Beauty and the Werewulf Chapter 1

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#1 of Beauty and the Werewulf

Okay I've decided to pull out the first chapter of the reduexed BatW.. here it is hope yo guys like it!

Chapter 1

Madi had just finished packing. Her family was moving away because her father had gotten a job in Denver, but she suspected that he'd had other motives... Her mother had died just a few months ago and he couldn't bear the thought of living in this house any longer... It had hit all of them hard. She had loved her mom dearly, but watching her suffer had been the worst thing ever. She hadn't shed a tear though: not in front of her father or brother. They looked at her for comfort, and she had to be strong for them or else they'd all fall apart.

Her dad knocked on the door, "Madi honey, come on we have to hurry!" he said through the door without opening it.

She sighed, "Coming dad," she replied.

She was seventeen and had just entered her senior year. That's what sucked the most about moving... she didn't even get to graduate with her friends who she had known all her life. She was going to miss Newcastle, but what could she do? Soon enough she found herself walking downstairs holding the last box she had from her room. It was full of pictures of her mother and friends she would miss very much. After a brief look around her house she closed and locked the door one last time.

It looked so empty now, "I'll miss you house," she muttered to herself as she walked to the car and put her box in. Her baby brother was sitting in the backseat playing some video games on his portable. He wasn't very happy about the move either. "You ready Al?" she asked him from the front seat false cheer in her voice.

He only frowned and shook his head, "Not really, I wish we didn't have to move... It sucks that we can't stay here," he complained and Madi silently agreed.

Soon enough their father got into the car and gave his children a small, sad smile. He hadn't been the same since his wife died and Madi was worried about him. He wasn't eating as much as he used to and he had lost a lot of weight, but Madi guessed that was what grief did to people.

"Why the long faces you two? Denver is going to be great! Trust me!" he said brightly. He felt terrible about yanking his kids away from their lives here, but he couldn't live here with the memories of his wife so fresh, "I know this is hard, but might as well make the best of it right?" He stated jovially as he started the car. They were soon on the highway, the moving van following behind them. Madi had immersed herself in her iPhone listening to her music. She felt herself start to fall asleep...

Soon enough she was shaken awake. They were parked outside a house and she guessed it was their new home. The moving men had already started unloading things and her father was standing over her with a smile. "Sleep well dear?" he asked and she nodded, "That's good, but let's help those men, shall we?" Madi only smiled a bit as she unbuckled her seat and got out to stretch her legs. She was pretty stiff from sleeping in the car for so long.

She grabbed her carry-able box and went inside. It was a nice house... smaller than the one back home but still very nice. She walked upstairs and claimed her room. It was a midsized one and it looked pretty empty right now, but Madi was sure it would be better once she moved her stuff in. Putting down her box she sighed and went downstairs to help the crew move her stuff. After several hours of hard work she finally had most of her furniture in her room. "Well this looks better," she muttered to herself.

It looked very messy right now but she would fix that tomorrow as she was very tired again right now. She glanced at her phone and saw it was almost two Am, so she got dressed for bed and fell gratefully back into the arms of Morpheus. Morning came somewhat brutally and she moaned as she heard her alarm go off. She was grateful that they'd moved on a Friday... She had all weekend to get stuff straightened up. Plus as a bonus, this Monday was Columbus Day so they had a three day weekend. She was pretty nervous about starting at her new school. She'd be the new girl and everybody hated being the new kid in school.

She dug herself up reluctantly and went to take a shower. She seemed to be the first one up as she walked into the room and locked the door stripping her sleep clothes off and stepping into the warm waters embrace. After she'd finished her shower, she got dressed in a sweater and a pair of jeans and went downstairs to cook breakfast. It was only when the boys smelled the food cooking that they came downstairs. They both gave her an appreciative smile and she just shrugged. She had been doing the cooking ever since her mom had gotten ill. Thinking of her mother hurt... It was hard to believe she was gone.

She set the table for the now family of three, and ate in silence. After she finished, Madi decided she would see where she lived before tackling the mess the removal people had left. She got up and washed the dishes, then kissed her dad good-bye and walked out of the door. It was a chilly day and she was thankful she grabbed her jacket before she left.

She eventually found herself at the park. "Wow," she muttered to herself, "This place is beautiful!" Distracted by the sight, she didn't notice and accidently ran into somebody. "Ow!" She let out as she fell down on her bottom.

"Hey, watch where you're going shrimp!" A male voice rang out.

"Who you calling a shrimp?" she said back. She got herself up and dusted off her clothes and glared at the offending person. The first thing she noticed was his height. He was massive! He had to be at least a foot taller than her! Then she noticed his bulk. He looked pretty buff as her gaze progressed upwards towards his face. He was gorgeous! His skin was pretty tanned so she guessed he was of Hispanic descent. He had short very dark brown hair and a pair of light brown eyes that stared at her with annoyance, "I didn't knock into you on purpose!"

"Well, aren't you going to apologize?" he asked her in a bored tone.

Madi gave him an odd look. He couldn't be serious... apologize for what? "Apologize for what exactly? I've done nothing wrong!" She told him coldly.

He then gave her an even more annoyed look, "You bumped into me!"

