An Umbreon Quest Chap 11 Tracking

Story by 502nickster on SoFurry

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I'm Finally Back! Sorry for the wait everyone.

I do not own Pokemon, I own the characters except for Shadow. The character "Shadow" Belongs to Drakenguard42.

Please enjoy.

The air was cold in the cave, the breeze woke me up. I opened my eyes lazily, it was still dark. As I tried to back to sleep again, I heard the sound of leaves rustling.

My heart pounded, I jumped up to my feet. My poked my head out of the cave, scanning the area. The sound was coming from a bush five meters from the cave.

Out emerged the T.A grunt who drove the van. His left arm looked broken. I was suprised that he was still alive, relieved to know that I'm not a murderer.

The back of his head was bleeding. He was talking on cellphone. "I'm so sorry sir. I've lost Shadow. Some eeveelutions were in the truck, Shadow and I didn't realize they were inside. I tried to shake them off but we fell out of the truck. I'm sorry sir, this will never happen again."

"So he didn't mean to have the Blue Ring to fall off the truck." I thought to myself. "Sir, Shadow should know that he has to come back to ensure the safety of his fami- You're retiring me? Please give me another chance sir."

"Ungh, is it morning yet?" I heard a sleepy voice behind me. I turned around and saw Keltorie slowly getting up on her feet.

"Keltorie, quiet." I whispered to her. "Why? What is it?" She asked as she came up to my side. Her eyes looked tired. "Trouble ahead." I said to the Jolteon. Her eyes became weary.

Then all of a sudden, a roar came further down the forest, it was loud and frightening. Keltorie made a small gasp upon hearing the roar.

I looked behind us and the rest seemed to be awaken by the roar. "What was that?" Garomun said, upheaved and on his feet. "Shhh, everyone stay down." Keltorie said.

The TA grunt had a fearful face, he said on the cell phone. "Please sir! I don't want to die! Please!" He dropped his cell phone and started to run, down to the edge of a clearing.

Another roar came, it sounded like it was coming closer. The TA grunt was about thirty meters away from the cave. Trees were crashing down from the right. The sound of a large creature arriving became very distinct.

As the TA grunt turned to the right, something rammed into him like a loose runaway train. It was too dark, none of us could see what it was. All I could see was a massive, long black figure. It came in so fast. With the sound of a crunching brutal bite, the TA grunt was screaming in pain. After the sound of bones being crunched, the screaming stopped.

The unknown creature roared and dashed away the same way it came from. "Get inside or it might see us." Keltorie whispered. "What just happened?" Amadea asked us, she appeared rather frightened.

"Was that a Pokemon?" Garmun asked.

"I think it's an Onix." Shadow said. "No, I think it's something bigger." I thought to myself.

A glimmer a light shined on the east, morning was arriving soon. We waited for five minutes. "Whatever that was, I think it's gone." Amadea said, poking her head out of cave. "

Then let's go." Shadow said. "Hang on Blue Ring. We should look at this book again." I said to him, I used flash to light up the small cave ,Garomun was already opening the book.

"It's says here in the book, your siblings the Leafeon and shiny Flareon are in the Esamo Falls. Same goes for you parents Keltorie." Garomun said, "That's North-East of here and about two miles away."

"What about the rest? We can bring this book along with us, it'll be too tedious." Amadea said. "We should look at where the rest are."

Flipping through the book, we learned where the rest are. Fallon, Lencita, Garomun and Amadea's family are Vinatho Swamps. Grand and my mother are in the bottom of the Jantambo Mountains. And Basila are in the Thenatin Forest.

I may not where my father is, but I will find him. I. WILL. FIND. HIM.

The Sun rise finally appeared, we walked cautiously out of the cave. I saw the tracks the unknown creature made. A row of toppled trees and shrubs. Something really big hit the TA grunt.

I stood on the incredible trail, it was heading North-East. As we followed the trail, something on the tracks horrified my eyes. Pieces of intestines, flesh and bones were scattered all over the tracks with puddles of blood. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the TA grunt.

"This is so disgusting!" Keltorie groaned. Garomun's chose his steps carefully, avoiding any of the remains of the TA grunt.

"This is getting way out of hand! How could any of this go unnoticed?!" I asked the Blue Ring. "You're not gonna believe this, Team Ater pays the authorities, police and all that to look the other way." Shadow said. "What? Incredible! Just where do they get all the money from?" Amadea asked Shadow. "You tell me Amadea."

"Lets just follow the tracks." Garomun said, "It's leading us to Esamo falls." The tracks were not in the least difficult to follow, we cleared about one and half mile.

"Hey guys, look over there." Keltorie said, looking at a girl with a female Grovyle standing next to the massive tracks, she seemed to be intrigued by them.

