Knight Class - Part 4

Story by PermaFrost on SoFurry

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#4 of Knight Class (Dropped)

I think the next chapters will be written with a different perspective, as other important characters will come out. Comment if you feel like it, and I hope it was worth your time.

Until then

With that question I had meant the pattern that most likely had appeared on my eye. My pale green iris would turn a light blue, and the pupil would expand and distort to some kind of star, or at least that's how I would describe it. I was a little surprised too; the change had occurred unconsciously and that had only happened one time, the first time. The wolf's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Since when?" He repeated.

The cold I was feeling allowed me to remain someway calm; I liked the sight of my foggy breath. It was a state I was familiar with whenever I practiced in secret for too long. But that time had been different, I had entered that state without much effort. I wondered if it had something to do with the appearance of the mark on my eye. Then I remembered I still had to answer the wolf's question.

"Eleven. It must be eleven" my voice was still a little shaky.

The wolf's severe face softened, but he still looked troubled and serious. I stared expectantly. Behind him Arcem's astounded expression hadn't changed much, but now it hinted some alarm.

"It's that their curse?" He mumbled quietly, but I could hear him and the flick of my ears asserted it.

The bigger wolf quickly twisted to glare him. Arcem cowered submissively under the stare, realizing what he had done. I found myself deeply concerned by his words. I wondered what had he meant with 'curse'. The adult wolf turned to me again and his features dropped any sign of hostility; I had to thank him for that.

"It's all right" his voice had turned soft, like trying to appease me. "Please come with me, I think we're still in good time. I'll get you help."

But his offer only managed to disturb me. He had said he would get me help, but I didn't know for what. I could only think it had something to do with the condition on my eye, but as far as I knew there weren't any problems with it. Surely his behavior was more related to that 'curse' Arcem had mumbled about.

"I won't let you take him away!" Father unexpectedly shouted, coming to stand in between the wolf and me. His tail was straight up and bristled, his ears twisted. I noticed he had recovered the sword and he held it ready to attack.

The wolf's eyes narrowed.

"Are you that much of a fool?! There's no time to argue here! If you care that much for your cub then you must let him come with me! We're on time!"

But the wolf's words didn't seem to reach father. He didn't move and didn't respond, and only raised his sword to reaffirm his determination. The wolf was clearly exasperated at father's response.

"Let it be." The wolf moved to directly face father, standing straight and firm. "As the First Captain of the Province of Garda, I command you to desist of your actions and step aside. Otherwise, I'll see the use of force as necessary!" The authority of his position could be found in the way he spoke.

The two of them held each other stare, unmoving at their own decision. I, on the contrary, started to back away; worry had settled on me. The attitude of father, the Captain's concern over the mark on my eye, and the curse Arcem had spoken about. My instincts told me I lacked information if I wanted to grasp the situation. I had stepped back a short distance when I decided to inquire whoever was willing to be.

"What do you mean by curse?" My voice was unnervingly calm.

Father flinched slightly at my question. The Captain shifted his attention to me and spoke, again, softly, even thought his body told me he was being distant.

"It's nothing like that so don't worry. But you must come with me so I can get you attention. All will be okay."

"He won't go anywhere!" Father roared.

His abrupt intervention startled me and made back away further. The Captain's face frowned in irritation and he finally showed his fangs. Both started to growl. They were going to fight, for me, because each one of them wanted to take me. I was beginning to feel fear. I didn't want for any of them to take me; I didn't want for any of them to fight because of me; I didn't want to stay there any longer where I was unable to understand what was going on.

I felt something on my arm that attracted my attention. I gasped at the sight; there was a layer of frost covering the fur on my forearm. It wasn't large, just about the upper side, but thick enough to being considered a thin armor of ice. Suddenly the iced area expanded, growing with abrupt thrusts which made jump. I released the sword that had been forgotten in my paw and quickly drew my claws over the ice, trying to break it off. The clank of the sword hitting the floor made the others turn and shift their focus on me.

As the frost spread it did my fear. Something like that had really never happened. I started to claw with more force, trying to pierce through the layer but with no avail. Soon the ice reached my paws and started to encase them, in mere seconds they were rendered immobile. I stared with wide eyes.

"Héctor!" Father screamed.

