Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter X

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#11 of Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Sorry for the wait everyone, I got side tracked and writers block and all the usual excuses. Anyway, so this is the last chapter in part I, sorry it's so short but I wanted to get part I over with. So I'm going to take a slight Hiatus on writing this series while I organize all my thoughts on it. I've got really three choices of stuff I want to do at this point.

  1. Write more of the Saga, which some people like but I don't know, maybe

  2. Write some more Snuff which is likely

  3. I'm writing two things right now and after I talk to some friends about stuff with them I might post one off them.

So comment if you want to tell me what to do.

Hope you enjoy the last of part I of Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

-Van Rorie

Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Part I Chapter X

Fred was on the cold stone floor of the shed, but not as he usually was. Everything around him was lucid and moved bizarrely, and as a weirder fact a female was speaking to him. In his language. She was soft of voice and seemed to speak with such grace and comfort that Fred couldn't understand what she was saying.

Her melody of comfort to him was perforated by the sound of a far off crash and what sounded like water running through a pipe, only sped up several times.

Three years earlier

Life wasn't pleasant for Fred, but he could live it easy enough. He was reduced to an animal and not a well-treated one either. Made to walk on all fours from his collar, and he often skipped meals through his owner's son's carelessness; but still life was bearable.

Fred was worried though, very worried. Daius had said that he would be back soon, and now it was almost a year later. The year of uncomfortable, was how Fred viewed it, and as he worried he was confident that Daius would soon be home, so the two feelings somewhat cancelled each other out.

Things would change for the worse though, being set off by two incidences. The first one wasn't Fred's fault, and he was just as hurt as his owner's son was at it. The second one was his fault though, and he paid for it in gross proportion.

The first incident began with a simple knock at the door. It was midday and Fred was just wondering the house, like he usually did when he was bored, so he was awake to see his owner's son answer the door.

Two men dressed like the men that came to see Daius before he left were at the door. One of them handed his owner's son a small letter, while the other was saying something. Fred didn't really understand what they were saying but the tone was somber so it couldn't have been very fun. Suddenly Fred heard Daius's name mentioned and then saw something peculiar and scary. His owner's son slammed the door on the men in front of it and turned to see Fred. The man was crying and that's one of the few things Fred remembered before the yelling happened. First the man yelled with a fury at Fred, and though Fred didn't understand him. Next the hitting started, the man rained down a barrage of blows on Fred, or at least tried to, as Fred was quick and managed to escape.

Fred had taken refuge in a slightly open closet; curled up on the floor he was afraid. He could hear the owner's son outside still crying in the front room of the house.

The next incident happened later that night.

Fred having slept in that closet for his safety slowly crept out of it that night, he was going to the kitchen to go eat. In passing the living room he tripped on a pillow that had been thrown in the floor of the room. He tripped over the pillow and landed his head on the side of a coffee table. He heard something break on the other side of the table and then knew he was in trouble.

The room sounded of the loud and clumsily foot falls of his owner's son, who quickly appeared in the room. He appeared to be livid with anger, and he reeked of a stench that Fred could not place. He was screaming again and he grabbed Fred by the neck. Fred struggled desperately, trying to break the giants grasp. It was futile though as he had an iron vice grip on Fred.

Everything happened so quickly that Fred was almost unaware that he was carried outside until they were at the shed, Fred's new cage.

Fred was forcibly thrown in the cage and the rest of his life began; the rest of his terribly short life. That was how he spent three years of his life, trapped in that wooden hell; he wished every day that he wouldn't wake up when he went to sleep. He wished many things.

Fred thought that in one point in his life he must have been perfectly happy, but he couldn't remember any. Until that angel sang to him anyway.

Current time in the story

Fred just drifted off to the calm in his mind, totally disregarding the place of his being, until he heard footsteps. The footsteps were around him, and though he couldn't see at this point he knew someone was there.

Suddenly he felt himself being lifted up, maybe he would find the angel that sang to him he thought. That was the last thought Fred had until he blacked out.

Fred opened his eyes to see he was lying in a bed; there was a human sitting in a chair looking at him. Before Fred could move he spoke, in Fred's own tongue.

"Klyzab, you're going to be okay".


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