A Bully Story: Part 2 [Draft - Look for Cleaned Up Version]

Story by Frost Byte on SoFurry

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#2 of [WIP] A Bully Story

David is ditching his friends and they are wondering why. A certain bull seems to be the reason why and will he be the cause of the fight between Tim and David?

Hello everyone, sorry for the long wait between posting (got a new job and getting use to the schedule). Here's the second part to my Bully story, I'm trying to add more drama, work on character development, and introduce other potential subplots/side stories. Very ambitious I know but I will try my best not to get too carried away and lose track of things. You have my permission to yell at and bludgeon me with an orange sack if I do. Enough rambling and enjoy the story.

I should warn you that you will find homosexuality, bullying, and other topics inside. I'm not sure if I will include any adult scenes but we will see as the story progresses.

Comments, criticism, advice, and words of encouragement are always welcomed and make me very happy :D

The fox was practically holding a spotlight over David, his gaze unyielding, his ears at attention, ready to pick up any sound coming from the husky. He was poking the husky's sore side trying to coerce a confession out of the poor dog.

"Spill it. Where were you the other night?"

"Nowhere, I was just at home doing homework is all."

"Liar, Stacy and I stopped by to see if you wanted to hangout but you weren't home."

"I was probably out at the store picking up some groceries for my mom when you guys came by."

"Well, why didn't you answer your phone when we called?"

"It was probably on silent and I didn't hear it."

Tim began to tap a claw lightly on the desk and he saw David's ears flick to each tap of his claw. The husky would have heard his phone vibrating even if he didn't feel it. The pup was hiding something and the fox was going to get to the bottom of it. But what could it be, David is usually very easy to figure out. He could have been out taking photos again but there wouldn't be any reason to hide that. He doesn't look hurt either so he didn't get into another fight. Tim sat there thinking what the husky would want to keep secret from him, not really listening to what David was saying at the moment. Maybe he was finally seeing someone again. David hadn't gone out with anyone since Ian left last year. A smile began to tug at the edges of his muzzle at the tantalizing thought of his friend in a secret relationship.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Oh nothing. You got any plans tonight? Stacy and Justin want to go watch that superhero movie that comes out today?"

"Sure, it looks interesting enough."

The bell rang and the two left the library to go to their last class of the day.

David had a hard time concentrating in classes today. He couldn't stop thinking of the bull, and a couple of times he had to calm himself down when he started thought of Alex, shirtless, working in the field or lying down on top of him. He took a seat in his last class and zoned out as the teacher began lecturing. It wasn't a secret that he liked bigger guys, but he was lusting after Alex, the big brute bull, he didn't seem like a homophobe, but he probably wouldn't like a little horn-dog thinking naughty things about him. All of this thinking and worrying was stressing him out. David gave a long sigh, he couldn't wait for the weekend to come, but time seemed to move backwards during the last hour of school.

The weekend flew by in no time, and they were back to the rigors of school. The movie was really good (as far as action movies go) and they had a great time afterwards at the restaurant. The husky even managed to get all of his school work done, leaving him some free time to relax, enjoy the day, and think of Alex. The muscular bull kept popping up in his head. He'd see Alex working the field pulling that heavy metal harrow with easy, his muscles bulging and flexing as he worked his way across the land. He also thought of what the bull would do if he knew the husky was ogling him, Alex could pick him up with one hand and crush him easily. He was scared of the bovine's strength, yet a little excited by it. Tim was a tad annoying this weekend, however, as he kept revisiting the topic of David's disappearance Thursday night, and soon Stacy and Justin were curious to his whereabouts that evening. If curiosity didn't kill the cat, then the cats were going to kill him to find out.

Tim walked into his math class, and noticed something different. To the left of the seat he normally sat at was a container. He took his seat and inspected the package (without touching it). The container had a blue top, with a transparent bottom. He tried to see what was inside, but a white cloth of some sort was obstructing his view of whatever was held within. He leaned over and gave it a few sniffs, trying to see if there was any recognizable smell.


