Babysitter Sniffer: Chapter 2

Story by faction87 on SoFurry

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While there's technically no overt sexual content, this story has some weird fetish-y stuff in it, including: scent-play, age-difference, sexual teasing, suggestive footpaw play, and indigestion/flatulence.

After years of being apart, a young German Shepard pup named Josh reunites with an old childhood friend: Nikki, a Husky high school senior. But Nikki's new capacity of babysitter, combined with Josh's recent ascent into puberty, creates new and unusual feelings between the pair. Josh starts to discover a world of wonderful scents that surround Nikki. Meanwhile Nikki acquires a taste for wielding her sexual powers over the naïve and vulnerable youngster.

So here it is, the long-overdue (and hopefully not TOO disappointing) conclusion to the Babysitter Sniffer story...

The cover image is a picture I commissioned of Nikki in a (unrelated to the story) swimsuit from:

Babysitter Sniffer By: Faction87 ( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter Two

When finished with his bathroom break, Josh flicked off the light and slowly plodded down the hall back to the living room. The sound of dull explosions and gunfire echoed through the apartment; Nikki was still engrossed in their little movie marathon. Josh's head was spinning. He was attempting to piece together all of the unusual occurrences of the night so far. It was almost too good to be true, being able to get so close with a pretty girl... who was older than him, no less! These new feelings welled up inside every time the events played back in his mind. He became anxious as he ventured back to his temptress, not sure of what excitement might transpire next. A nagging feeling in the back of his mind had him questioning the legitimacy of her advances, skeptically pointing out that she was probably teasing him on purpose. But in the end, he didn't really care. He was having a the time of his life!

Halfway down the hall, a powerful and familiar blast of scent stopped him dead in his tracks. It smelled like... Nikki.... and it was strong, but he was nowhere near the living room yet. He turned to face its source: a doorway, open only slightly. A faint sliver of light was leaking out through the crack, fanning outward and across the soft grey carpet. He cautiously approached, slowly easing open the door. It was Nikki's room! A reading lamp left on, the only source of light, was casting a warm soothing glow over the chaotic landscape before him. It was a teenage girls room alright, bordering on cliché. The lamp sat atop the headboard of a twin bed, pink sheets crumpled about its surface, abandoned the moment she crawled out of them. Excessively fuzzy purple pillows were strewn about its surface, sharing territory with a ferocious dragon, a friendly moose, and a blindingly colourful pony - all stuffed and cuddly soft.

Nikki's scent was ever-present as he tiptoed his way further inside. It was almost as strong as when he was sitting beside her on the couch - minus the rancid flatulence, of course. He deliberately inhaled, eyes closing and cheeks warming at the prospect of the delicious odours filling his lungs. However, his excitement was quickly invaded by another emotion: fear. He didn't think he was allowed to be in her room like this, especially not alone! Instinct forced open his eyes, and his neck swung around to check on the doorway behind him. It was vacant, thankfully. His ears swiveled and strained, trying to capture any evidence of Nikki's departure from the couch. A revealing laugh from the other room pinpointed her position. She hadn't moved. Josh should still have a few minutes to explore before she would notice his absence.

The cold fear of being caught soon transformed into a welcome wash of adrenaline that spurred him on. His heart raced. He pretended to be an explorer; an adventurer in an exotic land, full of beautiful treasures and hidden danger. He edged his way further into the unmapped territory. His slow steps traced a meandering path that avoided the smattering of "traps" left behind by the natives: schoolbooks and paper, empty snack wrappers, and carelessly strewn gossip magazines. The cold, dead eyes of stuffed monsters and teenage celebrities traced every move of this unexpected intruder, yet they were all helpless and ill-equipped to stop him. Josh was determined to uncover his prize, whatever and where ever it may be.

He stopped and stooped down to investigate his first "clue". It could have easily been missed, mistaken for yet another piece of miscellaneous filth scattered across the carpet. This item was different. It was an unassuming ivory white bath towel, plain and ordinary. But being where it was, Josh knew it held a special significance. He scooped it up in his paws, holding it in front of him for a moment. It wasn't wet, but still had a slight dampness to it, and felt heavy in his hands. Likely it had been used earlier that day, and it's owner had neglected to hang it up properly, opting instead to let it remain where it had landed. Josh shuddered uncontrollably at the thought, as well as the mental image that followed. A clean, damp (and... naked!) Nikki stood in that spot, and had used that very towel to rub off the moistness of her shower from every inch of her perfect body...

