Part 1 Dragoune
#1 of The Land of Marnex
First off this is my first story so bear with me. Second This is my story so you will need my permission to use it or the characters. last if you are 18 or Over enjoy if not GO AWAY
Part 1 Draygoune
The sun came into the cave lighting it up. Even though Dragoune knows what time it is thanks to his instincts, but he mostly wants to wait until the sun comes up. When it hit his eyes he put a paw up to cover them. He then got up and stretched. Dragoune is 25 in human years, his hieght is to 9 feet and if you include the tail 13 feet. His color is black with gray strips that go to the tip of his muzzle to the tip of his tail. His under belly is gray too, his horns claws and needle sharp teeth are whiteand his eyes are green with pupils cat like thin. His wing span is about 11 feet and only the king and him have wings. There is also a scar that starts at his tail base and ends half way. He got that from a battle that he wants to forget.He looked around his cave but there was not much to look at. Beside his bed there were three swords one shorter than the other two. He is lucky to have this cave becasue water trickles down and makes a small pound and near the entrance was a fire place for colder nights. Dragoune went to a list, which had three names Baxon, Jerasinia, and Graxeon.
"I wonder who I am going to steal from today?" Dragoune said. You see Dragoune is a Robin Hood type steal from the rich give to the poor. The king Kirenjar is corrupt, lives in the north and his followers, the three that are on the list, rule Marnex. Baxon he is a pincher and the reason why he is a follower is because he will do everything what the king says and frankly he is the easiest one to steal. He lives in the south. Next is Jerasinia she is a gryphon who was originally a tax collector for the king. Now she is a follower who raises the taxes too high and she loves gold. She lives in the east. Graxeon is another dragon and he was and still is the right hand dragon of the king. He loves power and seeing others in pain. He also tries to capture Dragoune but he always escapes his claws. Dragoune still was looking at the list when finally.
"Well I guess i will steal from Jerasinia?" He said, so he picked up his swords and flew off. He kept to the main roads and was hoping not to run into any main cities because the residents hate him as much as the king does for some reasons he does not want to talk about. It was not long when he found a group consisting of six gryphons and two tigers pulling a cart while the gryphons surrounded it. One gryphon looked up and pointed and the others stopped and looked up. No one fired an arrow because they did not know if it was their king. Dragoune landed in front of them with is small sword in hand.
"Drop the cart and leave." Dragoune said, The lead gryphon laughed.
"Kill Him!!" the gryphon said Four gryphons raised their swords and charged at Dragoune.
'Four against one good odds i feel sorry for them.' thought Dragoune, he wrapped his tail twice around the hilt of his small sword, and took out the other two. By then the gryphons were upon and brought down there swords but Dragoune disappeared. They looked around for him but they did not have to look for long because they heard a sickly thud and saw that a gryphon had lost its head. Dragoune was in the air.
'That should make them change their minds.' Dragoune thought. He does not believe in the killing of others but he will if he has to. The gryphons spotted him and to his dismay they came towards him. They met him with two at front and one in back and they attacked. Dragoune blocked the attacks including the back one with his tail sword. Then he kicked the gryphon behind him in the stomach knocking the wind out of him and letting him fall to his doom. The gryphons pulled away from him and then only one attacked. Dragoune blocked the attack by making a X with his swords and then stabbing the gryphons heart with his tail sword. The other gryphon started attacking wildly and Dragoune had barely any time to take the dead gryphon off his sword and block the attacks. When Dragoune got the chane to finish the battle by hitting the gryphon in the back of the neck and setting him down on the ground so that he did not have another death on his paws. He the took off in search of the rest of the party.
It was midday when Dragoune was about to give up chase when he spotted the cart. He landed in front of them again making them stop. The other two gryphons were about to take their swords out.
"I beat four of your guys what makes you think that you can stop me?" Dragoune said, the gryphons thought about it and reluctantly sheathed their swords. The two tigers saw this they dropped the cart and ran.
"You are making a big mistake this is the prop-" one gryphon said.
"The property of the king and his followers I know, I know, but it is not it belongs to the furries of Marnex. Oh by the way this is not a big mistake because I have done far worse mistakes than this." said Dragoune. He got a good hold of the bags and took off leaving the gryphons empty handed.
Dragoune dropped the bags at one of the poorest places and was headed home until he spotted a figure laying on the ground. He circled twice and to his discomfort the figure did not rise. When he was going down he saw that the dragoness, for he could smell her scent, and noticed that she was traveling, but someone ambushed her because all her stuff was flung around and he noticed that the money bag was gone. He hoped that it was regular thevies if not than the king had gone too far. Surpressing his anger Dragoune checked her over and saw that she had big brusies and cuts and she was very cold, but she was still breathing. Dragoune covered the worse cuts picked her up and went back to his cave.
About half way there though Dragoune saw how beautiful she was. She had gray scales with a silver hue and sky blue stripes that start on the bottom of her neck and stopped at the base of her tail. Her claws, horns, and under belly were ivory white, she also seemed a foot smaller than him. Dragoune could not stop looking at her and that is when he felt a pleasurable feeling at his tail base. He ignored it though because he needed to concetrate on flying. When he arrived he set the dragoness on the bed gently. He checked for broken bones and cursed himself when he did not do it earlier but there were none. He covered up the rest of the cuts and wondered on how he was going to keep her wram, because she would not last the night. Finally he decieded to go into the bed with her, hoping that she will not wake up before him. He got into the covers pulled her closer to him having back against his chest and her head under his muzzle. Dragoune had a arm across her and a wing, in this position his feeling at his tail base increased tenfold and he had diffculty sleeping. But when he was asleep he unconciously wrapped his tail around hers and smiled.
Sorry all you dogs out there but Baxon worked well but i am not saying that all dogs are like that. Who is this strange dragoness you will have to find out on part two Saneira and it is coming soon but be patient remember patience is a virtue
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