A Place to Belong - Chapter 12

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#13 of Malakye's Story - Part 1 (A Place to Belong)

Chapter 12 of 'A Place to Belong'. Rose introduces Malakye to the other man in her life.

As you may have noticed I'm posting pics with a chapter of the story below, each of the pictures are a commission I've gotten from various artists of characters from the story and I'm still requesting more.

If anyone fancies doing a picture or piece of fan-art from the story using any of the characters or places then they are welcome to do so, let me post the pics with the story and I'll give a link to your user-page when I use it.

All the pictures I've used so far and more are available to be viewed in my gallery with info on the relevant artists that drew them for me.

I'd like to give a big shout out to 'Roderick the Rhodesian Ridgeback' (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/zizixmp3/) for proof reading my story. He's a great fur with a big heart and I can't thank him enough for doing all he's done to help with the story,

You may notice a few words have been highlighted and an explaination of what it is is given, these are words that only exist in this story and are there to help you understand whats happening, these descriptions only appear the first time they are used and won't appear in future chapters but soon I will be posting an encylopedia of sorts contain all of these word and more allowing you to discover many things about the world that may not even appear in the story. If you feel like I've missed a word then please let me know and I'll make sure to add it to the chapter and/or the encyclopedia for future reference.

Chapter 12

"Well... it was your eyes." She responded, stopping to look up into my eyes before continuing. "They were so full of kindness, but at the same time, full of hurt. A yearning for something, but you were never able to get it... I think..." She paused for a moment and looked off into the distance thoughtfully. "I think I saw myself in your eyes. All I've ever wanted was to be loved by a kind and gentle male. I guess... I guess because I could tell you had lived a hard life I was drawn to you. I knew that Vireon was still watching me but when I saw you with Eric's group I guessed that by the time Vireon could make a move you'd be long gone. I didn't think he would act so quickly though."

"Don't worry about it, I can handle Vireon." I reassured her before leaning down to kiss her on the lips tenderly. Falling back against the sleeping furs we embraced each other, kissing gently, her touch was electric against my scales, her scent washing over me, becoming my entire world. My heart wouldn't stop racing, this was all I needed and I could tell that this was what she needed as well. Not sex, but love and companionship.

Bleary eyed I looked around the room, I blinked repeatedly trying to adjust to the early morning sun that was streaming in a nearby window. Eventually my sight stopped on Rose, sleeping soundly against my chest. Her arms were wrapped round me and she had a content smile on her face. I couldn't help but feel happy. In all truth, I hadn't felt this way since I was a kid... when my mother was still alive...

"Mmm." Rose stirred, pulling me from my thoughts. She blinked her eyes a few times and lifted her head to look straight at me. "Morning."

"Morning." I replied. "Sleep well?"

"Yes, it was the best night's sleep I've had in months... how about you?"

"Fine, but the best part was waking up and seeing you." I grinned and she giggled.

"Well... I'm sure I could do something to make this morning even better!"

"Oh? And what would that... BE!" I felt a paw grasp my shaft and begin to stroke it... as you would expect, my penis did not remain flaccid for very long. I moaned loudly as she continued to caress my shaft to full hardness and closed my eyes to savour the sensation of her scaled paws on my cock. She stopped stroking my cock for a moment and just before I was going to ask what was wrong I felt the hot, wet sensation of her mouth enclosing round the head of my cock. I moaned loudly and arched my back, my toes curled and my claws dug into the mattress. After several bliss filled minutes Rose released my length and grinned slyly.

"Hmm, I think it's time for the main event, don't you agree?" Rose said in a seductive tone, moving up my body to press her muzzle into my own. She kissed me while positioning herself to sit on my cock, and I felt her rub her pussy lips against my meat before pressing her hips downwards. My cock sunk into her with a wet pop and she let out a moan of elation, breaking the kiss to sit upright and take the full length of my shaft inside her. I couldn't help but moan myself, my claws flexing and sinking into the animal pelts that made the bed we lay upon as she began to slowly ride my dragonhood. After what seemed like an eternity of bliss Rose made one final push with her hips and my knot popped inside her, in that instant I came, loudly moaning and shifting my hips as my balls released themselves deep inside of Rose, who let out her own pleasure filled cry as I did, her pussy becoming tighter as she orgasmed.