Josh needed no further convincing. Using both hands, he shoved the crumpled wet mass into his snout. He could immediately recognize the odour; it was one he had detected during their initial (slightly awkward) hug from earlier in the evening. A soft, flowery body wash; a delicate and complex mixture of perfumes, soaps, and extracts, now concentrated into a single strip of cloth. He moaned, only briefly, stopping himself when he remembered that he was in fact being mischievous. Fortunately his vocalizations were mostly muffled by the thick towel.

Following several more heavy whiffs of the towel, his insatiable nose began instructing him to look elsewhere. He had now made it his mission to hunt down the remaining ingredients of that elusive cocktail of smells, the source of each musk that teased his aching desire to know Nikki's essence as intimately as possible. His attentions were directed to the next logical destination: the closet.

It was rather large for the size of the room, necessary to house the young lady's ever-growing wardrobe. One of its sliding doors was open about a foot, and Josh could see a slight flash of colour peeking out from inside. Expertly dropping the towel exactly where he found it (so as not to arouse suspicion), he tiptoed over to the inviting opening. Pulling aside the heavy sliding doors - slowly, to minimize the noise and maximize the anticipation - he was greeted with a colourful chorus line of young women's apparel. All manner of outfits lined the interior of the closet. She had a theme, for sure: most of the clothing matched the style of her current getup, blacks and greys accented by heavy, dark pastel blues, purples, and reds. There was something intriguing about this style, but Josh didn't know what. It almost felt, mysterious... like so much was hidden. It drew a parallel to his current situation; there was so much more he desired to know!

Summoning courage, he reached out with a paw and brushed it along the length of the clothes, taking in the variety of textures offered by the assortment of garments. His eyes closed as he once again envisioned the implications of these outfits. They would have made frequent, intimate contact with Nikki... something that his newly developing body was suddenly craving. He flared his nostrils with pleasure, his wandering paw releasing a teasing waft of delectable scents. Eager for more, he leaned in to a particular piece of clothing. It was a shirt, but unlike any he had seen before. It was an unusual shape, and unlike his own t-shirts, it appeared to only have one opening for her arm. Its entire surface was covered in a repeating pattern of red and black rectangles. The feature that stood out the most for Josh was its material. It seemed to be made of the same shimmering fabric that he spied earlier, covering Nikki's mesmerizing rump. He felt the fabric, shivering as it slipped between his fingers. He could only imagine what it would feel like stretched across her ample rear.

He smells it. It smells clean - it's clean laundry after all. But there is still something different about it. It still has a hint of "her" scent, which he identifies from earlier, another piece of the puzzle falling into place. But there were still more to be discovered, and he was still not satisfied. Continuing his hunt, he spied a clothes hamper at the far end of the closet. His heart jumps at the thought of what that could mean. Moving in closer, he can see the assortment of dirty clothes piled haphazardly within. It was a veritable shrine to the goddess he now worshiped. High on a scent-bender, he dives in, grabbing anything he could.The first thing on the menu is a rather plain looking fitted t-shirt. He smells it, not surprised that it's much stronger that the clean clothes. He shifts it around, not wanting to waste it, and hits one of the armpits. Upon making contact, he pulls back and snorts. It stinks! Sweat and B.O., something he was having to deal with himself starting quite recently. But, giving it another sniffle, he concludes that it's not that bad. He sensed traces of it before, in her complex effluence. Its not so bad, coming from her, for some reason. Satisfied with these first findings, he moves on to the next thing on the list: some socks. His heart skipped a beat as he picked them up: thick and fuzzy, not unlike the ones she wears tonight, though these are only ankle length. He still wasn't sure why, but those fragrant feet of hers had evoked a reaction out of him that he was having trouble comprehending. With a deep sigh to clear his lungs of the previous lingering odour, he gives them a whirl.

They are powerful! Smelling strongly of vinegar and... "old cheese", he had been told that smell was. He had no idea if this was true or not; the only cheeses he was familiar with were of the sliced and whiz'ed variety, neither having particularly intense odours. Even though its right up to his nose, its not as strong as he was expecting, remaining more or less on par with what he smelled during the massage. Maybe it would be stronger if her feet were inside....

