Don't know me ch 6
#6 of Don't Know Me
Here's the next chapter of my series...enjoy...
"Why the hell are you making him go to school?"
"Don't you mean why did I enroll him? Well, when Demetrius told me about his past, I felt like he needed to go to school, learn more about the world and how to read and write. He'll be in the same class as Derbbie, he's 5yrs old so that make him in kindergarten. I'm going to keep you in that grade in till you can read and write then you can decide to go to high school if you want...kk. So of to bed you guys, big day tomorrow." Master said with a smile. I couldn't really complain at the time since I was exhausted from a day of, well I hate to admit, but fun. We headed to his room, as I was about to sit on the floor where I slept last time...Demetrius grabbed my armed.
"P-Please Juuiichii...sleep with me today." He's said giving me the puppy dog eyes, though I don't think he's doing it on purpose.
"Yeah Juuiichii, sleep with us today, I doubt the floor is comfy." Master said with a yawn.
"*sigh*...fine, I'm too tired to complain."
(Sorry for describing the room again, just thought it might be clearer if someone like Juuiichii would describe it since he knows what the things around the rooms are...)
When we got to his room, it wasn't what I expected it to be. There wasn't any furniture on the floor but instead in compartments exactly the same size as the furniture in the walls. There was a huge flat screen to the left of the door as we got in, the cable box and DVD player was right under it in its own little cubby. To the right of the door is just a wall and a closet a bit further down it. The coolest part of the room, which I hate to admit, was that the floor was the bed. A bit of the space in front of the door was wood, and next to it on the left was another little cubby with slippers and sandals. It was kind of like that Japanese thing where there's space as soon as you get in the house for you can take of your shoe, but this was a smaller version. The rest of the room was a blue bed, and a bunch of pillows and blankets everywhere. I never saw a bed that looked so cozy; the only reason it looked comfy was because it's a bed with so much space.
Demetrius started to pull me in while master nudged me from behind. We all went on the bed, though I pulled in Demetrius closer to me.
" adorable." I looked up to see James.
"Aren't they, I couldn't tear them apart, though not as cute as my James." Master said while grabbing James who groped master in return.
"I wonder if they did it yet." James said to master but directing it to me. The question did make me blush.
"Master...what does that mean?" Demetrius asked which in terms made me turn a darker shade of red.
"C-Can we go t-to sleep now." I said trying to change the subject.
"Hey Demetrius, why not ask Juuiichii what that sentence means."
"What does it mean Juuiichii." Demetrius said looking at me with his big brown eyes.
"I have to go to the bathroom." I quickly said and left. Now if I had pants or at least an underwear I could of hide my boner since I was only average size. I could hear James and Master chuckle at what I said; I'm pretty sure they know I was getting hard.
I really don't get why, but after Juuiichii left the room, master and James broke out in laughter.
"Umm...master why are you laughing....whats wrong about me asking what that sentence meant." I said.
"Nothing at all, but Juuiichii has a dirty mind, I wouldn't worry about it at all, he'll tell you what it means eventually." Master said which did make me feel better, but I wish I knew what it meant...and what master meant when he said 'dirty mind'.
"So Demetrius, how do you like your first day at your new home?" Other master asked.
"It was very fun, one of the best days I have ever had." I said blushing.
"You know you don't have to act like that, you are my pet not my slave, you can call us by our first names instead of master, or in James' case other master. I also want you to know that you can ask us anything and we will do our best to get what you want/need..." Master said. Those words really made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Never before have I had someone to tell me something so touching to me.
"Thank you very much master...I'm very happy here..."I said not knowing how to react much except by blushing even more.
"Well, you are very welcome." Master said.
"Ummm said you would do your best to do what I want...ummm...can you tell me what that sentence mean...." I said with that last part with a high tone then I expected it to be in.
"You did it again Al." Other master said.
"I do I keep setting myself up like this." Master said, which I didn't know what he meant.
"......fine, the sentence means if you had sex with Juuiichii."
"Oh.....what's sex?..." I asked
"Oh is, well it's ummm....James." master said as he put other master on his lap.
"Oh no, don't get me involved in this, this is your problem. I'm just going to watch and enjoy the show." Other master said getting up from master's lap and walk in between us so he can watch.
"I'm a problem..." I said feeling a bit hurt now.
"No no no no, you are not a problem, Al is." Other master said which made me feel better again. I then looked at master and waited for his answer.
" is when to people love each other very much and wants to love each other physically." Master said.
"How do you love someone physically?" I asked seeing James rolling around laughing and holding his stomach. I looked back at master and saw for the first time him blushing.
"That's a question you have to ask Juuiichii, I don't think he'll like it if I keep telling you this." Master said which made me realize he was gone longer than I expected.
"Master....what is Juuiichii doing?" I asked
"Umm...he's relieving himself..." Master said while tapping his pointer fingers together.
"Oh...ok." I said knowing that at least I knew what that meant; I wish Juuiichii would hurry up with peeing...I miss sleeping with him.
After a few more minutes, Juuiichii came back but he was a bit sweaty and a bit out of breath; I heard him panting even before he opened the door.
"I'm guessing you enjoyed yourself fantasizing about Demetrius." Master said with a big smile.
"I'm not talking about it..." Juuiichii said with a very obvious blush.
