Future Nightmare Company episode sneak peek.

Story by Wolf Trooper on SoFurry

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What you're about to read is a sneak peek to a Nightmare Company episode a wrote a while back. With the delay of Nightmare Company episode one part three, I'd thought I'd post this. So enjoy and comment!

Date: April 12th, 2026 Location: Washington D.C.

The rain was pouring down hard in the spring thunderstorm. Other than the street lights and the occasional flash of lightning, it was dark. The storm raged on the busy city of Washington D.C. as the gusty wind howled blowing the storm across the city. Jason Stryker was staring outside the window of the hotel room at the cold rain drenched apartment building a few hundred meters from his position trying to understand how he was brought there. He didn't want to be there; he didn't want this job. He especially didn't want to do what he was about to do. He sat on the bed clutching his head between his paws holding back the building urge to cry.

Those motherfucking bastards! he screamed in his mind. Why are they doing this to me!

It was no use though. He had been forced into a deal he had no choice but to accept. He stared outside of the lonely cold room at the wet soggy street. He tried very hard to get a grip on himself but this task proved impossible. He laid down on the bed hoping this was all a horrific nightmare and he would wake up soon. But this wasn't a dream. He was in a position that he couldn't escape from. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, he sat up and checked his watch.

8:00 p.m. It read.

He felt his throat dry up as he saw this. He looked at the very end of the bed. On the corner on the bed was a very large case wrapped in birthday gift wrapping paper. It looked like a simple gift and the person who brought it up had told the receptionist they were window sheets for a traveling architect. However this was only a ruse, Jason knew what was in that case and in about ten minutes, he was going to do the most unthinkable thing ever. He could do nothing about it too.

You know the consequences if you fail! a voice rang in the back of his head.

Angered, Jason got up and grabbed a bottle of sparkling grape juice on the TV counter and took a large swing. The grape juice actually came from a first class vineyard in New Jersey. It was sent as a "gift" for his forced participation. Unfortunately for Jason, it was non alcoholic .

"Can't have you drinking on the job" they said.

Jason guzzled down the bottle and slammed it hard on the counter top almost shattering the glass bottle.

"Didn't even have the damn common courtesy to give me something alcoholic!" he practically shouted to himself. He then looked back at his watch.

8:07 p.m. He had only three more minutes.

Furious and angered, he approached the birthday wrapped case and started to peel off the paper rather quickly. Underneath the wrapping paper was a rather large cardboard box which was secured firmly with masking tape. Using a box cutter knife he was told to bring with him, he carefully slit the edges of the tape carefully opening the box. Inside, carefully protected with packing foam, was a M24 sniper rifle chambered in 7.62x51 NATO. The rifle came with a bipod and one bullet. To help him aim in the rain, it had been fitted with a thermal imaging scope. He had been told by them that the scope had already been sighted in. Sighing sadly, Stryker examined it to make sure there were no faults, he proceeded to load the rifle with the single bullet they had given him! They said this was done to be sure he did the job properly. Stryker personally thought they did it so when he did what they told him to do he wouldn't be able to kill himself afterward. Once he had everything prepared he checked his watch again.

8:10 p.m. It was time!

Swallowing hard, Jason picked up the rifle carefully practicing excellent trigger discipline; keeping his finger off the trigger. He headed for the hotel room balcony opening up the slide door letting in the rain and wind. He stepped outside letting the rain wash his fur with its cold touch. He scanned the apartment building with the rifle's scope. He was looking for the first room to the right on the second floor. After scanning for a couple of moments sure enough, he found it. Also standing outside on the apartment's balcony unaware of the danger coming his way, was the person Jason had been ordered to kill.

Jason, taking a deep breath, unfolded the bipod and gently placed it on the balcony rail making sure it would fall off. Then clutching the rifle and pressing the butt of the rifle against his right shoulder, he took aim zooming the crosshairs in on the would-be target's chest.

Jason was shaking violently. He was short of breath. If it wasn't for the rain, you would see the tears in his eyes. He had to fight to keep the rifle steady and make sure the crosshairs stayed on the target. He re aimed again and this time, he held still. With the crosshairs zeroed in on the target, he placed his finger gently on the M24's trigger. Now was the moment of truth.

Stryker had to fight hard. His thoughts were racing through his head.

Why me? he pleaded in his mind Why are they forcing me to do this!

He gave a small sad whimper.

I can't do this! I can't! he screamed in his mind. But then he remembered something.

You know the consequences if you fail! the voice spoke at the back of his mind.

Jason took a deep breath. He knew there was no other way. This had to be done!

"I'm sorry." he spoke. With that, he pulled the trigger!

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