Not Your Average School Year: Chapter 1
This is a story between a cute fox and a handsome wolf
Disclaimer: This is my first story, hope you guys like it, if you have any tips or anything please let me know in the comments I always have room to approve. This is a Male/Male story, not 18+ but future chapters will be. So withouth further a do
Chapter 1 of: Not Your Average School Year
This year was a new school year for Jamey, a somewhat introverted fox. Attending one of the most elite schools in the country; Having barely passed the entrance exams he was feeling very timid about attending the institution, School For Advanced Furs.
It was early in the morning the first day of school, not a living fur in sight. Jamey's mother insisted for him to arrive early to get settled quickly but it was quite the opposite. He was very uncomfortable being the first person to arrive and it kind of rattled his nerves. The institution a very large one seemed even more vast without any fur there, since the last time he arrived to acquire his entrance exam scores. He walked around for a little bit, taking in his surroundings, noting ever single detail, since this would be where he would be attending school for the next two years. He walked by the Lake of Legends, where all of last years furs threw in there milestones (a tradition at school for the advanced furs). It was breath taking seeing all those little rocks shimmering in the water at the crack of dawn. Jamey the whole time wondering if he would be one of the graduating seniors to throw in his milestone, picturing it all in his head put a smile on his muzzle.
Noticing the time Jamey walked inside the main building of the school, having been recently renovated it had many modern design aspects to it that really captivated the eye. With the skylight in the main atrium and light grey walls made it a very open, welcoming area. knowing that at any moment the whole school will be filled with all new furs to meet and talk to, even though he wasn't particularly keen on social interaction with new people, he sat down in the middle of one of the two main hallways preparing himself for the awkwardness he'd probably make when trying to talk to one of his new classmates. 10 minutes passed with Jamey on his new phone when a flood of furs came piling in. Jamey just sat there watching as all these furs were hugging, talking about their summers in some exotic places he could only dream of visiting. After an obviously awkward 5 minutes of just sitting their while everyone had a good time talking, Jamey got up to go drown in his own sorrows already picturing a year of sitting in the corner of the class, not talking to anyone, and just being a plain loner his whole time there.
Jamey put his paws in his hoody, and walked with his head down, hoping that he could just get to his class in peace without making an embarrassment of himself. When he was just about open the door to his class room, he hears a very high voice say "Hi". Not thinking it was directed to him he continues to open the door. Just as he's about to walk in the classroom he hears it again, "Hi". He turns around and it was a very perky, upbeat poodle. She was your run of the mill teenage girl, head fur tied in a ponytail, books in one hand, phone in the other, with the biggest smile I've ever seen in my life. "ugh...H-hi" said Jamey with an expression on his face that you could clearly tell he was extremely nervous. She put a paw out "I'm Molly, its nice to meet you, i'm a senior this year". Jamey shook her paw "umm.. nice to meet you too... I'm J-Jamey". "Well from what i can see you must be new to our school, come here let me introduce you to some other furs". She grabs his paw and starts dragging him to a group of other furs, a very tall, muscular Doberman, another fox about his height, but with a very toned body unlike Jamey's out of shape self, and a short raccoon with a satchel covered all over in buttons and patches. "N-no its fine" said Jamey sheepishly, "Oh Come on they aren't going to bite they're the nicest furs you'll ever meet". They got up to the group and they all looked at Jamey and Molly, with a curios look on their faces. "Hey guys this is Jamey, he's a Junior This year and he's new to the school" Molly said with a lot of enthusiasm in her voice. The tall Doberman approached Jamey first "Hey man, I'm Tyler" they shook paws and Jamey winced in pain from the strong grip of the Dobey's paw. Next was the other fox "Hello my names Clark, its very nice to meet you". The fox gave him a hug which made Jamey uneasy, but gave him a hug back to not be disrespectful. Then came the rather intimidating looking coon. Her head fur was as black as night and had quite a few piercings in her ears, she looked like the kind of kid you'd see on Jerry Springer throwing a chair half way across the studio."Hi, the names Sophie" said the coon with no amusement in her voice what so ever. Jamey just nodded his head to the coon not wanting to put his paw out to shake hers in fear of her doing something out of the ordinary with Jamey's kind gesture. After briefly talking about summer, common interests, you know the normal stuff everyone talks about when they first meet, Jamey left the group waving a paw, walking into the classroom he was walking into earlier before he met the happy, go-lucky poodle. He sat down in a desk in the corner of the classroom right by the window. He checked his phone "ugh another 20 minutes of waiting for class to start". Jamey Looked out the window the whole 20 minutes just watching all the furs walking around going about their usual morning routines that they were accustomed to doing at the school. After 20 minutes furs of all kinds piled into the classroom, chit-chatting and laughing, enjoying their mornings like most people would do. Molly sat in front of him for homeroom and he was kind of happy someone he knew sat next to him, being scared out of his mind he'd be sitting to some dimwitted fur. The homeroom teacher a rather plump cocker spaniel, began a lecture of sorts, directed toward the students. "Hello students my name is Ms. Parker and i will be your homeroom teacher and your english teacher for the next two years, why don't we begin homeroom today with a round of introductions?". The rest of the home room period went on with just about the same introduction from everyone. "My name is Maley, I'm a junior, and for the summer I went to Amphibious Falls in a town called Newton with my family" said a rather jumpy kangaroo, with wire rimmed glasses and pig tails. "My Name is Darren Jake Smith, but you guys can call me Dj. I went to the beach this summer with some friends and basically went to parties the whole summer". Dj was a very extroverted husky, with the usual gray and white fur pattern. He was a lil shorter then all the other huskies but he made up for it in his strength, clearly shown by his giant biceps and sculpted chest. Jamey just sat there the whole time remembering the summer he spent with a very shy, intelligent fox, Mercedes. It was a great summer halfway through, till he broke up with her. He cared for the fox, a great deal, but always felt like something was missing. "Mercedes, I really like being with you, but I can't be with you anymore,we have grown apart and I just want you to find someone better". That ended their 4 month relationship that Jamey felt dragged on for too long. Jamey didn't know what was missing in their relationship but he wanted out. The relationship didn't feel right for Jamey and he couldn't keep leading Mercedes on, having her think that the relationship was all peachy.
The class ended their round of introductions and let Ms. Parker discuss with the students what is to come this year in her class. She mentioned how the class will progress with the essay, the stories we are going to read, and so on. Jamey the whole time looking out the window or staring at the door, ready to bolt out of homeroom at the first second and right before the bell rang to go to our first period of the day, was the moment that would Change Jamey's and a very handsome wolfs life forever.