
Story by Rose_20 on SoFurry

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A cold mightnights toch glistens appon my fur. I feal a lonely abandoned feal even though I lived in this waste land forver. I never even thought of how my wolfish self in does clothing hurt so many. I have been hurt but I hurt others as well. I'm a monster living in this cold iscolated incandescent part of a broken land for I don't deserve to be with the others. a mans definition of a woman is a pair of breast with a mouth. I have so much pain inside but the light shines bright apon my future. Never have I felt that I could escape the valley of the exiled for I'm a toy a puppet to societys sick game. Imagine if in real life so many people hated you for your sexual orrientation. What the hell is so wrong with being in love with someone of the the same sex!? What did we burn down your cites destory property kill people what? The reason is not of what we did it's because ignorace says you must be kept under the iron thumb of ignorace. People must die before the change happens for the good people scrafice themselfs to save milloins of others. Never think your week like the doe I am otherwise you will be crushed but don't be so strong you lose yoru values to your strength. Survive...


Babby they broke me hard blood all over the floor. Let all them call me a fucking whore for I'm not so broken! Like I said before they hurt me more and more now the wounds heal in shining eyes. Gonna live forever just to die maybe I will live. Who...

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My heart is warm(poem)

When darkness came there where people there to show the light. Even though my past haunts me like a ghoust I now have so many people who like and supported me so that ghoust dissapered. Now I live happy and free from ball and chains and now it feels...


If I were a buck(song)

If I were a buckkkk I would get all the male ass and I wouldn't be submissive anymore. If I were a bucckkkkk I wouldn't have almost been raped in real life because we all know guys can't get rapped by girls. If I were a buckkkk I would mostly likly be...

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