Still idly sniffing the socks, he continued to scan the crumpled clothes in the hamper, routing around with his free paw until..... JACKPOT! His wandering eyes catch a glimpse of the true prize: a pair of panties. They aren't the shimmering satin ones that she wore tonight, these looked more like cotton, or spandex. He picked them up, having to will his trembling hands to comply. They are extremely soft; how come none of the clothes hes ever worn have felt so... nice. After playing with them in his hands for a bit, he very slowly brings them in to his nose. Its unreal, that scent. Like nothing he's ever smelled.... it was still definitely Nikki, but at the same time was surpassing everything else so far. But a certain odour catches his attention. Pulling them from his snout, he deliberately opens them up, turning them so he is face to face with the rear end. Stretching them taught, he craned his neck in ever so gently, holding his breath until the soft fabric makes contact with his wet and eager snout. Pausing as long as he dared, he inhaled deeply.

It smells like.... butt. Yet he continued, until his lungs were about to burst. His logical thoughts spoke up, telling him the truth: it stunk. It had been making contact with a most unpleasant body part for a long period of time, absorbing much of its offensive funk. But for some reason, this fact only made it more enticing! Nikki's own musk swirling in with the predominant stench catalyzed his enjoyment of the wonderful and exotic cocktail. Logic be damned, it smelled heavenly! He forcefully exhaled, turning his head away so as not to taint the sacred garment with his own breath, and immediately buried his nose once again. Its just as sweet the second time. He let out an audible sigh...

...which Nikki heard quite clearly, having been watching him silently from the doorway for almost the entire time. She was stunned, but simultaneously curious, at the young pup's actions. She had a feeling that he was developing an infatuation; a clingy obsession with a sexually mature female, who had been showing nothing but kindness and the occasional teasing. She wondered again for a moment if it was her fault, if she had gone too far in her little game and pushed Josh into this temporary madness. She knew he was being driven by his hormones, but was still perplexed at the method he had chosen to express his newfound sexuality. A few times she had been tempted to speak up, and put an end to his little adventure, but instead opted to silently observe. She was still feeling flattered that, while expressing it in odd ways, he was so "in" to her. What was he going to do next?

After a few more inhales, Josh stumbled back, lightheaded. His body craved more. Looking back to the bed, it hit him: that must be a breeding ground of mixed scents, odours of all manner rubbing off through the night as his angel slept. He skipped his way over to it, panties still clutched in his paws; Nikki surprised at his callous disregard for anything resembling stealth. He jumped - literally jumped - into the waiting mattress, landing face first with a powerful sniff. It was better than he expected. The well-used sheets were gushing with her essence: her sweat, her perfumes, her deodorant and body odours, her shampoo, her soaps.... it was simply, HER. He rolled around in the sheets, enourmous smile plastered on his face, occasionally bringing the prized panties up for a reminder of what "that" smelled like.

Nikki almost laughed at the silly and outrageous display... until she caught a glimpse of one of his paws wandering south. She gasped, panicking. She had to stop him, this was going a bit too far. Taking a step back from the doorway, and out of sight, she quietly called out to him. "Josh, buddy? Where did you go?" she heard him freeze for a moment, before scrambling to the hide evidence of his misdeeds. She gave him a moment's head start, before swinging open the door and pretending to "catch" him. By the time she returned, he was sitting bolt upright on her bed, hand suspiciously shuffling under the bedsheets before shooting out and pulling a nearby pillow over his lap, which he leaned on, trying his best to look comfortable.

"Oh.... h-h-h-hi Nikki, um...."

"Josh, what are you doing in here?" She tried her best to sound non-threatening, but her voice still came out stern.

"Uh... I saw the light on, a-a-a-nd um, wanted to see.... uhhhh..." He was on the verge of tears, sniffling quietly.

"OH! No, its OK bud! You just wanted to see my room, that's all. I should have taken you on "the tour" earlier, heh. My fault!" She smiled, tail wagging slightly, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

"Yeah! That's it... I... I'm sorry I didn't ask. I was just curious, that's all. You have a very nice room, Nikki..."

Her heart welled up at his innocence despite knowing his more sinister intentions. She continued to play along. "Oh, no need to apologize... in fact, I should be the one apologizing to you! My room is such a mess!"

Josh laughed shakily, and wiped away the mist from his eyes with his wrist.

"I don't mind. You should see mine at.... ah.... home..." His sentence was cut short by a lingering yawn, quickly betraying the time to Nikki. She pulled out her phone to check, and shook her head.

