Dragon Slayer? Part 1 The truth
#1 of Dragon Slayer?
You always hear how great dragon slayers are, but how much truth is their to that. Now see a Feline and his friends really slay the dragons.
The air is chilled as a lone hooded figure walks the dark streets many seeking the warmth of their homes or huddle near some fires made in some steel barrels. They try to keep the fires lit with scraps. The figure walks past them keeping their cloak tight to their body trying to stave off the biting winds. The stranger stops before a bar very loud and noisy many voices can be heard coming from there. As the doors open and a few wolves and a bulldog are thrown out of the establishment. Many curses are hurled from the group of furs as a large black stallion walks out of the doors with a menacing face.
"The Owner said stop hitting on the help. If you want a booty call or some loving the madam has the place for that down the street." He points down the street towards the very luxurious building it's grey and blue coloring stand out making all who live in town know what it is.
The bulldog strolls forward with teeth bared. "You fucking bastard I'll make glue out of your sorry ass...offf" The hoofed foot of the stallion connects with the bull dogs face with a loud crack as he flies across the street. The others try to go for their weapons but are surrounded by a few badgers and a tall beaver. Who is chewing on some bark wearing some looses fitting leather armor.
"I told you fools I had a nice warm bed for you at the station. Now you get to enjoy it. Oh please resist gives my boys here some practice." He takes a large bite out of the bark. As the group drop their weapons and surrender. The wolves pick up their friend as they are taken away by the armed badgers. The Beaver watches with a laugh. "I told them well when they came to town where the brothel is. Yet they seem to think that having a sword makes you ignore the rules." He just shakes his head. " Paul you tell your boss he owes me for making me stand out in the cold like that waiting that long for those fools."
The stallion smirks as he nods. "I'll tell Simon that. He will have your favorite drink ready when you come by later Ted."
The stranger snaps out of a daze when hearing the name. Pulling back the hood reveling that it's a Vixen a black furred one. The stallion is taken off guard by this as he stutters a bit. The beaver smiles and nods his head.
"What brings a fine lady as your self out in this cold weather?"
She bows a bit and smiles at Ted. "I am looking for Simon the Dragon Slayer."
Both look at her with shocked expressions on their faces.
The vixen is confused by this. " I said I am looking for Simon the Dragon Slayer. I was told he..." she never finishes as they both bust out laughing. She turns a deep red by this.
"What is wrong with you two, I am looking for this great warrior."
Ted stops first and dries his eyes readjusting his leather armor as he was laughing so hard it made some of loose armor move off a bit on his body. " I am sorry dear it just ... well I'll let you see him and you will understand. Paul show this fine lady our great 'Dragon Slayer'." Ted leaves laughing his tail shaking with his laughter.
The dark fur vixen looks in surprise as Ted walks off " Why is acting like that I have heard the tales of the Simon the great."
Paul looks at her with a smile. " I know what you have heard but what is told and what is real are two different things. Come on follow me I'll show him to you. What have you heard about him? Also I am embarrassed to ask this now but what is your name? "
The vixen smiles " My name is Lin of the northern tribe. The tales of his heroics are told across the land as he has slain more dragons than any other group or famous Dragon Slayer. How he slayed the great white dragon demon of the southern valley. How he defeated the great beast of the western mountains. Also his two greatest ones how he defeated the great army of anthro dragons in the kingdom of Arcnii Also the defeat of the elder Red Drake of the Hylin Mountains."
Before she can finish Paul tires his best not to laugh as his shoulders shake.
Lin looks a bit mortified that he is laughing at her knowledge of the Dragon Slayer. " Why do you and Sir Tom laugh at me?"
