The Wolf and the tavern
Commission for Pig Fly high
Lawrence/Holo/Weiss are from the Serie Spice and Wolf (Characters were created by Isuna Hasekura)
There it was, the tavern he used to go; Lawrence looked at it with a smile. The familiar memories were flowing, bringing a smile to his lips; maybe it was only the memories, or maybe it was linked to the fact that he would soon enjoy a good drink after such a hard bargaining day. After all, it wasn't so easy to get these new clothes for Horo and to sell back the other clothes without losing too much. «Shouldn't we be getting in? I would like to get a drink...»
«No need to rush, Holo; liquor will still be there when we enter and when we will leave the place. Like that crate of apples...»
He barely had time to finish that phrase before she hit him in the stomach; it's true he teased her quite a few times today with her quest to eat twenty apples a day and that she didn't really enjoyed it. But again, she didn't hit as hard as she used to do; maybe it was linked to the fact to the fact to the grabbed the ¨tail of fortune¨, something he was just beginning to understand. He opened the door for her, even though she didn't ask it; she was still surprised that he would do such things for her, without being asked. Maybe he was harder to read then she though, or maybe it was something else... The tavern was the same as he remembered it; the comforting smell, the reassuring look... event the old shopkeeper was still there, serving his homemade ale. But one had to be careful with him; he was a sharp merchant, able to charge more to customers without them even realising it. The tricks weren't what Lawrence was after; they were good for uncaring customers, but to seasoned merchants, this was child play.
«You sure took your time; was the business that bad? Or did you had to escape from a swindled customer?»
Weiss was looking at them, slurring his words a little bit; seems like he enjoyed the local specialities before they arrived. But it also seemed like that he wasn't able to set himself a limit...
«Trading is not like money changing; the finesses of bargaining, the art of negotiation s something that can't be put on the same level as the simple act of changing currencies; where are the skill? The potential? The dangers of dealing with new clients? Where is the thrill?...»
Lawrence wanted to continue, but Weiss attention wasn't focused on him; he tried grabbing him, thinking he was ignoring him on purpose, but it was clear that the money dealer had his eyes and mind set on something else than a discussion of his profession; he was staring at Holo, contemplating her, unable to talk for a moment, but his nature wasn't the same anymore. From the timid man he used to be, he was now a confident, boisterous speaker, confidence that came from the ale he ingested; the transformation was fascinating, even a little frightening, for he seemed like he was about to speak his mind on a matter that would have kept him quiet... Lawrence and Holo looked at him, wondering what he was going to say; the words of a drunken man could be wise or mean, depending off his mood...
«Oh Lady Holo, the glitter of lumione gold is no match in front of your beauty; I could be the richest trader in the world and yet, my life would be pointless without your presence. Gold, silver, copper... the element I traded and accumulated over the years are worthless in comparison of your grace and elegance. Only a fool wouldn't trade it all for the chance to hold your hands, once again...»
Holo looked at him; she thought he was playing a game, like she was, but he seemed like liquor made his intentions quite clear... and it confused her. This wasn't a situation she was expecting, or really desired...
«The balance in my heart will never be in place, as long as you stay away from me; I am a mere peddler of vulgar metals, but, I can...»
Weiss didn't have time to finish his phrase, stumbling on his feet before falling on the ground, the alcohol finally winning the battle against him. His fall brought temporary attention on them, attention that soon vanished as the crowd realised there was nothing to gain nor to observe in the moment.
«Barkeep, could you bring this man to a room? Seems like he had too much to drink and he would benefit from a good rest...» «You seem to care a lot about him, even though he made a complete fool of himself»
«Sometime, making a fool of yourself is a way, like any other, to express what the heart desires; what it strives can make people do things out of theirs control...»
She seemed puzzled; the explanation given by Lawrence wasn't enough for her, nor was it really the one she wanted to hear... it didn't explain why Weiss wasn't playing their little game anymore.
«I thought he was playing; why did change his mind?» «Even though you are the wise wolf, there are things that can't be read nor fully understood in life; Weiss played your game, but a small part of him wanted that game to be true... That desire was enough for a fantasy to life, a fantasy that only needed a fuel to express itself...»
«So you are telling me that when I'm playing games with you, there is a part of you that would want these to be real?»
He looked at for a moment, taking his moment to think thing overs; he didn't want to give a hasty answer, but it wasn't in his intention to give her the exact answer she wanted to hear... or did he? After all, why should he really care about the meaningless power of these words? He chuckled; his own situation made him laugh, but made Holo curious on the reason of his laughter; after all, there were no apparent reason for him to laugh...
«I suppose it's a possibility I can't ignore nor dismiss»
He looked around, searching for something, but finding nothing; after all, he was here to drink, but his event was ruined by Weiss...
«I suppose we should get going; we have a lot of road to cover before reaching the next town»
Holo looked at him, grabbed his hand and smiled; seemed like Lawrence wasn't afraid of accepting the tail of fortune, anymore...