Micku and Vinn Chapter 1
#1 of Micku and Vinn
Darkness. Total, all-encompassing darkness. Swirling, swooping, drowning out all else. Micku loved the darkness. He craved it. He stayed in it as much as he could. It was his sanctuary, his fountain of youth, his reason for living. It cared for him, nursed him, held him when the world was cold and cruel. But the darkness could not last... Micku shielded his eyes as he opened the door of his house to walk to school. He fucking hated school. He was constantly bored with the material and the people were all either boring or annoying. He was looking forward to a time when he could live alone and have a job with minimal contact - he was the definition of a loner. Not to say he hated everything, far from it in fact, he just couldn't stand most people. He brushed his turquoise hair in front of his face, so it would help shade his eyes, which were well-used to darkness, from the blazing sun. He ruffled the black fur on his pointy ears and tail, ventilating his skin in the stifling heat. It was the first week of his senior year of high school, and for September, it was abnormally hot. It had been over ninety degrees for nearly three straight weeks - and Micku, with his shoulder-length hair and dark fur, was suffering. He managed to get to school, without dying of heat stroke, and almost ran someone over on the way to the water fountain. "Hey, watch where you're going," he yelled. Micku looked at him and spat the water in his mouth everywhere. He was just TOO hot. He looked to be about five foot eleven, with curly purple hair and fur, and deep brown eyes. His outfit was entirely blue - Blue paisley button-up shirt, blue striped arm gloves, blue jeans, and a bell hanging from a blue collar around his neck. Micku gulped and coughed, as some of the water he had in his mouth had gone down the wrong pipe when he spat it everywhere. "Uh, sorry about that," he said, blushing hard. Out of all the people in the school he had to run into HIM? God damn it, what a great way to start the year. He ran to his first class, Introduction to Calculus. He was fine with math, but just like everything else in school, it bored the hell out of him. The teacher, Mr. Ingus, assigned them their seats, and as luck would have it, Micku sat right behind the boy from that morning. He stared at him the whole time, not paying any attention to Ingus' lecture. At one point, the boy leaned forward, and Micku got a perfect view of his underwear - black panties with pink hearts on them! That settled it - he had to have this man! Yeah, yeah, Micku was gay. He knew it, and so did most of everyone in his grade. He wasn't a slut, though - he picked his partners carefully. It had been nearly a year since his last partner had left the school, and he was hungry for more. Ingus passed out an introductory survey for all the students to fill out, instructing everyone to pass their completed sheet to the back of the row - and Micku happened to be in the back of his row. He scribbled his answers quickly and eagerly awaited the sheets to be passed back. He grabbed the one from the boy in front of him eagerly. He looked at it quickly, seeing that the Name section read 'Vinn.' What a hot name, perfectly fitting for such a hot guy. After school was over, Micku began the walk home. He noticed Vinn on the opposite sidewalk, going the same way. He was ever so slightly ahead of him, so he couldn't wave him over. Instead, he waited for a good time to cross the street and ran over to him, on the pretense of apologizing. Vinn had his headphones in, so any attempt at aural contact was fruitless. Instead, Micku opted to tap him on the shoulder. He stopped and turned right around, looking angry. "What the fu-" He stopped speaking when he saw who it was. "Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else," he said, his face softening. "Uhh, yeah, no problem," Micku said, blushing. "Listen, I just wanted to apologize for this morning. When I ran into you." "Oh that? Psh, that's no big deal man, I had almost forgotten about it. Why were you in such a hurry, anyway?" "Oh, well, dark fur," he said sheepishly, pointing at his tail, "It gets kinda hot in the summer, you know..." "Oh, yeah, that's understandable. Mine used to be black, but I dyed it. Took a hell of a long time, too." "I like the color you've got now, it's cool." "Yeah, I took a while to decide on it. Parent hates it and all the guys make fun of it, but I love it." "Yeah...so, you live around here?" "Nah. I was just taking a walk, Clear my head, you know." "Did something happen today? You looked kinda upset, were you, erm, expecting someone else?" "Oh," he said, snorting angrily, "that." "That what?" "Some asshole jock at school kept calling me a fag." "Oh. That sucks." "Yeah, he was really getting on my nerves. So what did I do? I decked that fucker right in the mouth." "WHAT? Y-You hit him?" "Yeah, what do you think he wanted me to do? The only reason those idiots mock me is because they want to see me get in trouble. But I'll tell ya, nobody wants to say they got beat up that bad by a fag. Never gotten reported to the principal a single time." "Wow, that's....that's kinda cool!" "Yeah, they never expect it, but I pack a mean one when I get riled." "Yeah...they pretty much leave me alone now, but I used to get teased pretty bad." "For what? You seem like a pretty normal guy." "Same thing as you, actually." "What? They call you gay?" "W-well yeah, because...well, because I am." Vinn stopped walking. Micku didn't even notice until he was about six steps ahead of him. He looked back. "Something wrong?" Vinn was staring at him in an odd way. He caught up with him and cleared his throat. "So, erm...they know? The whole school?" "Yep. I came out in the ninth grade. It made the fag jokes a lot easier to deal with, that's for sure." "Why's that? I'd think it'd make it even worse!" "Well, they were a bit more common