A Day To Remember | Part 1

Story by DaiTora on SoFurry

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#1 of A Day To Remember

This is my first story here on SoFurry and I hope you will enjoy it. ^^

If you have any thoughts or ideas on the story feel free to leave a comment.

English is only my second language, so if you notice some mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.

'Today's gonna be a lot of fun,' I thought to myself as I packed some towels in the bag in front of me. The weather was nice and the sunlight shone through the window of my bedroom. I gathered some of my clothes from the wardrobe and placed them in the bag as well. Today was not an ordinary day, it was the anniversary of meeting someone very special to me. I stood up as I finished packing and saw the picture standing on the shelf. I grabbed it and a big smile went over my muzzle.

In the picture you could see a tiger standing next to a tall green dragon hugging each other close to the side. In the background you could see trees, their leaves colored in red and orange shades of autumn. The tiger and the dragon both smiled so bright, that you could see the joy of being together, the special bond they share and above all you could see the love between them.

My paw traced over the picture and stopped on the big dragon. I remembered it as if it were yesterday. It was the first time he said,"I love you." to me and I swear I melted right there into his strong arms and we kissed so passionately that it seemed to last for an eternity. A tear of happiness rolled over my cheek and I wiped it away. I was so glad, that I met him. After I reveled in memories for some time, I put the picture back on the place it belonged and looked at the watch on my wrist.

"It's already that late?! Damn, I gotta hurry!" I took the bag and went to the hallway to get my jacket. It was autumn after all and despite the sun it was a bit chilly outside. When I grabbed the door handle I stopped and thought about things that I may have forgotten.

'Nah, I should be alright,' I ensured myself and went out. As I left my apartment, the smile on my muzzle never faded.

It was only a short walk to the bus station, where we decided to meet today to go on a trip. I didn't know the destination. He said it would be a surprise and I loved his surprises. I walked down the street and my heart was beating faster with every step. After all it's been a whole week since I last saw him and now I was longing to see him again.

As I rounded the last corner of the street, I recognized the bus station and someone was standing there, obviously waiting. It took me only one second to realize, that it was him. I started to walk faster. His emerald green scales reflected the light of the sun. Faster. The two horns on top of his head were in complete harmony with the rest of his muscular body. I started running, my heart was beating so fast that it could burst any second and I called out to him.

"Kenji!" He turned to the direction of my voice and as he saw me he smiled from the bottom of his heart.

"Toru!" His deep bass voice resonated in my eardrums. I dropped my bag and practically jumped onto him. He caught me mid-air with his strong arms and spun me around into a big hug, our bodies pressing together, our hearts united in the warm sensation to be close to each other. As my paws touched the ground again, I looked into his pure, blue eyes, his breath was tickling my nose and in the next moment our maws pressed together into a passionate kiss. Our tongues connected and our tails interlocked, seeking extra contact. The time before, I always had the feeling that some part of me was missing, but in this moment I felt complete. The kiss lasted for several minutes and as we parted our lips, we both panted, blushing hard.

"I missed you." I said in a gentle tone as he was staring into my green eyes. He chuckled.

"You really can't live without me, can you?" My paw touched the side of his muzzle.

"You know I can't." He mimicked my gesture.

"Yeah and I can't live without you. I missed you, too." His words filled me with all kinds of warm, pleasant feelings and we kissed again. As our lips connected the flash of love struck down on me and reached into the deepest regions of my heart. After a while I broke the kiss, because my curiosity took a hold of me.

"Where are we heading?" I asked wanting to know the answer. He smiled.

"I told you, didn't I? It's a surprise." Now he was teasing me.

"Aw, come on. Please tell me," I begged and tried to make the cutest face I could. He sighed.

"You know I could never resist you. Alright I'll give you a hint. There's water where we are going." His expression changed into a goofy smile.

'Now that's a big help,' I thought. "Um...maybe the lake?" I suggested.

"Nope. I'll give you another one. It's hot there." I rubbed my chin as I tried to make sense into his words.

'There's water...and it's hot. Hm...what could it be?' I searched my inner thoughts for various places with hot water as I finally came to a conclusion and snapped my fingers.

"You mean the hot spring?"

"That's right. I thought it would be fun." He blushed. "I mean together with you." At the same time he spoke those words, I hugged him as strong as I could. I was so happy to go to the hot spring with my mate.