I was startled with the call, and then shocked when I noticed a layer of ice also had appeared on the floor which surrounded me. This one seemed to grow faster, starting to gain height and range, forming icicles as high as me while the ice on my arms found its way to my chest and neck. I was beginning to dread what were to come.

"Step aside!" I heard the Captain shout.

I lifted my eyes towards them and felt my breath get stuck on my throat. The adult wolf was holding his right arm parallel to the ground, and there was fire coiling around it. I realized the order had been meant for father when he moved aside after giving a brief glance to the wolf. At the moment the Captain's arm pointed towards me I thought the blood in my veins had stopped, and I felt a deep chill unrelated to the ice covering me.

I didn't say anything, my voice wouldn´t come out.

"Father!" Arcem protested for me.

But the wolf didn't stop; the fire shot in my direction at his command. The flames grew and I noticed they were of a yellow color, but that didn't make feel less threatened. Common sense dictated me to jump out of reach, but my body wouldn't respond. It didn't matter though; it would have been impossible since my feet were frozen stuck to the floor. In a swift maneuver the fire circled me, before closing. I shut my eyes at the incoming hit.

I wasn't sure what were going to happen. I hadn't faced a situation like that ever before, but I had expected it to be painful. However, it wasn't. I didn't feel any pain. The fire wasn't burning me thought I didn't dare to open my eyes to confirm it. But it was hot, obnoxiously hot. I couldn't stand the heat. I didn't like heat.

I tried to move but the ice retained me still; it hadn't been melted by the fire. I couldn't understand how that was possible as I continued trying to escape. The fear I had felt was quickly turning to desperation. Trapped, immobilized, engulfed in a fire which didn't burn yet was obnoxiously hot. I couldn't bear with the situation. I felt the urge to struggle wildly, to scream, and I felt a tingle starting to crawl through my body. Then the heat was gone and the cold returned.

I hastily opened my eyes to see what had happened. From the corner I could distinguish some objects at each side of my body. It looked like bones. The sensation at my back told they had sprouted from there, circling me and coming to the front. I immediately fell to my knees, instinctively embracing my own body as sharp pain came. Looking at the floor I thought I saw father approaching me, and a sweet scent in the air, before my eyelids dropped, and I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I found myself in a small gray room, the door was hidden from sight and the only window was up high and barred. I was disconcerted just for some minutes before I realized I had been imprisoned. I didn't do much at all after that. I mostly lay on bed contemplating where I had ended. It was useless to brood over it, or cry over it, and I was actually relieved. Nobody came to see me the rest of the day or the night. But that had been completely fine with me as I could think at peace.

The Captain had said he would get me help. I didn't understand why, save for it had all to do with my eye. Arcem's words still lingered. And I was still confused by father's reaction. But I decided to leave all behind; I would accept the help I had been offered, whatever it was, and leave, leave everything behind and start anew.

I spent some time at that cell. Someone would bring my meals three times at day and that was basically all I saw from another furson. Sometimes I wondered when would I talk to someone about the incident and my 'condition', but no one came. I didn't brood much over it; I was patient and willing to wait for a while. At some point I tried practicing to kill time, and realized the room nullified magic. It was kind of exciting discovering that; it made comprehend that the ban had been finally lifted.

Around five days had passed when someone who didn't carry a tray of food stepped into the cell. The taller boar had a deep gray fur and, save for his head, his whole body was draped in a white cloak with shoulder plates. His expression was serious, but not the kind of serious I had expected; it was somehow serene and regal. I stood up to receive him, and he halted just half a meter from the doorframe. He looked at me curious with a rise of his eyebrow.

"A white tiger, huh? Haven't seen one in a while." He sounded nonchalant.

I myself remained unfazed by his attitude; I was prepared for almost anything. He looked back at the furson who had been standing outside watching over us.

"Everything is already prepared, right?" He received an affirmative before he returned to me. "Come with me. Time's cut short so we'll talk later."

The boar turned and started to walk out. I obediently followed, not finding any reason to disobey. I gave the other furson a last nod, acknowledging his presence and work. We walked through various aisles with only doors at sight, probably other cells like the one I had occupied. I had wondered before where I was, but I had never actually demanded any answer. We continued to walk and eventually reached some sort of lobby which I had to ignore in favor to not fall behind. The boar walked towards a door and entered; I did the same.

