That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 2: The Black/Pruple Husky (part 2)
#3 of That Gay Goth Dog
"Open your eyes don't be this way, While your dreams are swept away, The stairs will rise from yesterday, Your tears and fears all melt away. The waters will rush but don't dismay, Our smiles will cross, the wild will stay, The bridge has crossed itself today, Now close your eyes and sway the sway, sway the sway" my ipod sang loudly as i listend to Ching Chime by Serj Tankian, my muzzle was down on my chest as we stayed afterwords because i had marching band after school today. i just started to fall asleep when i felt his arm wrap around my sholders and pulled me closer to my warm husky. i purred lightly as i snuggled into his warm fur. i drifted into my dream world.
"hun" i felt hayden lightly shake me. "hun its time to wake up" i heard again with a lick to my nose. right after i felt his warm toung move away i heard the loudest shot on a snare drum ever aimed to my ear. i jumped up yelping "fuck" loudly. my fur was on end as i stared at Sean smiling and Hayden on his back laughing loudly. i reached over and lightly punched him. before i could get my arm back he hugged it tightly and licked my shoulder smiling.
"sean your a ass. hayden.... i dont know if i should say your one to or if your to cute" i smiled kissing his nosepad as his toung licked across my chine.
"come on im to cute to be a ass" he smiled .
"ok love dogs, nelson we need you in their getting warmed up. hayden you can stay to i dont think they will mind."
"haha sweet" hayden said getting up and following me into the band room. it seemed like there was 400 band students in their, even though it was only 117. i walked over to the drumline area and picked up my Tenor drums and my harnes. i walked over at hayden and took out a penny.
"what are you ganna do wi-" he said before i thew the penny at my shot drum making it bounce and hit his fur.
"you are so wired" hayden said laughing. i smiled sticking my toung out the side of my mouth and licked his nosepad.
"DRUMLINE SUIT UP!" a tall tiger with orange and black striped fur said walking into the room. it was John O, he was the drumline guy for this years show. we got into our line, 2 tenors, 2 snare and 4 bass drums. we started with Aspen Taps as our warm up. i looked out the side of my eye and chuckled as hayden bobbing his head to the beat of the heard grooving song. shortly after the warm ups we played the first movement of our show. shortly after i was done i knew i messed up the solo. i got onto the ground and did 10 push ups. in marching band if you messed up something simple like forget a solo, not have a pen and pencile, forget your instrument, not get their on time or anything critical you had to do push ups. after we ran though the first movement we wint outside. as we did i tallked to hayden who seemed really happy to watch me suffer though the pain of marching band.
"now i know how you stay in shape... you must forget a lot of things" he chuckled.
"ok... you hush" i said chuckling.
shortly after i introduced Mr. Waite (band teacher) and hayden they walked up and stood on the stands to look out over us.
-------------------------------------------------Hayden Stevens--------------------------------------------------
i couldnt believe i found a dog as nice as jeremy. i heard a lot of bad things about him being mean, rude and a dumbass. but i think he heard it so much he just does what he can to get away from everyone. his playing was almost flawless out on the grass. playing at 172bpm in a song that gos from 3/4 to 4/4 with the beats slowing down to 120 then 4 counts later right back to 172. its just insane. i couldnt help but have my mouth open little as they marched around the filed.
"GREAT JOB GUYS! way to go we are getting much much better. next time we will work on some actions to make the show better! night every one." mr. waite said then shook my paw. "nice to meet you to hayden. good luck getting jeremy from behind the drum kit to your bed" he laughed loudly as i stared at him with my mouth open.
" did you know we were dating." i said with my eyes wide.
"well i highly dout that you would have your arm around his shoulder and him as he was snuggling into you if you two are not dating" mr wait repyled laughing walking off. "good night hayden." he said waving back to me.
"night mr. waite" i said slowly walking down dumbfound at what just happend.
--------------------------------------------Jeremy Nelson---------------------------------------------------------
i saw mr. wait walking back into the school as i was walking out to meet up with hayden.
"great job today jeremy. hope you and your boyfriend make it and hes also alowed here when he wants IF hes your ride" mr waite said.
"how did yo-" i said before he cut me off.
"cuddle, snuggle, paw over shoulder, outsaid band room." he said as we bursted out laughing.
"thank you mr. waite see ya tomorrow." i said waving and walked to hayden.
"good night jeremy." he waved back smiling.
as i got to hayden i hugged him tightly. i was sweating a lot because of the heard drills we just did. hayden kissed my lips as he took my shirt off and walked to his car.
"you know for band you guys are jocks... i mean i use to play football but they never pushed us like that." he snickerd as his tail started to wag faster. "aalso you ..erm you smell really good right now." he said as we got in the car and buckled in. soon i could smell my own musk witch for some odd reason sorta turned me on. we started driving then he looked at me.
"would you like to stay at my house tonight?" he asked putting his ears down givving me the puppy dog eyes when we were stopped at a stoplight.
"sure ill just have to tell dj im not ganna be going to his house." i said texting him.
"dj?" he asked.
"the keyboardist of the band. and its ok." i said smiling.
"why do you live with him?" he asked. i slightly whimpred then rember what my dad said.
