Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 2
#2 of Stolen Heart of Fire
Latest edition!
Cleanest editing!
Easier on the eyes!
All on the Google Docs version:
--The day was starting out the same as any other. Lilia ate her eggs slowly and tried to avoid making eye contact with any of the men at the large table of the dining hall. She knew that once she made eye contact with one of them, they would begin talking to her. She wanted to avoid that as much as she possibly could. Men were disgusting and said disgusting things. She figured that a big chunk of the male brain was used to form their privates during their time in the womb, and at adulthood they used those for thinking most of the time.
--She could recall at least eleven times when a man had slapped her in the hinny...Or was it twelve times? Either way she had been greatly startled by each of them to the men's amusement. Not only did the man who had slapped her get the pleasure and entertainment of doing so, but all the men at the scene would treat him like some sort of hero. Each time they tried to talk to her, there was usually one comment at least heavily laced with innuendo.
--Weren't knights supposed to be chivalrous? What a laughable concept to even consider that the king's men followed chivalry. Chivalry was just a myth. Perhaps in other kingdoms royalty had manners, but within the castle walls of Anovea courtesy must have suffered a tragic death a very long time ago.
--The people of the kingdom probably didn't know this. Whenever the commoners had the opportunity to see royalty, it was always scheduled ahead of time so that the royals had time to prepare themselves to look and act as if they were always good natured and good looking. This little mask of being good people really irritated her.
--She realized she shouldn't be thinking about such things when she was eating. At least she was able to eat this good food and she shouldn't ruin her meal by focusing on such negative things. She began cutting into her piece of ham and accidentally peeked up and looked at the others eating. Luckily no eye contact was made. Both the men and women seemed to be caught up in the same conversation which had most of their attention.
--This was an uncommon occurrence. Usually smaller groups of men and women were having their own conversations separately. If everyone was listening, it was discussing some event that everyone was looking forward to or big news that had the whole kingdom talking about it. In both situations it was something worth listening to. The voices of conversation were various. Both men and women would say something and nobody seemed to be doing most of the talking.
--"I haven't heard much about him other than he's loaded."
--"He must be rich. He's been buying something from every shop in the commoners region."
--"Well that doesn't mean he's rich. The commoners almost have their own economy since they buy their stuff from one another. Stuff we buy is expensive and high quality since it has to be brought in from outside salesmen."
--"That's true. I bet a commoner could live for a few months from what I earn in a day."
--"They don't have very high standards of living. They could spend their lives in a mud hole and be happy."
--"Well I've seen some amazingly pricy things sold at a few shops along my patrol route."
--"You have?"
--"I've seen too. A few of the stores sell the kind of things we get. The people who make them just spend a lot of time on the quality and sell them at such a high price, they can make a living from the few things they make."
--"Some just buy things from the travelling vendors like we do and just raise the price to turn over a profit."
--"How can those slime afford that?"
--"They save up money little by little for just one thing sometimes. I heard about a husband and wife saved money for years sometimes just to get something like a bed that is the same kind we have."
--"So if these shops only sell a few items at a time, how can you assume that he is really rich? He might have no more money than any of us do."
--"Well he has bought multiple things from each shop."
--"What kind of stuff?"
--"I heard a rumor that he bought half of the dresses a shop was selling."
--"What would he do with dresses?"
--"Perhaps he has a woman back at his home he's buying them for."
--"People talk like he's buying just about everything."
--"Does he carry it around?"
--"No, he pays commoners to carry it out of the kingdom for him."
--"Where did they take it?"
--"Word hasn't gotten around about that yet. But wherever it is, people there must be really wealthy or he has a lot of power over there."
--"They must not have good clothing. I heard that he only was wearing rags when he first arrived. He soon bought some expensive clothes soon after that."
--"What is his name? I must have missed when someone said it because it hasn't come up yet."
--"That's what I was thinking. What is his name?"
--"I don't know. That's what people are trying to find out. He's a mysterious fellow."