Paul shakes his head as weaves though he crowd of patrons who seem to want to get closer to Lin. Many whistle at her as other make lewd offers for a good time for the night promising to keep her warm. All get a glare from Paul and most back off and go back to their drinks or stories and ignore the vixen. One though is bold enough to approach her. A Badger who looks like the solders who took those ruffians earlier. His steps are awkward and he stumbles forward a bit. The smell of cheap ale can be smell from where Lin stood. As her nose flares a bit as she covers her mouth and nose with her arm trying not to inhale the foul odor coming from the solider
"Hey babeeee. Hois yuu hoo with a reeeel male. I can show you my sharp soward" His speech is slurred as he advances towards.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you Joseph. You know Tom won't be to happy to talk with you about hitting on females who are not from the brothel or on ones who can't stand your foul odor. " A voice carries over the noise of the bar as it goes quite. Many looking towards the bar counter as many move away from it only a older looking grey wolf and the a black fur feline who is cleaning the glasses behind the bar counter are there as many seem to make a path for the badger.
The Joseph snarls at the comment. " I am the law here You can...hic teel meee wut to do you fucking f..uhhh" He falls to the floor with a loud thud Paul stand over him shaking his head .
"You know if he approached you old friend he most likely would have died." Paul sighs as he drags the unconscious badger away. His face scrunches up from the foul odor coming form the unconscious badger. With a heave he tosses out the badger out the door and shuts it keeping the cold air out.
Lin looks back at the bar with wide eye hope that her quest is over. As she kneels before the grey wolf. She looks up at him seeing his tight muscles and worn weapons. The many scars over his body showing the many battles he has fought in. He barley notices her as she kneels there for a second waiting for him to respond. After a while she starts to get mad being ignored and her face begins to flush as many of the patrons start laugh at her kneeling as she is.
She clears her throat " Sir Simon the great Dragon Slayer. I implore you to hear my request. My people are in need of your great skills. We have a foul beast that we need to have rid of. The great beast has caused much strife. I beseech you we need your help." She bows her head and hopes to hear how he will help her people in their time of need. How he will rid the foul beast of their lands.
She hears something she never expected. A laughter as she looks up and sees the wolf warrior laughing as she gets mad at this. Why was everyone laughing at her today was this town crazy? Before she can speak the wolf finally speaks.
"You hear that Simon? You're a great dragon slayer now." He roars with laughter at this barley able to keep his laughter low as it rings out throughout the bar as many join in laughing. The bar keep who she knows now as Simon just shakes his head. She stares at him in disbelief as she rose to look at the one called Simon. He was dressed in plain shirt yet something was off about his coat it seemed to be made of ...dragon scales. That made no sense. He seems to be built but not a warrior built. His frame was thin. Nothing what she expected. This was no warrior. No he might be able to be passed off as a noble. His fur was a night black as he looked her smiling. There was a certain charm to his smile. I t was warm and inviting. He gave off a warm sense of trust. His eyes were blue. As he put out his hand to shake.
"Hello Lin of the northern tribe is it? I am as you know now am Simon uh the dragon slayer."
She takes his hand into hers, his grip is strong but not a crushing strength that many warriors try to use when showing off. It was gentle and warm to her own hand. She looks at him and blushes a bit as she pulls her hand away trying to control her self.
" I am sorry but you can't be Simon the Dragon Slayer. You look nothing like I have heard in the stories. He is a great warrior who battles the oppressive dragons. Who brought the great kingdom of Arcnii to it's knees. You couldn't have done that?" she shakes her head in disbelief her tail shaking with her rage as her hand balls into a fist tightly. " It can't be you. Why are you all playing this cruel trick on me?" She states with such rage in her voice the old wolf warrior winces at her words.
" I think we better tell her how things really work of great dragon warrior." He raises his glass towards Simon. As Simon sighs depressingly.
"Fine Jill take over for a bit. Paul make sure they don't try to burn down the bar while I am away " As Simon waives his hand at the patrons who just laugh and say they will do the best to burn it all down and go back to drinking as a young female squirrel with a white apron on runs behind the counter and begins to continue to clean the glasses as other waitresses come to the counter of various species. Come back and fourth with orders and for different drinks.
This throws off Lin a bit seeing how it was dead a few minutes ago. Before she knows it the older wolf and Simon have already left her and head towards a room at the end at the bar counter.
