Baxley 5
Baxley's fifth adventure. he invites Onyx to come with him and his brother, Codie. They then encounter Baxley's sister, Alea and help her get revenge on the men that killed their parents. Onyx does not belong to me he is property of Onyx the winged black panther.
Baxley sat in a tree near his new three- story house. He had a nonlethal arrow notched and wore a dark green cloak which concealed him very well in the trees. Baxley scanned the forest floor for any sign of his older brother's dark orange fur. He caught a sight of a slight shake of a bush and shot his arrow. "Bad move little brother", Baxley heard a voice behind him and soon felt a pain in his arm. He sighed and climbed down the tree. "I thought you were in that bush over there", said Baxley who approached his older brother. He was only an inch shorter than the orange fox.
"Always wait for the right moment and never give away your position until you have a clear shot on the target", said his brother. "Okay, Codie, but I bet you wouldn't be able to bled into a crowd of people to avoid detection", replied Baxley. Codie nodded. "I probably wouldn't; I don't have the experience that you have earned from always being on the run." Baxley smiled. "So, you want to head back to the house and get the table set while I gather the veggies we need", he said. Codie nodded and ran off towards the house.
Baxley smiled and walked off in the other direction to find some vegetables. He liked the feel of the soft dirt under his feetpaws which were only wrapped in bandages to prevent from getting cuts. Baxley felt the cooling wind blow on his face as he gathered some vegetables. He looked at the pawful of veggies he had and figured it would be enough.
When Baxley walked into the kitchen and started making his vegetable soup. Codie came in, showered and sat at the table. "So, we're having soup and bread for dinner", he asked. Baxley looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Yes, we are and for dessert I bought ice cream." Codie licked his lips. "Yummy, ice cream is my favorite." Baxley chuckled and turned down the fire on the soup. "I'm going to take a shower", he said as he walked over to the stairs.
Baxley walked into the bathroom and turned the water onto a hot, but not too hot temperature. He undressed and got in. The water was just the right temperature as he lathered the shampoo all over his body. When he had got out, dried off, and put on some jeans he heard a crash and sounds of a struggle from the downstairs.
He quickly went downstairs, not bothering to put on a shirt. Codie was glaring up at a winged black panther, daggers drawn. The panther looked calmer and also had his daggers drawn. "Who are you and where is Baxley", he asked. "That's none of your business and why are you just walking in here like you own the place? Heck, how'd you even find this place", replied Codie. Baxley walked into view and the panther looked at him.
"Baxley, who is this fox and why is he in your house", He asked. "I'll kill him if you want me to." Baxley smiled at that and said "That won't be necessary, Onyx, this fox is my older brother." Onyx looked at Baxley then at Codie and then back at Baxley. "You look nothing alike." Baxley smiled wider. "Both of you put your weapons away and I will explain everything over dinner." Onyx and Codie looked at each other than reluctantly sheathed their daggers and walked into the kitchen to the table.
When they all sat down and began eating, Baxley lifted a folder with his mind from the counter and set it down in the middle of the table. Baxley then pushed his bowl of soup aside and watched as Onyx and Codie finished their soup. He smiled to himself and drank some of his champagne. Codie and began to eye the folder Baxley had set in the middle of the table. "What's that, Bax", he said as he pushed his empty bowl aside and sipped his drink. Onyx did the same and sipped his wine.
Baxley grabbed the folder and stood up. "This is why I invited, Onyx, here today", he said. "A man called me about two weeks ago and offered me and two other men of my choosing to do a job for him. He said he would pay us all an equal amount for this job. Now, I told him to give me some time to find some partners and he complied and sent me the details of our mission, which is in this folder I hold before you." Codie and Onyx stared at Baxley expectantly.
Baxley nodded, opened the folder and laid it out before them. "Okay, the mission is to....capture this gray vixen named.....Alea." Codie nodded. "Alright, so what are we waiting for, let's get going", he said as he got up from the table. Baxley just stared at the folder, studying the picture. "I think I know that fox." Codie, a little curious, came over and looked over Baxley's shoulder.
"She does kind of look like you, bro", he said. Onyx came over also and looked at the picture. "Yeah, he's right, she does." Baxley stepped away from the table and walked outside. He thought about the mission, his childhood, and Alea. 'She looks so familiar, but where have I seen her before', Baxley thought as he climbed a tree and sat for some time. 'If I capture her will I get time to speak to her?' He sat in that tree for a while until Codie came and told him it was getting late and they should rest. Baxley complied and went back inside the house to get his pajamas on.