--Lilia was intrigued at this conversation. It was actually a civilized conversation for a change. Those kind of conversations typically only happened about once a month. She had distinctly remembered two other civilized conversations that happened this month. The first one was discussing which citizen owned which of the recent generation of street wandering chickens. The second conversation had something to do with the number of certain instrument players should be in the castle entertainment crew. So this made three civilized conversations in one month. That was pretty impressive. She wondered what the record was while the conversation continued.
--"Do many people know about him?"
--"Well just about everybody in the kingdom has heard about him by now. Nobody really knows much about him."
--"We know he's rich."
--"Where do you suppose he came from?"
--"A few people asked and he told them 'nowhere'."
--"He came from nowhere? What's that supposed to mean?"
--"Perhaps it was a joke."
--"Why wouldn't he tell them? He might be hiding something from us."
--"I don't know but I heard the commoners have started to refer to him as 'the man from nowhere."
--"Nowhere must be a really prosperous place if people there have as much money as he does."
There was a brief chorus of laughter and chuckles that brought Lilia's attention back to the conversation. At this point her father started talking.
--"That's actually a good point."
--"Well there's no such kingdom as 'Nowhere'."
--"I know that you halfwit. You think I would be the king if I was stupid enough to think there was a kingdom called 'nowhere'."
This upset Lilia a bit. She was kind of excited about there being three civilized conversations in a row. This might disqualify this one.
--Her focus on the conversation soon left. She just focused on eating. She heard a few tidbits of things said about who caught the biggest fox that year and what kind of dresses were now considered out of style. The women of the table held their heads high as they gossiped and ignored the servants who rushed to keep their wines goblets full. Soon there was a loud crash and clattering sound. A comically fat duke sitting at the table had clumsily knocked over his plates while reaching for some more chicken. Judging by the mess on his clothes and the grease all over his mouth, he had already eaten quite a few. For a couple of moments he sat there as food slid down his clothes. He was soon yelling at the servants to clean up the mess making his face turn red like a large obnoxious cherry. The servants rushed to his aid and cleaned up the mess quickly. The duke was not content with their service however, and barked a mixture of orders and insults at them. The fiasco was over soon so everyone could enjoy breakfast with a moderate level of peace once again.
--She was almost finished with her food when she noticed a couple of the men were staring at her. She already knew what it was. The front of her dress had sagged down while she was eating, and the men were staring at her cleavage with as much shame as if it were a painting on a wall. She pulled up the front of her dress and left the table immediately. She pushed in her chair and ignored the chuckling of the men as she left the large dining hall.
--There were no events planned for the day, and her tutor had left the kingdom to visit far away family. She had the day to herself for the most part. Unfortunately there was very little to do in the castle, so she ventured out onto her balcony and just stared at the scenery. It was a vast landscape of mountains and valleys covered with a mix of flora and the occasional winding river. She so dearly yearned to see its beauty closer, but she was forbidden to leave the castle without supervision. Anybody who supervised her never allowed her far from the castle, let alone out of the boundaries of the kingdom.
--She sighed and set aside these thoughts. At least she had the view from her balcony. A little red bird landed on the railing and looked up at her. Its eyes were like two tiny little black marbles, yet it was clear that it wanted something. Soon it was joined by a little yellow bird and a squirrel. The birds bobbed their heads, gave a few chirps, and looked back up at her. She gave a weak smile and hummed a note for them. They chirped again, so she began to sing. The remainder of the day and the few thereafter were uneventful.
--The day that followed began like any other. On second thought, the day didn't start like it normally did. Lilia was awakened by the blast of horns from downstairs. Her hair was messy and tangled when she sat up in bed. She was wearing a smooth yellow night dress and was barefoot. A servant boy ran into her room huffing and puffing as if he had been running all morning.
--"Hurry please...He's coming... everyone is busy... come quickly." He said while trying to catch his breath.
--She stood up out of bed quickly sensing urgency in the boy's voice. They were usually very formal and polite in their speech. This one did not pause to give a single name, detail, or formality. "Who is coming? What is all the rush about?" she asked.
