Parent-Teacher Meet
#3 of The Rose Garden
Sorry for the delay on posting, school is a pain in the tail and gets in the way of stuff. Here is the third chapter of The Rose Garden and soon Ch. 3 of Black Death will be done as well.
Here we have Kyle waking up and soon returning home with Cecil and talking with his parents.
~~~~~Kyle's POV~~~~~
I slowly awoke. I felt slight pain all over my body. It hurt to move anything. I slowly opened my eyes to figure out where I was. I notice that I'm in a bedroom, a very nice one. It's got the basics: bed, dresser, closet, TV, even a desk. But they were all high quality. The bed I was in was easily king-sized, with fine, silk like covers and cloud-like pillows. The dresser and desk were made of the same finished and expensive-looking dark wood. The TV was a large flat-screen hanging on the wall. The closet door was open showing its empty inside.
I also noticed that I wasn't the only one in the room. Laying right beside me was Cecil. He was asleep and purring softly. He looked so peaceful, and if I wasn't confused at what happened I would have left him as he was, and likely have joined him. Instead, I though waking him would help in finding some answers.
"Cecil... Cecil, please wake up." I said in his ear softly while nudging his shoulder. His eye flickered a bit, followed by a soft, toothy yawn. He looked so cute like that. Once he finished, he opened his eyes, and once they found me, he jumped up.
"Kit, you're up. Oh, thank god. You had us worried." He said while he restrained himself from hugging my bruised body.
"Cecil, what happened? I don't really remember." I asked him.
"I don't know, kit. I come back and find you all bruised and bloody. When I saw you, I grabbed you and ran to Necross. I got him to drive back here while I tended to you in the back seat. You were really roughed up kit. I did what I could. You're not bleeding anymore, you have only slight pain, and most of your body should be fine." He stated to me with a sincere smile.
"Tha... Thank you, Cecil. I really appreciate your help." I told him and threw myself at him, ignoring the pain and gave him a hug as tears flowed from my eyes. "But how did you fix me up, and where are we?" I asked.
"Hehe. You're welcome, Kyle. There was no way I would have left you like that. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to tell you how I did it unless Ryker says I can. And we're at my house, one of the guest bedrooms to be exact." He told me while softly returning my hug. I looked up and him and asked, "Ryker?"
"My mate, well, one of them actually. You should really meet him, I think you'd really like each other." He answered. I looked at him with disbelief.
"One of? You have two mates? But isn't that illegal or something?" I stammer out, completely confused by this.
"Normally I think so, but Ryker's a bit special. He can get away with some stuff like that, and a whole lot more if he wanted to." He says with a smile and hint of admiration.
"You should know kit, you've been asleep for a while, and it's already Saturday morning. I tried to call your parents, but they didn't answer. I take you home after lunch. We'll likely have to explain why you've been gone for so long.-" he was interrupted before he could finish by the door opening. A snow white rabbit walked in. He looked at both of us before smiling kindly as walking up to Cecil.
"Hey Hun" he said, his voice was so softly and kind, "I just finished breakfast and was coming in to see if you two were up." He looked at me and smiled kindly.
"Thanks babe. Kyle this is my first mate, Snow. Snow, this is Kyle, one of my students and GSA members." Cecil said, introducing us to each other.
"Well, nice to meet you Kyle, though the circumstances could be better." he said the latter half jokingly while extending his paw to me.
"Nice to meet you too, Snow. Thank you for having me here." I reply, shaking his paw.
"You gave us a scare you know, I think that was maybe the fourth time that Cecil has ever yelled at me. When I heard what happened, I felt so terrible for you. No one should ever go through what you did. Listen to us, talking about all this depressing stuff. Come on, I've got hot breakfast already set out for the three of us." Snow said, ushering us toward the door.
We walk down a hall decorated by pictures of Cecil and Snow, as well as some odd looking wolf. We walk into the small dining room where three sets of food were placed. Cecil and Snow both took their seat while I took the third seat with food in front of it. I looked at the food before me and my eyes widened.
There were scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, and waffles. My stomach gave a groan of protest, showing its dislike of me only looking at the food. I grabbed my fork and spoon and dug in, letting my hunger control me. Cecil and Snow both laughed softly at my actions, but I didn't hear them, I was too focused on the food.
"Kyle, calm down. You'll chock yourself at this rate." Cecil says as he grabs my wrist, snapping me out of my feeding frenzy.
"S-Sorry, I was just hungry." I say softly, embarrassed at myself for acting like that.
"It's understandable kit, just slow down. Food is always better savored and with conversation then wolfed down like that." He said and released my wrist.
"Well, kit, as I was saying before. We're gonna have to take you home and tell your parent what happened." Cecil says. I choke on the food in my maw, swallowing it before replying.