"Looks like it's already passed your bedtime, mister. Come on, let's go get washed up." Nikki tried her best to sound like a grown-up. Josh silently complied, heaving himself off the bed and dutifully following his caretaker back to the bathroom. However, he quickly remembered that his toothbrush was still in his backpack, which he had thrown carelessly by the front door shortly after arriving. Promising Nikki a swift return, he bounded out through the living room; only to be hit by a disgusting wall of stench. It was obvious that Nikki had passed wind recently... Josh gagged, almost surprised that the paint wasn't peeling off the walls! There was something seriously wrong with this otherwise sweet and beautiful girl...

Josh pulled his shirt up over his poor abused snout, but was disappointed at the minimal relief it brought him. He grabbed his bag as quickly as he could, and high-tailed it back to the bathroom. Nikki giggled when she saw him.

"Hey goofball, why do you have your shirt pulled up... oh. Ah, sorry about that. You could probably guess I'm still not feeling so hot..." She was well aware of the magnitude of her misdeed.

"You stink." Josh said, pulling his shirt back down and sticking out his tongue.

"Be quiet and brush your teeth." Nikki shot back, shortly.

Josh obliged, approaching the sink and starting his nightly routine. Nikki squeezed in beside him, grabbing her own brush and stepping back to allow him to continue. About thirty seconds later however, he heard Nikki's voice from behind:

"Don't look."

Curious, and destined to disobey such a ridiculous command, he slowly turned to face her. He stopped his brushing, his mouth agape, allowing a small spatter of foamy toothpaste to drool out and on to the floor. Nikki had made her way over to the toilet and was now sitting, still brushing her teeth. Josh spied those wonderful shiny blue panties stretched across her knees. She stopped brushing and took a moment to glare silently as Josh's young mind scrambled to process what he was seeing. Her skirt was deliberately hanging low across her lap: if it weren't for the telltale undies around her legs, one would be unable to tell she was even using the toilet. After their brief standoff, Nikki spoke up:

"Hey! I just told you not to look! Turn around!" Her voice was stern, but accented with a giggle. Her words were garbled humourously by her froth-filled maw. Flustered, Josh immediately spun back around to the sink, the toothbrush almost flying out of his slack mouth. Glancing into the mirror, he could just make out the tips of those unique fuzzy stockings, her toes idly curling and wriggling as she did her business. He stared at this reflection, craving to see more of her in such a precarious position. But he held fast, obeying Nikki's word. He blinked involuntarily when the sound of urine crashing into the bowl echoed throughout the bathroom. His heart was racing again; this was such an unusual predicament, but somehow something as mundane as using the bathroom came off as exotic, and almost, desirable to him.

Josh continued to mime brushing his teeth, still entirely mesmerized by the situation. The sound of the stream eventually subsided, gradually transitioning from a powerful gush to a gentle trickle, before ceasing completely. He could still hear the faint sounds of her brushing, which stopped abruptly as soon as she finished. A moment of silence, then Nikki whispered to herself:



Her quiet lament had been followed up by a booming airy fart that resonated through the cold porcelain. Jarred by the sudden noise, Josh forgot his instructions and turned back to Nikki. Her eyes were wide, the toothbrush dangling from the side of her mouth.

"SOWWIE!" She blurted out through the paste, before frantically gesturing for Josh to turn away. He did, after which he heard the familiar tumbling of the toilet paper, followed by a flush. Within seconds, Nikki was back at his side... bringing with her a rotten waft of her most recent outburst. He coughed slightly while Nikki shoved her way to the sink to spit and rinse, before stepping aside to allow Josh to do the same.

They both left the bathroom in awkward silence; Nikki still ashamed of her flatulence, and Josh still in shock. While Josh had intended to make his way to the guest bedroom, he was puzzled when Nikki stopped him short and, grabbing on to his hand, guided him back into her room. Anxiety crept up in Josh as they moved in closer to the bed. He had briefly forgotten about the hastily hidden briefs that lay within. His heart pounded as they approached, his eyes locked on the spot where they sat just out of sight.

She sat down on the bed next to him, and gave him a grim look. He averted his gaze and fidgets, obviously guilty. Taking a deep breath, she paused, before blurting out:

"Josh, I saw you. I saw what you were doing in my room earlier." She couldn't look directly at him, embarrassed herself that she had to give him such as awkward talk.