Afterwards she collapsed on me, and after a short while my now soft cock slid out without much resistance. A small river of my cum and her own juices flowed out of her pussy and onto the sleeping furs. We kissed passionately and nuzzled each other until we lost consciousness. I awoke once again to Rose sleeping soundly atop of me, her head resting on my chest our legs and tails intertwined, my wings felt sore after being trapped beneath me while we slept but I didn't care nor wanted to move and ruin the scene before me.

Sunlight of the mid-morning sun filtered in through the single window in Roses home, shining over her and highlighting the intense red of her scales. Watching her sleep I couldn't help but feel the same tightness in my chest that I had before, when I had looked at Rose's sleeping form. This tightness continued to evolve to a tingling sensation in my belly, and then a wave of warmth spread through me. It felt good, so good I didn't want it to go away. It wasn't as intense as the feeling I got when Rose and I had sex but it was a sensation that felt just as pleasant, and I felt calm and happy. What was this feeling? I continued to lie there silently, watching Rose slumber peacefully until a thought occurred, could this feeling be love? I dismissed the thought but the more I thought about it the more it made sense. I loved Rose. A movement beside me and Rose rose, yawning and blinked several times before looking at me and smiling.

"Hi." She smiled, "Good morning."

"Good morning to you too." I smiled back at her.

"Mmm... I fancy some breakfast, want some?"

"Sounds good." I said my stomach deciding to let out a loud grumble to voice its own agreement to the matter.

"Well then, let's get cleaned up and go have some breakfast. I know this great place to eat that serves the best food in town."


After a quick washing to get rid of the scent of sex from our scales we left Roses hut and headed towards the market area, where her favourite food place was apparently located. We walked slowly, arm in arm, enjoying each other's company, laughing at each other's stupid jokes as we weaved our way through the morning crowds. The smell of all the different foods and spices from the market place filled my nose as we walked, making my stomach rumble loudly.

Finally we stopped outside a familiar looking hut, the one, I realized with dread, which I and Cody had ate at the first day. I felt my heart sink.

"This is it. Zalamar makes the best food in the whole village... is there something wrong?" She asked, obviously I wasn't hiding my fear of facing that dragon again, the cook on that first day who had seemed to disapprove of me.

"No, no! I'm fine!" I assured her, forcing a smile onto my face.

"You're not a very good liar." Rose quipped, giving me a look of suspicion. "What's wrong?"

"Well... I'm sure that the guy in there hates me."

"WHAT!?" Rose exclaimed. "Who?"

"He was a dark grey coloured Dragon... that's Zalamar, right?" She nodded. "He served me and Cody when we ate here before and he found out about my heritage... the look on his face...I'm sure he must hate me."

"Don't be silly Malakye! Zalamar is pretty much the closest thing to family I have in this village! I can tell you with a one-hundred percent assurance that he doesn't hate anyone... well, maybe Vireon, but that's beside the point. Zalamar wouldn't care if you were full blooded wolf. So long as you don't cause problems for him, he doesn't have a problem with you."

"If you say so." I mumbled, trying to convince myself.

"I do! Now come on. I'll get Zalamar to make you the best breakfast you've ever had!" Rose said cheerfully, leading me by the paw into the hut. On entering I quickly scanned the place. It was already pretty busy. Most of the tables had at least one animal sitting at it, and there was even a few more waiting at the counter to be seated and served. We joined the end of the queue, and I stood there shuffling my feet in anticipation.

A Place to Belong - Chapter 13

Chapter 13 "Now what can I... ROSE!" Zalamar cheered when he saw Rose he leaned over the counter to give her a hug, one which Rose happily returned. I on the other paw, stood behind Rose, trying to remain invisible. "How are you today...

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A Place to Belong - Chapter 11

Chapter 11 It is getting late; I'm going to head to bed." Eric announced before turning to me. "Malakye, have fun tonight... oh, and don't worry about coming to work tomorrow." I was about to ask why, worried that I messed up badly on my first...

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A Place to Belong - Chapter 10

Chapter 10 We all gathered more stock to take back and after another two trips we had all but emptied the three carts that belonged to Eric, and had the stock stored safely in the hut in the market area. Once that was done Eric went about...

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