He looked around the class room. There were only a few other furs in the classroom before him, and none seemed like the type to give the husky a gift. Maybe someone had left it from the previous class, but how could you forget something in such an obvious place? David walked in, interrupting his train of thought.

"Hey Tim, what's that?"

"I was about to ask you the same thing. It was here when I got here."

"Did you see who left it?"

"No, there weren't many others in here when I came in."

"Well, do you know what's in it?"


David picked up the container and began his own series of inspections. He looked over the thing, twisting it around, looking under it, holding it in his paws weighing it; he even gave it a little shake and listened for its contents.

"Stop harassing it and open it already?"

"Okay, okay."

David hooked a claw on the edge, pulled the top off, and was hit by the delicious smell of chocolate chip cookies. He was practically drooling when he looked down, and saw the container was packed with them.

"Hey what's that?" Tim pointed to a piece of paper in the corner.

David picked it up and flipped it over. There was only one word on it and it said 'Thanks'. He looked around the class for any sign of who might have left them. The furs around him were looking at him when the smells of baked goods drifted pass them but none wanted to lay claim to the baked good gift. David spotted Alex in the back of the classroom in his usual spot and the bull was staring at him before he quickly turned to face the front of the class. David continued to look like he was searching for someone but had a pretty good idea of who had left him the present. His tail was wagging happily as he took one of the cookies in his paws.

"Hey, you can't eat that."

"Why not?"

"You don't know who they are from. What if someone put something nasty or some drugs in them?"

"Don't you think that's a little paranoid?"

"What if it was someone that wanted to get back at you, or finish what they started?"

"I don't think it was him, he hasn't messed with me since---"

"Mr. Smith, can you please put away your lunch unless you want to share with the rest of the class."

Some of the furs snickered at Mr. Thompson's remark as the embarrassed husky put the lid back on the container, and slid the thing under his desk.

David waited inside the school for ten minutes after he saw Tim and Stacy leave the grounds. He told Tim he had to stay after to finish editing some pictures for the school newspaper. He actually finished doing the edits over weekend, but needed an excuse for Tim to go home with someone else. The husky hopped into his car and drove off, hoping to catch Alex before he got too far. David went up and down the streets in the nearby neighborhood, looking for him, but couldn't find him. "This was the way he took," the dog thought. He was passing a small playground when he saw him turn a corner onto the next street. David picked up the pace so he wouldn't lose him. When he spotted him he slowed down and started to doubt if this was a good idea or not. It was sort of a spur-of-the-moment decision to track Alex down and thank him for the mouth watering treats, as he was sure it was the bull that left the container of cookies. But what if it hadn't been him?


Alex was peacefully making his way home, cutting through the neighborhood around the school. It was a slightly chilly day, but that didn't bother him, the sun was out providing some warmth, and he had his black jacket on. He heard the rumbling of an engine behind him that grew louder but didn't seem to pass him. He turned around and saw a blue sports car trailing slowly behind him. He couldn't tell who was inside because the windows were tinted and the glare from the sun was blinding him. He stopped walking and the car crept towards him until it came to a stopped next to him. The window came down and saw David sitting in the driver's seat.

"Oh, uh, hey Alex."


"On your way home?"


"Do you, uh, want a ride maybe?"

Alex stared at the little car and the little husky for a minute. The long walk home didn't bother him but he could use the extra time to finish up some work.

"I don't think I'll fit."

"The seat slides back and lowers."

David adjusted the seat for the bigger bull and he climbed into the passenger seat. The car groaned and wobbled in protest to the weight imbalance. The ride was nice and smooth, but the silence made it awkward until David said something.

"Those cookies were really good. My friends even enjoyed them...after they saw I didn't start throwing up or dying, anyway."

David gave a nervous chuckle wondering if the joke might have been a little offensive.

"My mom made them," Alex snorted, "as thanks for helping me."

"Oh. Well, tell her they were delicious, and thanks for the gift."

The rest of the ride was quiet except for when Alex pointed out where to turn. David pulled up to the driveway and saw the white picket-fenced house that was the bull's.

"Well, here we are."

"Yeah. Thanks for the ride."

