Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A. : Part I Chapter II

Story by Van Rorie on SoFurry

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#3 of Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Well here's chapter II. I don't really like this one as much as the other. From here on though the series will be a lot more adult in content (No yiff though sorry, that's mostly for parts II and III). It will deal with abuse of a minor though and if that's not your thing I suggest you don't read it. this next chapter will probably come out Saturday, Tuesday at the latest. Well that's all I really have to say at this point. Comments, criticism, and/or suggestions are appreciated. I hope you enjoy.

I believe in complete and absolute non-ownership of everything, and so I do not claim to own these characters but rather submit them to public domain. If you wish to use them feel free to do so in any way (though I would like to be notified if they are used so I could see that story or artwork). This is a work not by an author but by humanity as is everything man made.

Warning! The following content may be disturbing to some people. The following story will deal (Eventually) with Adult themes. If you find this Disturbing do not read. Warning!

Bloody Red Sun of Fantastic L.A.

Part I Chapter II

That night was a very odd one for Klyzab. They were sleeping in the community center sports arena; it was made for a variety of sports none of which were currently being played on it. Instead the entire arena was covered in a sea of cots. The green of the cots almost completely blocking out the polished tan of the wood floor.

Klyzab was very confused, once they had arrived at the center their mother told them that they would be staying there possibly a few days. Efuvno was nervous about that statement though and almost started crying.

"But I left the picture I painted for you in the kitchen" she whined softly.

"I'm sure it will be fine when we get back. We'll only be here for a day, two days at the most, and when we get home I'll put your and Klyzabs painting on the refrigerator okay" she said reassuringly to the upset cub.

"*Sniff* Okay mommy". Stijrs wiped off her young daughters eyes with the sliver of her shirt. After she had calmed Efuvno down they went to go get assigned to a cot each.

After being assigned a cot each he and Efuvno went and tried to find someone to play with. They didn't find any cubs their age so they went back to the three cots that were theirs. When they got back to their area they just sat around until dinner. It was served from some tables that had been set up on one side of the arena. After dinner Klyzab and Efuvno had been tucked into their cots by their mother. The lights were dimmed for Klein psedo-Vulpines like them how were trying to sleep. Their mother left along with some other adults into the hallway outside of the sports arena, probably to talk Klyzab assumed.

Klyzab was almost asleep when he heard it. It was a hiccup like sound; he almost thought that he imagined it until he heard it again. He realized what it was right away, it was Efuvno sobbing softly. He quietly whispered over to her.

"Efuvno, what's wrong"?

"I'm scared here what if something happens and I don't get to show mommy the picture I drew her".

"Everything will be fine; I'll make sure nothing happens to it". Even though Klyzab really couldn't have done anything to protect the painting Efuvno didn't realize it and was calmed at the fact that her brother was looking after her. With this new found peace Efuvno and Klyzab fell asleep quickly.

Klyzab awoke groggily, his body waking up for one purpose. A few moments later after stumbling into the bathroom he went into a stall. After emptying his bladder he went to go wash his hands. The sink was a little high up but he managed to wash his hands fairly well. He took was drying his hands on a towel in the bathroom when he heard it.

BANG! It sounded like fireworks going off, or at least one large one going off. Suddenly smoke started to pour into the bathroom from the sports arena. Klyzab was scared he didn't know what to do. He wanted to go find his mother but fear kept him from doing so. He coughed violently as the smoke started to fill the entire bathroom. He panicked and noticing that the sink had cabinets under it, hid in one of those. The smoke didn't penetrate the wooden doors of the cabinet so he was saved from violently choking. He heard many voices, mostly people screaming and calling for each other, and then slowly silence started to invade the building. He heard a number of footsteps echo throughout the building. The footsteps became louder and louder, until they were almost deafening to the young cub. Suddenly they stopped. The cub waited for a long time; at least it was to him it was probably more like five minutes in reality. Rallying what little courage existed in him he slowly pushed open the cabinet. Light chased away the darkness of the insides of the cabinet. Suddenly large, cold metal hands grabbed Klyzabs neck and yanked him out from under the cabinet. He tried to struggle with the unknown assailant until he felt something pierce his soft cub fur. The pain though not severe was a major shock, this coupled with the drugs injected into him made him quickly stop struggling. He fell away from the creatures grasp and was shocked even further. He landed his back and was able to look upon the creature fully from his position. It was huge was the first thing he thought. It was a large creature easily two meters tall and was completely metal, and bipedal. His shock did not last for very long though as the new drugs in his system slowly made him lose conscience.

He awoke in a bad shape. His mouth tasted heavily of metal and his whole body had a dull ache in it. His location made him jump though. As he looked around he realized he was in a cage of wire mesh. As he looked out from his cage he saw a near infinite amount of cages just like his they were in some kind of warehouse. It reeked of blood, and shit. All of the cages were filled with Klein psedo-Vulpine, of all ages. Some were crying, others were trying to sleep. It was clear though that this place was one of sadness and pain; and soon there would be much weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Klyzab cried out for help, but he was not answered.