01 Almost Chosen [Prologue]

Story by ShaRroos on SoFurry

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A 1000 years ago in the far eastern land of Hiko the growth was a model for all the land. Construction of new everything was abound. Houses sprouted as far as they eye could see and as easily as planting a field of grass. Every merchant not only visited Hiko but had his or her own shop. Peasants slept on goose down mats framed in gold. The Lord had 10,000 servants whose whisper created the mattress of air in his bedchamber. His standing army of a million men nightly feasted on Dragon flanks Broiled in a hearth kept by fire elementals. They had vegetables from all the lands roasted on the backs freshly risen phoenixes. This was polished off by a never ending supply of specially raised sugar ooze gum balls, and drowned in a seemingly bottomless store of the finest aged elfin wines.

However like all things, this too must end. Even with the finest weapons that could be crafted by any dwarven hand, Hiko fell. Disease claimed the life of one out of every three man, woman, and child. Pets, livestock, and even crops succumbed to this ravaging plague. Even those who failed to fall victim to this blight lived in horror. For the nightmares of watching that that one cares for wither away in a pain so great no scream can express its agony is enough to drive many to take their own lives. The plague known as Musei Itami cared not for your status in this world. The Feudal lords of the land succumbed victim as easily as the beggar on the street. There was no defense. It was as if the Earth herself had turned her eye of hate toward Hiko. With all of its wealth, prestige, influence, and progress lost not even the lords of this land could buy sanctuary in another land.

What Hiko did not know, could not know is that after generations of ignoring, neglecting, and even abusing the spirits known as Kami, they decided to fight back. Before the coming of civilization the spirits called this land now known as Hiko home. They never claimed to possess the land, nor did they proclaim dominance of it. The Kami lived in harmony with it. After seeing the lands held dear for a time to long to measure the Kami had finally come to the aid of the dying land. Fight the Kami did. With the hope of one time restoring this land to the wilderness it was countless generations ago the Kami unleashed this scourge on the population of Hiko. The tenacious curse of the Musei Itami was the perfect weapon. Or so the Kami believed.

After countless deaths Hiko was a shadow of its self. With legions dead an unforeseen consequence came into horrifying clarity. In their haste and anger not even the Kami realized that the unknown number that died the agonizing death of Musei Itami would result in an equal number of vengeful and restless spirits would linger. The attempt to bring peace to this land has done more damage than Civilization could have done unaided. Hiko had become a land of absolute war. The mortals hired the strongest wielders of the arcane sorcery as money can buy. At their sides the most devout of the divine faiths walked. A legion of the most fearless an skilled wielders of steel marched with them. This in a relentless attempt to beat the evil of the Kitanai back while taking revenge on the Kami for brining this corruption down on them.

All the while the Kami played with chance, and fate to twist the Kitanai upon themselves and the mortals. Turning friend against friend and brother against sister the Kami wrought havoc among the ranks of the mortals. By Pulling at threads of fate and guiding chance the Kami directed the Kitanai's own anger at not only the Mortals but upon the Kitanai as well. The Kitanai feed upon the Kami. Tearing the sprites of the forest from this plane whilst consuming the one thing that can never be replaced, the Kami's own souls the Kitanai grew stronger. As these sprits born of vengeance bathed in War the sight of these nightmares folded the formations of mortal battle plans as easily as a child tosses leaves in fall. The only rule was that of chaos for 200 years.

With all sides battered and weakened, the land paid the highest price of all. Hiko, the once shimmering symbol of growth and beacon for all had reduced itself and all of its land to a desolate wasteland. There was not a place to rest a soul. The ground littered with the husks of mortal, Kami, and Kitanai equally. This Hiko gave no solace to plant, animal, sprit or sprite. Out of this darkness Sabkormith arrived. Some say that mother earth sent a manifest of her power to heal the broken land. Others claim that the gift of his teaches could only come from the god's themselves. Still others insist that his wisdom could only be gained if he has always existed watching and waiting for when he would be needed. Legend dare not allow itself to actually profess to know.

As most legends go SabKormith stood 10 feet tall. His hair was as pure white as fallen snow and as long as the wind itself. His skin glittered like a new dawn on the still pond and as strong the mountains that surrounded land he came to heal. Where he walked the refreshing scent of a spring rain washed away the stench of decay that had gripped this land. His eyes were caring and soft with a glint of the silver lining found at sunset on a clear summer night. When he spoke; not the selfish mortals, the foolish Kami nor the vengeful Kitanai could deny his voice.

Through his words of balance, temperance, and reflection the order of the Sanmizu was born. Under the guidance of SabKormith the land of Hiko was healed. It took many generations, but after 200 years of effort mortals, Kami, and Kitanai had learned tolerance and acceptance. The past 200 years of these teachings has taken these 3 races and allowed them to blend as one. With each passing year those who called themselves mortals, Kami, or Kitanai faded as the snows of winter relent to the spring. Each passing generation saw the "people" of Hiko model themselves after their savior, SabKormith. Just as the residents of this ravaged valley have come to accept the good and the bad of each other, so to the land had to compromise. Hiko was no longer the beacon of progress and commerce it once was. Nor is Hiko still the desolate war-torn lands it was a mere 200 years ago. Still yet Hiko is not the untouched wilderness of untold ages ago. Now the residents of Hiko work with the land for a harvest, equally so the land works with the budding new race of Sanmizu to provide shelter.

At this time 600 years ago SabKormith left this land of Hiko. Some say it was to heal another troubled land. Others claim that the gods could no longer spare his wisdom. Still others insist that after 200 years of building a society he simply had used up the life given to him by the Earth. Again, legend will dare not say. SabKormith however did leave behind a promise. Every 200 years on the anniversary of his first arrival a child will be born that carries with it a piece of his wisdom. The fragment of knowledge that has most needed to restore and maintain the balance that has been achieved in Hiko will be bestowed upon the child.

True to his word 400 years ago Okin Terowas born unto the village. Though his long life this Sanmizu restored the virtues of Temperance and acceptance. Because of his guidance Hiko welcomed all races. Fay, Orc, Human, Kami, elemental, demons, and devils where all welcomed as family. Again 200 years ago Taka Mitsablessed the land with her words of Reflection of one's actions helped quell growing unrest. For during the time before her coming Hiko was edging to war with its neighbor Kama-jo. Being of the Sanmizu she spoke words that calmed the hearts of the Lords of Kama-jo and restored serenity to Hiko.

The story does not end there. For this very night see's the family of Roha with this cycle's child. This time a set of twin grace us. What stories, lessons, and wisdom will they give us. The eldest born a male his mother calls him Hanako years ago Hiko was gifted with the birth of Sanmizu twins. On the anniversary of SabKormith's first coming the first of the twins was born, the first was born. His name was Hanako. His sister followed him just an hour behind Hanako. This hour however made her born the day after SabKormith's arrival. Her name is to be Rach'ell. This is truly a great time. With the blessing of TWO children of SabKormith, Hiko is truly in store for great times in deed. However, if both children are needed in this time, what troubles await us?