Dyna backstory V1 (unedited)
Part 1 of a build up to my first ever story :3
Dyna Clough was a simple woman, she had never really been a social animal but she had a few good friends that she would do anything for. She was clever but had never really enjoyed school, the teachers had always made her feel inadequate and that just rubber her up the wrong way, but she had bucked up and got enough grades to get into her local police force. The police had always enticed her, with its promise of power (mwa-ha-ha) and a chance to help people, it was the best choice she had ever made. She joined at 16 and by 20 she was a warden in a small low-security womens prison. She had settled in great and now considered most of the staff part of her family, her real family not being much to speak of.
Dyna had always been very independant and assertive, and had found through experimentation that she much prefered being in control. So a few hours on the darker side of the internet had her fairly sure of her potential as a Domme. She also was rather fond of the ladies, sometimes more than men, but due to her work she kept this side of herself a secret.
(Dyna will be one of the main characters in a story I am currently working on, this is just a bit of a prolouge, and all characters will get the same treatment)
(Dyna is also available for artwork and stories as long as I'm asked before hand, but still only clean RP)