Jill reaches over and taps her shoulder. "Don't worry ear Simon is such a nice person, but he really is the Dragon Slayer. I know he don't look like much but he is a great one." Lin looks at Jill with a blank look as Jill laughs at her a bit for her expression.
A gruff voice brings her out of stupor " Come on little lady other wise we won't listen to your request."
Lin walks with a hurried pace as she enters the door held open by the wolf warrior. As she enters the room the first thing she notices is that it is a very big room but mostly in it is barrels of ale and various crates of food and other package objects. As she finishes her survey of the room her eyes fall onto Simon who sitting on one of the crates his legs swing back and fourth like a child would bored. "Before you speak I want you to understand something. I am the...." he looks away a bit depressed. "I don't like being called that. I don't actually kill much as you can see, and before you ask Kel my mentor and long time friend. Is not one either he gave that up some time ago and he helps me out take care of the dragon problems with little hassle as possible."
"Wait what are you saying that all the tales of you deeds are false?" Lin looks at Simon with a confused look.
"Not false. Just over exaggerated is all." Simon looks away with a blush that can be seen even with his dark fur.
"What my furry feline here is talking about we stop the dragon for doing damage or things going out of control. To be honest he has only killed one dragon. Mind you that was not one of his greatest moments. You see lass he has the devils luck or curse. Depends on how you look at it." Kel smiles at her as his eyes roam back to Simon who still looking towards the ground.
Simon swings his feet forward a bit as he still looks at the ground not making eye contact. He sighs once more and looks up at Lin " I am going to tell you a story and you must decide if you want me to still help you. I don't make promises. I can't keep. I want you to know who I really am. I am not a warrior or magician. I am just me. If you don't like what you hear then we can point you to some dragon slayers nearby they might be able to help you."
Lin looks at him seeing how he seems not to be a warrior she wants him to be but his eyes show something different. She has seen it in warriors of her tribe. Having fought though many battles, seeing much death. Yet here he was he could be more a young adult and he has such eyes. She finds a crate and dust it off as takes a seat taking her tail in her hands and seems to smooth the fur into place.
"Please let me hear it." Simon nods and begins his tale.
"Many years ago this village was almost devastated by drought, many in fighting of the neighboring kingdoms causing many to be taken to fight in wars they knew nothing about. To top it all off we had a dragon. Yes I know you would think the near by lord would help out and send his soldiers to fight the great wrym. But alas it was not to be. He cared nothing about us yet to use the females as whores for his soldiers, the men as cannon fodder for his squabbles with neighboring lords. Yes it was not one of the best times to be alive. " He pauses for a second a sadness crosses his face as his whiskers droop a bit. He regains his composure and continues.
"As you know Dragon Slayers are hired or go out and search for glory to make a quick gold piece. Also hoping they will kill a dragon who is sitting on a fortune. I know what you're thinking that they are great people of virtue. Far be it. Its all about the all mighty gold piece. The big score to retire. It is never that easy. Most die in their first year out and those who do make it have such a short life ahead of them. Well any ways back to the story. One such warrior came to our village. I should say two." Simon looks at Kel as he looks away with a embarrassed look on his face.
"These great warriors." Simon words are a bit harsh as he continues " Came looking for help a guide in a sense. Many shyed away thinking they would die if they led them to the dragon as no one in town had any skills in fighting. One did volunteer, or should I say was pushed into service. My father had became a solider for a lord. Yet I had to hear anything from him since he left I was working for the original owner of the Tavern he made a quick few pieces of gold by selling me off to be their guide. SO basically I was sold into slavery." Simon frowns at Kel
"Hey it work out in the end. It's not like I rape you or anything" Kel throws his hand up in defense as Simon throws a small wooden plank at the wolf warrior , glaring at Kel..
"No you used me as bait you bastard!" He shouts at Kel, who just laughs.
"Hey you're alive so no worries right?"
"Die. Let me get back to the story. It wasn't hard to find the dragon lair since no one really ventures there. It was a short trip there. Little to my knowledge I was going to do more than lead them there. I was going to be used as I said earlier as bait. Now these genies here figure that would tie me to a tree as I yell and screamed would attract the dragon. They deiced that digging a pit near where I was tied to the tree filled with sharp wooden spikes would injure enough for them to run up and kill it. They poison the wooden spikes."
