The wizard, the tiger and the dragon

Story by Dragoncores on SoFurry

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One day in a great forest there was a white tiger and a silver dragon. Their names are Statha the dragon and Arandoth the tiger. These two lived in peace with each other. They were actually friends with each other. They never thought the other was better then them self. They both had their strengths and their weakness. They did not care about who was better. The only thing they cared about was having fun.

A man interred the woods on that day. He was covered in long robs and a pointed hat. The robs and the hat were both as black as night but the rob had had silver and white stars on it. The stars on the rob were old and falling off. This is why the man was in the woods. He wanted to replace the stars that were missing. He had heard rumors about the tiger's fur and the dragon's scales and how great they were. There was only one problem. He could not kill animals. He could only kill humans.

Arandoth had just gotten done playing with Statha. He was tired and wanted to go home. He said bye to Statha and left. On his way home he ran into a strange man. The man fell to the ground and then got back up and started said "I am sorry great one. I should have been paying more attention to where I was going. Let me intro duce my self. My name is Rohan the wizard. I am at your service oh great one." said the strange looking man.

"Stand up sir Rohan. You are not in my data. So if you don't mind. I would like to go home. Good bye wizard." said Arandoth.

"I saw you and the dragon playing earlier. The dragon seems to be better than you. I could change that." said Rohan. "He dose not get as tired as easily as you. Now dose he?"

Tiger had never thought about it until now. Thinking back he realized that dragon always had energy to spare when he did not. So he decided he would like to out last dragon at least once. "Yes you may do what you need to make me have as much energy as Statha does. If not more." said tiger.

"If you want it then I will make it so." said Rohan. The wizard waved his arms around and tiger got a sudden burst of energy.

"Thank you Rohan." said Arandoth. " I will go back to Statha and play some more."

So Arandoth left and went back to Statha.

"Arandoth I thought you were going home to rest." said Statha.

"I was but know I have new energy. Lets play." said Arandoth.

"OK" said Statha.

They played for hours. Statha was the first to tire out this time. He wanted to go home but Arandoth still wanted to play. After a bit Arandoth gave in and Statha left for home.

On the way home Statha ran into Rohan. Statha tried to go around him but Rohan kept getting in the way.

"Why do you block my path human?" ask Statha in an ill toned voice.

"I was watching you and the tiger play. The tiger seems to be stronger than you. I can change that." said Rohan.

Statha had never thought about it before. He relived that Rohan was right. Arandoth could lift things he could not. Statha grow envious of Arandoth. "I would like that." said Statha.

"You want it you shall have. Oh great one." said Rohan. He did the same thing to Statha as he had done to Arandoth but with a few extra moves added in.

Statha felt the new found energy and strength swell inside of him. "Thank you" said Statha. "I will go try this out on Arandoth now." Then Statha left and found Arandoth. He challenged Arandoth to a lifting contest and won.

Arandoth did not like this and went and found Rohan. Rohan improved him too his foulest.

Arandoth left and found Statha and challenged him. Arandoth won and Statha went and found Rohan. Rohan then made him to his foulest.

Know Statha and Arandoth fought over every thing. They got into fights that were so violent that the earth shock when ever one of them knocked the other to the ground. They cleared entire forest. They made giant waves when ever they fell into the water. They made terrible winds when ever they breathed had.

Rohan was pleased with what he had done but he was eager for them to kill each other off. After about five weeks of waiting he found them and what he saw was the last thing he ever saw again.

What he saw was a mess of every thing. He saw mountains flattened. Lakes empty and forest missing. He cursed him self for causing this. Then he saw Statha and Arandoth. They both were coming at him demanding him to make the better then the other.

"I can not make you two any better then the other. I should have never used you two like that." said Rohan.

Statha and Arandoth looked at each other and nodded. Then they looked at Rohan and then they grabbed him and tore him in half. Arandoth got half and Statha got half. They ate their half.

The only thing that was left was Rohan's rob. They filled in the missing stars. Then they looked up and through it into the sky. The night lit up with light from the stars on the rob. This was the last thing they ever did together.

They went back to their fighting. They never get tired or any thing. They just fight. Know when ever the earth shakes or some other natural event occurs that is a sign that they are still fighting a fight that neither will win.

This is way you never see a tiger and a dragon getting a long any more.