Frozen Silence, Part two

Story by KitaneVanHellsing on SoFurry

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Apologies for the long wait! I've been busy with school and have barely had time to work on this part, so it may be a little choppy near the end. Forgive me if it is, and thank you for being patient. ~Kitane

Pulling into the airport and finding a parking spot, he gently shakes Kitane's shoulder to wake her. "We're here." He smiled. She groans softly as she stretches, her eyes opening and looking around. "Let's get the guys before they think we ditched 'em." He chuckled. She nods and steps out of the car, closing the door behind her and smiling at him over the top of the car. Locking the car, he smiles at her and both of them walk for the entrance, paw in paw. She leans her head on his shoulder, a smile tugging at the corners of her muzzle and a light sigh escaping from her. "It's been a while since we last saw the guys." Atticus says, putting an arm around her and pulling her closer as they walked into the airport.

"It sure has been." She says with a light smile. "I wonder how they've been." She says with a chuckle and a slight shake of her head. "Trouble seems to follow all of us at some point. Especially since that fight five years ago." She says the last sentence with a light shiver and a grimace. Having escaped Death's vice-like grip twice, her eyes had become whiter than before, seeming to shine like pure silver in near any light. The marking on her left forearm throbbed a little, but she didn't pay any attention to it at the moment. Her demon was wanting to take her will and crush it like it was nothing. It was a good thing that Zephyr had taught her how to control her demon all those years ago, or she might not have escaped from Death the second time. All most as soon as the demonic marking had stopped throbbing, the vampiric marking on her neck throbbed. The marking at her neck symbolized that she was part of the VanHellsing clan. The name of her family. Of the man who tried to destroy her. Of who she had killed in order to escape from danger. Blinking several times, she shakes her head and stares straight ahead, the scars on her muzzle standing out clearly. With every battle, she bore the scars and markings proudly, even if there were some that she had lost. Not every battle could have been won, she knew that for a fact. Keeping her head against Atticus' shoulder, she clears all thought from her head at the moment, only looking around when they stopped at the place the others would be getting off. Several people flood past them, but three stand out clearly and a smirk crosses her muzzle. "Zephyr, Lokyar and Warren." She says, flicking her ears. All most as if they'd heard their names, they spot Kitane and Atticus, moving quickly to join up with them. It was only a matter of minutes before they got to the couple patiently waiting.

"Kitane! Atticus!" Zephyr exclaims, setting down his luggage. "It's been quite a while." He grinned.

"It sure has. You three look a little different from the last time we saw you." Kitane says, looking at each of them in turn.

"I can't get over the fact that your fur has changed. From slate grey to black, and the spots have switched to that grey." Zephyr mumbles, inspecting the odd switch of colors.

"I actually like the change." Atticus admitted, keeping his face upturned a little. At this, she nudges him with her hips and laughs.

"I like it also. It happens when you escape Death as many times as I do." She smiles after containing her little laughing fit. She hides a slight grimace from a strange pain in her chest, continuing to smile at her re-united friends. "Let's get back to the house, we can catch up there." She suggests, her ears twitching slightly as she glances over her shoulder. Something felt off to her and she didn't want to keep everyone here if something or someone was here. Apparently Atticus felt it too because he nodded slightly, agreeing with her fully. The group of five leave the airport and squeeze into the car, the space in the back not too small but just enough. A wave of uneasiness falls over Kitane and she fidgets a bit in her seat, staring out the window as they head back to the house. After a while of uneasy sleep, she jolts awake, a wave of panic overwhelming her senses. "Atticus." She says suddenly. By now, everyone but Atticus were looking at her since he was driving. "Stop the car." She hissed softly, a shiver running through her. Giving her a sideways glance, he turns on the hazard lights and pulls off to the side of the road.

"What's the matter?" He asked, turning off the car and looking at her. She stares out the windshield, her white eyes wide, some fear showing in them. He shakes her lightly and she jumps a bit.

"Something's here. Danger is eminent.." She prophesied, her ears pinning back. Atticus looks back at the others and shrugged slightly. Putting a paw on her shoulder, he nods a little.

"We'll go home where it's safe until said danger passes." He starts the car and turns the hazard lights off, pulling back onto the road. After another thirty minutes of driving, Kitane perks up, her ears forward and a soft growl escaping her throat. She opens her mouth to say something but freezes, the semi barreling down the road right for them with the driver dead at the wheel. The only thing that comes from her is a squeak as she nudges Atticus, who had been looking at her for a few minutes. "Shit!" He grunts, snapping his attention on what's happening trying his best to get out of the way, but instead flipping the car. They land in the ditch as the semi had jackknifed, flipping over but stopping mere feet away from them. Sirens could be heard as cars behind them called for help, most of them panicking or wailing for the dead few.