Baxley 4: A king is killed and a new beginning starts.

Story by Fox thief on SoFurry

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fourth and probably final part of Baxley's life story

Baxley sat in living room of his two-story house he recently rented and furnished. He was sitting at his dinner table, sparkling champagne in paw, and looked over his supply of weapons. "Sword, daggers, bow and arrows, and medic pack", he said out loud. Baxley smiled and heard a knock at the door. "Who is it", he called as he went to the door.

"Nick", said a voice at the door. Baxley looked through the peephole and saw a white fox standing on his porch. He opened the door and looked at the fox. "Why are you here, Nick." The fox shuffled his feet and looked down. "I heard you were in town and decided to come and visit", Nick said. Baxley looked Nick up and down, seeing if he was armed. The fox had a holstered pistol on the belt loop of his cargo pants and wore a tan t- shirt.

Baxley stepped to the side to let Nick inside his home, eyeing him closely. "What's the gun for, life 'aint treating you right?" Nick smiled. "Yeah it's been rough, but not as rough as your life, Baxley", he countered. Baxley nodded and handed Nick a glass of champagne. "It's been a long time since I've seen you", said Nick, taking the glass. Baxley nodded and took a sip of his champagne. "Indeed, it has, but that doesn't change the fact that we were a good team, time has nothing to do with excellence." Nick agreed and looked around the dinner table.

"I still see you still use the same weapons from when we were partners", he said. "It wouldn't hurt to add a gun in here and there." Baxley smiled. "Guns make too much noise and besides I like my weapons, they serve me well", he replied. Nick shrugged. "I'm just saying it wouldn't hurt." Baxley nodded set his glass down on the table. "So, what do you want to help me with", he asked. Nick looked surprised. "W- What are you talking about?" Baxley narrowed his eyes. "It's obvious what you came here for, Nick, you want relive the glory days." Nick nodded, a sly smile creeping onto his face.

"Well", continued Baxley getting up from the table and taking both glasses to the sink. "There is a guest room down the hall with a full dresser of clothes and the shower is next to my room which is across from yours." Nick nodded, got up, and headed down the hall. Baxley smiled as he packed his weapons away and headed upstairs to shower up there.

The hot water was soothing on his fur as he scrubbed the lavender scented shampoo all over his body. Baxley loved showers; it gave him time to think about stuff other the thoughts that plagued his mind about his childhood and his current situation. He thought of his brother, Codie, and wondered how he was getting along. Baxley sighed and got out of the shower, turning off the water as he dried off.

He went downstairs and to his room which had a queen sized bed. Baxley didn't know why he had a queen sized bed when he was mostly alone in the house. The bed had a tiger print comforter and striped pillows. Baxley opened his drawer and levitated some pajamas out to wear. He then lifted a bottle of champagne and poured himself a glass. Baxley got dressed and turned on the radio while he sipped some champagne and thought about tomorrow before going to sleep.

Baxley's alarm clock rang loudly, waking him. He hit the off button and rolled over to the edge of the bed. Baxley got out of bed and went out of his room to the kitchen. Nick was still sleeping in his room, snoring loudly. Baxley smirked and walked into the kitchen to make some breakfast. He made eggs, bacon, French toast, and French vanilla coffee. As he ate, Nick trundled in, scratching himself and yawning. "Morning sleeping beauty, you want anything to eat", asked Baxley. Nick nodded and filled his plate with food. "So, what are we doing today", asked Nick as he ate. Baxley smiled. "We are going to kill the French king", he said with a smile.

Nick looked at him with surprise. "We're going to do what?" Baxley nodded. "We are going to kill the French king, like I said." Nick shook his head. "Oh no, no, no, do you know how well- guarded that place is", he asked. Baxley nodded. "I do, I also know that if we kill the king the war will end and the Spanish won't have to live in fear of being attacked by the French and their deceitful mercenaries." Nick still looked doubtful about but nodded. "Okay, I'm in, as long as I get paid for it." Baxley smiled. "I'll point you towards the vault in the palace when we get there." Nick nodded.