afterwards, but it's less like they're making fun of you when both of you know it's true. They stopped pretty quickly, too, after I stopped getting so offended by it." "I guess. It just...it gets to me sometimes, you know?" "Well...are you?" "Am I what?" "Are you...gay?" Vinn stopped again, staring at Micku. "A-are you coming on to me?" Micku didn't say anything. Vinn stared at him some more, and then ran off without saying a word. * * * Micku was met with several surprises the next day. Vinn was absent from school, for one, and when Micku returned home, he found a pair of tickets taped to the door with a note. "I won these on the radio today. I know you like the band so I figured you'd get more of a use out of them than I would. Have Fun! ~Mom" His jaw dropped. They were tickets to that weekend's Foo Fighters concert! They were sold out by now, and cost around $60 even before that! And he got to go - with a friend - for free? It was a dream come true! And a perfect excuse to see Vinn again, that was for sure. Vinn was at school the next day, and Micku talked to him a bit in math. Vinn seemed a bit more composed now, and he sure as hell wasn't running away again. Micku chose not to tell him about the concert until lunchtime. He sat next to him in the cafeteria. "Hey, Vinn, are you free this weekend?" He asked, politely and innocently. "Uh, yeah, I think so...why?" "Well, there's this concert this weekend, and I got tickets, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" "Well, that all depends on the concert. Who's playing," he asked, looking relieved that Micku wasn't asking him out on a date or anything. "Oh, well, nobody huge, just the Foo Fighters." "WHAT?!" He exclaimed so loud that the entire cafeteria looked at him. "The FOO FIGHTERS?! They're only my favorite band in the whole fucking universe! But tickets have been sold out for weeks! How'd you get them?!" "My parents won them on the radio. How they were listening to a station that'd give these away, I have no idea. They were taped to the door when I got home yesterday." "That's awesome! I can't believe I get to go to the concert! I was so pissed that they started selling tickets when I was broke!" "Yeah, that always sucks." "What time is it?" "Uhh, Saturday at 7. Why?" "Do....do you want to hang out beforehand?" Micku grinned. It was working perfectly. "Yeah, sure, what time?" "I dunno, I guess I could swing by around...2?" "That works for me. And listen, about yesterday..." Vinn looked away and swallowed hard. "Uh....what about it?" "Why did you run?" "I-I remembered that I had to meet someone." "Look, Vinn, if you don't want to tell me, that's fine, but don't lie." "What?" "That's the bullshit excuse that four other guys have given me after they run, all of them after I asked them the same question I asked you. Two of them came back the next day and said no, and the other two led to some good times and lasting friendships. What's your answer?" Vinn stayed silent for a moment. "C-Can....can we talk about this later?" "Uhh, I guess...why?" "I...I just can't do it right now, Micku, I can't. Can I....can I come over after school or something?" "Sure, if you want to." "Ok, I'll see you after school then." He got up and walked out of the cafeteria, wiping his face with his arm. * * * Vinn met Micku outside the school doors at 2:45 PM sharp. The pair started the three-mile walk to his house in relative silence. "So, uh," Vinn said, sounding nervous, "Why do you walk to school?" "Some stupid school regulation crap. I'd take the bus but there's some zoning law shit, and I'm like two houses too close to the school to be able to ride. My parents are both gone to work by like 6 in the morning, so I can't get a ride from them, either." "That sucks ass!" "Yeah, it was bad at first, and it can really suck in the winter, but other than that it's not so bad; I've kinda grown to like it. Gives me time to think, you know?" "I suppose," Vinn said, falling silent again. "What about you? Where do you live?" "Me? Oh, uh, I live across town, technically..." "Technically?" "I'm, uh....I'm not living at home right now, I'm staying with a friend." "Does this have anything to do with that thing you wouldn't tell me about today?" "W-well, sort of...I guess." "What happened?" Vinn shot a hurried glance up and down the street to make sure there was nobody within earshot. "I...I ran away from home." "What?! When?" "Well, a few months ago, my older brother...he came out to my parents." "He's gay?" "Y-yeah. He told them - and my dad went batshit and kicked him out of the house after beating him half to death." "That's awful! Did he call the police?" "Yeah, he did, and my dad got arrested, but he got out on good behavior." "Damn, dude." "I know. I heard he was coming back and I knew I had to get out - he always had a drinking problem, but he had never hit either of us, but I knew my brother had triggered something in him, and it wouldn't be good to stay." "So where'd you go?" "I live with my brother, now. It's not bad, he's got a nice apartment, and a really cool guy." "Awesome. I'll have to meet them sometime." "T-there's more..." "What?" "Well, my brother is only a year or two older than me, and well...when we were kids, we...erm....experimented." "Really?" "Yeah, I know, it's gross and wrong, but we were both-" "I don't think it's wrong." "W-what? Really?" "Nobody was hurt, were they? Neither of you regret it, do you?" "W-well, I guess not, but...it's just a bit weird for me right now, ok?" "That's fine. I won't put any pressure on you." "Thanks. I just, I have some thinking to do, you know?" "I understand completely. It's not any easy thing to decide on." "So, this weekend, it's not going to be like....a date, is it?" "Not if you don't want it to be. We can be just two friends going to a kickass concert." "Thanks, man, it means a lot. Friends?" He stuck out his hand. Micku grinned and shook it. "Friends." * * *