Chapter 1 : a new friend

Story by Bloodgod245 on SoFurry

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#1 of Spyro: Light shall triumph

This is my first story so ideas and comments are welcome!

Yiff Dragon, Kroqgar and Frost Dragon all you're stories have inspired me to start this series. Any and all comments are welcome but be nice as I've already said this is my first story. In no way shape or form do I own spyro or any of the affiliated characters. I will be making things up but I will also be taking things off of shows I watch.

Well I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 1: The new beginning.

Hello, my name is Galinoth and I'm an anthro dragon from the world of Caliban.

My people are called the guardians and we strive to re-unite the worlds lost to us during dark times when war was rife and evil dominated the galaxy. This is how I met with a young dragon called spyro on an unknown world untroubled by what is happening. This is how a meet a true hero.

All was quite on the bridge Righteous Fury. The Righteous fury was an aurora class battle cruiser that could beat fleets into submission on its own. None could stand up to her fury in battle. This fine ship had a long and glorious history. It liberated the Methian sector from the clutches of an enemy known only as the shadow. It single handedly destroyed a Disporax fleet of 10 warships. But it had just been in a fight and suffered heavy damage when it received a distress signal from an unknown sector.

"Captain, we are receiving a distress signal bearing 261 mark 347." The comm. Officer informed.

"Can you put it on the view screen?" asked Captain Morgan. Captain Morgan was a much decorated officer among the guardians with several battle honours behind him.

"I'm afraid not Captain, the signal is too week but I can route it through audio" replied the comm Officer.

"Lets here it" Morgan asked.

"This is the Temperence. We are under heavy attack and need immediate assistance!"

"Shields are down and life support is failing! Please someone help us!" then the message cut off. There comm systems must have been damaged but in his mind Morgan knew that without shields no ship could last long in a fire fight.

"Change course to intercept" Morgan declared to the pilot.

"Yes captain" the young cadet replied. Morgan looked at him and thought (he has the skills and qualities to make general someday). They were already in hyperspace and would only take a few minutes to get there.

"Comm, send a message to the Temperence saying that we are coming to their aid" ordered Morgan.

"Message sent Captain" the officer replied.

As soon as we exited hyperspace they were fired on.

"I want damage reports now!" Morgan bellowed. The bridge of the fury was alight with activity. Warning claxons going off every where and everyone was trying to control the fear they felt.

"Sir there are hull breaches on decks 4 through 9, and port weapons batteries are destroyed!" someone replied.

"Damnation!" shouted Morgan. Then over the intercom the thing Morgan was dreading was announced.


"Oh no....." was all Morgan could say before a huge explosion ripped through the bridge. Many were hurt but he could tell that the whole crew was doomed unless the evacuation order was given. But before he did that he made a ship wide announcement.

"To all the crew, this is Captain Morgan. Not all of us will survive this."

"But before I do anything I just wanted to say it was an honour serving with you"

And with that done Morgan gave the general evacuation order.


Everyone was going to the escape pods or shuttle at the sound of the order. As soon as the last escape pod was ejected there were rippling explosions running across the ship. Then a minute later it exploded in a super heated fireball that engulfed the enemy ships and destroyed them instantly. Everyone got away. But debris from the fury had clipped the wings of a shuttle. And now that shuttle was heading for the surface of a planet at tremendous speeds. All the occupant could do was brace for impact.

Spyro and cinder were on the balcony when they heard a huge explosion in the sky.

When they looked up they saw a huge fireball and wondered what it was. Ignitus came running out at the sound of the explosion.

"What was that?" he asked in confusion. He was wondering what could have caused such a noise.

"We don't know." "We just heard a noise and looked up and saw a huge fireball in the night sky" replied spyro. Ignitus looked up and saw this fireball. This confused him even more.

"What could cause such an explosion?" he wondered allowed. Just then they heard a noise. It was strange to them.

"What's that noise" Cynder asked. She was clearly scared and spyro comforted here.

"I don't know" spyro replied. Then something caught Ignitus's eye.

"DUCK" he shouted as the strange object he spotted ploughed past them.

Then another explosion marked where the object crashed.

"Is everyone all right?" Volteer asked.

"We are unharmed" replied Ignitus. "But a strange object has crashed nearby".

"I would like you, Spyro and Cynder to go and investigate while I tell the others what has happened".

"Ok" They all replied.

It took them a few minutes of flying but the finally found the object.

They also past a scene of carnage from where it crashed and now rested.

"It looks like some sort of flying machine" Volteer said. The fascination was clear in his voice. As they approached it they noticed a big tear through the hull. It was big enough for Spyro and Cynder to fit through.

"Anything in there?" Volteer asked.

"No doesn't lo... hold on I see something!" Cynder shouted.

"There is someone in here!" Screeched spyro.

"Is it alive?" asked Volteer.

"Just barely" replied Cynder

As they were bringing the survivor out where it was lighter they recoiled in shock from what they saw. A dragon. But not an ordinary one. This one looked like it stood on its hind legs without difficulty.

"Let's get this poor fellow back to the temple quickly!" ordered Volteer.

"Uuuugggghhhh......." The dragon was conscious but barely.

The trio just looked at him as he awoke.

"Who are you and where am I?" he asked. He was clearly in pain.

"My name is Spyro and this is Cynder and the dragon you are on is called Volteer and you crashed on our temple grounds" replied spyro

"I see" replied the dragon. It was clear he was going to lose consciousness soon.

"What's your name?" Cynder asked

"I am Galinoth of the Guardians, and I owe you my thanks for rescuing me" replied Galinoth. And with that Galinoth lost consciousness.

Well what do you think to my first story?

Any suggestions or improvements are welcome.

And im sorry if any of this seems like the works of yiff dragon, frostdragon or kroqgar. Im sorry for any bad spelling or miss-pronunciations as its been along time since I've used my computer for something like this?