David wanted to ask if he could come by his house again, to take pictures, as an excuse to hang out with Alex, but he was pretty stoic throughout the whole ride. He was hoping he could warm up to the bull. He certainly seemed friendlier when he was lying down in the grass with him, but maybe that was because he was dehydrated and not himself. Alex could tell the husky had something on his mind that he wanted to tell him, but he didn't want to sit here in awkward silence, so he got out of the car -which almost jumped off the ground when he stepped out of it. David's heart was racing and he felt like he had butterflies in his stomach and he didn't know why. He wanted to befriend the bull, but it felt like he was asking him out on a date or something. David drummed up the courage to speak when he saw his last chance about to leave.

"Hey Alex, I was, uhm, wondering if I could, uh, maybe come by this weekend, or something, to take pictures of your house for my photography class."

Alex thought about it for a while, the husky didn't seem like a bad guy. He was nice guy, even if he was gay, not that it bothered him that he was. Alex still found it weird that the dog was watching him from the woods but wasn't about to complain after he helped him when he passed out. He looked at the husky sitting in the car, his ears twitching nervously. He didn't owe him anything, they had both helped each other out, but the little doggy was going out of his way to be friendly.

"Sure, I don't care."

"Cool, how about Sunday around one?"


"Alright, I'll see you then," David said as he waved goodbye.

He was relieved with how everything went, and his tail was wagging happily behind his seat as he drove home.


"You're home early."

"Yeah, someone dropped me off."

"Well, why didn't you invite them inside? I could have made them some snacks or something."

"It's alright, he had to go anyways."

"Aw. Well I'm just glad to see you're making friends Alex."

His mom gave him a big hug and he snorted at the motherly affection. He noticed she was in her waitress uniform.

"You're not going into the diner, are you?"

"Yeah, I told Louie I was coming in."

"Why don't you take the day off? You're already working the rest of the week- and weekend. You should take time to rest."

"Oh don't worry Alex, I'll be okay. You know I don't like to sit around and do nothing. I've made some dinner for you, it's in the fridge. I'll see you later tonight when I get off alright?"


"Alright, I love you. Bye!"

"You too mom, bye."


The week crawled by at the usual slow pace, though this time it seemed to stretch on forever. David had a couple of tests, and a book report due that week, which made things worse. Seeing Alex didn't help time go by any faster, as he got the jitters every time he saw the bull. They hadn't talk to each other since the car ride, and David was starting to wonder if it was a good idea to still visit the bull this weekend. Tim, Stacy and Justin seemed to have stopped badgering him about his disappearance, and he hoped it had finally blown over, but he sensed they were scheming something, though he didn't know what. His extracurricular activities at least provided a pleasant distraction that helped him get through the week. T.E.A. was planning a camping trip, and he had more assignments for the yearbook and newspaper. The student government and senior class body meet biweekly, and he had the week off from those. They were fretting over prom, graduation, and fundraising, but everything seemed to be on. It was his job as secretary for both to keep them organized and informed. He could see why no one else would want the positions, but he was a very orderly canine and could handle the simple tasks.

It was almost half past one when Alex looked at the clock in the kitchen. He was finishing up his drink when he got up to go outside. He wasn't going to wait around for the husky to come by, as he probably forgot, or decided not to come anyways. Alex felt oddly disappointed, for some reason he was looking forward to having the dog come by and visit, even if it was just to take pictures for school work. He walked out to the barn, looking at the field. He had plowed and harrowed the entire acre by now, and was going over it once more with the harrow before he would start sowing. The soil was pretty loose, and he only had a third left to go over. He wasn't much of a farmer, and the crops never turned out great, but the whole process was great exercise. He would have to find another workout regiment once the seeds were planted. He found the spiked device, lying against the wall where he left it, and grabbed his harness from the ledge. With a grunt he lifted the metal grid and placed in on the field where he had left off the other day and hooked himself up to the rig.

