Chapter 8: The Old Road
#8 of The Last of the Umbra'Kahn
Chapter 8: The Old Road
The following morning the trio awoke just after sunrise and began to prepare for the next leg of their journey. They gathered up all of their gear and supplies and made their way down to the lobby of the inn where Derek had just arrived. "Checking out early today are we? Very well, just hand over your key and you're free to go." Said the cheetah kindly. "I hope you enjoyed your stay."
"Thank you, and yes we did. The room was very nice." Replied Sar'Kal.
They left the inn and made their way toward the eastern gate of the city. The streets were quiet and cold in the early morning and a light dewy mist hung around the town. They made their way past the shops and buildings which had been so lively yesterday and soon approached the gate. It was closed, but the guards opened up a smaller door for them and they went through and found themselves staring at the open field once again. This time however they could make out distinct hills and rougher terrain to the east.
As it neared eight o'clock the trio noticed a figure approaching from the direction of those hills. The figure neared and they soon saw that it was Volke. He greeted them and smiled. "Hello there you three." He said warmly. He then introduced himself properly to Tian'shal and Korek before continuing. "I just got back from scouting the old road. It appears to be unchanged since the last time I used it, but I can't be sure about the whole thing. At least it will be easy to find." Volke seemed to be in a good mood and it put the rest of them at ease. "So? are we ready to go?" he asked calmly.
The trio looked at each other and double checked that they had everything before turning back to Volke. "I think so." Said Sar'Kal. He shifted the weight of his bag and smiled. "Lead the way Volke." He said.
"Alright then, the path is this way." Said the leopard as he turned and led the group away from Varala. They all followed Volke out to where he had come from to the east. They walked for about a half an hour before they reached the first of the hills. They came to the top and they could see that the terrain ahead was indeed rougher than the plains had been. They could see a long distance since this hill was tall and the land ahead of them gradually sloped downward, and they could make out the trail they were to follow as it weaved in and out of the hills and crags.
Volke stopped for a moment and turned to face the group. "Alright, first of all I will tell you a few things about this area. The hills and crags before us are an anomaly within the Great Plains known simply as The Badlands. They begin suddenly where we are and end just as suddenly closer to the capitol. The dangers we will have to watch out for are fist and foremost, Snakes, and pits in the ground. It is quite common for large holes and divots to form in this area and stepping into one you risk spraining or breaking ankles or legs. Snakes are also quite common here. Most of them are relatively harmless but there are two species with lethal bites. This is also another reason to avoid the holes and pits. Snakes love to sleep in them. Other than that, just watch your step and try and conserve your energy as much as possible. I will walk with you until tomorrow, but then I must return to Varala. Follow me; I would like to see you as far as possible by that time." With that, Volke left the group and began to make his way down the hill towards the trail.
They all followed Volke into The Badlands without a word. They descended from the hill they were on and soon found themselves on the trail they would take to the capitol. Volke seemed to know exactly where he was going and they all followed him up and over hill after hill. The going was much tougher than the plains, and after a few hours they all decided to take a break for a few minutes. When they stopped, Tian'shal passed around a water skin and they all drank their fill. Volke accepted it as well and took only a couple mouthfuls before handing it back. "You should conserve water more. There aren't many water sources in the Badlands and only one that I know of near the trail. Anyway, I'm going to go relieve myself." He finished curtly.
As Volke wandered off, Korek motioned Sar'Kal and Tian'shal together. He had a disturbed expression on his face. "Kal... are you sure we can trust this guy? I appreciate what he's doing, don't get me wrong, but I still find it a bit...well...convenient. After hearing about traitors in Shar'Kahn I'm just a bit suspicious." Said Korek quietly.
Sar'Kal thought for a moment, considering Korek's words. He spoke after a moment. "Yes Korek... I believe we can trust him. I haven't seen him for years, but he was the one who offered me my job as an assassin. Last I heard he was still in command of the Assassin's Guild by direct appointment from the King himself. If someone as high ranking as him has turned traitor, then I feel we must truly worry for the nation." Sar'Kal said with finality. Korek sighed and nodded.
Not soon after, Volke returned and they continued on their way. They traveled for the remainder of the day. It was dark when they stopped to set up camp. They all unrolled their beds and Volke worked on starting a fire. After a few minutes they had a small fire going and they were all munching on dried fruit, meat and cheese.
They had all had a surprisingly pleasant day despite the rough terrain. Korek and Tian'shal had found Volke to be quite friendly and entertaining. As they sat around the campfire now, he told stories of old battles, missions he had undertaken and about life in the capitol. They all listened with eager ears and they soon gained a new respect for the old leopard.
The evening passed with many laughs, gasps and smiles as they all enjoyed themselves under the open sky. The fire flickered and cast shadows on the surrounding hills and rocks and wispy clouds slowly drifted across the night sky, occasionally obscuring the moon behind them. The night seemed peaceful and serene to the travelers and they forgot about the dangers they faced and the journey ahead of them.
Several hours later they decided to call it a night. Volke insisted that they take watches, and he offered to take the first two-hour shift. Sar'Kal, Korek and Tian'shal agreed and they soon fell asleep with Volke taking his watch from the top of the nearest hill.