"But... I just wanted to see your room... I wasn't being bad, was I?" Josh unloaded his most powerful innocent puppy-eyes. But Nikki was immune. His crimes were far too severe for that routine to work.

"Don't lie to me Josh. You were doing something else."

"Wh...what do you mean, Nikki?" Josh was out of ammo, but still instinctively played dumb. Defeated, he simply waited for her to unleash her fury on him.

"I saw you pick up my towel. You smelled it. Why is that?" Her voice, while still stone cold, had a hint of warm curiousity to it. Josh did his best to exploit it.

"Um, it smells kinda nice, that's all. I like your soap." He readjusted his gaze to meet hers, judging her reaction. There was very little, and she moved on.

"I do too. But then you went into my closet, Josh. You were touching my clothes, and you smelled them too." She waited for him to answer the implied question.

"They're... very pretty. You have pretty clothes, Nikki."

She smiled at this. For some reason he is so adorable, and his mischief combined with the failing yet earnest attempts at playing innocent exacerbated this cuteness.

"And?" She could tell that she was going to have to fight him every step.

"And, they smell clean. Like clean laundry and soap." His answers were becoming robotic.

"I don't blame you there, bud. I love the smell of fresh laundry!" Nikki forced a smile, defrosting her demeanor a little. She didn't want to frighten him... not too much, anyway. She was just, curious. She continued. This next part was going to be more difficult.

"What about my hamper, the dirty clothes? Those probably didn't smell very nice, did they?" She new the answer, but wanted to hear some reasoning behind it.

"Not really... but then again, they kind of did." Josh furrowed his brow. He had a hard enough time understanding it himself, let along having to explain it. "The shirt was kinda stinky..." He looked at her and smiled weakly "...and your socks: Peee-yew!" Josh giggled while Nikki mocked being offended. Both of them were relieved a little by the break in tension.

"You kept smelling, though?" Nikki pressed on. Josh's face became a bit more somber.

"Yeah. Even though they smelled bad, they still kind of smelled good. I dunno... they smelled.... like you. You smell good, Nikki." He was blushing, his voice starting to nervously stutter.

Nikki felt her cheeks get hot as well. She had her answer... he was obviously attracted to her scent.

"And?" Nikki had him conered. "Was there anything else?"

He shuffled in place, grabbing a nearby stuffed dragon and mindlessly running his fingers over its plush surface. He remained silent for moment, before squeaking out a half-hearted "No."

Nikki tilted her head and looked down at him, as he pretended to be distracted by the colourful creature in his paws. She reached out and gently grasped his chin, delicately forcing his eyes to meet hers.

"Josh. Tell me. What else?" Nikki gave him one more chance to confess. But despite knowing she had witness the entire escapade, he didn't waver. "Nothing." He said in a hoarse whisper.

Nikki sighed. Releasing her grip on his chin, she snaked her hand underneath the ruffled bedsheets between them. Josh's eyes grew wider as he watched her hunt, praying she wouldn't find anything. But his concealment job was quick and sloppy. Only several seconds had passed before she pulled out the wrinkled pair of black spandex panties, presenting them to the terrified Josh.

"What about these? How did they smell?" She tried her best to sound neutral.

Josh was trapped. There was nothing left to salvage, so he finally yielded. "They just smell... different. It's nice. It makes me feel good. It's really hard to explain."

Nikki smiled at him an nodded... while she didn't exactly approve of his actions, she could at least somewhat understand. "Which part smelled the best?"

"Ummm..." Josh was fidgeting more than ever now. It was difficult for him to say, so he just blurted it out: "The butt."

The butt. Nikki knew, because she saw him, but wanted to hear it from him. Her curiosity was piqued.

"Doesn't is smell... you know... bad?"

"Well, yeah." Josh was quick to answer. Nikki blushed a little more at the revelation. "But at the same time, it's nice. It's..... you. But in a funny way."

Without a word, Nikki opened up the crumpled panties and stretched them out in front of her face, mimicking Josh's earlier actions. Josh looked on in awe as Nikki brought the rear of the garment directly to her nose and inhaled.... before choking and rubbing her snout, scowling.