When he had dressed he sat in his room staring at his closet full of his different cloaks and city outfits. Onyx poked his head in the doorway. "Hey, Bax, are you alright". He asked. Baxley nodded. Onyx walked over and sat beside Baxley on the bed. "Now that's a lie and you sure as hell know it." Baxley smiled. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Onyx smiled as he lay back on the bed. "I'm always right, fox, and don't you forget it." Baxley smirked. "You wish you were always right." Onyx sat up. "What's that supposed to mean!" Baxley got up and walked to his bedroom door. "Oh, nothing, just get out and let me alone to think." Onyx growled and got up off the bed and walked over to the fox and looked down at him. "I will find out what's troubling you, even if it's while we're on the job." Baxley smiled at Onyx and closed the door as the winged panther left his room.
'I hope he does find it out, because I sure as hell want to know who she is', thought Baxley as he looked through his closet. Baxley picked out something to wear for the job tomorrow and set it at the foot of his bed. "Loose fitting jeans, purple metal militia T-shirt, and a black jacket with purple stripes running down the sleeves. Yeah that'll work and the news said it might rain tomorrow anyways." He turned his light off and went to sleep.
The next morning Baxley woke up and got out of bed. He grabbed his clothes, headed out of his room and to the shower. When he was done and dressed he walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Onyx was already up and eating some leftover soup. "Morning", Baxley said as he made himself a bowl of soup. "Morning to you to", replied Onyx. Codie came down the stairs soon. "Hey guys how'd you sleep", asked Codie as he walked in the kitchen. "Good", said Baxley. "Fine", said Onyx. Codie nodded and sat down at the table. "So, when are we going to head out and capture this vixen?" Baxley looked at the clock on the wall. "Soon", he said. "We'll leave at about 4 o'clock at night." Codie and Onyx nodded. "In that time you should make sure your equipment is ready", Baxley continued, as he got up from the table.
"My equipment's already in order", said Onyx, smiling. "Fine, then do something productive while we wait for, Codie", replied Baxley. Codie looked at him. "Wait, I'm the only one who doesn't have my equipment ready", he asked. Baxley nodded. "Hey, Onyx, you want to have some target practice before we head out?" Onyx nodded and followed Baxley towards the door.
Baxley threw a dagger and hit his target, an apple standing on a post. "Nice throw, Bax, but I can do better", said Onyx. Baxley smirked. "Oh, you can, well than let's see." Onyx drew his two daggers and Baxley set up two apples. "Set up two more, Bax", remarked Onyx. Baxley nodded and got two more apples. Onyx closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He threw one
of his daggers. It flew through the air, spinning and tunneled its way through the first apple. Baxley smiled. "That's one, three more." Onyx held up a paw. "No, that's two." Baxley looked puzzled.
Onyx's dagger came spinning back from the forest it went into and embedded itself in another apple. "Damn you", said Baxley. Onyx smiled. "Oh, is foxy upset." Baxley growled at Onyx playfully. "No, I'm just surprised that you did that, can I steal that move from you." Onyx nodded and threw his second dagger at the apple. They spent most of their time target practicing and sparring a little bit until it was time to go.
"Okay, everyone ready to go", asked Codie. "Yeah, I got my stuff is in the trunk along with Onyx's stuff", replied Baxley as he got in the driver's seat. Codie got in the backseat. "Wait, why is the panther in the front seat", he asked. Onyx turned around. "Because, I got inside the truck first." Codie glared at him. "Oh, will you stop your whining and deal with it", said Baxley as he started the truck. "Now, the information we got said that Alea would be having coffee at the Morning Sun Café. So we need to do this carefully. He wanted no civilians killed while we capture her." Onyx and Codie nodded.
Baxley drove to the city and around it, looking for the café. "Wow, this place is big", said Codie. Baxley chuckled. "Yeah, it's also a great place to hide, because of all the people and vacant houses." Codie nodded. "Hey, the Morning Sun Café", said Onyx, pointing at a medium sized building. Baxley nodded and parked the truck on the side of the street. They got out and headed inside the café. "Okay, let's split up and look for her. Whistle when you find her", said Baxley. Onyx and Codie nodded and went off in separate directions, while Baxley went up to the clerk.
