Zion: The Final Night
#9 of The Tales From Zion
A quick write up for a character I have in a story that is ending.
Taggart sighed as he gazed around the battle-worn city. So much pain, blood, violence, and death had been spilled across the walls and grounds. The young hunting dog felt a sharp pain remerge in his ribs as his gaze cast over a pile of rubble and stones near a damaged wall. How he was able to survive being nearly crushed by the falling debris, cause by the fight with the malicious crimson dragon. His soft, multi-colored paws moved to his ribs and help them has looked quickly away from the horrific sight. His eyes then moved to Zachary, the Doen priest who had a hold on his heart. There had been so much the two of them had overcome since the start of their journey. Between having to fight to survive the wild lands, many of the cultists of the sun, and bloodbeasts, being alive and in love is more than the young dog would have ever asked for. Of course heading home to Doen would no doubt make the love come into a rough situation. Both the Temple of Doen and Zachary's father would cause strain upon his relationship with the sweet-hearted rabbit. While he knew he would be willing to stay by the priest no matter his decisions, the hunting dog wasn't as sure what Zachary would end up choosing and with that doubt Taggart planned on making every last day before the two of them made it back to the city the best it could be.
Doing his best to push the worry out of his mind, the dog limped over to a group of the survivors and blissfully listened to the amazing tales that they told. Each had their own tales of happiness and pain that they had to deal with on their way to Zion. When one of the group mentioned about writing home to her loved ones, Taggart suddenly remembered the letters that he had been writing to his own family. How were his step-parents holding up? The hunting dog pondered as he limped back over towards Zachary, he took a mental note to be sure to write more on their way back home so that his parents could know the whole story.
The rabbit was busy helping take care of those who were injured during the fight. As quite as he could, Taggart sneaked up behind the rabbit and wrapped his paws around the priest's waist. Even though the rabbit continued to bandage up someone's arm, the dog could see a smile spread across Zachary's face. This alone made the hunting dog happy, as he silently continued to nuzzle the neck fur of his lover. "What I would give to have this night to never end," He whispered softly, almost praying to the rabbit.
"Taggart, even if things are hard when we get back to Doen, it will be get better eventually. So, tonight may end, but there will be so many more nights that we will be sharing together in the future," The priest offered comfortingly as he turned around and returned the loving hug.
Taggart nodded his head understandingly before leaning forward and giving the rabbit a kiss. "And no matter what happens, I will stick by whatever decisions you end up making. I love you so much Zachary," The sensual words broke through his lips as he gently held the rabbit as could as he could to himself.