"Oh, wow.... you're crazy, bud... these STINK!" Nikki laughed, sarcastically plugging her nose. Josh looked away, humiliated. He was still uncomfortable with how it made him feel. But she softened her look, and put a hand on his shoulder. Her mind raced in an effort to explain the situation. She wanted to deny it, but something about this whole situation was standing out in the back of her head. She was intrigued, and again, flattered by his actions. Making him squirm like this, and seeing him buckle under her pressuring set something off in her. She knew exactly why he was acting this way - a boy his age, being exposed to a girl like her - she wanted to dance around the issue, and put it (and him) to bed. But some sick devil on her shoulder urged her to go on.... to wield her power once again. A grin reformed lining her snow-white muzzle, peaks of her canine fangs poking through. It was playtime.

"I think I have an explanation as to why you feel this way." Nikki fabricated an "explanation" for his behaviour. "Have you ever seen dogs sniff each others butts?"

Josh giggled, before replying: "Ha ha, yeah!"

"Maybe you're just like one of those silly dogs. And since you like the smell of my... um, rear.... so much, I think that makes us friends!" She cringed, unsure if he was going to buy such an asinine theory. But she may have been underestimating his ignorance, seeing him come back with only an understanding nod. This was too easy. She was going to have a bit of fun.

Nikki stood up, signaling Josh to stay put. Taking a deep breath, and to the surprise of Josh (and herself!), she dropped her skirt. Upon being reunited with those coveted shimmering electric blue panties, Josh gasped. His eyes grew wide, his gaze locked at her hip-level. Nikki hesitated, blushing and unsure of her actions. A small part of her regretted it, but something much stronger was compelling her ton continue. She remained silent and slowly turned away from the dumbstruck pup. She stopped facing the opposite direction, waiting while he took in more of the magnificent sight. She peered over her shoulder at him, noticing his gaze was exactly where she was expecting it to be: right at her rump. That evil grin pierced through the remainder of her embarrassment. She began to slowly back up, swaying her hips as she went, before stopping just short of bumping into Josh's stationary snout.

"Well..." Nikki began with a sigh, "Tell me what you think! Sorry if it's a little smelly..."

Josh was frozen in place for a moment. Nikki smiled nervously, giving him an approving nod. He couldn't believe this was happening. It was exactly what he wanted, but he had no idea what to do. Being this close, a teasing breeze of aroma pranced about his sinuses. Taking a particularly deep breath, he allowed his instincts to take over, and gingerly plunged into his prize. Despite expecting it, Nikki was slightly startled at the sudden proximity of Josh's face to her more intimate areas. His targeting was... accurate, to say the least, finding it's mark immediately. His glistening wet snout buried itself between the slippery, satin-clad mounds. She could feel him inhale... repeatedly... the flow of air sending an unsettling chill up the length of her crack. Her whole body tensed at the unfamiliar sensation, causing her to clinch her cheeks slightly. But this only drove Josh deeper. Upon making first contact, he was genuinely surprised at its intensity. The smell was similar to what he experienced during his brief encounter with her old panties, but amplified to unimaginable strength. Following his first few breaths, he almost choked and pulled away: in addition to the expected odours was a faint yet nauseating remnant of her recurring flatulence that clung to the deepest recesses of the silky fabric. The extreme contrast of such a feminine object playing host to such nastiness was staggering. But he continued, determined to give it a second (and third, and fourth...) chance. He was rewarded for his persistence: with every whiff, the undesired stench cleared and Nikki's own wonderful concoction shone through.

Without giving it a second thought, Josh thrust his hands out, propping them on each of Nikki's substantial glutes. His brashness startled Nikki; a maneuver like that was usually an invitation for a slap in the face. But she held firm, and decided to let it slide. He'll learn someday. She noticed he was mostly silent, save for the *whoosh* of the air spilling in and out through his planted nostrils. As his confidence grew - or as his restraint fled, either way - he was getting more and more ambitious. His grabby paws started off with a gentle touch, but quickly graduated to increasingly harsh rubbing and squeezing, all while drilling his snout as deep as possible. Nikki felt conflicted. Something about giving this little guy something he coveted so strongly excited her. She had so much power, to give him so much pleasure from something so simple. Settling in, Nikki closed her eyes and sighed, relaxing her body and, in the process, giving Josh a bit more access. She was even starting to enjoy the feelings it gave her, having a snout exploring those regions... until she remembered who that greedy nose belonged to....

Once again reaching an undesired level of discomfort with his forwardness, Nikki decided it was time to deploy her not-so-secret weapon. Obviously eager to claim his treasure, Josh had not fully thought out the danger he had deliberately and foolishly put himself in. Nikki, naturally, was still suffering from the effects of her stomach-churning dinner, and was graciously "holding it in" until she felt it was no longer necessary. Unfortunately for Josh, he had not yet figured this out, and was still in mid-sniff when she released a small but potent *Prrout*.