They left at nightfall. Baxley and Nick checked their supplies on the way there. Nick grabbed his guns from his car before they left and was counting his ammo. Baxley was how many arrows and throwing daggers he had. "I got 20 daggers and one hundred arrows. My fighting dagger is in its sheath and my cloak should cover it all." Nick nodded and patted his two holstered pistols. "These are all I need", he said smiling. "Then why'd you bring the barrette 50 cal.", asked Baxley. "Why'd you bring your sword", countered Nick. Baxley smiled and kept on driving.

They arrived in the center of the town and parked the truck. The town folk were shopping or gossiping around paid no attention to Baxley or Nick as they walked in the direction of the palace. Guards and mercenaries were also walking the streets of the town, looking for them. Often times Baxley and Nick had to duck into a market to stay undetected. "I'm happy that so many people are out at night", remarked Nick. "Aye, so am I", replied Baxley. Nick looked at him. "Are you a pirate now?" Baxley smiled and shook his head. "No, it's just something I got from my older brother." Nick nodded and got up from his seat, motioning for Baxley to follow.

"Where are we going", asked Baxley, puzzled. Nick smiled at him. "The roof; it'll be quicker to get to the palace." Baxley nodded and looked around in case anyone saw them. He notched an arrow as they got to the roof and was amazed by how beautiful the nightlife was of this town. "I would love to come here and enjoy the sights when I'm not being hunted down by mercenaries or militaries", said Baxley. "I agree to that and would love to come with you", said Nick. "But right now we have a job to do." Baxley nodded and sprinted forward to the palace.

The palace was three- stories with guards on balconies of the top floors. Nick took out his barrette 50 cal. and laid down on the flat surface of the roof and took aim. Baxley aimed an arrow at a guard and shot him. Nick shot his rifle killing the guard a floor above. Baxley winked at Nick and ran off to circle around the palace.

He was practically invisible in his black cloak as he jumped from rooftop- to- rooftop. Baxley made a flying leap towards the roof of the palace and slipped, almost falling if he hadn't grasped the edge in time. He pulled himself up and drew his sword as three guards started to run towards him. One of them fell to the ground as a gunshot was heard. Baxley lashed out at one of the guards who carried a spear. The other was trying to get behind the fox, but was stopped by a bullet from Nick's sniper rifle. Baxley smiled and was glad of his friend's skill.

The guard blocked Baxley's second swing and made an attempt to disarm the fox, but Baxley drew a throwing dagger and threw it at the guard's foot paw, causing him to drop to a knee. The fox looked down at the guard, smiled, and walked off. There was another gun shot and Baxley heard a thud as the guard fell to the ground. He turned towards the direction of Nick and nodded before climbing down to the second floor balcony and going in through a window.

Mercenaries were everywhere, walking the halls. Baxley knew that the king would probably be on the third floor, so he sheathed his sword and started walking down the hallway. He would often have to duck into nearby rooms to avoid mercenary patrols coming down the hall. "Hey, Bax, where are you", asked Nick through a radio. "Second floor, in, I think a storage closet", replied Baxley. "Okay, I'm on my way up", said Nick. Baxley put the radio away and peeked out of the closet. "All clear, perfect", said Baxley as he opened the door and continued down the hall, looking for a staircase.

"What the hell are you doing here", called a leader of a patrol group. Baxley stood where he was and looked innocent. The mercenary, a cheetah, walked up to the black fox. "I'm not doing anything, sir", Baxley said as if confused. The cheetah growled. "Now that's bullshit and you know it, fox." Baxley's face turned serious. 'This guy's not playing games; well let's see if I can make him play a game of tag', he thought. Baxley shoved the cheetah and said "Tag, you're it", as he ran off in the other direction.

The cheetah roared in anger and chased after Baxley. "Stop," called the cheetah. "Or I'll capture and beat you myself before I hand you over to King Drayir and let him finish you for good." Baxley smiled. 'So that's the leopard's name', he thought as he responded to the mercenary. "He can fuck off!"

