Luna's Island Chapter 2
#2 of Luna's Island
Luna's Island Chapter 2
Luna sat down in the sand; the sun was rising as she wondered how long she was out. The water was crashing into the beach as a soft breeze blew by. Luna shivered for a minute. Even though it was warm her water soaked clothes and fur made her feel cold. She looked at the raft. All that was on there were a few water bottles and a box of food. Everything else fell off the raft during the storm.
Tears rolled down her face as she cried for her lost boyfriend Kyle who is down in the bottom of the Ocean somewhere. She shivered again, she needed to dry out her clothes and fur but the fear that someone might be watching made her hesitate.
Luna wandered around the beach peering into the forest hoping no one was in there.
"Hello? Anyone in there?" she asked. No answer only the leaves rustling in the wind slightly. Luna still not feeling safe wanted to wander into the forest but she didn't know what was in there. Spiders, snakes, wild animals there could be anything. She decided to play it safe. Grabbing a stick she used it to life one side of the raft making it into a makeshift shelter. She stripped out of her clothes and lay on the beach under the raft.
As she lay there thoughts poured into her head. How will she survive, is anyone else on the island, are there any dangers, and how can she make fire? It was going to be tough living on an island.
After about an hour she felt she and her clothes were dry enough. She got dressed and started gathering wood. Luna needed to remember what to do. With the only knowledge of survival was the movie "Cast Away" and the show "Survivor" but those wouldn't help her enough and she didn't plan on talking to a volleyball for the rest of her life.
A pile of wood lay by the raft as she took the sharpest stick she could find and headed off to explore the woods.
The sticks cracked under her feet and leaves rustled as she walked through the forest. Other then the sounds she made nothing else made noise which creeped her out a little. Her ears perked up when something finally made a noise five feet behind her. She stood still and she heard the noise again. It was like a soft quiet giggle.
What is it? Luna thought. God, I'm being watched. I need to stay focused and keep calm. Maybe I can hurl the stick into the bush behind me. Maybe I can hurt it. Ok 3,2,1 go!
She turned and threw her stick in a nearby bush. A small animal like yelp was heard and something ran out of the bush away from her but she never saw what it was.
"Ok Luna just calm down it was probably an animal." Luna said to herself. She backed away and headed towards the beach where she came from.
It was midday as Luna opened a can of beef stew and drank some bottled water. The stew tasted awful but it stopped her hunger. She needed to ration both her food and water. She can last a while without food but only a couple of days without water. She wished Kyle was there with her. He was better in the outdoors then she was. He liked camping compared to her. What would Kyle do if he was here?
Probably find food and water. But Luna was too scared to go back into the forest.
Staring at the horizon Luna began to daydream.
"Luna! What is that revealing outfit you are wearing?" Luna's mom asked her.
"They are called shorts mom people wear them because it's hot out." Luna said in a rude tone. She knew how to make her mom angry.
"Take them off and put on a dress or else you are grounded young missy." Luna's mom demanded.
"You can't make me mom I'm going out with Kyle in a few minutes." Luna said walking to the door.
Luna's mom clenched her fists in anger. "That's it! You are grounded! I told you not to date that Fox!" she yelled.
"You can't tell me what to do." Luna said
"I am your mother do what I say!"
"Fuck you bitch." Luna said before heading out the door.
"That's it you are grounded! I hope..." Luna slammed the door before her mother could finish.
Luna snapped back to reality. The sun was starting to set and her stomach was growling. She opened another can of Beef Stew and ate it. She also drank another bottle of water. Luna did not know that something in the forest was watching her every move and planned on striking that night.
When Luna was done with her food she crawled under the raft and peered out to the ocean watching it as she slowly fell asleep not noticing that something was behind the raft.
The light hit Luna's eyes as she awoke. Looking around she noticed that something was different. First she was outside of the raft. Second her food was missed and third her shirt was gone leaving her with her bikini top.
She looked around panicked.
What the fuck? Where are my food and my shirt? I'm defiantly not alone here. Luna thought.
Thankfully the water wasn't touched. As she drank another half bottle of water she thought of going back into the forest and finding that creature that she thinks is responsible for this.
"Ok, I need some kind of weapon to fight whatever is in there." She said to herself. Looking around the beach all that there was, was rocks, sticks, water, sand, and palm leaves. She sighed and took two rocks and started carving one into a spear head. It was going to take all morning.
"Hey Kyle" Luna said, entering the Wolf's Den Diner. It wasn't fancy but it was better then any fast food joint.
"Hi Luna. Something wrong?" Kyle asked noticing that she was a little tense.
"Yeah, my mom is being a bitch again." Luna responded
"That sucks. She still hates me?"
"Yeah, she thinks I should date a wolf. Not just any wolf a wolf that is planning to go into the army and is "old fashion". Pretty much a bunch of bullshit if you ask me." Luna ranted.
"Yeah I know first time I met her she refused to shake my hand. For the rest of the night she kept cursing at me from under her breath." Kyle said
"Yeah, she's like that. The only reason why she made it past school was because her parents sent her to a private school only for wolves."
"She seems to be a speciest." Kyle said
"Yeah she is."
"Your dad seems cool though."
"He is. He doesn't care who I date as long as they don't hurt me." Luna said
"Hey I have surprise for you." Kyle said
"What is it?" Luna asked excited
"I managed to get permission from my dad to borrow his Yacht for a week. I want you to come with me. We can relax on the ocean for a week. No mother, no worries, just relaxation." Kyle said
"Wow that sounds cool. When are we going?" Luna asked her tail waging.
"Wednesday which is three days from now." Kyle told her.
The sun reached its highest point over the horizon. Luna who was working on a spear head for the last few hours finally carved one and attached to a stick using rope from the raft. She walked cautiously into the forest.
Birds chirped as her foot landed on a stick cracking it. Luna her ears perked listening to any strange sounds. Her spear ready to strike. Further and further into the forest she walked. Her hands were shaking.
A rustle of leaves made her stop dead in her tracks. It was behind her. She turned and thrust her spear into the direction of the rustling. The spear flew wild and landed ten feet away from the sound. A dart shot out and hit her in the shoulder she pulled it out and ran. She didn't care where she just wanted to get out of there.
Luna didn't know what the dart had been soaked in. It could have been poison or covered in feces. As she neared the beach her vision got blurry, when her foot hit the sand her mind went dizzy she collapsed twenty feet in front of her raft. Behind her something was preparing to do something away from Luna.