Lila of the Reptilydes Part 10

Story by Komaira on SoFurry

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#6 of Lila of the Reptilydes

Finally, I was able to do this...yay...

The next day, Dyremus announced at breakfast that they all would be taking the journey over to Zeke's kingdom in order to return him to his home. Ian and Kory protested, not wanting to leave Crystal or Karina.

It was after lunch before everyone was packed and ready for the short but hopefully profitable trip. It was dinner time when they arrived by carriage at the front gates of the palace. King Sorren greeted them warmly, hugging his son tightly before letting him go and turning to look at Lila.

"Ah, so you are to be my new daughter, eh?" he asked.

Zeke and Lila went dark red and couldn't meet his gaze. King Sorren just laughed. Then he spotted Sormay.

"And this is the little tyke Lila rescued I'm assuming. Cute little fella!" he exclaimed.

Sormay smiled at him and Lila hid a smile. He invited them in and settled them all into their rooms. Half an hour later the dinner bell rang throughout the castle. Zeke, who happened to be visiting Lila and Sormay, took her hand and led her down to the dining hall. And there, sitting next to King Sorren, was his brother, King Slyzor. Dyremus entered the hall behind them and stopped dead in his path. Then he drew his dagger, ever present yet hidden on his body, and charged towards the twin kings, murder in his eyes. King Sorren stepped in quickly, grabbing Dyremus' hand and staying the fatal blow. He forced Dyremus to drop the blade with a quick squeeze of Dyremus' wrist.

"Hold, my friend. My brother is a guest here, same as you. He is here at my bequest. He wishes for peace, same as me," Sorren said.

King Dyremus glared at Slyzor but calmly took his seat across from the Hooded Reptilyde. Zeke and Lila took their seats, followed shortly by her brothers and their chosen. King Slyzor's family was already seated and noticeably small, consisting of only his wife and daughter who Dmitri couldn't stop staring at. Finally King Sorrens' twin daughters and wife took their places at the table. King Sorren cleared his throat and gathered everyone's attention.

"Everyone, this is King Slyzor's wife, Camille and his daughter Lucille. Dyremus and family, this is my wife Torra, and my twin daughters, Isabella and Arabella," King Sorren announced.

Thegirls smiled and batted their eyelashes at Troy and Trey who had been starring and gone bright red at the attention. King Dyremus chuckled slightly and then returned his attention to the man who had ruined most of his mothers' life the very day Ian was born. King Slyzor sparred him but a glance and then looked at his twin.

"I do not know what you hope to accomplish by this little scheme of yours but I assure you, I have been trying to control the men and what they do ever since the Princess's death which I was their doing not mine. And yet I continued to be blamed for things my men do. I am truly not evil and I don't see why they insist on believing I am when I clearly am not," King Slyzor finished.

Lucille, his daughter, took a moment to laugh at that and Dmitri's eyes glazed over with happiness the sound brought to his soul. Dyremus immediately saw the change in his ever studious son and took great note of what had caused the happiness.

King Sorren cleared his throat to bring the attention back to himself before saying, "That very well may be and if so, brother, you have my apologies and I'm sure you wish this feud over as much as I do."

King Slyzor nodded slightly in agreement. King Dyremus looked skeptical but figured he would give the naga a chance and held out his hand. Slyzor looked at it skeptically for a minute, as if it were going to jump up and bite him. But in the end he took the other naga's hand and shook it firmly. King Sorren smiled happily and clapped his hands together three times, signaling for the waiters to bring out the feast.

And a feast it was. Dozens of naga's all dressed in black dress coats, white dress shirts and a tie that coordinated with the color of their tail, came through the kitchen doors held in silver trays with every delicacy known to the naga palate.

Little Sormay sat in Lila's lap and clapped his hands excitedly. Lila smiled and enjoyed the choreography that took place in order for every waiter to get to his designated place without stumbling or disturbing the food he was carrying.

Zeke was mildly irritated for he hadn't been seated next to Lila and little Sormay. When all the waiters were in position, the simultaneously set down the plates of food and exited the room quietly. They all dug in quietly, talking among each other. The three Kings talked about politics and running their kingdoms. Other groups formed and discussed random things throughout dinner. When the eating had died down, Zeke stood up and came around the table to take Lila's hand and pulled her from her seat. He excused them both then took her down a hallway, and into a comfortable library.

Zeke led Lila into the secluded part of the library filled with only books, and old comfortable looking chair and a lamp. He sat her down in the chair and went over to the book shelf, pulling an old book with leather binding and gold lettering. He brought it back to her, taking Sormay into his arms and giving the book to her in exchange. Lila started turning the pages, reading a few words here and there, only pausing for a moment before moving on to the next interesting line.

Then she came across the prophecy that Zeke had meant for her to see. Her eyes widened and she read intently for a few minutes.