Baxley shot a few arrows at the patrol, but not killing any of them. He continued to run and also heard gunshots ahead of him. Soon Nick came around the corner, bleeding from a gunshot wound on his arm. He grinned as if looking at prey when he saw Baxley coming. "Duck", he called. Baxley slid, throwing two daggers backwards as he slid on the floor. Two gunshots rang out and there were thuds as the mercenaries fell. "Glad you were here", said Baxley. "Now let's get up to the third floor and end this." Nick nodded and they climbed a staircase to the third floor.

Baxley and Nick ran down the halls and quickly found the king's room. "Where are all the mercenaries and patrols", asked Baxley. Nick shrugged and got ready to breach the door in front of them. "We'll find out eventually." Baxley smiled and nodded. They kicked down the door and a barrage of gunfire met them.

Nick's eyes widened in shock and prepared for death, but it never came. As the mercenaries fired, the bullets would just stop in midair a few inches from the two foxes. Baxley had his eyes closed and his paw outstretched towards the men firing. He looked back at his friend and shouted, "Fire back at them, man!" It took Nick a moment to recompose himself, but he took out his pistols and fired upon the mercenaries.

Baxley saw the leopard king glaring at him and holding two swords. He smiled at the leopard and continued to stop the bullets still being fire at him and his friend who was easily dispatching the mercenaries quickly. There weren't many mercenaries left and a lot of corpses were lying on the floor. Nick fired at two mercenaries and shouted to Baxley. "I'm running low on ammo!" Baxley nodded and took out two throwing daggers. He rushed forward, still stopping bullets while his friend took cover behind a couch and threw his daggers. Baxley drew his sword and struck at the first mercenary that came into reach. Nick was killing men from his place of cover and when his ammo was gone he picked up a machine gun and continued to fire at the few mercenaries left. Drayir was clutching his two swords and watching his hired men be slaughtered by just two foxes.

When the firing ceased and the smoke cleared, Baxley and Nick stood in the middle of the room, smiling. Drayir snarled and got up from his chair. "I will kill both of you", he growled. "No, this is between me and you", replied Baxley, quite calmly. Nick lowered his gun and stepped to the side, nodding. "He's all yours, bro." Baxley smiled and took a step towards the leopard. Drayir raised his swords and growled menacingly.

Baxley rushed the leopard and swung a few times before jumping backwards. The blood from the leopard ran down his sword. Drayir looked at the cut on his arm and looked at Baxley who had a smirk on his face. The leopard leaped into the air, did a front flip, and did an overhead slash upon Baxley. The fox sidestepped the slash and made a slash of his own, cutting the leopard's shoulder. Baxley then threw his sword away and drew his dagger. He ran in at the leopard hard and fast, striking at his legs and arms.

Baxley dodged a few swings from the leopard and continued with his slashes. Drayir started to become slow and weak as the small, but deep cuts were beginning to get painful. Baxley saw this and kept up his attack. Soon Drayir was on a knee, panting and bleeding. His swords were still raised as if he still wanted to fight. Baxley stood in front of his opponent and looked down at him. "I will give you one chance to surrender and leave Spain alone", he said. Drayir started to laugh. "What's with it with you and Spain", asked the leopard. Baxley looked away for a minute and as he turned back to the kneeling leopard, he said "My parents used to live here before they died in the middle of a battle." Drayir chuckled. "So that's why you defend the Spanish, you want to earn back their respect." Baxley nodded.

The leopard spat on the floor. "Well, you will earn respect, but not from the Spanish, but of the dead", he said as he swung both his swords for Baxley's head. Baxley ducked and slid under the leopard, cutting his throat as he passed. There was a moment of pause before Drayir dropped his swords and soon after followed their decent to the floor. Baxley sheathed his dagger and walked over to Nick, whispered something in his ear, gave him a piece of paper with his address and number on it, and the keys to the vault. Nick nodded, smiled and began to walk away. He stopped and turned to Baxley and called. "Where is this address at?" Baxley smiled at him.

"North Carolina Mountains, in America", responded Baxley. "I've already had my stuff shipped there while we were driving here." Nick nodded and ran off towards the vault. Baxley stood by the window of the room and looked out at the city for one last time.