Kauto and MW Part 8a

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#10 of MW and Kauto

Ok guys here's were we meet our special fur briefly as he's a very shy character. He's a sexy muscle horse like Kauto and goes by the name of Chester :D

Kauto and MW Part 8 __________________________________________________________

So after 4 nights of fun in the lake, all four furs felt ready for their competition in the afternoon, with the main approval coming from Kauto who had by now become an indestructible hunk of muscle. With the others not far behind him in size and definition, there muscles become so dense they felt harder than the boulder that had been lobbed into the forest the previous night. Ring Eye and Falcon had been taught all the necessary moves and routines for the show and were confident they could both put on a good show for their beloved fur friends.

'Wow guys you've come on quickly, you'll be amazing in the front of the crowd I tell ya, oh and we can't forget this sexy wolf here can we.' Kauto said as he hugged MW in his gigantic arms warmly.

'It's like watching Mr. Bean and Teddy snuggling all the time hahaha.' Falcon said as they released the hug and got ready for the big day ahead. 'So what do you guys take with you to these competitions?' he asked.

'Oh just the usual things like towels, clothes etc.' MW explained.

'You don't take oil or anything do you?' Ring Eye asked.

'No definitely not, it's horrible stuff and anyway it ruins your fur and I don't want that happening to me.' MW said quickly.

'Thank god! I can stand the stuff it makes you look unnatural.' Ring Eye said.

'Yeah I agree, anyway we have our own, special stuff don't we hehe.' MW said as he winked back at Ring Eye. 'And there's an endless amount of it so we'll never run out.' He said as he began licking his face. They packed all the things they needed and headed outside.

'Chevy or Koenigsegg?' MW asked.

'KOENIGSEGG!!!! You have a Koenigsegg! Holy shit man!' Falcon and Ring Eye shouted as MW became red in the face.

'Hahaha, Oh that's a question I never want to answer again , lets take your Koeny today, show off a bit eyy.' Kauto said laughing.

'Who wants to drive then, any takers?' MW asked as the other three furs' jaws literally fell to the floor.

'Go on Kauto you drive us.' Falcon said.

'Err ok' Kauto said nervously as MW tossed him the keys. 'are you sure about this?' he asked.

'Yeah definitely, I've seen you drive before, you're like an Ayrton Senna when you get going.' MW said.

'Senna, I don't know about that but ok thanks.' Kauto anxiously agreed. They walked to the indoor garage lot at the rear of the mansion and MW opened the door to the huge building with his car inside. As it opened, Falcon suddenly fainted as the car came into site. 'Oh god, he's out we'd better put him in the car before he comes round and faints again.' Kauto said as Ring Eye picked his huge lump of a driver up and hopped in the back of the car and immediately began gawking around.

'Wow MW have you had this changed? it looks more like a race car rather than road car.' Ring Eye asked. The wolf explained how and what his racing team had done to improve the car, which seemed impossible to Ring Eye as he reminded himself he was sat in a Koenigsegg. 'Hey Falc's coming round.'

'Ugh, wha.......what happened?' Falcon said as he opened his eyes.

'Are you ok Falc, you only fainted don't worry.' Kauto said heartedly.

'Oh jeez ha. Yeah sorry about that, I was just shocked all of a sudden haha. Ah well I'm ok now.' Falcon said as he hugged Ring Eye warmly.

'Well lets go then, everyone ready?' Kauto asked.

'Yep!!' they all shouted as Kauto turned the key and pressed the engine start button. The engine roared as Kauto gently revved it. All four furs simply awed at the amazing sound.

'Wow! It sounds like an V8 Supercar with the supercharger and the grunt.' Falcon said.

'Yeah but it revs like a bloody Indy car haha.' Kauto said as he drove out the garage.

'I thought these things only had two seats?' Ring Eye asked.

'They do, but this one doesn't haha' MW said laughing. They headed down the drive and out of the entrance before heading to their destination in Washington. While motoring down the highway, Falcon wondered how many furs there could be at the show.

