I'm Dieing and You Don't Even Care? Chapter 2
This is the second Chapter guys! Sorry It took a while to get this one up...forgive me!
Elizabeth woke up in a hospital bed. Her arm and half her face numb...completely. With an I-V in her arm she listened for any sounds in the room. She quickley realized that nobody else was in there with her. She put her feet on the floor and held onto her I-V cart while she tried to stand. Her legs shook from not standing for a while and found her walking stick.
She felt her way through the room and went to the door. Opening it easily she walked through and a nurse stoped her. "Elizabeth you need to get back in your bed." She said while escourting her back in her room. "Do you need anything?" She asked. "Yes...W-where are my parents?" Elizabeth asked weakly. "They-They arn't here at the moment." She said quieter. "Their not coming back are they?" She said crossed and saddened.
"No...their not." The nurse said. "They told us that they just weren't interested in having a child that was blind and had scourch bur-" She stopped there knowing that she had said to much already. "Scourch Burns?" Elizabeth said. Feeling her face, the nurse was right where there had been fur was burnt skin. "Ow!" she said. "They never liked me..." she thought.
"Umm...Miss Elizabeth? You might as well know that the fire had a bad effect on your lungs and they no longer work on their own...You are under going surgury on Monday this week." She said and then Elizabeth heard the door shut. "Surgury? But today's Sunday."