Accident That Never Happened
Tig is sick, so show some support. His boyfriend is taking over, so be patient.
"No, I'm almost there, just relax. No, I didn't pick it up, I was running low on time. Yeah, ok, bye." I closed my phone just as I opened the door. My sister greeted me as I walked inside. "I KNOW I told you not to come home without my cake! Now what am I going to give your little brother for his birthday!?" I was a 16 year old lion, my name was Allen. I had 2 brothers, Jaden, the youngest, and Hale, the oldest, and a sister, Kate. I was a little over six feet tall, I was just settling into a phase where I didn't care about school, work; I really didn't care about much of anything but my older brother. My dad wasn't exactly the "kindest" person in the world. Lucky for me I never really saw him that much. That is where my big brother came in. He was like a father to me. He was the one who fed me, cared for me, drove me to and from school. He was there when my mother died, years ago in a plane crash. She wasn't in the plane, no, she was the only unlucky one in the middle of an empty field doing some landscaping, she never saw the plane coming. She was the only one who died. She was the only one who really loved me at the time, but my brother didn't want me to go through losing someone like that, so he sort of became a new parent to me. He became the only one who truely loved me.
"Don't worry, we can make one." Hale walked in, just in time to save me from the wrath of my evil sister. "Fine, but you owe me one, Allen!" She stormed into the kitchen. "Thanks, Hale... again." I wrapped my arms around him and he rubbed my back. His hard muscles provided a good hug and warmth and comfort poored from him. "No problem, little cub, lets just get in there before she breaks the sink in half." We rushed in and saw her ransacking the fridge. She already had everything out, now she was just searching for something to drown her feelings in. "Maybe a little bit of wine today." Since our parents weren't around, we could do pretty much whatever we wanted, as long as it was legal. She just turned 21 years old 8 days ago. We all got her "adult toys", but Hale, being 24, gave her a few bottles of wine. She loved it, and decided to taunt us about it, how she was old enough to drink now, and blah blah blah.
"Almost done, stand back." Hale slowly pulled the cake out of the oven. Chocolate, Jaden's favorite. We poored the strawberry frosting on heavily, just how he liked it. "I think he will love it." Hale said, drawing Jaden's name in chocolate on the top. His birthday was tomorrow, I had gotten him a hundred dollars and a transformer toy. Kate had gotten him a few transformers, and Hale had put a few hundred dollars in an account, just incase Jaden ever needed it, or just wanted to blow it on a good time. We heard a car door slam shut and slid the fresh cake into the fridge. "Hey, guys, I'm home." We heard a soft voice come from just inside the door. In walked in a small lion cub, no more than 4 or 5 feet tall. We all treated him like our own son, and he treated us equally. He was only 8 when mom died, we only told him she moved away until a year ago, when he turned 10, he would be 11 tomorrow. He didn't take it to hard, since he hadn't seen her for years. He didn't cry, only looked down in depression. It took him a day to get over it and move on. He had always been the emotionally strong one in the family. Even better than Hale. "Hey, little guy, how was school today?" Hale asked, picking him up and holding him. "Pretty good, we had a sub in math, so she just let us have a free day. What's for dinner?" "Fried chicken, your favorite." "YAY!" Jaden hugged Hale, and Hale set him down. "Now run up stairs and get your homework done!" "Ok." Jaden ran off, giggling the entire way. "You two, Allen." Hale smiled at me. I sighed and walked off. My room was on the first floor, near the back of the house. Behind our house was just an endless wall of trees. I walked into my room and shut the door slowly. I barely had time to sit down before my phone vibrated. It was Lisa, my girlfriend. Something never really clicked between me and her. The same with any other girl. Every time I think about it I just shake it off and continue with whatever I was doing. I looked at my phone, and read the text.
"Hi Allen! Mind if I come over?" I texted her back. "Actually, I have a lot of homework to do, but you should really come over tomorrow, it's Jaden's birthday!" I put the phone down and began my homework. It took me 2 hours to do, and by the time I was done it was already 6. "Jaden, Allen, dinner is ready!" We heard him yell, and we came running. It was on rare occasion that Hale cooked, it was usually take out or Kate cooked, but when he did cook, it was the best food we ever had. We raced to the kitchen and sat at the table. As soon as we got there, we dug in. We ate till it was all gone, not stopping for a breathe of air. We ran back to our rooms before Hale could ask us to help him clean up. My room was right below Jaden's, so I could hear everthing he did, every step he took. It was pretty fun to listen to him when he has friends over. He would talk about school, the girls, and, once, the boys. It was quite an akward conversation. I walked upstairs to his room and opened the door slightly, peeking in. He was standing at the closet, staring at it. I walked in and walked up to him. "What's wrong, Jaden?" "The monsters are back..." He said, shaking and backing away from the closet. "We can take care of that!" A few years back, He had just began to fear monsters in the closet and under the bed. We convinced him that they are weak when in light, and when the light goes out, they would return. I opened the closet and turned on his night light, closing it shortly after. Then, I picked him up and put him in bed, turning the second night light on beside his bed. "There, no monsters anymore!" I rubbed his head and pulled the covers over him. "Good night little guy." "Good night." I walked out of the room, shutting the door quietly behind me. "I can remember when you were terrified of the dark." Hale laughed right behind me. "Hurry up and get in bed, we have a big day tomorrow." I ran back to my room, jumping into the bed. My phone vibrated and I checked it.