"Hello sir, how may I help you", a female lion asked. "Um...yes I would like a French vanilla coffee with whip-cream on top", replied Baxley with a smile. The lion smiled and started making the cup of coffee. Baxley went and sat down at a table and waited. He looked around bit and spotted Onyx still searching. The panther nodded at him. As the clerk came to give Baxley his coffee he asked her something. "Thank you for the coffee. Oh, miss, can you tell me if there is another black fox here?" The lion nodded. "Yes, would you like me to get her for you", she asked. Baxley shook his head. "No, but can you give her a message for me. You see I kind of like her, but I'm a little shy." The lion nodded as Baxley took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. "Has she ordered yet", he asked. The lion nodded. "But she asked for another cup so I'll just give it to her then." Baxley smiled and took a sip of his coffee before whistling.
Onyx and Codie came over to the table when they heard the whistle. "Did you find her, Bax", asked Codie. Baxley nodded. "She's over there", he said pointing at a table near a window at the front of the café. Onyx grinned. "Good, so let's go grab her." He began to get up. "Wait, if my plan works she should be leaving the café pretty soon", Baxley said, staring at the table with the vixen who was just now getting her second cup of coffee. She thanked the clerk then saw the note under her cup and picked it up. She read it and asked for a to-go cup before heading for the door.
Baxley stood up and Onyx and Codie stood as well. Baxley drank the rest of his coffee and left a tip before heading out of the café. "I told her to meet me outside in an alleyway", said Baxley as he led the way. He stopped at an alley and called out, "Hey, Alea, you in there?" There was no reply and Baxley started to walk into the alley. He drew his dagger and looked around. Onyx had his daggers drawn and his ears swiveling, searching for any type of sound. Codie had only one dagger out and was looking behind them.
Baxley kept on walking down the alley and looking around. "Stop right there", he heard a voice say and felt a barrel press against the side of his head. "Alright", said Baxley, putting his handpaws up and turning to look at the vixen. "Who are you and why are you hunting me", asked Alea. "I'm Baxley and these are my friends. Onyx and Codie", Baxley said, gesturing to Onyx then to Codie. "We were sent to capture you and drop you off at a safe house near a hotel." Alea's frown softened and she cocked her head. "Baxley, is it really you", she asked.
Baxley nodded. "Holy shit, I nearly killed my own brother", Alea said half to herself. Baxley looked at her. "What, you're my sister", asked Baxley. Alea nodded. "Yeah, I am and you didn't know that?" Baxley shook his head. "No, I barely knew my parents and I spent most of my childhood with Codie, my brother, what happened to them?" Alea lowered her gun and looked at Baxley with concern. "They- they were killed in a war because they were double- dealers and traded information with the man I used to work for. I never knew that he had them killed until I discovered the file and turned him in, but he got out as not guilty and then I tried to kill him which is why I'm on the run now."
Baxley sheathed his dagger and told his friends to do the same before walking out of the alley and back to the Morning Sun Café. They all sat down at a table outside the café and talked. "Okay, since you obviously don't want to turn in our sister to this man even though he's paying pretty good money for her, what do you want to do, Bax", asked Codie. "I want to pay our employer a visit, if it's okay, Alea", replied Baxley. Alea nodded. "Sure, I can get us in, but we'll have to do it at night." Onyx smiled. "I actually have a better idea, but it might be painful for Alea." Alea looked at him. "What do you-"Onyx cut her off and knocked her out.
"What the hell man", said Baxley. "Hey, hold on, here's the plan. We turn her in get paid, by then she should wake up and then we can kill the man", explained Onyx. Codie nodded. "I like it, but there is a problem, how are we going to find this man and his headquarters", he said. Baxley smiled and went through his sister's pockets and found her cellphone. He scrolled through the contacts until he found a contact that read "Operator" and dialed it.
The phone rang twice before someone picked it up. "Hello", said the voice on the other line. "Yes, this is Baxley, Alea's younger brother", he said. "Baxley, hey man how's it going", asked the voice on the other line, Baxley could tell it was male. "Sorry, do I know you", Baxley was puzzled. "You don't recognize your old partner, it's Nick", he said. "Wait, Nick why are you in my sister's contact and more importantly who do you work for", asked Baxley. "I work for your sister as her eyes and ears in the agency", replied Nick. "Okay, so then maybe you can help me and my friends out a bit", said Baxley as he got out a piece of paper and pen. "Sure, what do you need, Bax", replied Nick. "Where is this agency located at, I'm trying to get inside and I want to know where it is and the weak spots for easy entry", said Baxley.