David speed down the road, trying to make up time. He was already thirty minutes late, as left his house later than expected. His mom had wanted him to get the spare light bulbs that were 'somewhere' in the garage, and then he had to turn around halfway because he forgot his camera, of all things. He was feeling uneasy when he pulled up to the quaint looking white house, and was beginning to rethink things once he found himself facing the blue door. Maybe he should turn around, he was late, and what if Alex had left since he didn't show up on time. He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell before he could chicken out. His ears were perked towards the door waiting for any sound to indicate someone was coming to greet him. They began to droop after no one came to the door, he tried knocking next but still no one came. The bull didn't seem to be home, he didn't really need to be, David was here just to take pictures after all. He felt foolish standing there on the porch in front of the house now.

He had his camera in hand as he went around to the back of the house to the barn, he might as well get some pictures since he was here. As he rounded the corner the barn and the field came into view. His heart leapt when he saw the bull in the middle of the field pulling the harrow through the ground. David called Alex's name to get his attention and the bull dropped the harness to approach him.

"Didn't think you were coming."

He sounded a little winded, the edges of his blue shirt turning a darker color as it absorbed the sweat. The braces were attached this time but seemed to strain to contain his chest with each breath he took.

"Sorry, I got caught up at home with my parents. I hope it's still alright if I take some pictures."

"Help yourself. I'll be out here working."

"Okay, thanks."

David couldn't stop the wagging in his tail as he watched the bull walk back out to the field. He turned his attention to the barn and began to adjust the setting on his camera. It was sometime before David started feeling a little thirsty. He had taken some great shots of the barn, house, woods, and landscape, but was looking around for something that would catch his eye. He made his way to the barn to get some water from the hose, instead of bothering Alex for a glass from the house. He wiped his muzzle free of the water dribbling down the side, and hoped up on the barrel while he looked over the photos he had taken. He pulled out his cell phone to check the time, it was a quarter past three, and he blinked at the screen not realizing that much time had passed by. He looked up at the sun to see that it was on its way down and that's when he saw Alex slowly move across the field. He immediately hoped off the barrel and brought the viewfinder to his eye. He took several shots then adjusted the setting and took some more. Alex was moving across the field with the sun hovering over him casting him in a silhouette, his shadow moving along right next to him on the field. This was perfect for his portfolio.

He took a couple of more shoots before he zoomed in on Alex and gulped. He had a great view of the muscular bull now, his blue shirt now completely dark from sweat and clinging to his body. The outlines of his muscles were easy to trace. He was still snapping pictures as he marveled at Alex through his camera. The bull had noticed that the husky was facing him now and from his posture and the camera in his face he must be taking pictures with him in it. It was a little vein of him to think the husky was focusing on him- he probably was doing some landscape shooting where he would be a dot in the background- but that didn't stop him from feeling the need to show off. He started working harder, exaggerating some of the strain of pulling the harrow through the already loosen dirt. He put a little too much force into his next step and strained his shoulder a bit. He shucked off the harness and started rolling his shoulder around to work out the soreness.

David was shooting on burst mode now, capture every detail of the bull's muscles bulging as he rotated his shoulder and arm. Alex unhooked the brace of his overall, and it seemed to snap back as it hung loose. He was now massaging the spot where the harness was putting pressure on. David took the camera away from his face when he saw the Alex walking towards him. His heart began to race and his tail fell between his legs. The bull had seen David taking pictures of him and was now probably mad. The incident with Ben on the bleachers flashed through his mind, Alex was going to beat him to a pulp. What if he started running, could he out run a raging bull? Could he even run that far? He wasn't in really good shape, when compared to the bovine pulling the heavy piece of metal through the earth. David just stood there waiting for Alex to approach him. Alex was huffing and puffing by now, he still had a good portion of the field left to do but he was thirsty and took this opportunity to take a small break and get some more water to drink. He didn't want a repeat of last time.

The bull didn't appear mad or ready to clobber the scared husky, instead he went to the hose at the side of the barn for a drink. David felt relieved and went over to join him.

"Sorry about that, I hope you don't mind me taking pictures of you. I should have asked first."

"It's alright."

"Well thanks, I got some good shoots."

"That's good."

Alex was leaning against the barn, still trying to steady his breath when the husky sat on top of the barrel next to him and began talking again. The canine seemed to be in the mood for small talk.