Lin looked at Simon for a second. " Wait why not poison you when the great beast ate you it would be poison?"
Kel smiles at her. "Well you see dragons are not know to chew their food. Also they can smell most poisons on bait we dragon slayers use. So the best way is to hit it with a poison tip arrow or with traps that have it. Still we thought we had a foolproof plan. You see all well thought out plans always seem to have the most problems we learn that one the hard way." He looks away sadly.
Lin looks at the warrior wolf with sadness then it hits her. "What happen to Kel's companion you seem to gloss over who or what he was?"
Simon smiles at this. "He was human a fair skin brown eye with flowing blond hair. He was what many were told was the dashing warrior that would go out there and save the princess. He was a grade a jerk. A fucking coward and I barley knew him for a day or two. I can only tell how it was to work with him as Kel did? His name was Fredrick. I think you said he was a fallen knight who raped a noble's daughter. He was looking for new glories as many do when they become a dragon slayer." Simon looks away after saying that.
Lin still combing her tail fur." Don't you do it for glory Simon? You have killed all these dragons." He raises his hand to silence her.
"I told you to wait before you ask anymore. To listen to my story."
He composes himself then continues. "Still the plan was made and much to my delight I was knocked out then woke up rudely. As his human friend decided to make sure I was going to be good bait. He pour this foul smelling concoction over me. To this day I don't eve think Kel really knew what it was. Still it was foul smelling thing. It worked none the less. In an hours time. Mind you I had to count just to try not to keep vomiting and thinking about how I smelled. So here comes the dragon it was brown scaled one. It's wing span was long as and the kings Calvary line. It was big as a house. And it saw it's dinner tied to a tree pissing on it self. Yes I was terrified. At that moment I though I was going to die. Then it happen as they planed it. It charged forward. I am thinking it will go over the trap and that's it I am dead no more me. It 's right fore leg hit the trap and the spikes pierce its foot. It roars in pain. Mind you I am still freaking out shouting for them to kill it, but of course they are waiting for the poison to kick in as I struggling to get out of the ropes. Using every curse word I know swearing vengeance from the grave. It was pretty funny looking back at it. What wasn't funny was that it ripped it's foot from the trap hole it still bleeding badly rushed forward once more and ripped the tree from ground and threw it across the field. I am really letting my lungs get a workout that day. The tree actually shatters when it hits the ground. Yes I am free but now I am in extreme pain now wishing the dragon would kill me just to end the pain." Kel coughs a bit
Kel smiles a bit as the glare from Simon stays the same." I can do this part." Simon frowns but lets the old wolf continue. Kel smiles as his tail wags a bit " SO here is Simon cursing mine and Frederick's existence as he flies though the air. I though he was dead when the tree hit the ground. The dragon on the other hand was finally showing signs of the poison taking affect. It could barley keep flight as it landed and started to dragged it self away. Fredrick and I charged. Yelling a battle cry. In hindsight that was a bad call it has work in the past throwing the dragon off a bit. Yet this time the dragon was in a bad mood after being injured and it's meal being tossed away. It had a lot of steam left in it as it lunged at me I ducked in time. As it flew over me. It landed badly as it's foot still caused it much pain. This is where Fredrick made his name . He leaped into the air and slashed at the his sword biting deep into the dragons scale. He was a season warrior and knew when to strike. I join in also we eventually wear it down, till it could move no more. I though we won. I was going to deliver the final blow. When a sharp pain erupted from my back." Kel stops the story and removes his tunic to revel on his back a huge scar. " I was betrayed by my 'FRIEND'!"
His words were bitter as he stood there shaking with rage and shame. Knowing all the times he stood up for Fredrick and for him to do that. It still hurt to this day. Lin looks at the scar, thinking what a betrayal that was.
Lin looks back at Simon. " Wait how did you both survive then?"