It was then I realized we had actually exited the building. I couldn't help but being momentary blinded by the bright sunlight. What I first saw made me feel a little lonely since I comprehended I was no more in the town. I had expected that, knowing that such facility didn't exist back in town, nevertheless, it was still a little heartbreaking. The constructions weren't that different from my hometown, even in the city, Garda conserved that countryside charm and greenness all around the province. But they were bigger and still not the same. I was far away from home.

Before I could lost myself staring at the scenery I had to quickly stride after the boar that was heading for a nearby carriage. He boarded and I hesitated a little before doing the same. I sat opposite him, staring bashfully at the floor. The door closed, nobody else entering, and the carriage started to move. I didn't try to say anything nor did he, and the trip was filled with an awkward atmosphere, at least for me. I was relieved when the carriage stopped and the door opened. He stepped down first and waited for me just below.

"We need to hurry" he said once I was next to him.

He hastened his pace and I had to trot a bit to catch up. We had halted outside the wide façade of an unknown building which we went into. The place was crowded with fursons, from many species, looking busy and carrying cases and bags. At that point I had actually begun to feel a little confused; that situation wasn't one I had contemplated. I had to walk really close to the boar in order to not lose myself among the people. Then the unmistakably sound of a train whistle was heard.

The edifice was the Train Station. As far as I knew only three cities in Garda had one, but I had no means to know in which one of them I was. I had not time to think about it either; the boar made his way through the multitude with haste and walking deeper into the station I had to put some toil to not fall behind. Continuing was easier once we reached the boarding platforms. I followed him towards a white train with a stylish and round shape.

He guided me to one of the cars and simply walked in, not even stopping to acknowledge the furson in suit standing there. He probably checked the tickets, but I actually didn't know. I stopped before boarding, not confident to imitate him. I glanced to the suit furson and received a polite nod, indicating me it was fine. With nothing to lose I crossed the threshold. I found the boar waiting for me, his calm expression never changing. The whistle blew once more and the car mildly shook as the train began to move.

The boar turned and walked away. I hurriedly stepped further and paced down the corridor to catch. We walked all the way to the last compartment, where he slid the door open. He awaited me to enter first. I stared him briefly before complying. The compartment was an elegant wine color, just as the carpet outside, the overall arrange was simple yet it looked luxurious. I stepped inside and gave him space to do the same, turning to face him as he entered.

"Take a seat." It might have been sounded like a suggestion, but it felt like an order.

I took his offer and seated on the left side, and waited for him to do the same. He closed the door and took the place opposite to me. Once more my eyes dropped to the floor, not sure how to interact with the furson. I fought the urge to fidget with my hands, a habit of mine. My tail was secure around my abdomen so it wouldn't move unnecessary, but I couldn't stop my ears from swiveling with my nervousness. He noticed it.

"I assure you, there's no reason to be uneasy. I cannot give you many details yet, but you may try inquiring me if that makes you feel better. I'll respond at my best." His tone was calm and deep, and revealed he already had some years.

I thought about it for some minutes. I had many questions concerning my 'condition' and my 'treatment'. I tried my luck being direct.

"About... About my..." It wasn't coming that nicely. My paw rose to touch under my right eye trying to encourage the words.

"I read the First Captain's report on the incident" he began to respond to my unspoken query, "and what he said to you. However, we aren't heading to a health facility to give you some kind of treatment, if that's what you think."

His words puzzled me. That was supposed to be the objective of that expedition, but he had refuted it completely. Other questions came to mind. Where were we actually heading? What was his actual purpose? What was going to happen to me?

"Then... Then" I began to stammer.

"I'm curious about it too actually. Say, what do you know?"

I knew nothing. Since a young age father had strictly forbid me from learning magic. I was to not get close to any object or information related to magic; I was even permitted by the school to not assist magic classes at all. Nevertheless, I had done it in secret, out of my father watch. I never tried to investigate about the mark afraid of it giving me out. And I never felt such a thing as a problem or a discomfort, so I thought it would be okay. Of course that had been proved wrong.

"Someone I know... called it a curse." Arcem's words were the ones I remembered the best.

"Some fursons might think that way" he began solemnly, "but it's not as much of a curse as a symptom." He granted me some seconds to see my reaction, but I just remained motionless and confused. "You really don't know anything, huh?"

I confirmed his assumption silently.

