Spyro yelled happily, his rapture made him cough terribly
"Don't strain yourself" she remarked him "There isn't anything to hold on to, we have to fly"
"After you" Spyro answered unhesitatingly
The rain was still pretty harsh but at least the wind wasn't so strong here, just an another proof that they've descended quite low and the ground has to be near. Cynder bent on her paws, almost hugging the remnants of the roots and then extended them and leapt of the wall, she used the strength the simple move provided to jump away from the wall as far as she could. When she was in the air she spun around so her belly would face the ground below her and extended her wings. It felt wonderful, after all these walking, sliding and climbing her paws needed a short rest. The rain and wind were taking their toll on her, but she managed to maintain balance. It was tough but since she needed only to glide down it was practicable.
Cynder didn't flap her wings even once, she let the wind carry her. The moment she leapt from that wall she was doing little circles in the air, Cynder was getting lower and lower with every new one. Their assumptions were correct, after a while Cynder had seen the thing they both couldn't wait for any longer. Earth, a green earth stretched below her and after spending so much time above ground it was a welcoming sight.
When she landed she raised her head just to see if Spyro was doing ok. He was, and it wasn't long before he landed next to her. Happy that they both reached the ground safely they immediately started to look around. Spyro was right, a small pond was the source behind these splashing sounds she heard.
On their left, quite far away they could see a pretty dense forest, on their right however the terrain was pretty empty, only some small hills, a river and a tree every now and then were visible. It seems they landed in a space between two slopes since that was what they could see in front of them.
All of this was unimportant however, the thing that caught all of their attention was a opening in the hill ahead.