--"No time. Go out and get ready." He said before leaning against the wall still gasping for breath
--She lifted the bottom of her dress a little so she didn't trip as she ran into the halls. People were passing through doors and hustling through hallways this way and that. She walked down a random hallway in confusion about what to do since she did not know what was happening. Suddenly her mother appeared around a corner buttoning up parts of an elaborate dress as she walked.
--She took one quick glance at Lilia before saying,, "What are you doing? You look like a street urchin." She quickly called over one of the servants, a stout older woman named Madison, and simply pointed at Lilia. The servant nodded and quickly grabbed Lilia by the shoulder and pulled her over into one of the dressing rooms. Lilia had little choice in the matter. Madison was strong and had already locked the door to the room. She spent no time on courtesy or delicacy in taking off Lilia's dress. Lilia wanted to cover her panties or chest in the presence of the servant, but had to focus on catching the stockings that were tossed at her. Madison either didn't notice that Lilia was half naked or didn't care in the least. She hardly looked at Lilia as she threw more clothing articles at her.
--Lilia was struggling to fit on the tight stockings as the woman slipped a corset around her waist with the speed of a ninja[H2]. The laces were already threaded before Lilia could protest. She tugged the second stocking into place just before the laces were sharply tugged. All the air was pressed out of her lungs and her guts were squeezed to wherever they could fit. Madison tied the laces without a word and began forcing more articles of clothes onto Lilia. In only a matter of a few minutes, Lilia was dressed in an elaborate green dress that would make a peacock jealous. The procedure felt like torture to Lilia although, the servant didn't say a single word through it all. Makeup was smeared all over her face while a comb was forcefully pulled through her hair. The servant ignored her exclamations of pain as the comb yanked some hair out with each forceful tug.
--After the horrid beauty process was complete, Lilia was rushed to the second floor main hallway. All kinds of people of the castle were lined up along the halls. Her parents were waiting at the top of the grand staircase already dressed up. The queen pulled Lilia to her side. They all stood still as horns were blown on the first floor of the grand foyer. They acted as if they had been patiently waiting in an orderly assembly. They began their slow descent down the stairs that led to the front castle doors as they were opened. Two lines of knights slowly marched inside. In between them was a single man.
--When Lilia and her parents reached the bottom of the staircase, she was able to see what he looked like in more detail. He was tall and had deep red hair that flowed smoothly down to the tips of his ears. He was wearing a dignified grey pair of trousers and a shirt with long triangles of matching material that extended from the sides and flowed behind him along with his red split cape. His face was smoothly shaven, and his eyes had blue-green pupils.
--The king was quick to introduce himself, the queen, and Lilia to the man. The man gave a bow and said, "It's an honor to meet you. You may know me as 'the man from nowhere' as your good people have called me. You may call me Mark[H4]."
--"Oho there. We finally get your name. I figure any man that is talked about as much as you have is a man worth knowing. I'm glad to have you as my guest."
--The two talked for a short time before the king ordered a couple of servants to show the man to the guest suite that had been prepared for him. The neat lines of people dispersed after Mark had left their presence. Her parents even left to their chambers leaving Lilia standing by the staircase wondering what she should do. She soon returned to her room with the sole desire of getting out of her ridiculous clothing.
--She rubbed off the makeup and stripped off the outer fluffy layer of the dress. More layers were removed until she got to the simple white under-gown with the corset over it. It felt great to get out of the elaborate cocoon of fabric since wearing it made her really hot and sweaty. Her relief was not complete, however as the corset remained tightly bound around her. She may have been cool, but being able to breathe properly was now on her mind.
--Her hands felt along her back awkwardly as her arms strained to reach further. She could occasionally feel the laces, but the knot was nowhere within reach. Why would someone make something that could not be put on or taken off by one self? She tried rubbed her back on things in hopes of loosening the knot after giving up on reaching it with her hands. Breathing was difficult and she was getting very impatient.
--A knock on the door startled her upright. She kicked the parts of the dress under the bed and answered the door. Standing there was Mark, who was still wearing everything he arrived in. He looked over her with a quick motion of his eyes before turning away. "My deepest apologies go out to you, princess. I didn't know you were undressed."