"Are you insane? I can't do that! That would mean telling them about the club and why I was there. I can't do that. I know they'll freak and yell at me." I shout at him as I stand up, before realizing how inappropriate that was and quickly sitting back down embarrassed.
"Kit, you know this talk was bound to happen at some point. It's only now you have to add a beating into the mix. But don't worry so much. You're not going in alone, I'll be there too. Not just as a teacher and the one that helped you, but as a friend too. I'll be there when you tell them. If they really do try and attack you, I'll defend you, no matter what." Cecil tells me, growing more serious as he spoke.
"Hun, should I go too?" Snow asks.
"No, it's best if only I go. Your presence would only give them more reason to be angry at us." Cecil tells him, a hint of sadness obvious in his voice.
"Ok, I wish you two luck, then." Snow says as he grabs all three plates and walks off to the kitchen.
~~~~~Cecil's POV~~~~~
We pull up to the front of Kyle's house. It was a quiet ride. Kyle was too nervous about his parents to even speak. I was worried but let him sit and think on the topic. He was still a little rough looking, but nothing compared to what he was like before.
We both exited the car and walked up to the front door. You could tell how nervous and uncomfortable Kyle was in slowness of his pace and the shaking he made. I wasn't feeling much better by watching him so I turned away from him and reached for the doorbell as we gave up to the door
I rested my right paw on Kyle's right shoulder as the door opened. A tall vixen opened the door. Her well-groomed, red-orange fur shone brightly in the sunlight that fell upon her. She looked down at Kyle then to me, and back to Kyle again. She had a scowl on her face as she spoke to him, demeaningly too.
"Where have you been young man?" she said, not even seeming to care for his roughed up appearance.
"S-s-sorry mother." Kyle replied meekly, his ears swiveled back and against his skull. Before he tried to continue, I decided to speak up, getting her attention.
"He was with me Mrs. Justine. I'm his new teacher. I took over for Mr. Dalron. My name's Cecil Rose." I say, removing my paw from Kyle's shoulder and extending it to her. She looks to me and takes my paw, shaking it softly.
"Well, why was he with a teacher like you and not home last night? She asked, letting go of my paw and leaning against the door frame.
"Well, I would prefer to tell you why inside, and with your husband present too." I say, moving behind Kyle and placing my paws on his shoulders. "And Kyle will be adding to it as well."
"Fine. Please come in then." She says, moving aside and allowing us in. We walk over to the living room where another fox, a male that I assume to be the kit's father, is sitting down watching the news.
He turned to us as we walked in, looking us over before muting the tv and leaning forward a bit. "I thank you for bringing my son back. May I ask your name?" he asks.
"My name is Cecil Mr. Justine. I'm Kyle's new teacher. He was with me last night after an incident yesterday." I said as I walked Kyle over for us to sit on their couch.
"Incident? What happened to Kyle?" he asked.
"Well, sir, Kyle here was attacked in my classroom when he was helping me clean up the room from the afterschool club, which he attended." I summarized for them.
"What? How could you let this happen?" his mother asked me, showing some surprise.
"I'm sorry, but this happened when I left him alone to use the restroom. The attackers were already gone by the time I returned." I explained to her.
"What sort of club were you hosting in which Kyle would be attacked afterwards?" his father asked me.
~~~~~Kyle's POV~~~~~
"I think it would be best if Kyle told you that for himself sir." Cecil said to my father before all of their eyes fell on me. I had been quiet this whole time for a reason. My stomach felt like it was in knots and my throat was dry as a desert. I was shaking slightly too. I really wasn't looking forward to this at all.
"W-w-w-well, i-i-it was a G-G-GSA club." I stutter out. Cecil reaches over to hold me against his side.
"GSA? As in Gay-Straight Alliance?" my father asked, to which I folded my ears and Cecil nodded calmly.
"Yes sir. I was given approval by the principal and yesterday was out first meeting." he said. How can he be so calm about this?
"And why would my son be in a club full of fag!" my mother said. Her tone and words made tears well up in my eyes.
"Mrs. Justine. The GSA is a meeting of all orientations." Cecil stated.
"I don't care you homo! Kyle will not be associating with you're kind anymore. I forbid him from going." My father stated angrily. He was staring at Cecil with hate clear in his eye. I have to do something.
Cecil opened his mouth to speak again, but before he said anything, I spoke up. "Our." I said softly, but still loud enough that everyone could hear me.
"What did you say?" my mother asked.
"I-I-I s-said our. O-our kind."
My parents looked at each other, holding some silent conversation between themselves, before my dad stood up and walked up to us. "Get out." he said between clenched teeth.
"But dad I-" I started to protest, but my father stopped me by punching my muzzle. I could feel that he didn't hold back. The sudden action and surprise of it all knocked me flat.
The impacts of the fist and floor, combined with my already injured body made my vision blur and the room to spin. The last things I heard before losing consciousness again were Cecil yelling my name and a grunt of yip of pain from my father.