"So what do you grow out here? Isn't it kind of late to be planting crops?"

"You can grow broccoli, spinach, and radishes this time of year."

"That's cool. Do you grow crops all year round?"


"Wow- That must be a lot of hard work."

"It is."

"And you do this all by yourself?"


"What else do you have to do besides pull that spiked thing around?"

It took several more minutes of this before Alex started to soften up. David found out the bull wasn't much of a farmer, but knew a fair amount about agriculture. His family use to own a lot more of the land around the house, until his great grandfather sold it to help the family. He also learned that he was an only child. He apparently likes to work out during his free time, even during his free periods at school. Alex even asked him some questions like what his hobbies were, other than photography, and what else he likes to do. It wasn't until a cold breeze made Alex shiver, his damp sweat soaked shirt chilling him, that they realized they had been sitting here talking for some time. The sun had turned an orange hue as it fell closer to the horizon.

"Oh wow, it's getting late. I need to get home for dinner, and sort through these photos."

"Yeah, okay."

"Uh, thanks for letting me take some photos of you... and your place."

"It's no problem."

"I guess I should get going then. I'll, uh, see ya around."

David began walking back to his car as Alex started walking back out onto the field. He took a couple more steps before he turned around and called out the bull's name.

"Hey Alex, I had a fun time. You want to hang out some time, maybe?"

"Yeah, sure."

It was a quick and short answer but it made the husky happy, and he returned to his car with a smile on his muzzle.

Alex turned around and waved goodbye to the canine without even looking at him. He was a bit surprised at how quick he answered him, and had an odd warm feeling upon him as the evening crept in.


Tim was later to his math class than usual. Most of the time he was one of first few here- his previous class being just down the hall on the first floor- but this time he ran into that foreign student, the one with the great butt and sexy accent. The cougar had stopped the fox and asked for help getting his locker opened and who was he to deny a fur in need, especially one as good looking as that feline. Tim stopped at the door for a moment when his usual seat was taken and David was not in his. He got a strange feeling in his gut when he saw his husky friend sitting in the back corner of the classroom with Alex. He didn't sit in the empty seats furthest from the bull, but the one right next to him. He made his way to the back of the room and looked at the two empty seats next to David, then at the husky, and then a quick glance at the bull. Was he supposed to sit next to his friend or the one furthest from the bull? David gave a slight tilt of his muzzle indicating the empty seat next to him and Tim slowly sat down in it as if it was freezing cold. He wanted to ask why they were sitting here and not in their usual seats but the late bell rang and Mr. Thompson began talking.

"So what was that about?"

"What was what about?"

"Don't play dumb with me. Why were you sitting back there with Alex?"

"Our usual seats were taken."

"There were others open."

"I felt like a change of pace?" the husky offered as an excuse.

The fox was staring daggers at him, his eyes so narrow and pointed David could feel the tip of a blade poking at him. David put on his best it's-no-big-deal grin, and changed the subject quickly, asking why Tim was so late to class. Luckily the idea of the hunky cougar was enough of a distraction to get him of David's back. That didn't last long. When they next had math David was in the back of the class again with the bull, this time pulling looks as he made his way back there. Tim begrudgingly got up after several back and forth head tilts.

Tim had his suspicions something was up with the husky, he still lean towards the idea that David was seeing someone secretly. David was too busy with 'work' as he put it to hang out during the weekend. News from Justin about seeing some other fur in David's car leaving school only confirmed his suspicions that he was seeing someone. He didn't know how the bull figured into the equation and that stumped him. The biggest clue came from Stacy when she said he saw the husky and bull in the library together during a lunch period. Tim started to wonder why he was with Alex a lot and started to worry that the bull had something over him or was bullying his friend.

David wondered what Tim wanted to talk to him about. The fox had asked to meet him at the benches by the side of the school during their free period. He sat there waiting for the fox to show up who came five minutes later.

"Hey what's up? What did you want to talk about?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to see how you were doing. You seem to be busy as of late."

"Yeah, just a bunch of assignments, you probably wouldn't know about that since you are taking all easy classes. Why do you ask?"

