Chapter 2 of: Not your Average School Year

Story by gre0tcazh24 on SoFurry

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#2 of Not Your Average School Year

This is the second chapter of Not Your Average SchoolYear. We find out the beginning of Scott and Jamey's Relationship.

*This is an all ages story at the moment. If you havent read chapter 1 please go read it now and then come back to read chapter 2. I've put a lot of more detail into thiss chapter and i hope you guys like it. *

Chapter 2 of: Not your Average School Year

Right before the bell rang to let everyone out for first period came in the most gorgeous Wolf you would ever see. He was 6 foot 7 inches tall. He had a slender, toned body which was more accentuated with the tight shorts, which showed off a rather big bulge, and polo he wore. He had luscious white fur all over that shined with the fluorescent bulbs hitting it. everyone would kill to have such beautiful fur. Jamey's body tingled all over once he saw that beautiful wolf walk in. He walked up to Ms. Parker and introduced himself to her and the whole class

"Hello everyone, sorry I'm late. My name is Scott and I'm new to the school"

Everyone responded back to him "Hi Scott".

Just then the bell rang for first period and the whole class including Scott walked out. Jamey just sat there still in a trance, Still captivated by what he just saw, the gorgeous wolf, Scott. Jamey's sheath tingled just thinking about Scott.

Ms. Parker came up to Jamey. "Jamey are you ok? You're going to be late for your first period".

Jamey got out of his trance, spaced out a little from the whole experience.

"Ummm yeah..... Yeah I'm fine just was trying to remember where my first period is" said Jamey still a little dazed.

"Ok well then run along now, it's your first day don't want to leave any bad impressions" giggled Ms. Parked as Jamey was half way threw the class.

The rest of the day was just a blur to Jamey. He had first and third period today so he went to Mr. Millers class for first period in History. He was a very stocky Rottweiler with a great deal of energy, barking out how glad he was to see all of us and how wonderful our two years with him were going to be. Third period was Ms. Parkers class, she read to us a bit about Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and how he structured the story. Jamey didn't hear anything that Ms. Parker said. Jamey was in another world still thinking about the wolf. Jamey would steal the occasional glance at Scott, who didn't even notice him, listening to every word that the teacher said as if it there was going to be a test on it.

At the end of the day every one left to there cars or to head to the bus, everyone still talking and having a good time. Jamey left heading to his bus, wondering what were the thoughts he was having about Scott. "why do I keep thinking about him? He's just a normal guy and I'm straight I shouldn't be having these thoughts, what does this mean?" said Jamey with a bit of tension of his voice.

When Jamey got home he greeted his mother, who was on the couch waiting to here how his day went, not wanting him to spare any detail.

"It was a normal day. Met a few people. Learned a bit, all the teachers are very nice and it's a great school".

"Well that's good I'm happy you had a great day" said his mother, happy that her son is transitioning into the new environment very well.

"I'll have dinner ready in two hours".

At that Jamey went up to his room setting his books down and laying on his bed letting out a sigh of exhaustion from the day that felt like it had dragged on forever. Since there wasn't any homework for the night Jamey took a little nap to get some of his energy back.

Jamey dreamed about the dreamy wolf. They were on the beach laying down on a blanket, watching the sunset. Jamey turned and looked into the Wolfs deep blue eyes. They were the color of the sky on a perfect day just perfect and beautiful, Getting lost in there depths.

"You are the most gorgeous guy I have ever met, I don't know what my life would be like if you weren't in it" Jamey said still looking into the Wolfs eyes.

"I love you Jamey" and at that moment they shared a passionate kiss. Muzzles together, enjoying each others embraces, there tongues exploring the other muzzle. Their tongues dancing in unison.

"Oh My God" suddenly Jamey woke up, sweating.

"What's happening to me? I've never dreamed about a guy before!"

Jamey started crying, holding his pillow while he did so.

"I'm straight! I'm straight" he began screaming out.

Jamey's mother knocks on his door "Sweetie is everything alright? Its 9 o'clock, you've been sleeping for 4 hours"

Jamey looks at his alarm "Oh shit it is 9....... Yeah I'm fine just a little... Tired, from the whole day an all" Jamey said with a tone of exhaustion.

"Well ok, do you want to come eat? I made you favorite, lasagna with breadsticks"

"No mom I'm fine I'm just going to go back to sleep"

"Ok honey I hope you feel better" said his mother with a bit of disappointment, having made the dinner special for Jamey having it been his first day at school.

Jamey kept waking up through the night, the dream continuing to play over and over, He couldn't keep Scott out of his head. Scott consumed all his thoughts he was the only thing in Jamey's mind. Jamey knew this wasn't normal. He went out with Mercedes and it was alright except for the void that was always present.

"Was that the void? am i gay and i just don't know it? no..... it can't be".