"C-Can we go to bed now..." Juuiichii said and with that all of us started to get ready for bed but instead of me sleeping with Juuiichii, James pulled Juuiichii in to an embrace.
"Hey, do you mind, I want to sleep with Demetrius." Juuiichii said.
"Not gonna happen, Al gets up earlier than me and takes Derrbie to school on the way to work. So you'll sleep with me so that they won't disturb us when they wake up." James said.
"No buts Juuiichii, have no idea how scary James is in the morning...he's a beast." Master said as he ducked behind me when James glared at him.
"'s true..." Master said directing it to James, peering over my shoulders.
"M-Master, can we just go to bed now...I'm tired..." I said.
"Fine..." master replied and with that we all went to bed, I was on top of master again, while James lay on top of Juuiichii.
The sleep was another wonderfully filled treat that I can't 100% believe that I'm actually sleeping comfortably. And again I slept peacefully with a sweet dream. And again I so happened to wake up in master's chest fur; which I don't mind too much.
We got up and out of the room quietly and into the bathroom to brush our teeth. Master told me that I have to brush my teeth well and at least twice a day for my teeth can be strong and healthy. After we were done, master told me to go wake up little master, his room was down the hall to left.
When I went in, I wasn't expecting it to be, well plushy. In the room were a bed, a drawer, a desk, and lots of toys that master said were called plush toys. Master told me some of the basic furniture yesterday while we waited for Juuiichii. I went to little master's bed and found him asleep naked on his side with the covers off. The most adorable thing was that little master was hugging a plushy toy husky (an anthro-husky not a feral) the same size as him, maybe even bigger. As much as I wanted to watch him longer, I had to wake him up.
"Umm...little master....I-It's time to wake up ..." I said in a barely audible sound.
"Little master please wake up...we have to go to school." I said louder and nudged him a bit.
"I don't want toooo...."
"Please little master...master asked me to wake you up..." I said. He started to sit upright and rub his eyes.
"Mr. Raccoon...can you carry me to the bathroom." Little master said still rubbing his eyes, then raised his arms signaling that he wants to be carried.
"Okay sir." I felt a bit weird calling someone 'sir' whose younger than me, but I belong to master and his family, and the slave training facility told me that everyone part of your master's family is higher than you and must be treated as such.
"Don't call me that, call me Derbbie...I'm not your master, we're friends." Little, I mean, Derbbie said holding on to me as I take him to the bathroom.
After he brushed his teeth, we went down stairs to eat eggs and bacon on toast. It wasn't as tasty as other master's cooking but it was still better than anything I ever had. After we we're down, master asked me if I was ok going out naked. I really don't mind. Derbbie was different; he went upstairs and changed into shorts and only shorts. Master was dressed in a nice shirt and pants with no shoes. Master said that his shirt and pants are call dress shirt and dress pants. Master also said this is his normal dress cloths because it lets his wings hang out through holes in the back made for winged furs.
After breakfast, master took us to the car and we all went off to school. It took us a while to get to the school. We finally got to the school, and I was amazed at how big it was. It was way bigger than a house. It looked two stories big. And the building looked to be made of bricks too.
"Okay guys time to go, give me a kiss and get to class." Master said; Derbbie went up to master from outside the car to his window and master gave a kiss on the side of Derbbie's maw then Derbbie came back to my side.
"When I said guys that meant everyone Demetrius." Master said, which made me go to him and let him kiss me on the side of my maw while I was blushing again.
"If anything happens, tell the teacher to call me for I can pick you guys up ok Derbbie, Demetrius." Master said to us and we both nodded. After that, master left in the car. Derbbie took my hand and started tugging me towards the school. The whole time we we're walking, I was holding Derbbie's hand. We stopped at a door.
"Ready to meet every one Mr. Raccoon." Derbbie said with a big smile.
"Umm, sure..." I said, though I was screaming no in my head.
We entered the room, but I wasn't expecting what was inside. There were mini versions of everything in the room. Little table, little chairs, little door in the back, little sink, everything was little except for a table looking furniture in front of a big green wall (chalk board). As soon as we got in, all attention went to us. About ten plus kids stared at us, well at me.
"Well hello there, you must be my new student. I talked with Mr. Drake on the phone about your problem I think I am able to help, my name is Mr. Reff." I looked over where the voice came from and stood in fear. There behind the normal sixed table was an adult Tanuki; he didn't scare me himself, is what he might do to me when he sees that I'm not normal. My balls are above my knees but his was below, almost to the floor and very big and round. He was taller than me, looking to be 5' 9", he was chubby like most Tanukis, and he wore glasses and a nice dress shirt. That's when I realized that he doesn't have pants on. Same goes for some of the kids in the room.
"Don't worry Demetrius, I won't judge you or hurt you, your master told me a bit of your story so you don't have to worry with me around ok." He said in a very kind, sincere and not to mention deep voice.
"Promise..." I said in a weak noise.
"You know, even though you are a teenager, you act like one of my students, yes I promise."
"See Mr. Raccoon, Mr. Teacher isn't bad, he's nice." Derbbie said.
"Okay enough of this time to get started, Demetrius you can sit next to Derbbie, everyone else take your seats and let us begin class." Mr. Reff said.
Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, I really tried to do better but my writing isn't that good.