Hunting Shadows: Baxley's point of view part 2

Story by Fox thief on SoFurry

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second part of Baxley's p.o.v of hunting shadows

Baxley looked out the window and watched as the landscape went by. They had lost the men that were chasing them and looking for place to hide. He wondered where Onyx was taking them. The car slowed a little as it turned. "So, who are these guys, and what do they want", Baxley heard Onyx ask. He felt a paw tap him and he jumped, looking at his friend. "H-huh", he mumbled. Onyx looked at him for a minute then back at the road and repeated his question. "Who are they and what do they want from us?"

"Oh! Um, I-I don't know....I just...they just came after me. It was fucking haywire!" sighed Baxley and looked back out the window. The car started to stop and he heard Onyx get out of the car. Baxley looked around a bit and saw they were at an abandoned white house. Onyx came back, got in the car and moved it forward. Baxley felt the car stop once again, heard the engine die down and the trunk open. Onyx then came over to Baxley's side of the car and helped the fox out.

He patted Baxley's fur down which was fluffy and sticking out and then they went to go sit down in the grass. They sat there for a while, not speaking until Onyx broke the silence. "Baxley, how did you get caught up in this? They came after me, but you were being chased by the same people. I saw logos on the jackets, a strange 'W' symbol; any ideas?" Baxley looked at the sunset, then at Onyx and back again. "I was at home, and they just sort of, came. No idea what they want, or how the heck they got there. What about you?" He growled gloomily, ears lowering half- way.

Onyx chuckled. "I was shopping." Baxley giggled. "No, Really, I was!" Onyx threw his arms in the air. "I was holding up an apple and it exploded in my paw. So I got the fuck out!" He exclaimed, laughing. Baxley laughed with his friend, sharing a nice humorous moment together. "When are we going to get out of here? Like, when is it safe?" He asked, seriously. Onyx shrugged, stood up and walked over to the gate. Baxley nodded and continued watching the sunset. He heard a yelp and looked over in Onyx's direction. The panther was stumbling backwards and fell to the ground with a tranquilizer dart in his neck. "We've got one, Boys! The other must still be inside! Be careful, Spread out", Baxley heard a voice yell and ran inside the house as men ran through the gate. He drew two throwing daggers and stood in the living room, waiting for the first of the men to come in. "Here foxy, foxy, come out and we won't hurt you, much", said a lion soldier, walking through the door.

Baxley threw one of his daggers and missed the lion by inches. "Shit", barked Baxley and drew his black paw dagger. He charged the lion and swung at him. The man ducked and dodged the strikes, leading the fox back outside into a trap. Baxley looked sideways and saw a soldier aiming his gun at him. He took the gun from the soldier with his mind and flung it at the lion. Another soldier, a tiger, took this opportunity and shot Baxley.

The fox stumbled forward, sheathed his dagger, and fell to the ground.