"Ok, I will be there, keep those lips warm!" It was weird. There was no spark when we kissed, it just happened. I didn't feel anything. I didn't even like her. I didn't like any of the girls at my school. Only one guy. I didn't know his name, I didn't know anything about him. I just knew I liked him. Could I be... gay? I was frightened by the thought. I didn't think anyone within 100 miles of this place was gay. I fell asleep before I could think more of it.
"Allen, wake up!" I woke up to Jaden jumping up and down on my bed. "Come on come on, hurry up!" I rubbed my eyes and sat up. "Yeah, ok, just calm down!" I got out of the bed and searched my closet. "Here ya go, kiddo." I handed him the toy and money. He squeaked loudly and hugged me. "Thank you thank you thank you!" "Yeah ok, now go get your presets from Hale and Kate, maybe dad will have something for you." He ran out of the room, I followed slowly. By the time I got to the kitchen, Jaden already had all his toys unwrapped. Dad was standing in the doorway, smiling. "Jaden, we have to get going if you want to make it in time." Dad and Jaden walked out of the house, not even noticing me.
"Heh, I'm going to miss him." Hale said to Kate, not thinking I was just outside the door. "I still don't see why you have to move out, you know you're everything to these kids." "Yeah, but I am getting pretty old, and Alice wants to move in with me, get our own house, all of that stuff." They whispered softly to eachother. I rushed into the room and grabbed Hale. "No! You can't leave me!" I held on to him tightly. "I'm sorry, but I have to move on." He rubbed my back slowly. "I'm just gonna leave you two to yourselves." Kate left the room, leaving us alone. We sat together, thinking about the upcoming event. "You can't leave now, because..." "Because what?" "Because last night, I was thinking. I really don't like Lisa all that much... or any girl. Hale, I think I'm gay. I need you to help me get through this!" He was shocked, shaking at what I just told him. "You little faggot!" Lisa's voice came from just behind me. I turned around and saw her, red in the face from anger. She slapped me, hard. "We are through." She stormed out of the house. "But..." Tears ran down my face. My cheek stung. Hale put his arm around me and held me close. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." He walked out of the room, leaving me with tears running down my face. I heard his car start up and drive off. "No, not yet!" I ran to his room, expecting there to be something. It was completely empty. I had just lost the one thing keeping me from being sad in the world.
I ran out of the house, not caring about anything. I ran until I came upon a bridge, the only one in the small town we called home. I sat on it's edge, looking down at the rushing water below. I had never learned to swim, I was never around water to learn how. Even if I knew how, the speed of the river would sweep even the strongest swimmers away. It had already claimed 12 lives. Mine would be the 13th. I thought my life over as I watched the water rush by. My friends would probably reject me, my father would hate me, the only person who loved me just left, and my former girlfriend is probably spreading the news of me being gay around the entire country. My life was in shambles, it was probably best just to end it before it could get any worse. I leaned forward and fell to the water. "NO!" I heard three voices yell, but it didn't matter. I was almost at the water. A lowed splash blacked me out, hopefully ending my misery.
I woke up, coughing and gasping for air. Water poored out of my mouth and onto the solid dirt ground. I looked around. Hale, Lisa, and the guy I had a crush on were all there. "What were you thinking doing something like that!?" Hale yelled, shaking me hard. "You had us scared to death!" Lisa yelled, with an angry expression. "Just be glad he's ok." My crush said, rubbing my head. "Just help me get him into the car." Hale said, helping me up. I just slumped down, not wanting to be there. They put me into the car, Lisa sat on one side while my crush sat on the other. I looked over at him. He was a fully black panther. Quite muscled, very cute, probably a foot taller than me. "Hey, I'm Pepper." He spoke in a low, sweet voice. "Hi, I'm Allen." I looked away so he wouldn't see me blush. The car stopped at a house and Hale got out. "Get inside, all of you." The door was open, so we walked in. It was a nice house, better than the one he used to live in. WE used to live in. We sat down at a table the new kitchen, looking around at the new stuff. "Allen." Hale walked around in a circle. "Why on Earth would you ever do this. You know you can't swim." I couldn't look at him, I was to ashamed. "I'm sorry..." I said, looking at the floor. "Oh, you're sorry!? You're sorry? If Kate didn't hear you run out of the house, we might not have been there to safe your stupid life!" Hale was not shouting at the top of his lungs. "Come on, Hale, go easy on him." Pepper said, trying to calm the angered lion down. "No! What you did was completely stupid, you little-" "STOP!" Pepper yelled, now holding Hale by the throat. "You need to stop talking to him like that. He almost died, and you're just making him feel worse, just give him a break!" Pepper standing up for me made me feel amazing. My stomache flipped and I wanted to kiss him then and there.