"well my parents kicked me out" i stated then told about how everything happend.
"oh im sorry hon." his ears drooped down a little with a light whimper.
"eh its ok they were jackasses anyway." i laughed as we pulled into his drive way. his house was a small-ish 2 sotry white house with a pink garage door. he parked it in a small out hook of the driveway that seemed to be made just for his car. as i got out he opend the garage door. i walked into the nicely decored home that seemed to be a diffrent home because of how big it actually was.
"wow" i said wiht my eyes wide. i knew it was a 2 levels but it looked like a mansion.
"eh yup this is my home." he said lightly poking my shoulder as we walked into his room. he had posters of all my fav bands and some i never heard of on his walls. the parts the you could see were sorta black with a mix of purple. he had a desk with a laptop on it and some drawing tools. he had a flat screen with a x-box 360. he had a big bed with black sheets on it. some of his pants were sorta hanging out of his dresser. then i turnd to look at him and i saw him blushing a little.
"sorry for the mess." he said. i looked around and noticed some things piled into the coroners of the room. i chuckled and kissed him.
"it looks neat" i said snickering. he walked over and patted his bed. i walked over and sat down. he leand over and kissed my lips. i parted mine alowing his toung into my mouth. i stuck mine into his mouth and serched around his k9's. i couldnt help but let out a small moan. i felt a happyness i never felt before. it was like i was flying. i lightly pushed him so his back was on his bed as i took off his shirt. i rubbed my paws up the side of his body though his underarm hair and to his cheeks as we kissed. i smelt his musk strongly on my paws as a small bulge started to form in my pants as he moaned lightly. i broke away from the kiss and looked at him in the eyes. we both smiled holding eachothers paws and rubbed our noses together.
"Hey Hayden?" the door to his bed room opend from a femal husky who stared at hayden and me. i was wided eyed and lightly started to shake.
"... oh ...erm hel-hello" i said gulping down whimpering a little.
"hayden... who is this?"she asked astonished.
"mom.. before i tell you..." he looked at me then back to her. "im gay... and this is my boyfriend Jeremy." he said. i could hear him slightly whimpering.
"JAMES GET IN HERE.... NOW!" she screamed making us get closer together.
"what is i- WOAH WHAT THE HELL!" his dad yelled. we both held eachothers paws.
"DAM IT! HES GAY! FUCK!" he said pulling out his wallet giving his wife $30.
"money money money moneah" his mom snickerd as me and hayden looked at each other then to his parents with our ears up.
"hon me and your dad had a bet ... he thought you were stright but i knew you were gay." she said pointing to the laptop. "now stop going on thos sites." as she said that he blushed a bright red smiling lightly.
"so you guys are ok with us?" we asked at the same time.
"yes we are hon and jeremy... if you ever need something our home is your home" his mom said and smiled. they walked out of the room as me and hayden looked at each other... we bursted out laughing. i rolled over and layed next to him not knowing what to think. i looked at haydens eyes and smiled holding him close to me.
"i love you hayden" i said licking his nose wraping my arms around him.
"i love you to jeremy" he said kissing my lips wraping his arms around me. soon we both fell into our dream worlds.
i woke up a little bit before the alarm clock normaly would go off for him. i layed next to the dog i loved. i put my head on his chest and listend to his heart beat. his paw wraped around me as he gave me a light kiss on the head.
"good morning hon" he said lightly.
"morning hon" i said kissing his lips.
"well shall we get int our shower" he smiled and got up.
"sure" i smiled then my eyes wint wide. "wait i have nothing to wear!" i said looking at him
"oh just take some of my cloths we are basicly the same size" he chuckled.
"yay" i looked though his dresser. i found black shirts, pants, socks, boxers. i took a Motionless In White t-shirt, black pants and socks. i even snook one of his boxers and chuckled lightly as i walked into the bathroom with him. i pulled down my pants as he did the same. i couldnt help but be in awe over his body. his 6 pack. nice chest. musculer arms. his balls were low. our musk mixed together filling the room making my mur lightly. he got the water to a good temp and we both steped in. i helped him wash down his back his butt and sheath. i asked him if he wanted me to help him with his legs but he told me no. instend he leand over rubbing his ass on my sheath and lifted his tail. i wanted to yiff him right their i wanted it. just to hold him down as i rammed his tight tailhole. but we were a little short on time. he got back up and we switched places, he washed my whole body even licking my sheath witch made me almost lose it again. after we got done we got dryed off and put on our cloths. his cloths fit me perficly, a little tight but it was good.
"now i can see your muscle though a shirt." he said light murring rubbing my abs. as i his soft paw rubed my abs i purred loudly kissing his lips. we walked out and grabed our stuff and got in his car.
"do you mind if we listen to I See Stars... i really wnat to listin to their music for some reason" he asked looking at me.
"me to, lets play their newist cd." i said and chuckled.
"the only real good one?" he playfully asked and chuckled.
"yup" i kissed his lips as we started listing to Gnars Attack by I See Stars.
once we got to school we talked and talked more about ourselves. the rest of the day wint great nothing bad happend. every thing seemed like it was in place and nothing bad could ever happen to us.
hope you like the new part.. you know what to do /^.^/ comment please and subscribe if you like!