Pokemon: A Love Story - Chapter 1

Story by Ecliptic on SoFurry

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Chapter 1 of my story 'Pokemon: A Love Story' enjoy!

*Chapter 1 *

The strong sun broke through the trees as it lit up the earth, warming the hearts of every Pokemon it kissed. Groven and Juju retired to her cave for the night to rest up for the following day.

Juju stretched out her body, yawning, her mouth gaped wide to expose her deadly sharp fangs. She sat up, flinching as one of Groven's arms slid off her back. Smiling, Juju leaned her head low to his, watching him as he continued to sleep, feeling herself get all tingly in her stomach. She giggled and stood, careful not to wake him from his peaceful slumber. Her eyes squinted from gazing at the bright green grass outside the cave entrance. She looked up and sniffed the air, moaning gently from gathering the sweet scents of the vegetation around her. A sharp sound alerted her attention, she whipped her head around towards the strange noise, keeping her claws drawn.

"Haha no, it was just a Caterpie, not nearly good enough for my team!" Came a strange voice. Juju's smile turned to a vicious snarl while her pupils pulled tight into sharp slits. She ducked just inside the shadow of the cave, out of sight, watching for whoever spoke. A couple of young trainers walked out into the opening mere feet from the cave. They looked up in the trees, trying to spot wild Pokemon to catch for their teams. One of the trainers had a small blue turtle Pokemon following close behind. Juju focused her attention to the new Pokemon as she tried to understand what it was. The turtle Pokemon looked up at it's trainer as he asked it a question. In return it smiled wide and replied, "Squirtle!"

Juju quickly ran inside the cave, as she approached Groven she let out a thunderous roar of panic and anger. The warning made Groven jump with a start, nearly slashing Juju with his claws in the reaction. He put a hand on her shoulder to show he was sorry before making his way towards the entrance.

"My Squirtle is the best and strongest of all Pokemon!" The trainer bragged.

"Nuh uh! My Pichu is an Electric type so it can easily beat your Squirtle!" Laughed the other one.

Groven smirked at the sight of their Pokemon, getting confident they would leave shortly. The trainer with the Squirtle suddenly looked right at the cave, getting a sly grin on his lips. Turning to the other trainer he said, "hey I bet there's a lot of cool Rock Pokemon in that cave!"

The other trainer looked to the cave, "no I'm pretty sure there are Poison and Dark types in there, it says so in my guide book."

They set off towards the cave at an eager pace, their Pokemon in tow. Groven was alarmed at how his prediction had gone horribly wrong. He quickly shoved Juju out of the way behind a rock and jumped out in front of the trainers, badly startling their Pokemon. Groven growled deep in his throat while slashing with his sharp claws on each hand. He quickly relayed a message to the trainer's Pokemon; "this is our home, leave now or there will be consequences!"

The Pichu ran behind it's trainers leg, shivering in fear. The Squirtle looked over at the Pichu, then back to Groven. It sucked air into it's chest and stepped out in front of them. "Cody no, that Grovyle is too strong, and grass types will hurt you!" Squirtle's trainer tried to interject, only to be ignored.

Groven grinned, taking side steps to the left of the Squirtle, it was the start of a battle. Groven looked back towards the cave and roared low, telling Juju to stay hidden no matter what the outcome. She fought with his words but eventually agreed, ducking behind the rock some more. He looked dead ahead at Cody, the very courageous Squirtle. At once the battle began, Groven charged at the Squirtle, faking a quick left, only to dodge right, landing a powerful Leaf Blade attack to Cody's back, knocking him down. Getting up slowly, the Squirtle kept a close eye on Groven, never moving except for his eyes and head. As Groven made an attempt to attack again, Cody side stepped, raised a blue arm and brought it down hard upon Groven's right side, slashing deep enough to inflict an injury. Furious, Groven stood tall, gathering as much light as it could from the sun's powerful rays. He opened his jaws wide, revealing a bright yellow orb growing the longer he waited. When he couldn't hold it any longer, Groven aimed his mouth towards Cody, and shot the orb at him in a powerful beam. The Solar Beam hit dead-on, sending the Squirtle skidding across the soft earth, before slamming into a tree, dropping fruit all around. Cody huffed with pain, having much difficulty trying to stand after the attack. Groven hissed with his arms crossed, proud of his win. He turned to hide back inside the cave, when the Squirtle gathered all it's energy and stood, letting out a thrilling cry. Groven turned back to see the Squirtle glowing bright white, almost blinding. He gulped, for he knew what was about to come. The Squirtle transformed in that instance, growing several feet taller, with a much larger shell and strong limbs. When the light dimmed, it revealed the Squirtle had evolved into a mighty Wartortle before their eyes. Cody's trainer shouted with delight that his Pokemon got much stronger in mere seconds, making it an even match for Groven.

"You can do it Cody, show that Grovyle who's boss!" He cheered.