She couldn't be more than fourteen. Wearing a turquoise blouse, pale brown Bermuda pants, black track shoes and her brown hair is tied in a ponytail. She had a black mono sling.

"What's she doing there?" Garomun asked. Keltorie decided to walk up to her. The minute the girl saw Keltorie, she had an extremely excited look on her face. She squeled at her Grovyle, "Look, a Jolteon!"

As soon we caught up with Keltorie, the girl's eyes widened. "Wow! Five eeveetions! This is so cool!" She squealed again.

"Great. Is she gonna hug us like those previous kids?" Garomun groaned in annoyance. "Garomun please. Hey uhh Grovyle, do you know what made this track and where it's heading?" I asked the Grovyle.

"How should we know Umbreon? We just got here." The Grovyle said in a rather rude voice.

"Ok, thanks for nothing." Keltorie said.

Then Shadow turned to look at some shrubs five meters from our left. "Come out! I know you're there!" Shadow growled. Out came a Liepard and two mightyenas and a Houndoom.

"We can't have any witnesses. Get rid of them." The Liepard said to The rest of the dark pokemons.

"No! Get out of here Grovyle! You and the Girl!" Amadea shouted.

"C'mon Grovie! Let's take these dark pokemons out! Use leaf blade on the Liepard!" The girl said to her Grovlye. The leaf Pokemon's three leaves on both arms glowed green and combined together into one long arm blade on both arms.

She lunged at the Liepard, but the Houndoom pinned the Grovyle down. The Houndoom attacked the Grovyle with a flamethrower right in the face.

The two Mightyenas chased Lunged at the girl, her face sunk into the ground. The Liepard dashed towards Garomun, He was about to attack the Flareon with a Night Slash. Shadow charged up a shadow ball. He jumped up towards the Liepard and fired the dark orb at him. It sent him flying a few meters away from us.

Garomun then blasted the Liepard with a fire blast. The raging fire covered the Liepard and he yelled in agony.

Keltorie and Amadea charged at the Houndoom who was still burning the Grovyle's face. The leaf Pokemon was not moving. Keltorie and Amadea fired a Thundershock and a Psybeam respectively at the Houndoom.

The Houndoom flew and crashed into the Liepard. The two Pokemon became unconscious. The Grovyle's face has become ashes, the rest of the body unharmed.

Then I heard screaming from the girl. I turned to her and saw the one Mightyenas biting her shoulder and the other biting her thigh. She was bleeding profusely.

I ran towards the girl, I opened my and was about to fire a Shadow ball at the Mightyena who was biting the poor girl's shoulder. However, that same beam of black and purple rings blasted the Mightyena. The Mightyena rolled and bounced along the land and came to a halt.

The Mightyena was covered in dirt, flanks bleeding. Abruptly, another Shadow ball soared right past my right ear.

I was taken by surprise, the dark orb hit the Mightyena who was biting the thigh of the girl, the dark Pokemon flew and landed right next to the other Mightyena. Both Pokemon were unconscious.

I turned around and saw Shadow. "Hey! Watch it Blue Ring! You could've hit me!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me in annoyance.

The girl whimpered in pain, parts of her clothes torn and soaked in blood. She seemed to be in too much pain to be distraught of her dead Grovyle.

Searching into her bag, pulled out one voltorb look alike ball threw it at the ground. Out emerged a male Machoke. He was striking a masculine pose, but when He saw her severely Injured trainer, his expression instantly changed.

"What happened to you!?" he asked the girl in a very worried voice. "I've got mauled! What do you think?! Help me Machoke!" The girl screamed in pain. The Machoke picked up the girl, carrying her in his arms.

"What did you all do to her?" he asked us aggressively. "Hey, hang on we did not attack her, it's those dark pokemons who are now out cold." Keltorie said in defense.

The Machoke looked around, he saw the unconscious dark pokemons and the dead Grovyle.

"Where's the nearest town? I got to help her." Machoke asked us worriedly. "South-East of here, about 3-4 kilometers. I don't think she's gonna make it in time." Garomun said to him.

"I have to try! Now out of my way!" He raised his voice, running east with the mortally wounded girl in his arms. The Machoke disappeared into the forest.

"Come on, we have to keep moving before these guys wake up." Amadea said. "Esamo falls isn't far now." Shadow said.

We continued to press on, following the large tracks, heading to Esamo falls. I'm not sure what was gonna happen when we get to Esamo falls. No matter was going to happen, we could not let anyone stand in our way. Freeing Keltorie's parents, Arch and Tomi could be challenging.

More eeveelutions will be joining us for this so called 'quest', the start of a powerful team?
