Digital, No?- The Rising
#1 of Digital, No?
Mark Sampson was fixing a friend's computer when a loud knock came from his apartment door. He gently set down the new motherboard he was replacing to answer. Now Mark was an intelligent kid at 16, knowing enough about computers that he set up a small repair gig. Somehow he had near movie star good looks, a little out weighed by his glasses that always slid to the end of his nose, with an unruly mop of wavy brown hair that reached his shoulders and steel gray eyes. Another, louder knock came again.
"One second." He yelled before reaching the door.
He opened the door to see his friend Seth McKinnon with his digimon Veemon. Seth grinned, his bright eyes shining through his red hair falling in front of them.
"Hail and welcome friend," he gave a bow, "from we who return from the digital realm."
Seth had a thing for dramatics and theater. He was the fun loving goofball type, with just a hint of madness.
"Hey Seth," Mark chuckled, "good to see ya, how's the digi-world this time of year?"
Seth stepped inside, "Excellent, speaking of which I have a story for you." He sat on the couch, "I visited Kitsune Valley!"
"Really," Mark said taking a seat, "do tell."
"Alright, so me and Vee were passing through the valley, having heard of some Renamon abduction and what not. We were on this hill outside the village when we saw this guy and, I think, some young Asian chick talking. The chick had a Renamon hostage, well the guy flips out, next thing we know he digivovles."
"No way, impossible."
"Swear to god Mark," Veemon piped up.
"Dude I swear it, he digivovles into some armored black Renamon. We think he was a part of some rescue team, because we see a group of two humans and their digimon run in and free the prisoners while this guy goes on a rampage. It was crazy; the only thought in my mind is get the hell away. So I grab Vee and run my Scotch-Irish ass away."
"Man that sounds incredible, too bad I wasn't there." Mark snapped his fingers.
"So dude, get a digimon while I was away?"
Seth had a firm belief that since Mark was a computer guy that he should have a digimon by now.
Mark sighed, "Look Seth, digimon don't trust me. Partially due to my tech skills, they don't want me messing with their code," this was the millionth time he told him this.
"Don't worry you're bound to get one." He said ignoring the last remark.
Mark shook his head, "Well I have a job to finish, and you can stay if you want, though my parents will be home in a few hours."
"Hey man put down the computer for awhile, let's goes somewhere; maybe take me over to Katie's." Seth winked.
"I guess I could, let me grab my keys." They all stood up, Seth and Vee heading toward the parking lot and Mark grabbing his keys and wallet.
Mark found them sitting on the trunk of his black 1974 two door Chevelle SS. The car he inherited from his late grandfather. Almost every part of the car was stock, save for the engine, stolen from an original Hertz Mustang, sound system, new cold air intake, and the upholstery. All in all a hopped up muscle car, and his pride and joy.
"Alright people, hop in," Mark said after unlocking the car, "oh, and Vee please don't jump around in the back, it's distracting."
Veemon let out a disappointed sigh as they got in. Mark turned the key, the car awakening with a loud roar. Seth turned on the car's MP3 player, the sound of Metallica blared through the speakers.
"Let's roll, bitches!" He said enthusiastically, pounding on the car door.
As they hit the streets Seth turned toward mark, "Hey let's pick up Katie and head on over to that new club. What's it called, Eclipse?" Mark nodded and put the SS into 3rd
"Let's hope that her Gomamon isn't digivolved are we're screwed." Mark said as he passed a Prius.
Seth back handed Mark in the chest, "His name is Mickey, remember it."
"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!? You want me to wreck, god you're a dumbass."
Seth shrugged his shoulders as Mark turned down a street. He pulled up to the curb at Katie's house and Seth jumped out. He ran up to house, pounded on the door, and yelled "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I didn't mean for that to happen." With that the door flung inwards and Katie pounced, wrapping he legs around his waist. Seth spun around once and set her down, he gestured toward the car telling his plan to her. She waved a Mark then ran inside; Seth jogged to the car, opened the passenger door and waited. Katie came out hold Mickey; she got inside and set him next to Vee. Katie was an attractive girl, with long black hair, green eyes, and decent curves.
"Alright buckle up; I'm not getting a ticket because you two want to be closer."
"Yes Papa Sampson," they chimed, that being Mark's driving nickname.
The rest of the ride to Eclipse was uneventful; when they got there they had to park a block away due to limited space. Elaborate light shows, pounding music, and dancing masses assaulted their senses as they made way through the club to find a seat. They ordered their drinks and talked about recent happenings. Seth was talking about how his trip was, as well as his personal philosophy on getting involved in digi-politics as he called it. How you don't do anything unless freedoms are on the line.
That was when a grey and red digivice landed on Mark's lap. Everything went silent around them as Mark searched for the origin of the device and its owner. Seth looked awestruck, constantly looking behind Mark.
Katie pointed behind him, "Mark turn around you may want to see this."
He did and saw the last thing he would've believed.