Blast From the Past: Chapter 1

Story by Spike Sethen on SoFurry

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#1 of Blast From the Past

Kaga was a rhizard. What's a rhizard you ask? That's not really important, but it's a reptilian humanoid from lands far away. This rhizard...was in war, not his place, never his place. He was always the peaceful type, never one to pick a fight. So why? Why is it we see this slender male lizard holding his M16 proudly in his arms firing away rapidly at the men on the other side of the native field of Jes'Siah, a continent far from his home? Blood on his hands, blood on his face. He's been wounded before, this once, almost nerdy acting fellow but now...he was looking to almost crave death as he rapidly took aim and pulled on that trigger splattering yet another unknown soldier's blood. At merely the age of twenty seven, he is still young, and much less of that should not be all that wise. But he was wise. In fact, before he joined wisdom was one of the only things he had to back him up. Sure he was beyond brave, would dive into a gun fight to save his friends life at any time...but that was a friend, this is a war. That, if I am not mistaken, is a HUGE difference.

"GRENADE!" screamed a voice from a short distance away from the draconic male known to us as Kaga. He pulled his gun away tightly to his chest and turned his back to the bunk wall curling into a ball, as KA-BOOM! A huge explosion behind him sent a man soaring over head and collapsing to the ground in front of him laying like a limp rag doll, neck twisted and turned in a odd manner that looked impossible but with how the break had been made it look almost natural. And one leg twisted up nearly to the soldiers shoulder. Kaga quickly turned back around bringing his assault rifle with him as he fired a shot almost instantly at a soldier ahead of him, grinning at the spurt of blood from the contact of the bullet.

The battle raged on like this for what seemed to be several hours, when really it was only an hours time, before the enemy side screamed, "RETREAT!" and started running the other way. Soldiers from Kaga's side cheered and some even jumped over their protection racing after them guns in arms not ready to give up still wanting a few more kills before the nights end. Kaga though just turned away silent moving and setting his gun down next to him as he smiled with a warm stare in his eyes he lifted a hand up and wiped his cheeks of a little dust and dirt built up in his scales before saying, "Thank you Kharaxxen...for sparing my more day....." Looking up into the sky he shut his eyes and just silently rejoiced in his victory.

We find our lizard friend lying in his bed looking up at the tent roof, it wasn't exactly a solid home, but it had been his home for the past year since he was shipped here for this war. Kaga smiled a little with soft eyes as he heard his tent mate moving around below, a deep raspy voice mumbling to itself as a hand came up and pulled a person up to the top bunk where Kaga lay. A tiger looked to him with a smile, black streaks sliding over his cheeks and soft hazel eyes as he looked at the green scaled male now out of his uniform and into more casual ware, at least casual for military. Both were wearing their military slacks but nothing covered their chests showing the glistening muscled body of the army men. Kaga was a little smaller then the muscle bound tiger.

"Kag's... why ya always up here in ya bunk?" The tiger asked tilting his head and resting his feet on the lower bed to keep himself up. Though he was bulky, he was only a stock six feet tall, while Kaga reached almost six and a half feet in height.

Kaga turned his head slowly to look at the tiger before saying, "Max... I... well..." he looked away before looking back to the tent top, "Heh... why not?" he asked in response to the tiger's question.

The stocky tiger now known to us as Max, or his full name Maximillion Justavok. (More will be explained of him later on) Max would shake his head and say, "Inscrutable scale belly. Ya always gotta keep ya thoughts to yourself, don't ya? Anyway, I've been thinking lately... Whataya fightin' for mate?" He asked. He lowered his head when he saw Kaga's surprised expression. And no wonder. They'd fought beside each other since this war started and neither had asked this kind of question before. Before the rhizard could answer Max slid off the bed and onto the floor before saying, "Ah... don't answer that... go ahead and fight... I'm gonna go drink...." his accent was thick and Irish sounding as he nodded his head politely and turned away waving off the other heading out of the tent.

"Later Maxxy!" Kaga called back before twisting one leg around the other and turning his attention back to the tent roof, sighing softly to himself. He was daydreaming of his past, why he was fighting in this war, the reason he came here.... It was the most important choice of his life...and honestly, it was his proudest choice of his life...but...I'm sorry I can't go too deep into his life yet... We've only just begun.... Where we're we... Oh yes...let's skip on ahead...

Two days later, it was early morning, all the soldiers except for a few look outs in front were sleeping. It all seemed pretty calm... that is... until....


