Frozen Silence, Part One
Atticus had awoken early the next morning, getting out of bed without awakening his beloved, walking to the kitchen to grab some coffee and a bite to eat. The storm from last night had passed, leaving rain in its place, the sound still keeping her asleep. In her sleep, she searches around on the bed for him, a light whimper escaping from her scarred muzzle when she doesn't find him. After a few more moments, her eyes flutter open and she stretches, looking around the room for the man who fell asleep with her. Sitting up, she rubs her eyes, blinking several times to focus them. "Atticus?" She calls, shifting to get out of the bed, only succeeding in getting caught up in the blankets. Rolling around, she finally rolls off the bed with a loud 'thump' and a startled reaction from Atticus, who runs down the hall and into the bedroom.
"Kitane? Are you all right?" He calls out, hoping to get a response. A paw wrapped in a blanket pops up over the other edge of the bed. A muffled sound and a whimper come from where the paw had popped up at, putting a strange look on his face. "You silly feline." He chuckles, walking around to the other side of the bed. "Next time," He pauses picking her up from the floor and putting her back on the bed, de-tangling her from the blanket. "Be more careful about how you get up." He grins, kissing her softly. She kisses him back and her face turns a slight shade of red.
"I was trying to be, but the damned blanket was in my way!" She mumbles, folding back her ears slightly. This elicits a chuckle and another, deeper kiss from him, in which she kisses back. As they part, he looks deep into her eyes, and she stares back into his. Words are not needed in this moment, for the silent communication and body language could be easily read by either of them. They both knew this wasn't the time or place to be doing anything since three of their friends were coming over soon from a ten hour flight. Besides, they would have enough time to do /that/ later on. As both of them break the gaze, Kitane gets up and grabs her usual outfit: a tank-top and cargo jeans. "I'm going for a shower before we go and pick up the guys." She smiles at him over her shoulder. His eyes flicker slyly, and he sneaks up behind her, wrapping his arms around her from behind.
"And what if I decide to join you~?" He murrs softly into her left ear. He bites it gently, giving it a slight tug, but being gentle since he knows her ears are sensitive. A playful smile crosses her muzzle and she leans her head on his shoulder.
"That sounds like it would be fun, but it will have to wait until later when the guys leave for their hotel." She purrs, nipping his neck gently. A small whine comes from him and he looks at her with sad, puppy dog eyes.
"Why not just really quick?" He asks, laying his head on hers. She closes her eyes and grins slightly, immune to his begging.
"Because quickly would drag on into hours, and we can't keep the others stranded at the airport." She smiles, giving the side of his neck a quick lick before nipping gently. "But I promise I will make it up to you." She purrs softly into his ear. Giving him a light kiss across his cheek and neck, he unwraps his arms from around her and gently bites her ear.
"You'd better make it up. Or I'll punish you." He whispers, a seductive grin crossing his muzzle. She purrs softly and gives him a wink before disappearing into the bathroom. He smiles and starts getting ready himself, changing into the clothes that'd just been washed the day before. Laying back on the bed, he listens to the shower water running, his eyes slowly closing. After a minute or so, he's sound asleep with an arm under his head and one across his stomach. Finishing her shower in minutes, she dries off and shakes out her fur, changing quickly. Stretching, she walks out of the bathroom and to the bedroom, smiling as she sees Atticus asleep on the bed.
"Must have still been tired." She purrs softly. Sitting next to him on the bed, she lightly kisses his muzzle and smiles. "Atticus, wake up. It's time for us to go pick up the guys." She says, shaking him lightly. A low grunt emits from him and he rolls onto his side, laying his head in her lap. Purring softly, she pets his soft fur and smiles. "Come on, you can do it." She whispers into his ear. Feeling her warm breath on his ear, he slowly awakens, stretching and looking up at her. "Well hey there. Did ya sleep well?" She asks, pushing a stray bit of hair from his face. He lets out a long low grunt as he stretches again.
"Mmmmm.. I guess." He murrs out. "Are you ready?" He asks, sitting up after leaning up to kiss her softly.
"Yeah. Just waiting on you." She giggled, kissing him back before he sat up. He nods and they both get up, walking into the living room. Grabbing the keys, he tosses Kitane her onyx black duster, grabbing his jacket and walking to the door. Opening it, he allows her through first, closing and locking the door. Since the battle with her father, they'd been living in her hillside home, spacious just like, if not more than, his old home. She'd had contacts rebuild her home during that fight, in which Kitane nearly lost who she was to her demon, Mudvayne. She'd been out of it for a couple weeks, lost within her subconscious, until she finally found her way out. "You coming?" She calls, snapping him out of his reverie.
"Ah, yeah." He says, shaking his head and walking over to the car. Both of them get in as soon as he unlocks it, and he puts the key in the ignition. Starting up the car, he pulls out of the driveway and drives off to the airport to retrieve the guys.