Kel pulls his tunic back down and smiles " This is where his luck comes in. Now I am on the ground bleeding badly as Fredrick stands over me and giving the lines that how he will be rich. That he will have a nice funeral for me. Making sure he pays a few whores to come and cry for me. One thing you always should do in battle. Make sure your enemy is dead before you make rants. You see our friendly dragon wasn't dead and it grab Fredrick before he could even scream and snapped him in half It was a sicking sound . I lay there as it began to rain slowly I could feel the warmth slowly leaving me. The poison wasn't doing a great job now, as it seems to be actually resisting it now. I waited for death as it drew closer to me. Just before it's mighty jaws reached me it pulled back roaring in pain. Simon here charged with broken wooden spike from the trap. It trashed about bleeding badly from the eye. It saw Simon and wanted to kill him, and his luck kicked in. I believe some god loves him because at that moment a bolt of lighting came down from the heavens and hit right where this stick was poking out of the dragon's eye, and zap."
Kel ends the story their. Lin looking at him shock. " Wait you're telling me that he had nothing to do with his death that a bolt of lighting killed the dragon?"
Kel shrugs a bit "Believe what you want that is what happen. Simon could have left me there but he saved me by carrying me back to town. He nursed me back to health. He said nothing to me about what had happen. He held no real grudge. It was at that moment I saw what I was doing was not a life for me. I decided to give up the dragon slaying business, and decided to help Simon get back on his feet first by helping him claim the treasure. Many wanted to know what had happen so I told them that Simon was a crazed warrior and defeated the dragon."
Simon looked pissed at those words from Kel " I told you not to tell them that, but no you had to make it seem I was some great warrior. That's why so many came looking for me to keep fighting dragons."
Lin looking back and fourth between both. "You mean he has been lying to everyone?"
"Lin listen to what we both have been saying Kel told that to others making them think I had did that so I could claim the treasure. It just snowballed out of control. At first I had little trouble with the fame I had gotten. I had money now a dragons treasure and body which this coat is made from." He smile showing off the dragon scaled coat.
"Yet it got bad after the next one I was called to help ...no I was forced to go slay the twin dragons of the mountains. This is where I realize that I couldn't keep lying even there it seem my luck was working against me. I didn't kill them either."
Kel roars with laughter. " No you killed them just no the way the bards describe it , you should have seen it lass. Both dragons had the poor kitty here pinned between a rock and a hard place, more like the small pass in the mountains. He had no real options and I was barley able to do much to help him . I watched as he was about to die and me maybe next. Then he throws with all his might his sword at the dragons they dodge with ease the sword flies into the side of the mountain hitting the right part of the mountain side. It caused an avalanche. The rock killed the dragons. For a brief second I though he was crushed by the rocks. Lo and behold he lived." Kel laughs again making Simon blush .
Simon sighing trying to hide his blushing face. "No matter how much I told others the truth they figure I was being modest. That I didn't want the fame or glory of being a dragon slayer. No matter what truth I told it made the stories grow more wilder and bolder. So you see you I don't think I can really help you. If you want the Dragon Knights of Rohelm can help you. We usually pass them the jobs."
Lin looks at Simon and can tell from his words that he is telling the truth but her own tribes warriors have been defeated by this dragon. " I ...I ...my tribe needs your help dragon slayer. I know your telling me the truth that you have no true skill but luck but that luck maybe enough to win where others have failed. Please I implore you." She gets on her knees and looks up at him " Simon The Dragon Slayer please help my tribe rid our lands of the dragon scrounge that plagues our lands."
Simon looks at her kneeling in front of him despite being told he is not a real dragon slayer she still asked him to do it. The words come back and haunt him that he heard once.
'No matter how much you deny your fate you will always fight my kind kitten. Despite that you will save us. Our greatest enemy will be our savior. Your luck will save us.'
He sighs "In for a penny in for a pound. I'll do it." He already knew like so many times before he was going to cause to much trouble. Maybe it won't be bad this time he thought. Yeah maybe he will be crowned king...yeah right.