Kaga jumped and rolled right out of his bed at the sound of a machine gun firing landing with a thud on the ground, other man around him getting up and quickly yelling to wake others that may not have heard in case. Together they grabbed things they needed, their guns above all else, and ran out to war yet again. Kaga was one of the first out of the tent. This...was his new life... Kaga stood up and reached for his M16 sighing as he looked at the ammo case, making sure that it was full of ammo before sliding it in to his gun and holding onto it like a lifeline. He took a deep breath before quickly running out into flying metal.

The instant he ran out a explosion set off near him and sent him soaring into the air. He slamed into the ground a distance away, mostly unhurt accept for a few cuts from metal. He groaned saying, "Fuck me..." as he sat up he and slowly got to his feet, stunned form the explosion. That was close. Looking around his best for a place to hide over a place to stand and fire, he turned to a metal storage shed and ran over to it, jumping behind cover. Rolling over to the other side and looking out the other side to see if anyone was there, he sighed with relief. There was no one...for now, but that didn't stop the fact that bullets were still flying around him.

Kaga turned his head and rested his back against the metal shed before bringing his gun to his chest. He would frown and take a few breaths before turning quickly aiming and firing a shot into the head of a Jes'siahin soldier, who collapsed to the ground rather quickly. As he turned back around he yelped to hear a whiz of metal flinging against metal as a stray bullet slammed against the side of the shed. A close call. It nearly hit him. He hadn't prepared himself for this level of firefight at all... Pressing his gun back to his chest he folded his hands together and prayed for a moment saying, "Kahraxxen please... give me the strength to make it through this...." Just as the last of his words slipped from his mouth a sharp stab of agony tore through his chest. A bullet somehow pierced through the shed and slammed into Kaga's back missing his ribs completely but with the force it had it still had enough strength behind it to penetrate his right lung. Taking a gasp of air he tasted blood. Panicking he put his hand to his chest...he didn't feel a wound but...he was definitely injured. It was starting to get hard to breath as well...

Max darted behind the shed joining Kaga as he cocked his hand gun. He had not had enough time to grab anything else so he just relied on that. Seeing Kaga slumped over he frowned and said, "Come on dude... don't just sit there like a goon... this is war.... you're usually killing them like they're are standing still..." That's when the scent of blood wafted into his nose... Of course it was in the air...but this close to Kaga it was really strong. "Kaga....are you okay?" he murmured, setting his gun down and moving close to him as he looked at his brother in arms with worry welled in his eyes.

Kaga shook his head lightly pushing away his gun till it fell to the ground. He shut his eyes and struggled to take breaths before looking at Max saying, "I...can't breath....." in a low raspy voice...

Max frowned and moved to Kaga slowly picking him up and moving his hand away from his chest as he set him on the ground still hidden by the protection of the shed as he would say, "Kaga...just...stay with me okay? I'm gonna try and help you..."

Kaga nodded a little as he was turned onto his side a wound in his back spurting little gushes of blood, a sign of a hit to a artery not good... Max had to stop the bleeding first before he could do anything and Kaga was already starting to lose consciousness. But then maybe that was a good thing...he wouldn't know what's happening to him...

The tiger ripped off part of his sleeve and pressed hard against the open wound...trying to hold back the bleeding with all of his strength. The bullet was lodged in his chest, stuck between two ribs so Max tried to cover up the wound in the back. The makeshift bandage immediately soaked in blood and he knew that this wouldn't hold for long. Where were the medics? In an attack like this there should have been a few of them around. "Help!" he yelled, peering through the smog of battle. "Man down! I need a medic here! Man down!" No answer...was the field hospital hit? "Damn it! Kags, don't you dare die on me. We're gonna get out of here. No stupid bullet is going to kill you, not on my watch..."

Kaga didn't answer of course, and the tiger tied the sleeve around his chest to hold it on. During a break in the gunfire he heaved the rhizard over his shoulder and staggered down the makeshift street between the tents and small buildings of their camp. The hospital was in the direct center...the attack shouldn't have penetrated that far yet...

Kaga panted softly over the tiger's shoulder before his eyes closed and he felt his world around him spinning before it felt like some one slammed a brink on his head knocking him out cold, as darkness surrounded him he saw a vision of a woman.... a young girl... about twenty two... twenty three... husky, her fur was a purplish color and her eyes gazed back at him with a soft silvery stare, teary eyed as if she had been crying for a good long while, before she mouthed in a silent scream, "Please don't die! You have so much to live for!" Kaga thought about this in his unconscious state... his mind brining up that fact, what does he have to live for.... slowly his memories started to come back to him....

That would be the end of the first chapter... I hope you enjoy my little cliff hanger... but I can't bring in his memories yet... it wouldn't sound good in the first chapter... so you'll have to wait till chapter two... this story was co written with my friend Kaga.... also the main character of the story.... hope you enjoyed!