Unwanted Chapter 3
#3 of Unwanted
Jake woke up on the ground in an alley. He was against a wall and everything looked fuzzy. There was a cut on his arm, but it didn't concern him. He slowly got up, but was still dizzy. He looked around for a bit. He walked around, trying to regain his balance. "Hey, are you ok?" A police officer said, walking slowly to Jake. "After slamming into a building, what do you think!?" Jake said grumpily. He was still mad about his parents, though he was more focused on the matter at hand. "Woah, don't be mad at me, be happy that I found you." The police officer took Jake's arm and led him to his car. He threw Jake into the back and drove off. "Where are you taking me?" Jake asked, but he didn't really care, as long as it wasn't back home. The officer didn't ask, he just drove. Jake looked him over, he was a tall bull dog, much like Jake's friend. Same colors in the same places, same muscles, same hardened expressions. "Hey, do you have a son?" Jake had to ask, he looked very much like Jake's friend. "No." The officer replied, he didn't look to happy about the question. "What's your name?" Jake asked, trying to pass some time. "Jeff, what's your's?" "Jake, nice to meet ya, Jeff." Jeff stopped the car and got out.
He opened the door for Jake, and pulled him out when he went to slow. They were at a police office, not the best place to be but still better than home. He took Jake inside and sat him down in a seat. "I need to ask you a few questions before I let you go, I'll be right back." The bull dog walked away, but soon came back with a notebook. "Full name?" "Jake S. Daniels" "Where do you live?" Jake thought about it but couldn't come up with anything. "Nowhere, I-" He stopped himself because he knew they would put him in an orphanage. "Nowhere? What do you mean?" "Nevermind." "Ok, one last question, how old are you?" "15." "Ok, I need you to come with me." "Where are we going?" Jake stood up quickly so the bull dog couldn't rush him. "An orphanage." "WHAT!?" Jake backed away from the bull dog. It was his worst nightmare to be sent to an orphanage. Jake ran from the bull dog and headed to the door. He looked back and Jeff was right on his tail. He was almost to the door but he slammed into something hard. He almost fell back but felt a tight hug around him. He looked up and saw a huge male cougar standing in front of him. The bull dog soon was behind him, giving him an evil stare. "Lose somethin, Jeff?" The cougar said, giggling. "Thanks for catching him." Jeff reached for him but the cougar backed away. "Why'd you run away from a cop, sweety?" Jake looked down and saw the cougar was wearing a police uniform as well. Jake gave a sigh and confessed. "He's gonna put me in an orphanage." "What? Why would you do that to the poor little guy, Jeff!?" The cougar said, now hugging Jake even tighter. "He didn't say where his home was, and he's only 15, he can't take care of himself." "Well at least let me talk with him a bit." The cougar released Jake and led him to a room in the back of the police station.
There was a table and 2 chairs, but nothing else. They sat down on opposite sides of the table and looked at eachother. "So, Jake, what happened to your parents?" The cougar broke the silence. "They don't want me anymore." Jake curled his hand into a fist and squeezed it tightly. "Why would you ever think that? I think it's just a matter of miscommunication." "No, they told me themselves. They never want to see me again. EVER." "Why would your parents say that?" "Because they don't want a gay son." The cougar gave him an odd look. He didn't know what to say or do, so he just got up and walked to the door. "Wait! I didn't catch your name." Jake said, trying to stop the cougar from leaving. He looked back and smiled. "I'm Jay." He giggled when he walked out. Jake waited in his seat, playing with his thumbs, looking around at the blank white walls. "Ready to go?" Jay said, walking into the room with a hand full of random things. Anything from keys to clothes. "Not if you're gonna drag me to the orphanage." Jake replied, walking up to Jay. "Of course not, why would I put a cutey like you in the orphanage?" Jay led the dragon out of the police office.
Jay helped Jake into his car and drove away. "So... where are we going?" Jake said, staring at the cougar. "My house." "Why?" "I can't let a little guy like you go out on your own, now can I?" The drive was quick, and Jay parked the car. "This is it." It wasn't a huge house, but it wasn't too small, but either way it was way better than Jake's old home. "Come on, I have someone I want you to meet." Jay took Jake's hand and led him to the door, pushing it open when he got to it. They walked inside and Jake felt a warm, cozy feeling. "I'll be right back, make yourself at home." Jay walked quickly away, and Jake sat on a couch in the middle of the room. He looked around and saw a big tv and a few shelves of movies. It was much nicer than his old home, but somehow he missed it. "How was your day, Jay?" A panther said, walking into the room. He stopped when he saw Jake. "What are you doing in my house!?" The panther yelled, slamming Jake into the wall by his throat. "P-please..." Jake tried to say, but the panther's grip tightened.