Jamey stayed up, not being able to sleep anymore pondering if that void in his previous relationship was just that, that Jamey was gay and that he wasn't really attracted to Mercedes. An hour before 6 he pulled out a picture of Mercedes that he still had. The two kissing at there favorite spot at the beach, it was the day Mercedes and Jamey had made their relationship official. Jamey set up everything perfectly, a picnic on the sand near the board walk, with sandwiches and music, you would've thought it was a scene straight out of a movie if you would've seen the two. It was just them together on a beautiful day, no one around just the two. After that day though it was all down hill for their relationship. Jamey just didn't want to be with her, he cared for her and had fun with her, but there was not attraction. He didn't see her in a sexual way. Mercedes had wanted to be more intimate, but Jamey just couldn't further her advances. It was as if something was telling him no, shackling him down, denying him the pleasure he wasn't sure he wanted.

At 6 he got up to get ready for school, brushing his teeth showering, having breakfast the usual routine he's been used to since he was ten. Around 6:30 the bus came around to take him to school, the place he knew Scott would be. He didn't know whether to talk to Scott or avoid him, the whole idea of Scott was clouding his mind, he needed to do something soon. When the bus arrived he got off ready to talk to Scott, with the idea still in his head that the dream and his feelings were just a fluke.

Jamey walked around the school looking for Scott in every place he could think of, the lake of legends, their home room, the cafeteria, but he was no where to be found. Sulking in his defeat of being unable to find Scott, Jamey went to the library to go read Romeo and Juliet for class, to at least brush up on the book for class. As he entered the library he saw the wolf on the other side of the library and coincidentally also reading Romeo and Juliet.

"This is my chance I can go talk to him and get these thoughts out of my mind finally".

Jamey went walking to where the lupine was, thinking of what he was going to tell the gorgeous guy that has been consuming his dreams. The more he got closer the slower he walked till the point where's he was in front of Scott.

"H-Hi my n-name is J-Jamey" the wolf put down his book and greeted Jamey

"Oh hey Jamey, I'm Scott, well you must have known that from my introduction" with a short laugh at the end.

Scott put his paw out and Jamey shook it, melting on the inside, ecstatic from being able to touch the hot wolfs paw. The paw shake felt like he was there for hours instead of the 4 seconds it really was.

"So how are you liking the school so far?" said the wolf with a wide grin on his muzzle

"It's umm good so far met a few good furs, Molly's really nice and yeah"

"Well that's good to hear....... Hey if you'd like do you wanna head to McDonalds for lunch, been having cravings for a burger, ya know?" said Scott with his tail wagging a little behind him.

"Yeah!.... Ugh I mean yeah sure" Jamey put his head down feeling a little embarrassed with the enthusiasm he put into his response.

"Well great then meet me in the front of the school right when lunch starts and we'll head out " said the wolf walking out of the library while doing so "ok" was all Jamey was able to say being disappointed that Scott had to leave so abruptly.

Lunch time came around and Jamey was outside the school waiting for Scott excited to go out with the wolf. Jamey couldn't concentrate in his morning periods. He kept picturing how the outing with the wolf would go, but he just kept wanting to see the wolves beautiful eyes. The wolf pulled up in a baby blue corvette, that matched the wolves eyes, with the top down.

"Hey there are you gonna get In or what?" said Scott with a sexy grin on his face.

"Umm.... Y-yeah"

Jamey go into the wolfs car enjoying every moment he was with the wolf, breathing in through his nose, catching the wolfs musky, manly scent, that made Jamey's cock come out of its sheath a bit.

"Buckle up" said the wolf breaking the silence that Jamey didn't notice was there still being taken back by the wolf's sent.

Scott drove the 5 minutes to McDonalds, the whole time the Black Eyed Peas played in the background of there small talk.

"Alright we're, you hungry Jamey?"

"Yeah" was all Scott said and a few seconds later they were inside the establishment. The smell of fries and burgers covering the area inside the restaurant making Jamey's muzzle water, and making his hunger grow even more. They ordered their food and sat down, Scott taking a bite from his burger, enjoying the wonderful taste.

"So why did you invite me to lunch?" said Jamey nervously.

"I don't know, I felt like getting to know you more, haven't really made any good friends yet"

"Well don't worry about that, I can be your friend" said Jamey with a smile on his face, still confused about his feeling about Scott, wondering why he would want to be closer to the amazing guy sitting across from him. Scott looked ecstatic, glad that the cute fox wanted to be friends.

"I would love to be your friend Jamey" Scott's tale wagging a bit, enamored by the fox's response.

They kept eating in peace talking about video games, music, joking around, having a good time with each others company. When they finished there meals they walked back to Scott's car, getting in and driving off back to the campus. When they parked they stayed inside for a little bit listening to the radio shuffling in their seats to the upbeat song that was playing.

"Well I had a great time at lunch today" said the wolf

"Yeah I had a lot of fun, we should go out again, its great hanging out with you" the wolf almost squealed in delight from the prospect of seeing the fox again.

"Well why don't we do something tonight, like dinner and a movie?" said the wolf coming off a bit too enthused.

"Sure sounds great, pick me up at my place"

With that the fox handed the wolf his number

"Text me later so i can give you the address" and at they both walked back into the school, the both of them almost jumping up in joy,

Jamey just couldn't wait to see Scott but he still had that lingering feeling that something was quite off with his feeling towards Scott,

"Is this even right? tonight has to be the night i tell him something i can't continue with these feelings!"