It took Nick a moment to give Baxley all he had asked for. Baxley wrote it all down and put it in his pants pocket. "Thank you and I hope to see you soon." He hung up the phone and put it back in his sister's pocket. "So, where are we going, Baxley", asked Codie. Baxley grinned from ear-to-ear. "You know where that old three-story motel is close to the fish market?" Codie nodded. "That's where they have their headquarters and when we get there Alea should be awake and Nick will help us get inside", continued Baxley. "So, do you guys want to head there now or go home and rest?" Onyx drew his daggers. "You should know me well enough, Bax", he said. Baxley looked at Codie who nodded. "Okay then, let's get going shall we."
They headed for the truck, Baxley carrying Alea in his arms. Onyx got in the driver's seat and Codie got in the passenger while Baxley sat in the backseat with his still sleeping sister. Baxley took off his jacket and harness that carried all his daggers. "You didn't bring your sword and bow and arrows", asked Codie. "They're in the trunk", said Baxley who smoothed down the tuft of hair on his head. "I always thought you had really short hair, Bax." Baxley shook his head. "No, I've been letting it grow and when did my hair become an important subject?" Codie smiled. "I don't know, I've just never seen you with slightly long hair." Baxley nodded. "Well, now you have."
The truck stopped a block away from the motel and Alea was just beginning to stir. "Good,
we're here and she's waking up", said Onyx. "Now call your friend and tell him we're here." Baxley smiled and dialed Nick's number. "Hey, Bax, you are outside I presume", said Nick. Baxley answered. "Yes, so where are the easiest ways in?" Baxley heard a chuckle from the other end. "Okay, well the easiest is the sewer levels leading inside and putting you in the bathroom", Nick said. "Another one is the roof, but you would have to cut through the ceiling and that would cause everyone and their mother to know you are you inside." Baxley nodded. "Okay, then I guess we're about to get wet", he said looking at Alea, Onyx, and Codie.
Onyx cursed as they walked through the sewers. "Damn you, Baxley, you did this on purpose", he growled at the fox. Baxley turned and grinned at Onyx innocently. "I would never do such a thing." Codie tried to stifle a chuckle. Onyx turned his gaze to the orange fox. "Shut up." Codie complied, but sniggered a little more. Baxley stopped at a ladder and looked up at the top. "I think this is our stop", he said drawing his dagger and beginning to climb.
The black and white striped fox pushed open the hatch carefully and looked around. No one was in the bathroom, perfect. Baxley smiled and climbed up. He gestured to Onyx who was coming up behind him to follow. Baxley held his dagger at chest level and walked over to the bathroom door. "Everyone here", he said. "Almost, Codie is coming up now", replied Alea. "Okay, what do you want to do", asked Onyx. "I propose to both sneak into his office and kill him." Codie groaned. "That's no fun. I want to just go full out assault and bust through his door." Baxley looked at Alea. "Well, since I know the layout of this place better I know that going full out assault would be suicide and sneaking in his office could possible work, but killing him won't be easy", she said.
"How about we do a little acting", suggested Baxley. "What do you mean", asked Codie. "I mean, for Alea to act like she's unconscious and us being escorted to the man we are here to kill", explained Baxley. Onyx shrugged. "I don't mind seeking an easy ticket inside without having to kill people on the way there, that would just alert the man and he would run, which I wouldn't mind either", he said flexing his wings and smiling. Baxley nodded. "So, it's settled, Alea will be unconscious and we get an easy way in."
There were sounds of boots outside the bathroom door. "Quick, get back down the hole", whispered Alea. Codie, Alea, and Onyx jumped down. Baxley went into a stall to hide. The agent came in and went into the stall beside Baxley's. Baxley walked out of his stall and walked over to the sink and pretended to wash his paws. The agent came out and went to the sink to wash his hands. He was a tall black man with short cut hair. "So, how was your mission", asked Baxley. "Fine, and yours", replied the agent. Baxley nodded. "Good, good." The agent dried his hands. "Nice sword and shirt, is that metal militia?" Baxley smiled. "Yeah, you can't really see much of it cause of the harness, though", he said. "Hey, are you new here", asked the man. Baxley nodded. "Umm... yeah, I'm Baxley Davidson", he said sticking his paw out to shake the man's hand. The man accepted it while Baxley looked the man up and down. 'No weapon, this is going to be easy', he thought.