"Oh no reason, just wondering who is monopolizing all your free time is all."

"What do you mean?"

"Just wondering if you are seeing someone?"

Tim wanted to be direct, but didn't want to jump to any big conclusions.

"No, why?"

"What about Alex?"

"What about him?" the puzzled husky asked.

The husky was playing hard ball so Tim was just going to come out with it.

"You've been sitting with him in class, you seem to be unavailable to hang out with us lately, Justin saw him in your car, and Stacy saw you two in the library together."

"Hehe, are you getting jealous or something?"

"This is not funny. I'm serious."

The husky found himself under the spotlight again, Tim was standing in front staring down at him sternly, his arms folded across his chest.

"He's not hurting you, is he?"

That question threw the husky off a bit.


"He's not pressuring or bullying you around to do stuff for him?"

"No, no! Why would he do that?"

"Because he's got issues."

"Where did that come from? You don't know that."

"He dented the principal's car the third day of school."

"That was just a rumor."

Tim held out his black gloved paw and began listing off incidents involving the bull.

"What about when he picked on Greg and tried to steal his weed? Or when he elbowed Brain and bruised his rib? The fight where he broke that badgers nose. He shoved Nick Branson into the lockers. Knocked out Roger Hinsdale in gym. Gave Sherley Madison a cut on her arm."

"A lot of those are old and over exaggerated rumors."

"You saw how beat up Ben and Brian looked and how violent he can be."

"Actually I didn't see that and he beat them up to SAVE me."

"And now he's blackmailing you into being his slave."

David lost it at that and stood straight up, his tail uncurling and he doing the same.

"I can't believe you!"

*huff* "You know for a pup who doesn't like attention or trouble you're about to find a lot of it if you don't do something about him."

David was seething with anger. He couldn't believe his friend would say such things. He had to get away, be anywhere but here listening to him, he turned his back to the fox and stormed off leaving Tim standing there annoyed and agitated.

It was a good thing Tim had rehearsal today because David would have left him without a ride. That didn't put Alex in a better situation when the husky pulled up next to him on the side walk. Even before he squeezed himself into the car he could tell something was wrong. The tiny space in the car was thick with tension. Alex could tell David was mad about something from the scowl he constantly wore.

"Hey, is something wrong?"

"No" David quickly responded.

*huff* "Just asking."

David took a big breath, counted to three, and let it go in a sigh.

"I'm sorry, it's just Tim got me really mad earlier today."

"That's your fox friend you are always with right?"

"Yeah, he was saying some horrible stuff about you."

"Who doesn't?"

"I don't."

Alex gave a loud huff and stared intensely at David who seemed to shrink in his seat when he saw the look the bull was giving him.

"Well, not anymore. Once I got to know you. If others just did the same they wouldn't say such bad things about you."

"Just try and ignore them like I do."

"I can't when my best friend is saying those things. He thought you were bullying me to be your servant for Christ sakes."

David kept on ranting all the way, riling himself up into an even more agitated state. Alex was relieved when he saw the white fence of his house beyond the trees. He was afraid they were going to get into an accident with how aggressive David was getting. He also hated that he was the reason why David and his best friend were fighting. The last thing he wanted was to cause trouble for the husky because they were hanging out together so he came to a decision.

"You going to be alright?"


It was likely a lie though. The scowl had now turned into a snarl. He'd never seen the doggy this angry. He placed a large paw on David's shoulder stopping him from getting out.

"I think you should go home and chill for a bit. I've got other plans this weekend. You should cool down and talk to your fox friend."

Before David could protest the bull was already out the car and on his porch. The last thing he saw was Alex's tail whipping behind him as the front door shut. This was all Tim's fault David thought to himself. Now Alex didn't even want to be around him all because of what the fox has started. He was supposed to hang out with Alex today and Sunday and go out with Tim, Stacy, and Justin Saturday. Tim ruined his entire weekend. David peeled out of the driveway racing home, the roar of the engine a deafening sound Alex heard even from inside his house.

"Hey Alex, was that your friend?"

