Serena's Travels 1 - Prologue

Story by SoniaStrummFan217 on SoFurry

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This is a story idea I've had floating around in my mind the past couple of days. I've wanted to do one like it for a while now, but could never really get the inspiration I needed to get it going. But, I recently watched an anime series called "One Off", and it gave me the inspiration I'd been looking for. :) It reminded me how much I love scooters, and how much I would like to be able to have one and go on a long trip. One of the main characters in "One Off" has a scooter which I used as a type of model for this one. Mainly just the color and how to draw the handlebars and stuff. The girl in the picture, Serena, was also partially influenced by one of the characters of "One Off", in the sense that she has shortcut brown hair. The helmet makes it hard to tell, but I actually used the same style for her bangs that Sonia Strumm does, and part of the design of her hair was influenced by my OC, Nya. :) Her scooter also has the same double heart decal that's featured on Sonia Strumm's guitar, and I added a sakura flower decal as well. :)

This is the prologue for the first of what I hope to be many stories featuring my OC, Serena, and her scooter as they travel on. :) Look forward to chapter 1 being ready soon^_^.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you could fly? What would you do if you could? Would you let yourself continue to be grounded? Or would you spread your wings and really fly free? I asked myself that for a long time. When I'm like this, on the road, I really feel as if I'm flying. Watching as cars, houses, fields, trees, flowers, animals, and so much more pass by as I allow myself to be free and go wherever it is the road takes me.

My name is Serena. When I was little, I always dreamt about seeing the world outside of the small town where I lived. A lot of kids my age told me that it was a silly dream. Simply traveling to see what's out there. Was it really? For a time, I let myself believe that. Then, one day, a man riding a motorcycle rode into town. He seemed kind of scary at first, but then I got a chance to speak with him. He was totally different than I thought. Not the least bit scary once I saw him smile. He listened to my dreams about someday leaving town and going out to see the world. I told him about what other people in town thought about it, and how I wasn't sure I could ever make my dream come true. That day, he said something to me that's stuck with me all these years; "You won't know until you try. Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality". I was sad to see him leave, but what he said to me that day stuck to my heart, and gave me the strength I needed to achieve my dream.

I'm 18 years old now. Fresh out of high school. After all those years, here I am now. Riding down the road on my scooter, going wherever it is the road takes us. On a journey, seeing the wonderful and beautiful sights the world has to offer. Who knows where I'm going to wind next. Who I'll meet, what I'll see, but one thing is for sure; I can't wait to find out.