The man nodded to Baxley and began to leave. Baxley, in one swift movement, grabbed the man, pushed him against the wall and held his dagger to his throat. "What the hell", said the agent. "Shut up and you will live. Now I'm here to see your boss, where is he and are there any guards guarding him?" The man nodded. "He's on the third floor and there are ten or so guards in his office, it's more like a meeting room really, and there are 20 guards on each floor", said the agent. "Now, can I live, please?" Baxley nodded and slammed the agent's head against the wall, causing him to blackout.
Onyx was the first to come back up. "I see you had a play-date, how'd it go", he said, grinning. "Oh, you should know how it went from the time we first met", replied Baxley. "But, I didn't do the last part." Onyx smiled, knowing what Baxley meant. Alea and Codie just looked at the two, confused. "What happened when you guys first met", asked Alea. "Wait for my memoirs", replied Baxley. Alea eyed her little brother suspiciously, but didn't push the matter. "Okay, I know some information about where to find our man and about how many guards he has in the building", said Baxley.
"Okay, then let's get going", said Alea, drawing her pistol and attaching a silencer to it. Codie nodded and drew his daggers. Baxley smiled at Onyx and then bust through the bathroom door. "Okay, new plan, Codie, Onyx, I want you to head to the first floor and clear that while me and Alea clear the second", said Baxley. Onyx nodded then stopped. "Wait, why are we splitting up and why is Alea going with you?" Baxley rolled his eyes. "I need to speak to an old friend and I want to talk to my sister a little more." Onyx nodded and ran after Codie, down the hall which led out of the bathroom area. Baxley smiled at his older sister. "You ready to go, sis?" Alea nodded and ran in the other direction, leading to the stairs. "So, who is this boss guy", Baxley asked his sister. "He's a human and very powerful man in the agency", replied Alea. "That's why he got out of prosecution for killing our parents, you were actually four years old when that happened, you probably remember the war that was going on at the time because we constantly had to move and when they died you were sent off to live with a different family, but I'm getting off topic." Baxley shook his head. "No, go on with that story", he said. Alea sighed. "I'll send you an email or call you when we get done with this mission." Baxley nodded and handed Alea a piece of paper. "My number's on it." Alea smiled. "You keep papers with your number in your pocket?" Baxley nodded. "You never know when you might meet someone you might end up liking."
Baxley and Alea climbed the stairs and went through the door. Agents carrying pistols and sub- machine guns were walking the halls. "Shit, they have better weapons then us, I knew I shouldn't have left my bow in the truck", said Baxley. "All I got are my throwing daggers." Alea smiled. "Those are better; you don't have to take time to acquire another target." Baxley nodded and took two of them out. He threw them at the first two agents he saw, than drew his sword. Alea covered him and shot three guards coming up behind them. Baxley carved the men and furs who tried to kill him.
Alea stopped at a door. "Hey, little bro, come here, this is where my contact is hiding", she said. Baxley turned around and ran to the door and Alea. "Oh, you mean 'The Operator', I know him", replied Baxley as he threw a dagger at an agent running towards Alea from behind. "What, how do you know my contact", she asked. "I used to work with him, we were in a group together called the Black Paw and worked as thieves and mercenaries", explained Baxley. "That's also where I learned my dagger, healing and stalking skills." Alea nodded and opened the door.
Nick was sitting behind an upturned table with a rifle. "If you're here to take me then you'll have trouble doing so", he called. "Hey, Nick, relax and come give an old comrade a paw-shake", replied Baxley with a grin. Nick poked his head out and smiled. "Hey, I knew you would make it." Alea smiled. "Hey, what can you expect, he's my brother", she said. Nick chuckled as he gave Baxley a paw-shake. "Oh, that reminds me; I have something for you, Baxley", he said. Baxley looked at Alea and she smiled at him. "What is it, Nick", asked Baxley.
Nick came over with a crossbow and steel-tipped arrows in a strapped quiver. "Oh, that is freaking amazing", exclaimed Baxley. "And it has a trigger, you know, just in case you want to convert to using guns", Nick said with a grin. Baxley smiled and took the cross-bow and quiver. "Thank you for the new weapon, will you be coming with us?" Nick shook his head. "No, I have other business to take care of, but I have your number so I'll be in touch." Baxley nodded and turned to the door. "Oh, by the way, I messed with the cross-bow so it reloads automatically and all you have to do is put the arrow in", called Nick. Baxley smiled at him and went out the door.