--It was a bit odd that he considered what she was wearing to be undressed. But his courtesy caught her attention most of all. It was not uncommon to barge in while she was dressing. On a rare occasion that person would give a half hearted apology, yet they never looked away to give her privacy. Her thoughts quickly drifted back to the corset squeezed around her. "That's alright. I need you to untie this." She said bluntly and turned around.
--There was an awkward pause before he stammered, "Are you sure?"
--She was clearly in an awkward position, although she couldn't care less at the moment. "Yes I'm sure. Just untie the knot and loosen the laces." He said nothing as his fingers pinched at the knot. Lilia just felt random tugging of the laces and then the squeeze around her waist loosened slightly before suddenly disappearing. The corset popped off of her and landed on the floor with a flop. The relief felt wonderful. Breathing was so much easier along with many other things. She rubbed her midsection and smoothed out the wrinkles in the thin gown she had worn underneath.
--She turned back to him, and was now a bit embarrassed. "Thanks for helping me with that."
--"It's wasn't a problem at all. Do you need help with anything else?"
She wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not. He sounded sincere so she gave him the benefit of the doubt, and assumed he was being serious. "No, that's all I need. I'm curious why did you knock on my door?"
--He paused and looked contemplative for a moment. "I can't seem to remember."
--"Well you can rest in the honored guest's bedroom until you think of it."
--"That's what it was. I was looking for my room and couldn't find it. I was hoping somebody could tell me where it was."
--"I can help you. Just go down the hallway and turn right at the second intersection and it should be the big door that says 'honored guest'."
--He thanked her and left for his room.
She closed her door and briefly reflected over the exchange. It seemed odd somehow. He had been making eye contact for the entire conversation. He didn't say a single think after the awkward incident with her corset. She had already thought of half a dozen remarks that she expected from just about any man, if they had been in Mark's position. Of course she was grateful of his courtesy, but it caught her by surprise. She did not see him again that day, but this meeting was far from their last.
--Over the course of the next week, he visited her a few times each day. He was polite and was mostly interested in her life rather than bragging about himself. He paid attention to what she had to say. It would make a person that was used to cold royals question his nobility. He was even more engrossed with her singing. His courtesy was making her open up to a man for the first time in her life. She found herself lowering her defenses to him, speaking to him in a way she never would to any man. Stories from her childhood and grievances were spilled out to him. He didn't have much to tell about himself though. She felt like a burden was taken off of her. She felt less bitter and enjoyed the days more. He seemed like a kind of wonderful gift from a divine source. She found her mind wander to thoughts of him when he was not around.
--She wasn't the only one that had been won over by his charming ways. The king and all his men greatly enjoyed his company. The men took the chance to brag about their triumphs and trophies to the newcomer. They were all surprised to find out he knew a good deal about hunting as well. He quickly became a popular around the castle.
--One late night Lilia woke up having to use the lavatory. Along the way back to her room, she saw a flicker of candle light and hushed voices. They were coming from the Library. She crept to the door on silent bare feet and listened carefully.
--"What time shall the event happen?"said an unfamiliar voice
--"One week from today. Just the time we need to make preparations." Replied the voice of her father.
--"Does she know about it?"
--"I have not said a word about it to her. Don't let news of it slip out to her."
--"That's quite a big surprise for someone to find out. How will you make her go?"
--"The wedding will take place in Engor. She's never been outside the kingdom, so she'll be thrilled to go. She'll find out she's getting married when she arrives. By then it will be too late to protest."
--"Do you think she will act out violently?"
--"She's never done a violent thing in her life. She's used to the life of a royal doll to be posed for the public glory of her kingdom. She's used to the routine, so it won't be that big of a change for her."
--"So have you reached an agreement with the king of Engor?"
--"Yes. We made an agreement and I have the papers signed. My daughter is to marry his son. This should bind our alliance making our combined power greater than any kingdom in the world."
--"What would you have me do then?"
--"I just need you to deliver the documents and stop asking me so many bloody[H1] questions. Just shut your trap and get it done. Time is of the essence so be quick about it."
--"Yes you majesty. I'll leave at dawn."
