Video Game Wars ISA!

Story by Wolf Trooper on SoFurry

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Yeah so these are intro credits for an idea of a story sereise that I might do in the near future. that was inspired by one of my friends. He gave me the idea after he stated that if Sony and Microsoft are at war with each other, what if they made armies and literally fought on the battlefield. So I'm just gonna post them because, hey I'm bored and I've been playing Killzone 3 and these came back.

_ After the end of the video game wars in the '90s, the game world systems of Nintendo and Sega were reduced to practically nothing. With no one to help keep order and peace to the video game world, disorder and chaos spread throughout the world. This rose to a new video game empire called Microsoft! Microsoft, in effort to gain video game dominance, formed an Xbox army to crush the enemy games. With Nintendo powerless to fight back, they collapsed into a rump of what they used to be. For several years Microsoft ruled the video game world with an iron fist and with no mercy. It seemed to be an end for the world of video games. But there was resistance!_

` In 2004 Sony formed an armed resistance of humans, furries, and Star Wars fans to counter the threat of Microsoft's iron fisted rule! Brave, determined, and highly trained, this army of rebel fighters is the last line for freedom of the video game world! Their mission is to stop the imperial rule of Microsoft. They represent the tip of the spear to the resistance.

They are the International Sony Alliance!

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They are, the ISA

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The Communist Liar

So this was a poem I did quite a while ago I did for a contest that me and my friends were doing. We we're having a political poetry contest and this was the one I did. It's called Communist Liar and I based it off of the song Communist Daughter. ...


Nightmare Company Pilot episode pt. 2

**Nightmare Company episode one** **Pilot pt. 2** **Well part two's finally here! After a series of mechanical failures and other personal issues I finally posted it. I'll hopefully be able to make it up in part 3. I also made a few minor changes to...

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Shadows of Sorrow

What you're about to read is a story I wrote roughly a few years ago when I was still in the army. Since I'm currently busy with work, school, and preparing for the baby, I don't have a whole lot of time to write. This I actually discovered by complete...

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