"Okay, to third floor then", asked Baxley. Alea nodded. Baxley called Onyx and told him to head up to the third floor. The two foxes ran to the stairs and climbed them two at a time. Alea opened the door, slightly to see through it. "Okay, this time they're ready for us. They got barricades and a machine gunner", she said. Onyx and Codie came up the stairs. "What're you waiting here for; go out and kill them", said Codie. "They have a machine gun and barricades", said Alea. "Wait, I have an idea, let me out", said Baxley. Alea looked at him and he smiled. She opened the door and he stepped out, tail swishing.
"Only one, this is going to be way too easy", said one of the agents a jaguar. They began shooting and Baxley just stood there, eyes closed. As the bullets came within a few feet of him they stopped, fell to the ground, and he opened his eyes which were now dilated. Baxley flicked his paw and the agents and barricades flew backwards. He smiled and turned back to his friends. "All clear", he said cheerfully. Alea nodded slowly, and then ran past him to her former boss' office.
Onyx had his daggers drawn, blood already on them from earlier. Codie had his and was twirling them impatiently. Baxley had his cross-bow loaded and raised. Alea was holding her pistol and had her paw on the doorknob, ready to open the door. Baxley nodded to Onyx who nodded to Codie and then nodded to Alea. She twisted the doorknob and opened the door. They came bursting in, killing agents that tried to kill them and covering each other when needed. Once all the agents were dead the group set their eyes on the two men at the head of the table.
Baxley's eyes widened when he recognized one of them. A lion was smiling directly at him holding a M16 and aiming for his head. "Hello again, fox", he said. "Gareth, what a surprise to see you here", replied Baxley, adjusting his aim to the lion. "Yeah, it is a surprise isn't it, you should've killed me when you had the chance and avenged your parents' death", said Gareth. Baxley glared at him. "Y-you killed my parents? Oh, you are as good as dead you asshole." Gareth smiled. "I wouldn't do that though, because if you kill me who will save your friends?"
Agents came busting through the windows, guns pointed at Onyx, Alea, and Codie. Baxley looked around and counted them. Five. "Okay, what do you want, you may not get it but what is it", asked Baxley. The man sitting down stood up. "My name is Danyl and I want for the U.S to bow before me and look up to me as their leader", he said. Baxley smirked. "Good luck with that, ever hear of a democracy, you know, that thing where we are free to choose our leaders by voting." He pasted a slight glance at Onyx and nodded.
"Oh, I already have a solution for that and that is to assassinate both the president and vice president and then rig the voting when I go out", continued Danyl. "Well, if need someone to do that and do well without mistakes just call me", replied Baxley. Alea looked at her brother. "Baxley, are you crazy", she asked. Baxley shook his head. "No, I'm just seeing the light in this amazing plan and want in on it." Alea looked away Baxley. "Ah, so we got through to someone at least", said Gareth waving for Baxley to come over there. Baxley did, nodding to Onyx as he walked. Onyx smiled at him. "Come on, Bax, you can't be that dumb to fall for such a horrible plan like that", he said. "Maybe I am", replied Baxley, slipping six daggers in his right paw.
Danyl clapped his hands together. "Well then, we must be going, agents, dispose of them", he said. Baxley nodded to Onyx and threw two of his daggers at the agents. Onyx ran to one of the agents and stabbed him. Baxley kicked Gareth into a wall and threw a dagger at his arm, causing him to be stuck for a moment and unable to raise his gun. Alea shot Danyl in the arm, ran up and kicked him in the face. Codie killed the other two agents and looked at Baxley who was smiling down at Gareth.
Onyx walked up to Baxley and patted him on the shoulder. "I would love to kill you, Gareth, but I'll let Onyx have you. I think he may be more... merciful than would be", said the black fox. Codie walked over to Alea who had killed Danyl already. "So, this is it, huh, after this we go our separate ways", he said. Alea nodded. "Yep, but don't worry we all have each other's numbers so we'll be in touch." Baxley and Onyx walked over. "Yeah, we will and when we need each other just call and I sure as heck will find any of you, even if it's in a different dimension", Baxley said, winking at Onyx who smiled.
They all went left the motel, Baxley checking if Nick had left which he had, and climbing into his truck. Codie and Alea had hot-wired some agent cars and left. Onyx conjured a portal to his own dimension and went home. Baxley sighed and drove home, wishing he turn back time and relive this journey one more time.