"Yeah, he couldn't stay."

"Aw, well I'll guess I'll see him this weekend then."

"Naw, something came up so he won't be coming by."

"Oh, I'm sorry dear."

She pulled off her oven mitts and dusted off her apron before she pulled Alex into a big hug, though she couldn't wrap he arms completely around him.

"I'm alright mom."

He quickly returned the hug and was already heading towards his room. He wouldn't admit it but the hug was comforting, even if brief. Alex was starting to enjoy the husky's presence and was happy to have him around so when he told David they shouldn't hangout he was a little hurt.


Stacy and Justin had tried contacting David to see what was wrong and if he still wanted to get together but David ignored all their calls and text messages. He still hadn't received anything from Tim and that only added to the pot while he stewed in his room all weekend. Whether you're happy, sad, or mad the weekend always flies by and Monday rolled around in no time. It was Tim's turn to drive but David didn't care, the fox had not made any attempt to talk to him and he didn't want to talk or see him either. All week they avoided each other like the plague, they used different entrances to the school, sat with different people at lunch, and David even skipped this week's T.E.A. meeting. His other meetings didn't go so well as he had a hard time concentrating, he even had to ask another member of the student body for a recap of the meeting because he wasn't paying too much attention. The only time Tim and David did see each other was in math class. Tim sat in his usual seat he sat at and David sat next to Alex.

Alex could easily tell Tim and David were still not talking to each other. Tim would glare at him every time he entered the room and would only give a passing glance at David when he entered. David didn't even spare a glance at Tim and would sit next to him with a forced smile on his muzzle. It was awkward for Alex. He could tell David was still very upset at Tim and the tension between the two could split an atom. He felt awful for being the cause of this and tried his best to not be seen with David. He even left his phone at home as an excuse for not returning any of David's text or calls. But still, the husky chose to sit next to him over the fox in the math class the three of them shared and that made him happy, it was followed by guilt though. He kept the small talk to a minimum and left class as quickly as he could to minimize their interaction.

At first, Stacy thought it was just a tiff and they would be over it by the weekend, but when Thursday came around she was feed up by it. Whatever was going on between the two had them acting like cubs and she was going to put a stop to it. Justin stood back worried for Tim and David and himself, he could tell she was scheming something from the way her ears were twitching and the way her tailed swayed.

"Hey David, got a sec?"

"Oh, um, hey Stac, I don't know. I..."

"Please, I need your help carrying these boxes."

She didn't appear mad at him for dodging all her texts and calls, plus she needed help, how could he say no. So he agreed and followed her into a classroom where he guessed the boxes were. It was one of the art classrooms, it was littered with art supplies and various works, and there were no desks, just large tables for people to work at. There were also no boxes he saw but there was a fox and another lion on the other side of the classroom. He instantly turned around when he heard the sound of the doors slamming shut. Stacy was blocking the exit and he glanced over at the other door where Justin was guarding it.

"What's going on here?" Tim said.

"Yeah, why is he here?" David pointed at the fox.

David didn't realize Stacy could be so intimidating. The lioness was usually happy and cheerful, her golden fur making her look radiant in the light, but now she was baring her teeth not in a smile but a snarl and the radiant fur on her finger that was directed at him had a menacing pointed claw. He found himself taking a step back with each step she took. Justin had no trouble pushing Tim, literally, to the center of the classroom. Soon Tim and David were at opposite ends of a table and Stacy and Justin were in front of them. Stacy was the first to speak, a fierce edge her words.

"You two need to drop the drama queen routine."

"I don't know what you are talking about," Tim said matter-of-factly.

"That. You're acting like a bunch of pups." She turned to David, "Why are you even mad at him?"

"Because he is an ignorant bastard."

Tim's fur bristled as he hissed at David.

"You mean because he is worried about you? Like after your fight with Ben and Brian."

"You TOLD them, after you promised not to!"

All David saw was a golden flash before a paw hit the side of his muzzle, he could feel the tiny prick of claws against his skin. Tim looked dumbfounded and took a step back from the table.

"What was that for?" David yelled.