Josh retreated immediately, pushing off hard from Nikki's foul rump and tumbling backwards onto her bed, gagging and coughing furiously. She looked back at him over her shoulder, still presenting her newly unpleasant rear.

"Whoops." She was wearing a devilish grin, and began rubbing her stomach. "But you should have known by now, that was not a safe place to be tonight!"

As Josh continued to writhe around on her bed, a victim of her latest outburst, Nikki's mind began to be bombarded with some rather nasty thoughts. She slowly turned to face him, that disconcerting smile spread across her face. Despite being repeatedly assaulted by her horrid flatulence, this innocent little pup (well, not so innocent now) was still excited by her very presence. He had gone out of his way, risking a very likely harsh punishment, just to get a whiff of her most tainted garments. So young, and already a pervert. She giggled, and Josh followed suit, though much more nervously. She could have just a little bit more fun...

Josh, having mostly recovered from his ordeal, watched with cautious optimism as this purveyor of both heavenly treats and hellish torment approached, that enigmatic smirk refusing to betray her intentions. She was going to do something. Josh's heart raced; he could only hope for the best. Nikki leaned forward, placing her hands on the ruffled bedspread, before hoisting her knees up to follow. She was now crawling, hunched over like a prowling predator. Josh fell on to his back, scampering backwards along the length of the bed. There was something unsettling about the malicious, toothy grin Nikki was sporting, but there was little he could do.

"Where ya goin', bud?" Nikki's voice was artificially sweet. Even the naive Josh knew she was up to something. "Don't you want to play a little more before bed?"

Neither of them were sure exactly what entity was possessing Nikki... though neither of them seemed to mind much, either. Having run out of room to move, Josh laid back on the bed, his head hitting her soft pillow; this action releasing a pleasant and well-timed waft of scent. She continued her advances, on hands and knees, carefully creeping above Josh's stationary form until she was looming directly over him. She quickly sat up, simultaneously flicking her head to toss aside some stray strands of her raven hair. She was straddling his body now, her silken rump hovering just above his knees and his diminutive body flanked on either side by those thick, fuzzy stockings. Josh could only stare up at her, speechless, an unusual mix of exhilaration and terror frozen on his face. She was having a blast with all this power.

"So! I almost forgot..." Nikki leaned back, planting her hands on the bed to support her. As she spoke, her bottom slowly lowered on to Josh's thighs. He shuddered in pleasure as the warmth and pressure of her respectable rear spread out across his legs; letting out a harsh gasp when she suddenly lifted her feet, channeling a significant portion of her weight onto his unprepared lower half.

" were having a heck of a time earlier, massaging my feet, huh?"

Nikki was now precariously balanced on her hands and butt, knees bent, with her sizable footpaws dangling in front of the bewildered pup's nose. The acrid aroma of her damp socks once again invaded his nostrils, and he felt conflicted. But her confidence and bold actions helped him decide whether he really enjoyed it or not.

"I noticed you sniffed those old socks from the hamper more than a few times, too." She continued to tease him, all while slowly lowering her pungent paws down toward his face. He put up little resistance.

"And I figured you'd might like to get 'up close and personal' with them. Is that true, Joshy?" Her voice was innocent, but her actions were anything but. Just as Josh was about to speak, Nikki mashed her hot, sweaty footpaws into his face, muffling whatever answer he was about to give. But judging by his reaction, it was likely going to be an affirmative. Despite the powerful odour emitted by her well-worn stockings, Josh was fully engaged. He leaned in and roughly nuzzled the fleecy footwear, noisily sniffing and snorting. He was free to indulge now, rather than trying to hide his lusting as he had before.

"Hmmm. That's what I thought." Nikki cooed, curling her toes around Josh's muzzle. He closed his eyes, partly due to the pleasure, but also to shield them from the stinging vapours released by the moist, malodourous socks. His breathing grew heavier, lungs desperately trying to inhale as much of the sickeningly sour scent as possible. His eyes were watering, his nose and throat were on fire. But he didn't care. He thrust his neck forward, his coarse whiskers bristling against the matted fluff that enveloped Nikki's expertly wielded paws.