--"No, you'll leave tonight. The stables are left unlocked tonight so get a horse and get going."
--"I'll do as you wish your majesty."
--There was a sound of rustling parchment followed by footsteps approaching the door. Lilia began tip toeing away. The knob of the door rattled, and she was still close in the hallway. Her heart sped up with fear of being spotted. She jogged away keeping her footsteps silent. She had just rounded the corner when the door opened. She rushed back to her room and looked back. She saw nobody, but heard the footsteps of the message boy. She turned the knob slowly making sure the door didn't make a noise as she entered her room. She sat on her bed listening. Had she been spotted?
--Instead of sleeping, she laid awake in bed not making a sound. How could she sleep after hearing what she did? She had two sisters. Maybe he was talking about one of them. No that was ridiculous. Neither of them was over the age of ten. Why would he think it was acceptable to arrange a marriage with somebody she had never met? She shouldn't be that surprised knowing her father. Who was she being set up to marry? Her father had said the son of the king of Engor.
--That was Prince Capone. She sighed and rested her head in her hands. She had heard from good sources that the prince had a mistress that he was already spending his personal life with. Even the mistress couldn't get a fulfilling relationship since he was so self-absorbed and spent most of his time away from home. There were a few other stories about him, but they were conflicting and questionable.
--This week seemed like it was going well with the arrival of the guest. The thought of marriage was something she tried to avoid. Her life was taking a miserable turn. If she was going to marry somebody, it was going to be someone she wouldn't want to poison after years of being frustrated by them. She would much rather be married to someone like Mark.
--When half an hour passed, she thought she was safe. A loud knock at the door startled her. Maybe if she was very quiet they would leave. A click came from the doorknob as it turned. She had forgotten to lock her door. The feeling of safety had completely vanished by this point. Her heart was racing as the shadowy figure entered her room. It stepped into the rectangle of light cast by the crescent moon and stars shining through her window.
--It was the man from nowhere. She sat up and asked "What are you doing here?"
--"Keep you r voice down." he spoke in a hushed tone. "I'm leaving tonight."
--"What? Why are-" she quickly began before continuing in a corrected hushed tone, "Why are you leaving?"
--"I can't tell you now. I am here to ask if you want to come with me. I will never return, so if you stay, this will be the last time we see one another."
--"But I don't understand. I-... This is all so sudden. Can't you stay just a little bit longer?"
--"Princess, I know how confusing this must be, but understand this. I have to leave tonight. Are you going with me or not? There is no time for goodbyes." His face showed that he was being serious right now.
--She had to make a choice. Leaving with him would take her away from her life into one that would be entirely unfamiliar to her. Although she was going to be forced to marry Prince Capone and live in Engor anyways, so it hardly mattered. She made up her mind quickly. "Yes, I will go with you."
--"In that case put on your shoes and follow me. Be quiet but keep up with me."
--She put on her sock and slippers and quickly threw her robe on over the gown she was wearing. Mark was making his way down the hall. She lifted her dress a little bit as she jogged to catch up with him. Thank goodness her slippers weren't the kind with high heels. They were fortunate nobody spotted them in the hallways. Only some of the guards
were awake at this hour, and they were always suspicious of anybody awake at this hour. They were hoping to avoid any of these guards, but one was standing watch over the door that would have led them out of the east wing of the castle. The guard was looking out of the peephole in the door and had not noticed them.
--Mark confidently tapped the guard on the shoulder. The guard turned around to face Mark. "Oh, what are you doing up at-" he began to ask just as Mark slugged him, knocking him out cold. The guard's unconscious body collapsed to the floor. Lilia had put her hands over her mouth a bit shocked by what she just saw.
--The two wasted no time getting outside. Lilia recalled that the stables had been left unlocked that night. Both of them secured a horse and made their way out of the kingdom under the cover of darkness.
--The events of that night would always be in their memory even though it all took place so quickly. Their path led them to the carriage of a travelling priest. They were married on that night. Although the ceremony alongside the road was brief, Lilia wasfine with it. She had begun a new life, and was curious where it would lead her.