"There are occurrences when a furson might experience a sudden rise of his magic powers. As his energy increases his eyes start to change, much like a gauge. The further the mark spreads the more magic the furson holds. However, a furson's body cannot withstand such great energy. It ends being poisoned. The body starts to decay and reasoning fades. The result is a demented creature who succumbs to his most dark desires, slowly dying. Do you know the shape of the mark on your eye?"

"It's a star." That's how I saw it.

"It might be, but have you noticed the form of a spiral as well?"

"Yes." I had noticed it, but preferred the other description.

"The spiral mark is the redeeming feature of that condition. Due the gruesome acts some of the affected fursons have committed that mark has become a sign of danger, and it has become to be known as Mad Eyes."

I felt my stomach drop with his explanation. My situation sounded more serious that I ever thought. But my body was well, actually, I was confident in my good health, and I didn't think my behavior had changed at all. But then I remembered, during the festival. I had lost control of my powers; I even had lost control of myself briefly. I could only think it had started. What the Captain had told, about getting me help, maybe I was already beyond that. I felt fear swelling within me; if that boar wasn't taking me to a medical facility, then, were I going to be caged as to not become a danger to everyone else?

"I told you to not being uneasy." At some point in my absentmindedness he had come to sit next to me. I found comfort in that, and his words. "We have no intention of harming you. And I don't think what you have is a Mad Eye."

My ears perked and I turned my head to give him my full attention. His calm expression was now complemented with a gentle smile, a great feat taking in account the tusks that came from his maw. I stared him expectantly, just like one would do as his savior. He continued his speech.

"The marks of the Mad Eyes are always visible once they start to appear, but your eyes are back to normal. See, you'll be fine."

It was an easily refutable statement, but I was willing to find peace on it. I stared at the floor once more, letting myself get lost in thought. I probably was in more problems than I had counted and I had no way to know what would happen. But that boar had told me it would be fine. It was a little intriguing, how I found myself able to trust that furson so easily, how his presence had turned kind of calming. I thought it was most likely due the moment.

I jumped back a little when one hoof passed in front of my eyes. I looked sideways to the boar; he had taken his right arm out of his cloak to take the left side of my head. Next he directed me to lean on his right side, my head resting below his shoulder plate. As the surprise disappeared I started to feel hot in embarrassment. I stayed still, not daring to move a muscle.

"You should rest. You look tired" he soothed. "Don't worry, there's plenty of time before we arrive our destination."

Even if he had said that I couldn't loosen up at all. Though he was right; all those days in the cell I had managed to sleep, but not to rest. I would wake up in the middle of the night and never stay put enough to rest properly. It had been a little tolling. His arm felt king of nice, it was warm, and is smelled kind of sweet. My body finally reacted and relaxed, and soon I found myself drifting to sleep

When I opened my eyes the light in the compartment had changed. Looking through the window I noticed night had fallen and the inside lamps were on. I slowly straightened myself, my head feeling a little light from sleeping too much. A voice from my side made me regain some wakefulness.

"You're right on time. Look outside the window, we've arrived."

Recalling what had happened I turned to look at the boar, the same serene expression on him. He had surely remained with me the whole time, unmoving and acting as my pillow, but at that moment I couldn't make out that in the state I was. I remembered what he had told me and shifted closer to the window. The sight brought me completely back as it took away my breath.

In the night, hundreds of speckles of glow shined in various colors. The building were faded, engulfed by the shadows, but they were large and numerous. The city's play of lights was beautiful, creating patterns around the black figures. My paw instinctively reached for the glass, as if trying to touch the picture.

"It's already nighttime, but this is the City of Lera."

At that moment my awe couldn't grow any bigger. Lera was the capital of the Province of Brezo, the biggest city of the kingdom, and were the King's castle stood. Shortly we arrived at the station. It was blooming with fursons, but that had to be expected from such important city. We exited the building and took a carriage; however, this one was not drawn by trabers. It was my first time, ridding a magic-powered carriage.

The sight from close was as spectacular as the one from afar. At that range I could notice that the buildings were really different to the ones at Garda. Not only bigger, but they had flat roofs and were more geometric, even the most extravagant constructions seemed to be formed of simpler basic shapes. The fursons walked on the streets idly. I felt silly, clinging to the window like a cub, but on that occasion I could let it slide.