'Oh it can vary, sometimes its absolutely loads, whereas others are sometimes quieter because there local shows, but today's should be very busy.' Kauto explained.

'Why's that?' Falcon asked.

'It's the qualifier for the major in a couple of months time.'

'So this isn't just any competition then you've entered us all in. You could of said something hahaha.' MW said as he gave Kauto a gentle tap on the shoulder. They continued on there way until they reached the performance centre were they would be competing. 'Oh wow this place is packed, do you reckon you'll find a parking spot Kauto?' MW asked as he gazed around the car park.

'Yeah, but not in this car park. Competitors have their own spots at the rear of the building.' Kauto explained. They headed around to the rear, and saw all the furs who would be taking part. They were all burly chunks of flesh who had worked hard to build up themselves for this event.

'Wow some of them are big!' Kauto said as he looked over.

'Come on Kauto, are you stupid or what? They've got nothing on you' MW said rather seriously.

'Yeah look, none of them can match you for what you are.' Falcon said. But one fur caught Kauto's eye, a Chestnut coloured horse, with features that put the words cute, sexy and good looking to shame. The muscled horse suddenly turned his bulging neck as the Koenigsegg's engine sound got louder and closer. Kauto stared at his gorgeous body as the chestnut horse smile and blushed before heading inside. MW waved his hand in front of Kauto who was gazed by the site he had just witness before coming round to his senses.

'Come on big guy, stop staring them down we need to park this somewhere and head inside.' MW pointed out. Kauto parked the car and the four furs headed off to sign in and get ready.

'Did you see that horse, he looked so cute.' Kauto said.

'Oh no, Kauto's already in love haha.' MW said sarcastically. 'I'll admit though he was cute, but we can't dwell on that now we need to sign in.' he said as they walked through entrance into the centre. They signed in at the front desk and walked to the changing rooms to get changed.

'Hay look we all have our own rooms, well I'll change and meet you guys in a minute.' Kauto said as he walked into his changing room which had state of the art facilities to help the competitors feel comfortable. 'Oh man this is sweet!' Kauto said as he sat down and began thinking about his routine and performance. He quickly ran through them before changing into his contest uniform which basically was just a pair a of huge working out shorts which stretched to the limit to fit around his bulging legs and stallion hood which by now had become more powerful than an army tank turret.

MW meanwhile had found his room at the far end of the corridor, upon entering he was shocked at the standard of hospitality in the rooms.

'Wow look at this place it's fantastic.' MW said to himself as he began changing. He too had gone for a pair of stretchy work out shorts to composite for his pride. As he slid the shorts on the bulge was as obvious as could be, but he didn't care one bit as it reminded him of the previous nights he had with the other three hunks. Falcon and Ring Eye had found their rooms and didn't waste anytime in changing. They eagerly left their changing rooms and headed down the corridor to meet up with MW and Kauto.

'Ok guys, here we go good luck today.' Kauto said.

'And you Kauto, don't thrash us too much will you now hahaha.' Ring Eye said.

'Hey Kauto look, it's that hunky horse you scrutinized earlier. He's coming this way.' MW said as the chestnut stallion headed towards them with his cheeks glowing red. As the burly horse walked by, Kauto was too nervous to say anything. Instead it was Falcon who talked first.

'Good luck today buddy, have a gooden.' he said. The shy horse looked up and gave Falcon a firm handshake while blushing deeply in his cheeks before suddenly jumping backwards in shock as he gazed over towards Kauto. Before any of them could talk, the potent horse blushed again and shyly walked away quietly.

'Awwwweee, I was looking forward to meeting him.' Kauto said as he began crying.

'Don't worry, maybe you can catch him later. I'm sure he's not being horrible or anything, he's just shy like you. Come on lets go the show is starting soon.' MW said while embracing him warmly and began heading for the back stage area to warm up.