Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 4

Story by Fox thief on SoFurry

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Baxley had gained somewhat of a rest from his beating and when the cell door opened he just laid there, not even bothering to give the effort of standing. "Wake up, fox, you have a dinner date with the boss", growled the lion who had beat him earlier. Baxley sat up and struggled to his feet-paws. The lion threw him a navy blue cloak. "Here, we found this in your backpack; you can at least look decent for your host." Baxley absentmindedly put on his cloak, fighting the urge to spit at the lion. "Come on, hurry up so you can see your friend", said the lion. The fox's ears perked up at the mention of seeing Onyx again and put new energy in him.

Baxley adjusted the cloak so it fit evenly across his shoulders. His purple studded collar popped out, but was evened out by his purple stripped shirt, which was a little torn. He turned to the lion and smiled. "Well, let's not keep them waiting", he said. Baxley limped as he walked and followed the lion to the dining chamber.

A long table with a white table cloth stood in the middle of the room. There were various decorations strewn about the table and lit candles in the middle. Baxley stood in awe at the amazing sight. "Like it", came a voice from the head of the table. The black fox snapped out of his trance and looked in the direction the voice came from. A grey furred wolf was standing at the head of the table, smiling. "Wait a second you had me beat nearly to death and now you're feeding me", laughed Baxley. "I must've taken too many hits to the head or I'm on drugs." The wolf chuckled and sat down. "No, you are perfectly fine besides the beating and if you were on drugs would your friend be here." As the wolf said that, Onyx stumbled in and padded over to Baxley.

The fox helped his friend into the seat next to him. Baxley eyed him questionably and the panther just shook his head, clearly not wanting to be bothered. The wolf at the end of the table was sitting down and looking at the two calmly and smiling. A few wolves came out with steaming plates of food on them and set them of the large table.

Onyx dug in greedily while Baxley tried to get his attention, but failing as he was just ignored. Onyx wiped his muzzle with a napkin and looked up at Baxley. "What happened to you, Onyx", Baxley whispered so the wolf couldn't hear. Baxley saw Onyx cringe before answering. "That...that MONSTER found a way to shift me into cub form....and he...he..." Onyx trailed off before finishing and looking at his empty plate.

"That bastard, I'll kill him", Baxley mumbled, understanding what Onyx was trying to say and glanced at the wolf who was smirking and had his eyes closed. Then he opened them and the irises were a pure gold color that seemed to glow. Baxley gasped and fell out of his chair.

The fox lie on the floor, but could still hear and look at his surroundings. Baxley saw the wolf stand up, paws behind his back. . "You might be wondering why I brought you two here. Please, ask any questions you feel need answered. Be aware, some I may not answer."

Baxley heard Onyx speak. "Where are we", he mewed. The gray wolf took a step sideways and gestured to a small window. Baxley saw fish swimming by and looked shocked. "On the ocean floor. This is my base."

"And who are you", continued Onyx.

"I am Wepwawet, The Egyptian god of the wolves." Wepwawet said, smiling warmly.

"N-Not possible...." Onyx murmured, His eyes wide.

"Really now? Then how do I know of your magic? The answer is, It was invented in ancient Egypt. Your people, Onyx, Were a denomination from the Egyptians, More reclusive. More like my sister, the first in your ancestry. Yours to, Baxley."

"But Baxley is a fox!" Onyx exclaimed. "How is he related to me? And who is first in my ancestry?!" He stood up, knocking the plate from the table. Baxley stayed quiet, but ears were cocked towards the conversation going on between the two furs. Wepwawet fiddled with his necklace. "Bast, the cat goddess." Onyx stuttered, looking away nervously. Baxley was confused and shocked all at once. "B-But that would mean-"

"Yes, you're descended from a goddess. Now I think it's high time I took you to her. She wants to meet you two, and I'm sure she can explain things better than I can." Wepwawet started walking down the hall, motioning for Baxley and Onyx to follow.

"That would mean you're my half-brother. I knew we were close, but not that close. That would explain the black fur..." Onyx mumbled, while stroking Baxley's fur. Baxley looked dumbfounded, staring off into space. "Come on, Baxley. I guess it's time we got to meet our a-million greats' Grandmother." Onyx joked trying to lighten the mood.

Baxley and Onyx followed the wolf down the hallway, walking into a large temple-like room, with a symbol for each of the Egyptian gods above a doorway. Baxley looked around a bit and kind of liked the way the room looked. "Open, O' Door of the cat mother, the portal lights the path", Baxley heard Onyx mutter under his breath. A portal flew open in a swirling green haze, lighting the room.

Looking to Baxley, Onyx nodded. "Well, this is it..." and stepped in. Baxley followed, a little wary.