"That's wonderful. I always wanted to go there with you." His paw stroked through my head fur.

"I'm glad to hear that." We stood there for a moment leaning onto each other until the sound of a car engine drew closer.

"That must be the bus," Kenji noticed as we parted our hug. The bus came to a stop in front of us and the doors opened.

"Come on. We have a long ride ahead of us." He grabbed the bag lying next to him and I did the same as I followed him into the bus.

The bus driver, a red fox, greeted us. "Good day. Where are you heading?" He seemed to be a bit intimidated by the size of the huge dragon standing in front of him.

"To Nagaro with my mate here." Kenji pointed in my direction and I waved my paw at the driver. The fox had a weird expression on his face as he watched me, but he didn't say anything. He turned back to Kenji instead.

"That will be 960 Yen." Kenji took out his wallet and searched for the money. He handed it to the fox and in exchange got two tickets. "Thanks," he said and we sat down in the back area of the bus.

On the way I noticed only one passenger, a wolf, sitting on the far end of the bus, watching us quietly. For a brief moment I thought I sensed a strange aura around him, but that could just have been my imagination.

I was sitting next to the window and watched the beautiful scenery as we drove by. The leaves of the trees were already colored in gold and red and the sun began to set, painting everything in a shade of orange. It was like the picture I had at home. However one major detail was missing. I leaned my head against Kenji's shoulder.

"You know I'm so happy right now to be with you that words alone could not describe it." He wrapped an arm around me so my head was resting against his chest. I could hear his hearth beating with every breath he took.

"Me, too. When I'm with you I'm always happy, Toru. You mean everything to me." His thumb caressed my shoulder as these words went through my mind. They released a warm sensation inside of me and I found the best words to express my feelings for him. I looked into his beautiful eyes and spoke from the bottom of my heart.

"I love you, Kenji." I saw him blushing like mad and he wrapped both arms around me in a tight hug.

"I love you, too, Toru" The following kiss was unbelievable. The dam of love broke and our tongues wrestled in the bath of lovely feelings, that crashed down upon on us. The emotions we felt were so amazing, it was like we were floating on a cloud, high in the blue sky. I wished, that time stopped flowing so this moment could last forever.

However all good things have to come to an end and we parted our lips. I leaned onto his powerful chest and a sleepy feeling took over me. He caressed my head and I drifted off into the land of dreams knowing that I will see my big dragon again.


When I opened my eyes again I was laying on a cold, uncomfortable seat rather than the cozy body of my mate. I jumped up in surprise to see that he was gone.

"Kenji? Where are you?" I called out but no one answered. Standing up, I looked around, noticing that the wolf and the bus driver were also gone. It was already dark outside and as I made my way to the open door in the front of the bus, I saw a person lying on the ground, illuminated by the light of a street lantern. I hurried down the street and as I got closer to the body, I froze in place, shocked by the horrible sight before me. It was Kenji, lying motionless on the road, but not only that. He was covered in blood.

I felt like something was hammering on my head, my heart beat at immense speed and my stomach knotted itself so hard, I could have spit out all of it's contents. Panic washed over me like a tidal wave and I ran as fast as I could to see what happened. As I arrived, I sunk to my knees in front of him and started crying like I never did before.

"No. This can't be...this can't be happening." I saw a bullet hole right at the spot of his hearth where the blood was flowing out.

"Kenji! KENJI! WAKE UP!" I shook him.

"YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME ALONE! I NEED YOU!" He wasn't breathing.


"WHY?! Why is this happening?!" I held his head in my arms and cried so hard, that my eyes hurt from the constant dripping of tears over my muzzle.

He was the brightest star in my universe. He was the light at the end of my tunnel. He was the best thing that could have happened to me and now he's gone forever.

Suddenly I heard the sound of footsteps and a figure entered the light. In my blurry vision I recognized the person. It was the wolf from the bus, holding a gun in his right paw. Fear started to rise up within me as he pointed the gun in my direction.

"Any last words before you die with your queer friend, faggot?" I could see the dark expression on his muzzle and the contempt in his eyes.

I swallowed and gathered the courage to say something. "W-Why...why are you d-doing this?" The words came out barely understandable like a whisper.

"Why? Because I hate scumbags like you! You are a disgrace to god and the world and I shall eliminate all of you! Now go to hell, where you belong!" After his last words I only heard the metallic sound of the trigger and the following shot before everything went black.