After some time the number of edifices started to decrease, until we reached what looked like some kind square and the carriage halted. I continued to stare through the window curiously, not trying to move as long as the boar with me didn't do the same. The vehicle resumed its way and I noticed we were crossing some big gate. Then some gardens came to view, thought they were covered in darkness and I could not appreciate them well. Finally the carriage halted and the other furson exited.

As I descended from the vehicle once again I was astonished. The construction in front of me was immense, almost intimidating. The dark didn't help me to make out the details, but the structure was clean, elegant, with just the necessary decorations. At least that was what I could take from the small portion my field of vision could grasp. My attention shifted from the building to one stream of light that suddenly appeared. In my daze the boar had walked closer to the large wooden front gate and looked back at me patiently.

I strode to his side, embarrassed of my behavior. I followed him inside. The interior was dim lighted and actually kind of eerie, yet it was equally impressive. The size and design of the foyer we entered was something to stare at.

"It's getting late. Follow my step, and don't separate from me" the boar said.

He quickened his pace and I went behind, trying my best to ignore my surroundings as to not lose him. But I still could take a glance at the walls and others gimmicks that stood in the place. Soon I preferred to fix my gaze on the boar's back, finding the atmosphere a little too creepy in the weak light. I lost count of how many turns we took and how many stairs we climbed, but at the end we halted in front of another gate, this one smaller, and the only one in a long corridor.

The boar turned the knob and pushed open one of the doors. He then waited outside. I got the message and stepped in first. He followed after me, closing behind him. The space was a homely looking living room with some sofas, chairs, cabinets, and even a fireplace. The fire was the only source of light and it barely revealed the details of the contents of the room. However, sitting on a couch not too far from the flames was a furson, who had put aside a book in order to acknowledge us.

The furson who had come with me advanced, stopping in front of me only to indicate me with a head gesture to do the same. We arrived in front of the furson on the couch, a hyena, and the boar abruptly fell to one knee, reverencing him.

"My King" he suspired.

That shocked me to the point of denial. I couldn't believe that I could be in the presence of the King himself. But it was plausible. It had been obvious the construction could be called a castle; I just never thought it was the actual castle. The current King was a hyena and I had seen photos of him, thought I couldn't remember well his features. But the furson in front of me looked the part, with a regal and handsome face, and even seated he held himself in a dignified way. It was until he began to stand up that I became conscious that I was still standing, and I instantly dropped to the floor with an audible thud.

I was facing the floor, ears flat against my skulk, but they budged in their place slightly at the sound of a soft chuckle. From my position I could only see the end of the King's robe shift as he moved. I understood he had crouched when his paw came to touch my chin and lift my stare. I meet with his eyes. They were a bright red color, and my breath faded with the closeness of his face. His expression was tender, a smile on his muzzle. After a moment he pulled back his arm and straightened. That time I maintained my sight up.

"Please, Baen" he turned to the boar.

My eyes drifted to the side at the sound of footsteps. Each one actually sounded more distant, and then the mute creak of a door opening. The King moving shadow made me return my attention to him. What followed was something I had never expected to occur in my life. Gracefully as anybody could expect from someone with his title, he started to remove his robe, without untying the sash. Shortly his upper half was exposed and in view. My mind went blank. Afterwards I felt my skin itch as the warm invaded me.

I could only describe his body as the one of a fine male specimen, with defined muscle, and a light brown sleek looking coat, with some dark spots. On his chest there was a complicated mark of red fur, but I couldn't see it well as I darted my eyes to the floor, not wanting to appear impudent staring at the King. Looking at the tiles I could discern the pounding of my hearth inside my chest at my embarrassment. A short long time went like that, in silence, as I awaited something I didn't know. Finally I perceived a change in the King's stance and closed my eyes in reflex.

Nothing happened in the first seconds.

"This is proof, that I speak for the Gods" he began unexpectedly. "This is proof, that I speak for the people." His tone was kind of resolute, his voice deep.

I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what he meant. With my eyes closed I had renounced to any visual clue yet I didn't have the guts to open them. The puzzlement had displaced the uneasiness, and the later disappeared completely as soon as I felt something hard and cold touch my left shoulder. I recognized the object as the blade of a sword. I dared to open my eyes, but I remained motionless. As a moment passed in silence, with the blade resting on my shoulder and the King making no further movements, I slowly raised my head until I could look at him again. He received my deed with another smile.

"As such, from now onwards and under my decree, you shall be known with the title of Pilar. Stand proud, Héctor Furor."