"For not telling us," Stacy shouted back. "Do you know how weird we were, how much Tim was, and how hurt we were that we had to find out from Tim because you didn't want to tell us?"

Justin was quick to wrap his arms around Stacy from the back in a tender embrace to calm her down and to restrict her arm movement for the sake of the others. David's ears dropped and his tail fell limp between his legs at hearing how much he hurt his closest friends.

"I'm sorry," he whimpered sincerely.

"Apology accepted, but we are not the only one you should be apologizing to. Tim was only worried that you were being bullied again and just wanted to make sure you were safe."

David looked across the table at Tim. It was true, he saw the sincerity in Tim's eyes. Tim was just thinking about his safety and didn't want to see his best friend get hurt anymore.

"I'm sorry Tim," he said not quite keeping the sniffles back.

"It's alright. I was just worried is all."

"I'm glad that's settled and now for you."

Stacy managed to break free of Justin and turned to face Tim.

"You need to apologize to David."

"Wha... um, for what?"

"For jumping to conclusions and saying such awful things about his friend."

"But I was just trying to help."

"And you hurt David's feelings in the end."

"But it's Alex."

"That doesn't mean anything. David managed to be his friend without getting punched. Did you even talk to the guy before confronting David about him?"

"Well, I... No," Tim confessed.

She was right again, he had been against Alex since the beginning of the school year and when he saw him with David he jumped to the conclusion that he was being bullied by the big bull. It was his turn to look at his friend across the table and apologize.

"I'm sorry David. I shouldn't have said those things about your friend."

"It's okay buddy."

The stress and tension in the room vanished as big goofy grins spread across their muzzles. The two were now back to being best friends.

"It's nice to see that you two have kissed and made up," Justin teased them.

"Yeah, and now we can all hang out again and Alex can join us."

"Wait what?!"

Justin had a shocked expression on his face, his ears twitched at the surprising news. It was Justin's turn to face Stacy's fury as she turned around and glared at him. Even though she had to look up at him he seemed small in comparison.

"Any friend of David's is a friend of ours, right?"

It wasn't really a question and there was only one answer. Luckily Justin was trained well and agreed with her wholeheartedly.

"Of course baby," he said embracing her again.

Justin's ears flicked backwards when he heard Tim make a whip sound and everyone began to snicker. Stacy returned the embrace rewarding her tamed lion with a few nuzzles across his chest.

Mushy ending I know but everything won't be sunshine and smiles. I am trying to introduce more and more about David and Alex while including Tim and David's other friends (Stacy and Justin who I am kind of liking). I think it's improving a bit but there is only one way for me to know for sure. YOU HAVE TO TELL ME!

Please tell me what you think:

  • Is it bad or good?
  • Did I improve/is it better than my previous stuff?
  • Where can I do better and improve?
  • How is the pace?
  • Does the dialog flow?
  • Tell me what you think about the characters: do they feel real, are they flat, not consistent in their behaviors, etc...

As always be as honest and as brutal as you want, it really helps point out my mistakes and helps me improve. I know there are nitpickers and grammar nazis out there so please take a look. You can comment anonymously at http://iwontbyte.tumblr.com/ask if you want :D

HUGE THANKS to avatar?user=211792&character=0&clevel=2 ShadowDawn13 for helping with an edit :D

and to the commentors for pointing out my mistakes!

A Bully Story: Part 3 [Draft - Look for Cleaned Up Version]

**Hello everyone, I want to apologize from the VERY long wait (the job is soul sucking and LoL is addicting). This chapter is a little shorter than the others but I caved in and added some naughty bits for you all! I'm working on writing about adult...

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A Bully Story [Draft - Look for Cleaned Up Version]

**Hello everyone, sorry for not posting something in a while. I've had very little free time as of late. Anyways, if you've read my other works you've probably notice I'm not the best writer and tend to get carried away with details and wording in my...

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Coffee Shop 4

So here is the fourth part to the story and look, it covers more than just one day \*gasp\* :O I read over what I have now and I feel that the story is long winded, boring, and not going anywhere fast. The way I write these is I go to a Starbucks on...

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