Winking, the Wartortle looked at Groven, grinning evilly as he started to step closer to the Grovyle. Cody tucked itself inside it's shell, spinning at a break-neck speed, aiming right for Groven. Stunned, Groven quickly dodged the attack, only to get a face full of dirt as the Wartortle aimed at the ground, battering Groven with chunks of soil and rocks. A heavy rock slammed down on Groven's tail, pinning him in place. Growling with pleasure, Cody took this to his advantage, jumping high in the air, coming down hard with his head glowing bright white; Skull Bash. The attack hit Groven directly in the middle of his back, leaving him temporarily paralyzed. He groaned a cry of agony, looking briefly towards the cave where Juju was hidden, knowing she was in as much pain watching as he was physically. The Wartortle cackled triumphantly, sucking in air once again to fill it's chest for a finishing Bubble attack. In that split second, Juju rocketed out of her hiding place, grabbing onto Cody with her dangerous claws. She looked the Wartortle dead in his eyes before opening her massive maw to unleash a scorching Flamethrower all over his face and torso. Cody roared as her flames engulfed his body, leaving burns all over his arms and legs. She stood in a dangerous position in front of Groven, swearing to protect him. Groven softly chimed at her, saying he told her to keep herself hidden from harm. She replied in kind, saying she couldn't bear another second of him suffering. Not paying attention, the now angry Wartorle gripped her arms in a death-lock. She looked into his eyes, knowing she was about to lose. He opened his mouth and spilled thousands of giant bubbles directly at her head and chest. His attack lasted just ten seconds, but felt like an eternity for Juju and Groven; watching in horror. Juju went limp, being knocked out by the vicious attack as it was super effective, and too over-powering. Groven exploded the rock with a violent Solar Beam, sending shards flying in all directions, pelting Cody and Juju accidentally. He dropped Juju hard on the ground, raising his arms to block the on-coming harassment.

"You went TOO FAR!" Groven roared as he fought off tears.

He once again charged at Cody, faking a move to hit him on his side. Cody sensed this would happen and reacted before Groven could correct himself. The Wartortle slashed at Groven's neck, narrowly missing, just clipping his chest. He fell to his knees, shaking and battered, on the edge of defeat. Groven looked towards Juju, who was now just getting her consciousness back, and back at Cody, feeling defeat approaching fast he did the only thing he could. Groven ran behind Juju, getting back on his knees and stretching himself over her body, providing a protective shield should the Wartortle attack again. Cody stopped for a moment, then shook his head violently before charging with a hand raised.

"No, Stop!" His trainer shouted, making Cody lose his balance and turn back, annoyed.

"We can catch those two and use them on our team!" The other trainer said.

Groven felt tears blur his eyes as his mind raced with hundreds of thoughts. He couldn't live without Juju, she was his soul mate, his heartbeat, his life. She knew what he was thinking, for she too began to cry and licked his arm.

Cody's trainer threw a Pokeball towards Groven, which he easily smacked away, growling viciously. He tried to pull Juju onto his back to take her into their cave. The trainer then decided to aim for Juju as she was the most injured of the two. He again threw the Pokeball, hitting Juju on the nose, which made the ball hover in mid-air before opening and taking Juju inside with a flash of light, falling to the ground. Groven roared with saddened horror, he grasped the Pokeball and angrily slammed it on the ground in an attempt to break it open. Cody ran and tackled Groven hard, throwing him down with ease. His trainer then brought out another Pokeball and threw it at Groven. Realizing the good it would bring to keep them together longer, he did nothing, letting the Pokeball wiggle and click to indicate he was captured, just like it did with Juju. Groven didn't know that Juju managed to break out of her Pokeball from it being damaged by Groven's actions. Satisfied with his catch, Cody's trainer let his friend capture Juju.


After a short stop for lunch, the trainers let out Juju and Groven for some air. Juju quickly ran over to Groven, grasping him in a tight hug. The two trainers didn't seem to like their actions, Cody's trainer ordered him to shove Juju off Groven, which severely angered him into attacking. The trainer then realized Groven was too wild and dangerous to keep, so he ordered that the Grovyle leave and go back to where it belonged.

As the trainers went to leave, Groven stayed close behind, cooing softly to Juju that he would find her, and bring her back to their forest home some day. He would never stop following her until the end of his time, or Pokemon time.

************************* Chapter 1 of 'Pokemon: A Love Story' Enjoy!

Pokemon: A Love Story - Chapter 2

**Chapter 2 ** Lightning struck a tree just off the path, creating an ear-splitting explosion of sound. Groven ducked, wincing as his hands flew up to cover his ears. Shards of wood were thrown in each direction, some hitting Groven, knocking him...

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Pokemon: A Love Story - Prologue

**Prologue ** _Calm, dark, and silent. That was how it always was in Eterna Forest. Home to several species of bug Pokemon, and other various small mammal Pokemon, trainers rarely visited. The forest always seemed to have a shadowy atmosphere....

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