"By accident! Not on purpose. So I have nothing to apologize for!" She fired back. This man was pissing her off. He looked pretty annoyed himself.

"I don't believe I've seen you here before... you new?" he asked as she glared back at him.

Why the sudden interest? Noticing the look he changed expressions pretty quickly. He smiled at her. It was a very nice smile but something felt... off about it. "I guess we haven't got this meeting on the right foot huh? My name is Damon! You are?"

"Madi, and yes I just moved here..."

Realization dawned in the boy's eyes... "Oh, you must be from the family that just moved in next door! You live on Monroe Street right?" he asked her. She nodded; if she remembered correctly that was indeed the street she lived on. "Well that's awesome! I can show you around or something!"

She only scowled, she wasn't going anywhere with this guy. "I'm sorry but I just remembered; I don't talk to strangers." With that she turned around and walked off leaving the boy with a look of shock on his face.


'Well, that went well,' he thought to himself while watching the girl, Madi walk off. He had been walking in the park for a bit just enjoying the smell of the nature. He and his brother were going up in the mountains for a few days to run around. The full moon was very close and he was a getting a bit twitchy, he hadn't changed in weeks. He had been so distracted lately. His mom and dad had just left last week to see Spain, leaving him and his brother alone for a few months. Also Matt's own 'Mate' had just moved in. His parents had kicked him out once he came out about them, and now he met her, the one person he thought he'd never meet. And honestly he'd hoped he wouldn't... if he knew one thing it was this girl Madi was special... she was his Mate.

"This is crazy!" He shouted to himself. "All this time and now I find a Mate? What's up with that?" He rubbed his temples as he now had a headache, Great! Quietly he decided to walk back home. After a few minutes he made it to his door, and saw the Madi girl sitting on her porch listening to music.

Curious he walked up to her. "Hi!" he yelled getting her attention. The girl jumped a bit and then turned towards him.

Once she saw who'd scared her shitless she scowled, "Oh, you again... I guess you were right. We are neighbors."

"Yup," was all he replied. He had put a tiny trace of Mesmer in his voice, but it didn't seem to affect her much.

She only scowled some more, "Look, we might be neighbors, but leave me alone alright?" She asked, and walked inside before he could reply.

He must have really screwed up his first impression... shrugging he walked back inside the house and saw his brother and Tyler sitting on the couch. They had graduated school last year, he himself was a senior...

"Hey, look what the cat dragged in!" Matt said as soon as he noticed his brother, "You ready Dame?" he asked and Damon nodded. They said good-bye to Tyler and walked outside. He had to stay home as he was still human. Matt had yet to change him into a werewolf, but Tyler knew that it was necessary in order to formalize their Mateship. The two brothers got into the car and drove out of the city limits. Soon enough they found themselves in Cheery Creek State Park and got out.

Once they were sure they were completely out of human view the brothers changed form. Where the two boys had stood, a pair of bipedal wolf-like beasts stood in their place. They were both well over seven feet tall and had massive clawed feet and hands. Their fur was a dark brown, though one of them had a lighter cream patch on his chest. Their snouts were long and full of razor sharp fangs and their eyes had gone from light brown to solid gold. After they were finished with the change the duo ran off out into the park. They yipped and wrestled around a bit, but Damon was a bit distant. He couldn't get that girl out of his head...

"Something wrong Damon?" his brother asked him as they lay down looking at the stars. Even in their wolf form they were capable of speech.

"Nothing, it's just this girl I met today..."

"You haven't got another girlfriend do you?" Matt asked rolling his eyes. Damon was always changing girls. He dated them for a month or so and dropped them once he got bored with them. It bothered Matt a bit how callous his brother could be about the girls.

"I wish, in fact I'm pretty sure she hates me..." Damon sighed. She certainly didn't like him much at all, which really sucked because he really wanted... no needed her to like him.

"Why do you care so much if this girl doesn't like you?" Matt asked, "It's never bothered you before? You'd usually go after her best friend or something... Or is this something more than the prospect of just getting laid?"

Damon was definitely not a virgin. He'd lost his virginity at fourteen and never looked back. "It's not that... I just think... I think the girl might be my Mate."

Matt looked at his brother in shock. There was no way... Damon his brother who couldn't stay with one girl if his life depended on it had found a Mate? He had to be joking... he got lucky in finding Tyler... they'd met before he changed, so he didn't have to wait to find his. But Damon? "Please tell me you're joking or something! There is no way you found a Mate..."

"I'm telling the truth... that girl is my Mate! I feel it!"

"What's her name?"

"Madi, I guess it's short for Madison. I didn't get her last name though but she's the girl who moved in yesterday... she's really pretty and she looks sad about something..." He wondered what happened to her mother. He had only seen some man that he guessed was her dad and a little kid who could only be her brother. That was it.

"Well, you know what you have to do! You have to get to know her. Find out things about her and get her to like you... lord knows how bad it will get if she doesn't."

Damon winced at that... Being rejected by a Mate was considered the worst thing ever to happen to a wolf. "Hey bro, calm down, you'll figure it out! For now let's just enjoy running around like animals okay?" Matt said as he ran off leaving Damon to play catch-up.

"Dammit Matt! Wait up!" The brothers laughed enjoying themselves not knowing how much their lives would change so soon...