"You are silly, you know that?" Nikki giggled, biting her lip slightly in an attempt to offset her ticklishness. She sent her wriggling digits on a tour of Josh's face, delicately tracing the tips of her footclaws across his cheeks, around his neck, and along his overstimulated snout.

Nikki only laughed at his enthusiasm, reveling in the sense of power and, dare she say, domination that this situation was bestowing on her. Her hesitations were temporarily suspended, brushed aside as her slowly corrupting mind scrambled to justify her actions. "It's just harmless fun!" she told herself. "Nobody's getting hurt..."

But she was quickly proven wrong.

Both of them were now slaves to their hormones and instincts. So when one of Nikki's wandering toes accidentally pushed a little bit under Josh's sighing lips, he nipped. And, despite it's intentions as a playful form of affection, Nikki's body was caught off-guard: she reacted to the "attack" with a swift kick. Josh cried out and his head snapped back into the pillow, reeling as Nikki's reeking sole scored a direct hit to his muzzle. Nikki shot back up to her knees and scrambled toward him.

"Oh my gosh! Joshy, I'm so sorry! Are you OK?" She prepared herself for the worst. What if he was bleeding? If he got hurt, how would she explain his injuries to his parents? He had both paws covering his snout, still groaning softly. However, as she went to tend to the wounded pup, she was met with a hearty round of laughter.

"Hey, why'd you stop! I was having fun!" Josh removed his paws to reveal an enormous giggling grin. He wasn't hurt at all! Nikki frowned, and gave him a gentle punch on the shoulder.

"You little faker! I was really worried for a second there." She glared at him as he continued to beam, proud of his little deception, and eagerly awaiting more attention. She could detect a sense of entitlement growing in Josh... perhaps she was spoiling him a bit too much with her teasing advances. Seeing him smugly prepare himself for her to continue, and feeling that ominous aching in her stomach well up again, she decided to lay out the final sendoff of the evening.

"How 'bout we switch things up a little, hmm?" She whispered, still leaning in close. Once again, she acted before he could give a response. Nikki rapidly whirled around, gently but purposefully smacking Josh in the face with the side of her tail. In an instant, she was kneeling above Josh's chest, her rear mere inches from his face. She heard a gleeful gasp from below; Josh obviously pleased with this new turn of events. Smiling again, and without even looking back, she forcefully planted her rear on the pup's awaiting muzzle.

Nikki giggled as an ecstatic moan vibrated through her cheeks. She wiggled her hips slightly, grinding those well-worn panties further up her crack. Her face grew flush as that unusual sensation of Josh's spirited wheezing soon followed. 'Enjoy it while you can, buddy' She thought to herself wickedly, resting a paw on her stomach and gently rapping her fingers against its yielding surface. It responded:


Nikki remained motionless, unresponsive to the wet, squelching rumble that tore through her gut. She could feel Josh stop momentarily, and waited for his reaction to the ominous sounds. But the silly pup continued, as she expected, clearly so addicted to his newfound playtoy that he chose to remain oblivious to his impending fate. Sighing heavily, and lifting her rump a little for leverage, eased out a hot, airy:


"You're a slow learner, aren't you?"

Josh gagged and heaved, using both hands and all of his strength to eject Nikki from her perch. She tumbled with a graceful roll to the far end of the bed, landing on her befouled buttocks. She sat, cackling menacingly as she witnessed Josh's most convincing convulsions yet. Her lethal, burning expulsion ravaged the remnants of Josh's overstimulated nasal passages.

"You can't tell me you weren't expecting that!" Nikki waited for his coughing to subside, before casually leaning to the side and launching a deep, nasty *BRRRUNF* into the mattress beneath her.

"You are gross, Nikki!" Josh had re-covered his snout with his shirt and began making his way off the bed, escaping the cloud of toxic gas. Nikki laughed and stood to see him out.

"Guess that does it for tonight.... of to bed, little buddy!". Nikki felt a little bit cruel, ending their session so abruptly. But some aspect of that felt good to her.... and besides, he's had more than his share of excitement for one night. She stood at the doorway and called out to Josh, who was sauntering down the hall toward the guest room. Upon hearing her voice, he saw her spin around. She lifted her tail slightly, wagging it and mirroring its motions with subtle swaying of her hips. His eyes were locked on it once again, and despite knowing this, Nikki still winked and blew him a little kiss.

"G'Night, Joshy! Try not to mess the sheets too badly, 'kay?"

The End