My Furry Valentine Ch. 5

Story by Renaki on SoFurry

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#13 of Silver the Renamon (stories included: How I Met Silver & Merry Christmas, Silver!)

Ch. 5 (Arousing Suspicions and Keeping Secrets) One morning, three days before Valentine's Day, I was outside looking for Silver. "Hey, Silver! Where are you?" I called for the umpteenth time. I almost gave up until... "You called, Lisa?" I turned around and noticed Silver standing right behind me. I gave her a half-smile. "Oh. There you are." She walked over to me, her footsteps producing a staccato beat on the pavement. She gave me a worried look. "You look upset. Is something troubling you?" she asked, her voice as gentle as always. My heart started racing. 'All right, Lisa.' I thought to myself. 'Just tell her what's on your mind...' Silver broke my thoughts. "Lisa?" I quickly shook my head. "Mm...huh?" "I asked if there was anything troubling you. You're not yourself this morning." 'Tsk. Speak for yourself.' I took a deep breath before I spoke my mind. "Actually Silver...something is bugging me. It's you." She gave a blank stare. "Me? What have I done?" I sighed heavily, knowing this wasn't gonna go well. "That's just it. You haven't been doing anything with me for the past few days. It's always been with Maliha and Tayla. I mean, spending time with them is fine, seeing as you haven't seen 'em in God knows how long, but I just feel like you've been neglecting me. It hurts, and..." ooo Silver's POV ooo 'Oh, my...this isn't good.' My mind was spinning as Lisa continued her long list of complaints. 'Lisa's never been this straight forward towards me. Perhaps I should tell her what's going on...' I then felt the mental presence of Maliha and Tayla behind me. 'No, Silver!' Tayla said. 'You mustn't!' 'Yeah! You're on a mission, remember?' Maliha reminded me. 'You're right...' I told them. 'I must keep a cool head about this.' - ooo Normal POV ooo "Hello! Earth to Silver, are you listening to me?" I asked. I noticed Silver's tail twitching back and forth, as if she were thinking about something else. I tried again. "Silver!?" I nearly shouted, narrowing my eyes suspiciously. She blinked. "Hmm...what did you say?" My face turned chalk white as I stared at her, completely dumbfounded by her actions. 'She...she didn't even hear a word I said...' I quickly turned away from her, my body shaking with oncoming sobs. Silver gently placed a paw on my shoulder. "Lisa...I-." she started, but I sharply cut her off. "Just, forget it, okay?!" I snapped icily. Not knowing what else to do, I ran away from her, both in frustration and confusion. I didn't even stop when she called out my name. Fresh tears streamed down my face as I rushed pass Edwardia and Luna, who I know were staring at me with worried looks. - ooo Edwardia's POV ooo "Woah, what was that all about?" I thought aloud. "I don't know..." Luna replied looking at Silver, who was kneeling down on the ground in frustration. "But I think we may have missed something..." she looked up at me. "I'll talk to Silver and try to find out what's going on, while you handle Lisa, ok?" I nodded. "Yeah; besides, I have a feeling where she went..." Luna leapt off my shoulder as I ran off in the opposite direction. - ooo Luna's POVooo "Silver!" I ran over to her. When I got there, I noticed two other Renamon had appeared behind her, placing their paws on her back. "Silver, what's going on? Lisa just ran down the street crying..." "I know..." Silver said silently. "I'm afraid it's my fault..." the Renamon with the metal arm explained. Silver shook her head. "No, was my idea." Silver responded sadly. I cocked my head. "Will someone tell me what's going on?" The other Renamon, with the yin-yang necklace around her neck, looked back at Silver. When she nodded, she cleared her throat. "Well, since you are one of Lisa's friends, you deserve the right to know. It all started when..." ooo Change in POV ooo Later that afternoon, I was in the woods behind my house, sitting down on the ground. My head was lowered on top of my legs, with my arms folded in sadness. I wasn't crying anymore, but I just didn't feel like looking at anything or anyone. "Lisa..." a voice suddenly called out. Then I felt a hand touch my back. "Lisa, what's wrong?" I only shook my head, not making any eye contact. "C'mon, Lisa...I've known you for twelve years, you should be able to tell me anything." I finally looked up when that was said; Edwardia was looking down at me with a concerned look on her face. " can tell me." she begged. I sighed, and then motioned her to come closer. She sat down next to me, and I started talking to her about what happened over the past few days, nearly breaking down as I finished. "So...that's how it was..." I replied after wiping a few tears from my eyes, my eyes still red and puffy from crying. She nodded after getting a full understanding, and then a playful smirk came across her face. I noticed this. "What's so funny?" I said, my voice tightening a little. "Lisa, you know Silver would never ignore you. You're her partner and she loves you. Maybe the reason she didn't hear you earlier was she just had something on her mind." "Oh what?" I scoffed unhappily. "Well...maybe she wants to do something for you..." I looked up at her. "You think so?" "I don't know, but you never can tell in the playing field of love." I blinked at her. "Aw, damn...I didn't even think of that. And I was so mean to Silver when she didn't even do anything wrong..." I bit my bottom lip, realizing my mistake. "Maybe you should-." Edwardia stopped short as soon as she realized I wasn't there anymore. "Apologize." she finished. 'My work here is done.' she thought with a smile. - ooo Luna's POVooo "So that's what happened..." I said after getting a full understanding of Maliha and Tayla's story. "Yes." Tayla replied. "But I'm afraid things may have gone too far-." "SILVER!!" a familiar voice cried. "Huh?" we all looked up and saw Lisa running towards us, with Edwardia not too far behind. "Well, that was faster than expected..." I thought aloud as Silver was quickly embraced by her tamer. "Silver...I'm so sorry..." she cried, tears streaming down her face. "Lisa..." her emerald eyes bulged in surprise, and then became gentle as she slowly returned the embrace. "It's alright..." she whispered softly, stroking her raven hair. "I've already forgiven you..." Everyone watched the scene, with love in their hearts. 'Man...Edwardia sure has a way with words...' I thought to myself. - ooo Normal POV ooo After things had calmed down, the rest of the gang had left, leaving us alone. We spent the rest of the day, just doing the things we love together. I started to ask Silver if she was planning something...but I decided against it. However, there was something else on my mind. - "Hey, Silver?" "What is it?" she asked. "Did you know that was our first official argument?" "Yeah...but it just made making up all the sweeter." "I agree." I paused. "But..." "But what?" "Do you think we can keep that a secret from mom? You know we'll never live it down if she finds out." I smiled pleadingly at her. She chuckled gently. "Of course. It'll be our little secret." she whispered as she kissed my forehead. We stayed in our position until the sun set over the horizon. * * *

Tayla: My, that was close. But what will happen between our favorite pair next? To find out, read Chapter 6 of My Furry Valentine! End of Chapter 5